HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-10-13, Page 5Win ham Advance-Times, Th oda , Oct 3 66 e- Page 5
features from
The World of Women
to '10
• 4.
is K
Two of the most destructive fire hazards in Ontario homes are the
careless use and storage of inflammable liquids, and the ignition of
cooking fats and oils.
INFLAMMABLE LIQUIDS—Kerosene, paint, gasoline, naphtha and some
cleaning fluids give off highly inflammable vapours; they should be used
with caution and carefully stored. Keep a carbon dioxide, foam or dry
chemical fire extinguisher near their storage area. Oily rags left in cup-
boards or corners can burst into flames spontaneously. Dispose of them
immediately after use.
COOKING-FAT FIRES IN THE KITCHEN—You can reduce the danger of
grease fires by keeping your stove clean. Don't let spattered fats build up.
Don't leave hot frying pans unattended. A grease fire can be extinguished
with baking soda or smothered with a lid. Keep both handy whenever you're
Each garment entrusted to us receives care-
ful and patient attention. We care for
these garments as though they were
our very own.
PHONE 357-3750 - WINGHAM
0 A
Mission Work Must Not
Be Overlooked; Speaker
News Items from Fordwich
Bluevale United Church met in
the schoolroom of the church on
Thursday afternoon with Mrs.
Mel Craig presiding.
Unit Two was in charge of
the study program with Mrs.
Glenn Sellers and Mrs, Harvey
Edgar leading In prayer and
Mrs. Jim Elsten reading Scrip-
ture. The theme was Thanks-
giving, suitable for a Thank-
offering meeting,
Mrs. G. C. Mitchell gave
an informal talk. She suggested
that mission work should not be
overlooked as the one great ob-
ject of the organization. She
gave some thoughts about
thanksgiving, which means a
feeling of gratitude for the
many blessings, "We should
show gratitude every day; it is
a necessity in order to make
our lives as helpful as they
should be," she said.
Mrs. George Hetherington
read a Thanksgiving poem and
Mrs. Mitchell concluded with
Mrs. Craig conducted the
business session. Mrs. Jas.
Johnston gave a satisfactory
treasurer's report.
It was decided to accede to
Huronview's request for dona-
tions of Christmas gifts.
Delegates to the regional
U.C.W. meeting at Gorrie on
October 26th are Mrs. G. C.
Mitchell, Mrs. Harvey Edgar,
Mrs. W. J. Peacock, Mrs. Jas.
Johnston, Mrs. Jack Wickstead.
There was much discussion
about plans for supplying food
for the International Ploughing
Match at Seaford'.
Janette Wright
Receives $100
W.I. Scholarship
go out to Miss Janette Wright of
R.R. 1 Clifford who was award-
ed a $100.00 scholarship at the
'Huron County Women's Institute
Rally held at Auburn Commun-
ity Centre on Monday, Oct. 3.
Miss Wright, who is a stud*
ent nurse at St. Joseph's Hospi-
tal, London, won the award for
outstanding work in school and
4-H homemaking club activi-
It was presented by Miss
Sharon Carroll, home econo-
mist for Huron County on be-
half of the Federated Women's
Institutes of Ontario and was
accepted by Janette's mother,
Mrs. G. Wright.
—Mrs. William McKinney
;pent a few days last week at
:he home of her daughter, Rev.
and Mrs. John Congram and
family in Hamilton.
—Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morgan
;pent the holiday week-end
with relatives in Toronto.
Mrs. Rhoda Holt spent the
week*end with her granddaugh-
ter in Georgetown.
M. and Mrs. Jack Stewart
and family of Oshawa spent
Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Mrs. R. Watters spent the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
Cliff Denney, sixth line of
Mr. and Mrs. Jack King and
family and Mr. Mark Bellamy
were weekeend visitors with Mr.
and Mrs, Bert Bellamy in Lone
Mr. and Mrs. Wellington
Hargrave and sons spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hall-
man, Listowel.
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Braise of
California are spending several
weeks with relatives in the
Mrs. Henry Espensen and
Peter spent Monday with Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Toner in Palmer-
Mr. and Mrs, Doug Holt
spent the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Holstoek at Zep-
Week-end and Sunday visit-
ors with Mr. and Mrs. Anson
Demerling were Mr. and Mrs,
Gordon Goldrich and Grant of
London, Mrs. Bernice Schin-
bein and Robt of Mitchell and
Mrs. Ada Schinbein of Listowel
and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Raab
of Kitchener.
Mrs. C. Duncan was able to
return home to her son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Brown last Thursday after
being confined several days to
WINGHAM—The third meet-
ing was attended by five mem-
bers and one guest. The club's
name was chosen and roll call
was answered with a supper
menu planned at home.
Mrs. Fear demonstrated the
making of prune sponge, apple
sauce, scalloped carrots and
Rena Jouwsma read the min-
utes for the fourth meeting.
Four members answered roll
call with a suitable supper des-
Listowel. Memorial Hospital.
Misses Betty Lou Leppingten
and Sandra Litt spent the
Thanksgiving holiday week-end
in Nashville, Tennessee where
they attended the Grand Ole
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Potts
of Burlington spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Everett
Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Pet,
er Watt of Stratford were Men-
day visitors at the same home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Lowry
and family of Arthur and Mr.
William R. Duncan of Toronto
spent Thanksgiving Day with
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown,
Mrs. Clarence Carswell,
Mrs. Howard Harris, Mrs. An-
son. Demerling and Mrs. Stanley
Bride attended a rally at Au-
burn last week.
Miss Letitia Matthews and
Mr. Mel Batters returned home
last week after visiting for six
weeks in Eatonia, Sask.
Mr. Harry Lohr of Clearwa-
ter, Fla, , is visiting relatives
in the community for two weeks
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gauthier
and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Irwin Stone returned to their
home at Knowlton, Que., af-
ter spending two weeks with the
ladies' parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Parson.
Mr. and Mrs. George Joiner,
David and Brian spent ten days
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.
Weir in Thamesford.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cars-
well visited one day last week
with Mr. and Mrs. David Inglis
in Waterloo.
Miss Linda Espensen, 10-
sert. Pamphlets on family
meal planning were distributed.
Mrs. Fear gave a recipe for pie
crust and chip bake, and read a
letter from Miss Carroll, home
The girls discussed meal
planning, the use of leftovers,
reasons for the Food Guide for
Health and how to use meat and
fish alternates.
WINGHAM—The fifth meet-
ing was attended by five mem-
bers and one guest. The min-
utes were read by Ruth Ann Red-
man and roll call was a supper
dish prepared at home.
Mrs. Fear gave each girl a
menu building sheet to be made
up and Mrs. Miller discussed
these with the girls.
Mrs. Fear demonstrated how
to make a humpty dumpty sal-
ad. Two types of salads were
discussed, the method of mak-
ing a salad, seasonings, gar-
nishings and salad making. The
humpty dumpty salad was de-
licious when sampled at the
LAKELET—The club gather-
ed at the home of the assistant
leader, Mrs. H. Hohnstein for
the fourth meeting. Roll call
was answered by six members
with suggestions for a dessert
suitable for supper.
Group work was making
cheese fondue and rice with
cheese. Notes were taken on
" A good meal planner", "A well
planned meal has leftovers'',
and "Use of meat and meat al-
ternates for supper".
LAKELET—The fifth meet-
ing was held at the home of
Mrs. R. McComb, The sixth
meeting will be held on Oct.
1'7 at Mrs. Burchill's.
Discussion fell under the fol-
lowing headings: "Supper Men-
us", "Variety in Supper Menus",
"Salad Flavoring and Garnish-
All members helped in the
making and sampling of a toss-
ed salad.
year-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs, Holger Espensen, was con-
fined to Listowel Memorial Hos-
pital all last week with an ear
Mr, Everett Cooper left last
week for Calgary where he will
be employed for the winter
Week-end visitors with Mrs.
Dora Ridley were Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Lynn, Karen and Judy of
Orillia, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon
Ridley and Michael of London
and Mr. Earl Ridley and Master
John Ridley, also oc London
Mrs. Len Wilson, Susan and
Murray, spent the holiday
week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
Iohn Dunbar in Searbobo.
Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Pollock
of Brockville spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Mrs. Mary Zella Stephenson
and children of Huntsville were
week-end guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil Cooper.
Mrs. William Clyne spent
one day last week in Kitchener
and visited with her husband,
who is confined to the K-W
Hospital, Kitchener.
Mrs. John Inglis, Tommy
and Stephen and Miss Bonnie
Inglis were in Collingwood over
the week-end and attended the
funeral of the former's brother-
UCW Meeting at
Chamney Home
ber meeting of the U.C.W.
was held Thursday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. Stuart Cham-
ney with a good attendance.
The theme on Thanksgiving
was given by Mrs. James Small
who had charge of the meeting.
"We Plough the Fields and Scat-
ter" was sung and Mrs. Small
led in prayer.
Mrs. Tom Armstrong had
charge of the business. Mrs.
Stuart Chamney read the min-
utes of the previous meeting.
Janice Robinson received the
offering. Mrs. Edward Robin-
son read the Scripture and gave
the meditation, Mrs. Tom
Armstrong had charge of the
study book followed by a dis-
cussion period. Mrs. Small
closed the meeting with prayer
and lunch was served by the
hostess, assisted by Mrs. Marg-
aret Leddy.
BELGRAVE— The sixth meet-
ing was held at the home of
Mrs. Johnston. Mary Anne
Wheeler read the minutes and
roll call was answered by al112
girls. The next meeting is on
October 17, at Mrs. Hanna's
after school. Janette Johnston
was appointed as press reporter.
The dessert recipes werethen
exchanged. The first part of
the meeting was conducted by
the vice-president, Beth Scott,
Mrs. Hanna discussed menu
building and reasons for the
"Guide for Health" under the
heading of "Bread and cereals"
and "How to use cereals for sup-
per". Janice Anderson and Jan-
ette Johnston demonstrated mak-
ing chicken and chip casserole.
Mrs. Johnston demonstrated
making tea biscuits and each
girl assembled a salad of her
BELMORE—Special baptismal
service was held in the Belmore
Presbyterian Church on Sunday,
with Rev. E. R. Hawkes in
charge. Thanksgiving and har-
vest was the theme provided by
the decorations placed In the
church by Mrs. Ralph Dickson.
Grace Jeffray and Laurie Apple-
by sang a duet.
Those received into the
church by baptism were James
Ian, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Metcalfe, and Steven Bradley
Glenn, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn Appleby,
-*Visitors with Mrs. Roy
MacDonald over the holiday
week-end were Mr. and Mrs.
.025i Bridge and family of Tor*
onto, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Reicit
and family of Oakville and Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Doyle and Todd
3f London. All attended the
Edgar-MacDonald wedding in
Et. Andrew's Presbyterian
church on Saturday.
—Out of town Thanksgiving
Day guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Slosser were Mr.
and Mrs. David Slosser and
family of Walkerton, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Boil of Sirncoe and
Miss Mary Jane Slosser of Galt.
—Mrs. L. Patterson is at
present visiting her son, Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Patterson at
Brantford and her daughter, Mrs.
Doris McCaw at Kitchener.
Mrs. McCaw and Mts. Patter-
son spent Thanksgiving at Fene-
ion Falls with a nephew, Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Patterson.
—Mr. and Mrs. Gary Leeson,
Timothy and Shawn of Ottawa
visited over the week-end with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
—Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dey
ell and Brian spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
Butcher and family at Amherst-
—Dr. and Mrs. J. R. St.
John and family of Uxbridge
spent the holiday week-end
with her mother, Mrs. Donald
Rae, and other members of the
—Ron Deyell, University of
Guelph, visited with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Deyell on the week-end.
—Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Nier-
garth and Mrs. Irlma Jenkins
attended the Clarke-Hoff wed-
ding in St. Patrick's R.C.
Church, Crowell, Michigan,
on Saturday.
—Miss Julia Thornton of Tor
onto called on her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Golley on
—Mr. and Mrs. Lance Piper
of Amherstburg spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Roy
—Mr, and Mrs. Clarence
Chamney visited with their
daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. E. Rainer at Scarbor-
ough. Miss Sandra MacLennan
of Toronto visited at the same
home on Sunday.
—Thanksgiving visitors with
Miss Anne Geddes were Mr. and
Mrs. N. Geddes of Toronto,
Mr. C. Geddes of Chatham and
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Little of
—Visiting with Mrs. M.
Blatchfotd over Thanksgiving
week-end were her son-in-law
and daughter, Capt. and Mrs.
L. R. Eldridge and family of
Canadian Forces Base, Petawa-
-*Mr. and Mrs. Neil Stain*
ton and Blair of Kitchenervisit-
ed over the week-end with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy
—Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Doll
and family of Hamilton spent
the holiday week-end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Ohm Sr.
—Mr. and Mrs. Hank Wes-
terholt of Clinton were dinner
guests with Mrs, Connie Foxton
and family on Sunday.
—Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Colvin over the week-end
were Mr. and Mrs, Paul Coyle
and family of Grimsby. Mr.
and Mrs. D. Hutchison, Mrs.
N. Radford, Mr. and Mrs. B.
McAdam and family of Dundas.
—Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tay-
lor were in Windsor over the
week-end attending the funeral
of her uncle, Mr. Charles Flem-
—Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Con-
gram spent the week-end at the
home of Rev, and Mrs. John
Congram and family in Hamil-
—Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Ty-
ler of Toronto spent the holiday
week-end with the latter's fath-
er, Mrs. E. L. Stuckey,
—Mrs. Joe Masters and Brian
of Brantford visited on the week-
end with her mother, Mrs. Staf-
ford Bateson.
—Mr. and Mrs. Ken Baker
and family of Strathroy spent
the week-end with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Adair and
visited other friends and rela-
Deneau of the Univer-
sity of Windsor spent the week-
end with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. James Deneau of Culross.
—Miss Hilda Tiffin, nurse-
in-training at Victoria Hospital,
London, spent the week-end
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
William Tiffin,
—Mr. and Mrs. Bill Crump
of Guelph spent Sunday with his
mother, Mrs. Jean Crump.
—Mr. and Mrs. Jack Siebert
and family of Montreal who had
aeen visiting with relatives in
Windsor and with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson,
left on Tuesday for their home.
—Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell
Fraser of Winnipeg and Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Weir, Laurie, Ka-
thy and Donna of Welland spent
the week-end in Wingham with
their aunt, Mrs. Alfred Mc-
—Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schnei-
der spent Thanksgiving week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie
Henderson at Hamilton.
—Mr. and Mrs. James A.
Smith, Kevin and Heather of
Lambeth, and Mr. and Mrs.
David Smith and Michael of
London spent the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs., T. A. Cur-
WORKERS on both day and afternoon shifts
The work is of a permanent nature, five day work
week. Good rates of pay and comprehensive employee
insurance program are available.
C, I :PI kill
—Miss Brenda MacLennan of
Macdonald Hall, University of
Guelph, spent the week-end
with her parents, Dr. and Mrs,
K. M. MacLennan.
—Mn.s Laurene 13eaton of
Sirncoe and her son Jim of Del-
ii spent the week-end with her
sister, Mrs. Roy MacDonald.
The young seaman pictured
last week was OS/HM Paul An-
thony Mitchell, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Mitchell of Gorrie,
and not Robert Jr, as was in-
correctly reported.