HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-10-06, Page 6AUCTION pugs 0101100000004004.•00.1400.0~101.0•00 SCHOOL, SALE Hieloes Township School 'Area will sell by public auction S. S. No. 10, Kinloss (White- churele School) on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, at 10 a,m. This is a red brick school built In 1930 on a 13s acre lot, one mile north of Whiteohurela Also to be sold are the teacher's desk, pupils' desks, an extension lad- der, etc. Terms: On chattels—Cash; On property — 10% down the day of the sale, balance in e0 days. Allan Macintyra Auctioneer. 6-13b AUCTION SALE of stock, implements and some household effects for Harry Metcalfe, lot 4, eon. 17, Howick Township 3 miles south-east of Belmore, 'TUESDAY, OCTOB- ER 18, 1 o'clock sharp, Full list will appear in next week's is- sue. Prop. Harry Metcalfe; Auct., Lenard Metcalfe. 6b AUCTION SALE of 'Holstein cows, young cattle, implements, hay and grain will be held for Wilmer MoLeod, lot 11, con. 8, Huron Township, 1 mile east of Ripley on SAT- URDAY, OCTOBER 22, at 1 p.m, This is a goad herd of Holstein cows as there has been a Registered Holstein bull used in this herd for over 25 years. Terms—Cash. Farm sold. Allan Macintyre Auctioneer. 6-13-20b Pap 6 Wi Ath'ellgeeTleheitsiteday, Oct, 6, 1966 0004.10040010 0000 $100 o I o 00 000 010/0000040101000100000001000010400100 oo 1 000000 0000 0 oo 40001000 o SO oo 00 $$$$$$ 00401001/00 $$ I 00 0 4 004 01 I 1 it : Coming Events i I 2 musitomommehomoisiO 0000000000000 iiiiii,m111. 000 .1 oo 4 000 00 o 0.4 0441 14 000 I oo 0 0 40401 4 000 041100,00‘010 01 00040000 40.0 0 'atm b.,. 001 TRY the new Underwood type- writers at The Advance-Times office. Portables at $93.00 and $139.50. All the features of the big standards. rr ROTARY egg washer for sale, with tub and 5 plastic coated egg baskets. Ed Powell, R. R. 1 Wingham, phone Wroxeter 547W2. 6b SAVE ON PAINT — 10% off regular prices on Kern Glo Enamel, Super Kern Tone and. Martin-Senour, Your headquar- ters for Kern Lines. Alexander's Hardware. 5rrb APPLES for sale, exceptionally good quality, Windfall Macin- tosh $1.25 bus. Pick your own. Ross Middleton Orchards, Bay- field. 6-13b VACUUM CLEANER SALES. Service for all makes, Filter Queen Sales, Zurich, phone Hensel' 262-5350 collect. My26rrb IVIILDMAY CIDER MILL will make cider every day but Sat- urday. APPLE BUTTER 'by appointment. Cider and hard- wood barrels for sale. Wanted —Apples and gallon jugs, 22-29-6b Sel.,CIAL HOSTESS chairs by Bogdon & Gross complete with walnut stained arms, only $22.50, add' a touch of quality from Currie's Furniture, 6b 10" 2 - FURROW hydraulic Dearborn plough for sale, Heat houser, in good condition, fits 800 or 600 Ford tracctor. Apply Bruce Bennett, R. R 1 Gorrie, or ph, Fordwich 35R3. 6-13* COAL and wood furnace for sale, with air unit, in good condition. Reasonably priced. Frank Stamper, R. R. 1 Blue- vale. 6* GOOD SPRINGS and mattress for sale, double bed size; rug 6x9; small pieces of furniture. Phone 357-1692 after 6 o'clock. 6b OLIVETTI - UNDERWOOD adding machines are priced as low as $103.50. Add, subtract, multiply, credit balance; 10-11 columns. Try them at The Ad- vance-Times. rr SPACESAVERS with quality frieze covering, solid construc- tion, assorted colors, folds down to a bed, ideal for un- expected guests, only $62.50 at Currie's Furniture. 6b FOR SALE — Hammermill screens cut to any size. Ma- nure and forage wagon aprons made to order 67H chain. Little Beaver, Gem, Woods, Cham- pion grinder plates. Little Beaver electric hammermills. Grinders and grain rollers. leobsinger Bros., Mildmay, Ont. PRE - CHRISTMAS SALE — Singer zig zag portable ma- chine, regular $169.95, sale price $99.95, $50.00 off Slant- O-Matle portables and cabinets. C-7 vacuum and hassock, reg. $144.95—$99.95. Limited stock. Buy now for Christmas. No down payment, Singer Comp- any of Canada, phone 357-3730, Wingham, after six, 6-13b SUIT SALE—It's sale time at Arrnitages in Wingham with their Free Pant Sale— where during this sale you are given extra Pants FREE—made from the same cloth as the suit, Why •don't you be one of the hundreds who have taken ad- vantage of these Meat; pant sales, For $59.00 you can have your new Fall suit Made to your individual measurements and made any style you wish with extra pants FREE, This suit normally sells at $76.06 with eittra pants but during the sale lust $59.00. You can take delivery of your suit iii Nev„ Or Dec, The sale ends Oct. 15, so you must have your order in before this date. The extra trousers are yours FREE at A.RMITAGES isi 1542-29-06-13h APARTMENT for rent, ground floor, private entrance, Avail- able Nov. 1, Phone 357-17e3 after five p.m. 6-13b FURNISHED or unfurniahed basement 1-bedroom apartment for rent. All conveniences. Av- ailable immediately. Apply Box 108, Advance-Times, 1 - CESEDROOM apartment• for rent, in Wingham, centrally located, heated; laundry facili- ties and hot water supplied; new built-in cupboards and 3- piece bath, completely decora- ted, Phone Teeswater 392-6982. JOB OPPORTUNITIES FINISH HIGH SCHOOL Home study prepares you to write Ontario provincial exam. inations for recognized certifi- cate, Grades 6-13. All books and supplies. Low monthly pay- ments, income tax deductable. For full information write Ca- nadian Academy, 40 Main St., West, Hamilton, Ont, A7rrb MOO MALE HELP WANTED KEN to pull turnips or good strong boys on week-end on the farm of Jack Cook, near Beigrave. Apply Percy Adams, phone 523-4452, Blyth, after 7 p.m, 29-6b WINGHAM CURLING CLUB requires part - time caretaker. Duties, to clean ice and keep club rooms clean. For further information phone L. Case- more, Pres., 357-3582. 6-13b HELP WANTED — Male and Female ANYONE interested in clean- ing an office once a week call 357-1871, 6b FEMALE HELP WANTED MIDDLE - AGED baby sitter wanted to look after 4 child- ren, two school age, five days a week from 7-4 p.m. Phone 357-1456, 6b CASH IN ON the big Fall and Christmas Selling Season. Represent Avon in your neighborhood. Write Mrs. Shirley Craig, Avon Mgr., P.O. Box 102, Owen Sound, or phone 3764792 collect. Open- ings in Wilatechurch and Molesworth areas, Slato027b EMPLOYMENT WANTED WOULD LIKE to baby sit in my home, Phone 357-1204 6* 'RELIABLE woman would like housekeeping job, live in, Ph. 357-1359, 6* WANTED WANTED—Roll-top desk, guns and rifles. Cameron's Billiards. 15rrb OLD CLOCKS WANTED, in any condition. Letters with particulars to K. Sandercott, Twilite Motel, R. R. 1, Hyde Park, Ont., or phone Wingham 357-2399. 23-30-7-14'orrb CARDS OF THANKS I would like to thank the friends and neighbors who sent me cards and gifts While was a patient in Wingham and District 'Hospital, with special thanks to Dr, W. A. McKibbon and the nurse's and staff on second floor..—Joyce Gaunt, 6* I would like to express my sincere aeppreciation to all those who sent cards and gifts on the occasion of my 90th birthday and to the many who Made it such a delightful event. — Mrs. W. J, Johnston, Bluevale, 6* We Sincerely want to say thank you to our neighbors. friends and relatives for the beautiful 'flowers, gifts, cards and most of all, your expees- sions of good wishes, It has made our golden anniversary a day of memories, We will al- ways cherish, A special thanks to the members of the Guild of our churth for the thought and kindness they gave to our fam- ily dinner party on the prey- lobs Saturday and to our open house on September 28.---May- me and Roy Tutvey. 6* Agcy, 114 oyonrogtsgesrysnar..,,,..wpm.p..1 P IN MEMORIAM BUTTON — In loving teelticrY of a dear uncle, Samuel Sut- ton, who passed away Octob- er 3, 1958, 'Tis sweet to know we'll meet again When troubles are no more, And that the one we loved so well Has just gone on before, —Ever remembered by his nephews and niece, Edith Ag- new, London, Ont, 6b 4400000.0.10000,0:momesummag000000000.0.0000000..m0.0. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF CHARLES EDWARD SMITH. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, , Retired Salesman, who died on the 15th day of July, 1966, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 17th day of October, 1966. After that date the executor will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to th claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this 16th day of September, 1966. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL, Barristers, WINGHAM, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executor. 22-29-6b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ERNEST LYNN MORRISON. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Township of East Wawa- nosh, in the County of Huron, Transport Operator, who died on the 8th day of September, 1966, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 15th •day of October, 1966. After that date, the executrix will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, this 22nd day of September, 1966. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix. 29-6-13b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF DAVID ROBINSON. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Wroxeter, in the County of Huron, Retired Storekeeper, who died on the 25th clay of August, 1966, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or be- fore the 15th day of October, 1966, After that date the executor will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, this 23rd day of September, 1966. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE 7ESTATE OF JANE DOUGLAS. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Gorrie, in the County of Huron, 'Housewife, who died on the 29th day of August. 1966, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of October, 1966. After that date the executor will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this 29th day of September, 1966. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & Nam, Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executor. NOTICE To CREDITORS IN E,STATE OF ES- THER THE IVIARGARET HANNA. ALL PERSONS having eiteires against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Housewife, who died on the 17th day Of September, 1966, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 22hd day of October, 1966. After that date the executor will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he shalt then have had notice, DATED at Wirigharn this 29th day of September, 1966, CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & WinghtenOntario. Solicitors for the Executor, CLEARING AUCTION SALE of farm machinery, feed and household effects at Lot 19, Con. C, Turnberry Township, 2 miles north of Wroxeter on County Road, SATURDAY, OCT. 8, 1:30 p.m. Terms—Cass. Machinery—We International tractor; Int. 2-furrow ace bot- tom plow; Int, 28 plate tandem disc; Int. 14 plate horse disc; Int. 13 disc fertilizer drill; Otaco manure spreader; 6-ft. mower; steel tired wagon with rack; Massey-Harris 4-bar side rake'; 14-ft. 2-wheel float; cut- ter; buggy shafts; 2 robes; horse collars; double harness goad); single harness; wheel- barrow; long bobbed sleigh; good long wagon tongue; gas pump; 40-ft. galvanized ridge board (new); nuttier; quantity of scrap iron; turnip sower; Jamesway oil brooder stove; chicken crates; forks, shovels, chains and pther articles too numerous to mention. A quantity of hard maple stove wood; 12 gauge shotgun; 22 cal. rifle; 1954 Plymouth 4-door car. Feed — Around 1400 bales mixed hay; around 200 bus. mixed grain (1965); around 300 bales straw. Household effects — Cook stove, Wingham Clipper (like new); upright brown enamel stove (coal or wood); bedroom suite; •beds; small tables; en- amel cookware; tubs; dishes; mattress; radio; chest of draw- ers; 'antiques; organ and stool; folding crib; spool bed; small crib; iron kettles; crockery ware; toilet set; wash stand; small table; graphonola with 50 records; paper rack; clocks; coal oil lamps and lanterns; butter bowl and ladles; antique glass cupboard, table and chairs; number of bells. William Bolt, Proprietor. L, G. Bryce, Auct, 29b '14IVING FAITH" The first telecast of the new series of "Living Faith" for the 1966-67 season is scheduled to be seen on CHNX-TV Ch, 8 this Saturday, October $th, from 6:00-6:30 p.m. Watch for thie telecast and those to fol- low on alternating Saturdays until next Easter time, 6* THE ANNUAL COMMENCE- MENT EXERCISES Of the Winglasen District High School will be held on Friday, October 21, 1966, in the high school auditorium, ,at 8:15 p.m. Mr. J, It. Scott, of Sea- forth, the author of the history of Huron County, will be the guest speaker, 6b and bathrooms upstairs and down. TERMS — Household goods. and effects—Cash, Real Estate —10% down and the balance in 30 days. 5% provincial tax applicable. S. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C., Ex- ecutor of the Estate of Esther Margaret Hanna, JACK ALEXANDER, Auct. 6-13b MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING & DECORATING CHARLES RINTOUL Phone 357-3044, Wingham, Jy/67* SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used All work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R. R. 2, Brussels, phone 442W6, Brussels. S1-D15* FLOOR SANDING New hardwood floors laid, sanded and finished, Also old floors. New modern equipment, Phone 357-2750, Norman Rin- toul & Sons. 16rrb FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automo- bile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness Home Protection Call your Co-op Agent- 53 Maple Street, Wingham Dial 357-3739. LLOYD MONTGOMERY FOR MEMORIALS OF DISTINCTION Let us help you choose a lovely and enduring family monument of ageless granite or marble. Our talented craftsmen will create a memorial of lasting beauty that will stand as an imperishable monument to the future family memory. Telephone collect for assistance without obligation: Stratford 271-6736. Stratford Cemetery Memorials Ltd., 38 Avondale Ave., Strat- ford, Ontario, A22rrb Dead Stock Removal HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for fresh dead, disabled cows and horses. we pay is per lb. weighing over 500 pounds. For the most prompt and courteous service in this district PLEASE CALL COLLECT MARLATT BROS. Phone 133 - Brussels, Ont. 24-hour service-7 days a week License No, 390-C-65 WHO SELLS THE BEST USED CARS? HEAR YiPi HEAR YE: Mush your dog sled to the Brussels 'Legion Hall Saturday, October le 9:30-42:00 la,ra„ to dance to the fabulous music of the Ookpiks from London. Adm, $1.00 single and couples $1.75, Their name is cold but their music is hot, 6b ENGAGEKENT The engagement le announc- ed of Aantje Sietske, youngest daughter of Mrs, Rinurier Bak- ker of Auburn, and the late Mr, Bakker, to Mr. Thomas Roy Robinson, son of 'Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robinson Of Lucknow, The wedding will take place in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church on Fri- day, Qctober 21, at 7:30 pan. 6b .40,0 MNMAliM105MM.041 BIRTHS Low — (In South Muskoka Memorial Hospital, Brace- bridge, on Wednesday, Sep- tember 28, 1966, to Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Lott (Ruth Thompson), a son, Colin Mc- Kay. FALCONER—In Clinton Hos- pital, on Wednesday, Septem- ber 28, 1966, to Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Falconer, a daughter, Catherine Louise, a sister for Ronald and Douglas, MeasSIC—IIn Hotel Dieu Hos- pital St. Catharines, on Fri- day, September 30, 1966, to Mr, and Mrs. James Helesic (Mary Louise Town), a daughter, Nancy Louise, a sister for Marijo. 'ROSE—In Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital, on Friday, September 30, 1966, to Mr, and Mrs. Daniel Rose, R, R. 1 Lucknow, a daughter. CHANDLER — In Wingham and District Hospital, on Sunday, October 2, 1966 to Mr, and Mrs. Peter Chandler, R. R. 3 Wingham, a daugh- ter. SCHNEIDER — In Wingham and District Hospital, on Tueeday, October 4, 1966, to Mr. and Mrs, William Sch- neider, R. R. 1 Teeswater, a daughter, McDONAGH — In Wingham and District Hospital, on Tuesday, October 4, 1966, to Mr and Mrs. Berry McDon- agh, R, R. 3 Lucknow, a daughter. PHONE 357-2320 FOR WANT AD SERVICE SNOW TIRES STUDDED We are now equipped to stud your snow tires (New Tires Only) for extra traction and win- ter driving safety using Ken-Grip Studs and Ken- Grip Gun. From $a.4O v UP PER TIRE KEN'S Alignment Service Wingham - Ph. 357-1230 Keith McClure REM, ESTATE FOR SALE 4400000000010000,........— FOR room house and bath. Oil heated, Phone 753- 6273, Brantford, 15-22-29-0b HOUSE FOR SALE or rent, In Wingharn. All conveniences, Phone Lucknow 528-6143, 6* 50 - ACRE FARM near town, solid red brick house with elm- porch, good barn, pressure system. Phone 357-1249. 6b ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE AGENCY Gordon B. Elliott, Broker, Edward A, Elliott, Salesman, Phone 357-1590 Frame stucco duplex, an ex- cellent retirement home with an income, right downtown. This home is in very good shape, low taxes, etc. Posses- sion in approximately 60 days. Six year old frame home, 2 miles out of Wingham, 2 bed- rooms, oil heat, with very low taxes. An excellent retirement home with lots of garden. Priced below cost, Beautiful immaculate 4-bed- room frame executive home on a large lot, overlooking Sum- mit Drive; two full bathrooms, garage with breezeway and laundry room, full basement. Immediate possession. 12 room brick veneer home, two bathrooms, two living rooms, fire place, oil fired hot water heat, frame barn now used as garage. While this home needs some decorating and repair it is in excellent con- dition. 2 bedroom frame lined cot- tage, Johns Mansville siding, extra lot. Rossiland Lake at Hanover. WILLIAM S. REED Real Estate Broker and General Insurance Dial 3574174 — Wingham PROPERTIES FOR SALE Attractive new ranch style home, situated on a spacious landscaped lot, living room 32' long with beautiful fireplace, large dining area, modern kit- chen, 3 bedrooms with closets, 2 bathrooms, one 3-piece and one 4-piece, electric heating throughout, large recreation room and bedroom in base- ment, attached carport, Easy terms, early possession. Two storey red brick home, centrally located, large living room, 3 piece bath upstairs, 2 piece down, oil furnace, attach- ed garage, Full price $9,000.00. Two storey brick heme, liv- ing room, dining room, kitchen with built-in cupboards, 3 bed- rooms, 3 piece bath, oil furn- ace, large lot. Must be sold to close estate. Ph storey frame 7-room house, oil furnace, 3 piece bath. Immediate possession—For sale or rent. Choice building lots, well situated. Several farms in Wingham area, 100 acres to 200 acres, Several village homes for sale, moderately priced. CARS FOR SALE 1961 RAMBLER Classic, stand- ard six. Excellent condition. Phone Wroxeter 24W4. 6* 1957 CHEV, hardtop, automa- tic six, Cheap transportation. Wrecking '55 Ford V8 auto- matic and '57 Ford standard six. Ph. 357-1089. 6* 1965 AUSTIN 1100 for sale, in excellent condition, radio, one owner leaving country. Price $1250 or best offer. Phone Lis- towel 291-4605. 6b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 4 FEEDER STEERS for sale, about 700 lbs., part Hereford, Chester Casemore, ph. 357-3089, Ob 15 CHUNKS PIGS- for Sale, Chester Golley, Wingham, 357- 1919, Ob POULTRY FOR SALE 400 HARM Sex Link hens for sale, $1.00 each, alive. Russel Gaunt, phone 357-1817, 6b ARTICLES FOR RENT RENT our new Dustless floor sanders and make your old floors like new again. We have just putehaged the new Duet- less floor sanding machines. You can save over 50% by doing your own sanding, Alex- ander's Hardware. 24rrb FOR SALE TURKEYS-39c lb. ,Winghant Meat Market. 6b PIANO for sale; rug ent9'. Ph, 270; Wroxeter, 29-6b COLEMAN SPACEHEATER for sale, medium size. Phone 357-3780 after six o'clock. 6b THE PERFECT school aid-- a portable typewriter. Try the new Underwood at The Ad- vance-Times. From $93.00, re CARROTS beets and grapes. Jouwsrria Market Gardens, ph. e574262. 6b MILK FILTERS for sale, plain, rapid Zip, 61A"--85c a box. Alexander's Hardware, Phone 357-3631, llrrb NATIONAL 2-cow milking ma- chine for sale; also girl's CCM bicycle; both in good condition. Gordon Smith, Beigrave, phone 523-9417, et FOR RENT APARTMENT for rent. Pri- vate entrance, 857-17.36 or 357- 35$0, eb TWO-BEDOOM apartment for rent, modern kitchen, dining and living room area, heated. Apply Box 104, Advance-Times. 22rrb eitt -Tfgrg. Jr ESTATE AUCTION SALE 263 Edward Street, Wingham SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1966, at 1 o'clock. for the Estate of the late Mrs. Esther Margaret Hanna. Outstanding sale of house- hold effects, all of which are in first class condition, consisting of the following: Nearly new chesterfield and chair; maple ohesterbed and matching chair; coffee table: drop leaf table; 2 matching end tables; 2 sets TV tables; table lamps; floor lamps; 'broadloom rug; small rugs; telephone table; 4 pairs drapes; RCA television; wall mirrors; breakfast table and e.hairs; Frigidaire refrigerator; Moffat stove; Moffat washer; Inglis dryer; twin beds; chest of drawers and chair; electric polisher; vacuum cleaner; 2 radios; lawn furniture; French Provincial bedroom suite, con- sisting of double bed; bedside table, dresser, mirror, matching lamp and chair; cedar chest; rocking chair; power mower; garden hose; new air condi- tioner (never used); hall table and hall trees; numerous smaller items. /here will also 'be offered for sale, subject to a reserved bid, the real estate on which is situated a semi-detached white bride house, one part of which tontains two bedrooms, bath- room, living roots and kitchen; the other part contains three bedrooms, living room, kitchen Well, if you are lucky enough to find him just when you need him, he is the careful and conscientious driver about to trade on a new model. The pride of ownership that lures this motorist into the ear care. irnar et, just as surely causes him to give his used Since most of us don't have a ready acquaintance with "cream puff" used ear owners ready to deal, the next best source is a new car dealer whose business it is to merehan- disc the trade, Regent manufacturer survey show that although twice as many used cars are sold per year than new cars, the average new car dealer sells only L2 used cars for every new car sale. The balance are wholesaled to used car deal- ers and Others, In other words, new car dealers RETAIL lets than half of all the used cars that pass through their hands from new car buyers—the original source, THE CO5I3ION SENSE LESSON IS THAT THE NEW CAR DEALER, RETAINS ONLY THE BEST FOR Ills OWNOdeL(Yrniete.e readings and appearances may be misleading, so pick the best dealer you can in terms of integrity, ser- vice guarantees and reputation, Meaningless promises are easier to Make if you don't expect to see the customer again, so you would do better to buly right here in Whighten. See you next Thursday,