HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-09-29, Page 19(ALLAN SHOES ? • YOUR FAMILY SHOE STORE JOSEPHINE STREET PHONE WINGHAM 3574840 MEN'S GOLF TROPHIES were presented at a potluck supper which marked the of- ficial closing of golf activities at the Wing- ham Golf Club Saturday evening. Left to right are George Gammage, winner of the McKibbon Trophy for handicap golfers; Martin Garniss, club champion and win- ner of the Lloyd-Truax Ltd. Trophy for scratch golfers; Brad Elliott and Ted El- liott, winners of the parent and child trophy. Brad Elliott also captured the jun- iors' trophy, donated by Walden Bros. Transport. —Advance-Times Photo. THEATRE 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111•111111111111111111111M LYCEUM SHOWPLACE OF WINGHAM — PHONE 357-1630 1.11111, 1100. ANN Monday to Thursday at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday-2 shows at 7:15 and 9:15; Sat. Mat. at 2 p.m., unless otherwise noted Prices: Adults $1.00; Students 76e; Children 40c WED.-THUR.-FRI. SEPTEMBER 28-29-30 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT I "PEYTON PLACE" Colour - CinemaSeope — Starring: Lana Turner - Lloyd Nolan This is onq of the big ones of a few years ago. SATURDAY MATINEE I OCTOBER 1 "MISTY" SAT.-MON.-TUES. OCTOBER 1-3-4 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT I "RED LINE 7000" Colour — Starring: Gail Hire - James Ward Auto race fans will love this thriller. ,,---COMING NEXT ,— WED.-THUR.-FRI: OCTOBER 5,6.7 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT I "TI-IE SANDPIPER" Sponsored by the Kinsmen Club of Wingham COST OF TICKETS-51.00 EACH. PRIZE—$100.00. HOME BINGO THIS IS THE SECOND DRAW OF THIS SERIES. FIRST FULL HOUSE WINS. BINGO 3 4 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 18 19 20 22 23 26 27 28 29 32 34 35 36 39 43 47 49 50 52 54 56 57 58 62 63 64 65 67 69 70 71 72 73 75 Get tickets from Kinsmen Also available from: Bluevale—at B. H. Moffat's Brussels—At Queen's Hotel Coffee Shop Belgrave—At Amos Smith's Store Whitechurch—at Willis' Store MUST GO ON Monday, Oct. 3 LINT N LIONS ARENA 9:00 P.M. SHARP 15 GAMES for $30.00 EACH 3 — Share-TheWealth Games — 3 $1,000.00 BINGO — MUST GO ADMISSION: $1.00 Per Person EXTRA CARDS: 25o Each or 5 for $1.00 2 DOOR PRIZES — CLIP THIS ADVERTISEMENT FOR EXTRA DOOR PRIZE DRAW ALL PROCEEDS FOR COMMUNITY WORK SPONSORED BY THE SERVICE CLUBS OF CLINTON Wingham Advance-Times, Thursday, sox, 29, '1996 — Pa Wise shoppers read and use the Wingham Advance-Times . ADVANCE-TIMES WANT ADS PAY BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON OPEN WEEKENDS ONLY Box Office Opens at 7:30 First Show at 8:00 FRIDAY and SATURDAY Sept. 30 - Oct. 1 Double Feature — In Color "CHEYENNE AUTUMN" Richard Widmark, Caroll Bak- er, Karl Malden "PALM SPRINGS WEEKEND" Troy Donahue, Connie Stevens Cartoon Catering Service For Banquets Banquet capacity is now 128 at Danny's Restaurant, where a complete catering service is now offered. Also available for group functions are LCBO permits. Booking for fall and winter functions are presently being rapidly filled. Those contem- plating bookings for Christmas, Thanksgiving and wedding ban- quets should do so without de- lay to avoid disappointment. The management advises that expanded catering service now permits special attention for group, business, company and club banquets. This ser- vice is also extended to family gatherings, birthday parties, in fact, any conceivable kind of celebration where quality food and service can insure the suc- cess of the event. The telephone number for reservations is 357-3114. (Advt.) HARRISTON — Admission Prices — Adults $1.00 Students 75c Children 40c THUR, 29 - FRI. 30 - SAT. 1 Dean Martin & Stella Stevens are the stars in THE SILENCERS in Color This is a fun-filled counter- spy drama based on the books "The Silencers" and "Death of a Citizen" (Adult Entertainment) Thursday at 8:00 p.m. Friday - Saturday, 7:15 & 9:10 MONDAY 3 - TUESDAY 4 NORTH BY NORTHWEST In Technicolor and starring Cary Grant - Eva Marie Saint and James Mason This one is a re-issue so you know it's good. A real thriller by Alfred Hitchcock. Monday - Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. COMING NEXT : WED. 5 - THURS. 6 - FRI. 7 NEVER TOO LATE HARRISTON DRIVE-IN THEATRE First feature now starting about 8:30 p.m. Thursday Nights -- $1.00 per carload every Thursday night in September Closed Monday and Tuesday during September • WED. 28 - THUR. 29 - FRI. 30 THAT DARNED CAT in Color — Starring Hayley Mills and Dean Jones One of Walt Disney's finest comedies — On the Same Program — The Oregon Trail Both in Color THURS. IS $1 PER CARLOAD SATURDAY, OCT, 1 FINGER ON THE TRIGGER in Color — Starring Rory Callibtin -- Plus Beauty Jungle In Color — Starring Janet Scott - Edmund Pardon 111111111111.11111111111111111111111111191111111111111191 Marg's Marigolds and Helen's Hyacinths each took two points. Lillies are out in first place with 10 points. Following close behind are the Hyacinths with 9 points; the Daisies and Mari- golds are tied for third place with '7 points, the Violets are in fifth place with 5 points. The Asters are following close be- hind with 4 points. Hilda Brown rolled a nice game coming up with a high single of 336. Shirley Storey had a triple of 691. 0-0-0 THURSDAY NIGHT MIXED LEAGUE The teams settled down to some serious bowling this week. There seemed to be a few peo- ple having trouble with the corner pins, but practise makes perfect, Audrey. A special thanks to our spares for the night, Louise Stainton and Ray Walker. The men's high single, 325, went to our president, Barry Fryfogle (your getting better B.). Bill Edwards was the high triple winner with a '709. Yours truly won the ladies' high single and triple with a 288 and a 619. The team totals are very close and here are the stand- ings: Bob's Bananas 7; Stew's Prunes 7; Paul's Plums 5; Bob's Blueberries 7; Frank's Figs 7; Elwood's Peaches 9. Imagine winning a game by two points! Nice feeling, eh, Frank? SIGH ( T-SEE1NG QUIZ () a, ote G.,1f C111:11 CV7-: 64;) I M • (.(P LONGEST WiNTERimw tN ME WORLD ExTENDS FOR 189 MILES, RIS S To 602 FEET MOVE SEA LEVEL, riSiirt • 'onivimo TAO 01 iV3S.1,NoW Woad 9tiltun1x3'h drFiktaS,a)Naw1V1 is Gado/eyes' mew/ Veal rotemerter. Cgre for goer eyes eta11 - - Squids Win Third Game from Rostock The Wingham Squirts mov- ed one game closer to the WO AA championship on Sunday af- ternoon when they defeated Ros- tock for the third straight in the best-of-seven series in the Wingham ball park. They cleaned house with a decisive 13-3 count. Highlight of the game came in the second inning. In the first frame D. Leitch, J. Lock- ridge and Brown had scored and as the second inning opened the Wingham boys loaded the bases with three runners and Jeff Lockridge stepped to the plate to deliver just what was need- ed. His grand slam homer scor- ed the three runners and him- self. Two more runs in the same inning left the visitors on the tail end of a 6-0 count by, the end of the second. The Rostock runs came in the third and fourth frames and Wingham added two for insur- ance in the sixth. Lee and Lockridge formed the battery for Wingham, while Reihl and Ackersmill handled the same chores for Rostock. R II E Wingham 302 002 0 13 8 3 Rostock 001 200 0 3 7 13 Father to small son at the dinner table: "One more bite like that and you will leave the table." Small son: "One more bite like that and be fin- ished." NEWEST FALL STYLES FOR ALL THE FAMILY AT REASONABLE PRICES Belgrave Turkey Supper Wednesday, Oct. 5th, 7 p.m Belgrove Community Centre FRIDAY and SATURDAY October 7-8 — DOUBLE FEATURE — 'IN HARM'S WAY (Adult Entertainment) John Wayne - Kirk Douglas Patricia Neal "THE DISORDERLY ORDERLY" Jerry Lewis - Susan Oliver Color Cartoon SPECIAL SUNDAY MIDNIGHT SHOW — Oct. 9 Strikes &Spares WEDNESDAY NIGHT MIXED LEAGUE After the second night of bowling the league standings are as follows: Marty's Mice in first place with 14 points;Mike's Mules second with 9 points; Ken's Kougers in third with 8; Rick's Rats (formerly Fred's Frogs) fourth with 5 points; Bob's Bearcats with 4 points and Joe's Jacks with 2 points. Mike Hlavach took both high single and high triple with 322 and 650. Irene Perrott had women's high single of 206, and Betty Hlavach had the high tri- ple of 463. Our thanks to the spares who filled in so capably. See you all next week! 0--0--0 WEDNESDAY NIGHT LADIES' LEAGUE The Wednesday night Ladies' bowling league got off to an- other week of fine bowling with Louise's Lillies, Verna's Violets and Dorothy's Daisies each tak- ing five points from their op- ponents. Audrey's Asters, 111111M111111111911111111111.11111111111111111111111‘ There are few people in the Western world who have not seen or heard a motor vehicle, bur, says the Ontario Provincial Police, there are a great many who have not seen or heard one soon enough, Maid: "Oh Mrs, Smith, Mr, Smith is lying unconscious in the hall with a piece of paper in his hand and a cardboard box beside him." Mrs. Smith: "Oh, good. My new dress has arrived." BIG CASH BINGO MORE GAMES — 15 GAMES AT $10.00 EACH BIGGER SPECIALS — 2 GAMES FOR $25.00 EACH AND 1 SHARE THE WEALTH BIGGER JACKPOTS — 6 CALL LINE FOR $290.00 $1.00 Admittance for 15 Games — Extra Card 7 for $1.00 Special and Jackpot — 25c; 3 for 50c; 7 for $1.00; 15 for $2.00 Every Other Wednesday Night AT THE WINGHAM LEGION HALL, WEDNESDAY, OCT, 5 DOORS OPEN AT 7:30 — Auspices Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 180