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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-09-29, Page 18
Your health is our business ... SUNDAY — 8:00 (COLOR ) The ED SULLIVAN sh.ow CKNX IS TO BE CONGRATULATED ON BRINGING COLOR TV TO THE WINGHAM AREA 02:-.2710 To safeguard your health, we work closely with your doctor ... standing ever ready to serve you by filling his prescrip- tions promptly, precisely, from pure and potent pharmaceuticals. Always reliable. Telephone 357-1880 Emergency 357-2093 JOHNSTON'S DAY IN DAY OUT ... YOU'LL SAVE MORE AT OUR RtxaII DRUG STORE WINGHAM'S WOAA SQUIRT BALL TEAM — Front row, from the left, Brad Simmons, Gerald Skinn, Doug Leitch, Bruce Skinn, Paul Skinn, Mark Tiffin; centre, Roger Tif- fin, Bill Brown, Jeff Lockridge, Tommy Lee, Ron Perrott, Steven Tiffin, Doug Vanderwoude; back, Bruce Machan, coach; Ivan Gardner, manager; Charlie Lee, coach. For economy and friendly ser- vice plan to stay at Toronto's Lord Simcoe Hotel *conveniently located at the subway in the heart of down- town. *Singles from 7.90 up, Doubles from 11.90 up. *Free overnight parking. T H E LORD SIMCOE —HOTEL KING and UNIVERSITY Tel: 362-1848 111111111111111111•11MIHNIMMIIIICINIX Low Rental Housing OIF YOU HAVE ONE OR MORE CHILDREN or •ARE SIXTY YEARS OF AGE OR OVER (Single Person or Couple) •IF YOUR PRESENT ACCOMMODATION IS INADEQUATE . . . This is of interest to you! • THE ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION together with the Federal Govern- ment is considering the development of additional public housing in the town. In the first instance we must establish whether there. is a definite demand for such accommodation, and this can only be achieved if interested families complete and return survey questionnaires. • THE RENTS would be geared to income, tenants paying a percentage of their gross income in rent regardless of the size of the unit. The houses would probably be either row or semi-detached design. Units could have up to four or five bedrooms. •IDUESTIONNAIRES are being sent to all tenants in the municipality in order to determine the number of applicants who would be interested in obtaining the proposed type of rental accommodation. Interested families and senior citizens are requested to complete this questionnaire immediate- ly. Anyone who has not received a questionnaire may obtain one from: TOWN HALL WINGHAM, ONTARIO Remember . . . You are not obligating yourself in any way but only by filling out a ques- tionnaire NOW, can you help determine whether these houses should be built. 22-29b Page 10 Wingham Advanco.,Times, Thursday, Sept, "ZO, 1%36 Wingham; 4. Wm, E. lialla- an, R.R. 3 Olyth, West Wawanosh Township: 1, Murray Wilson, R.R. 2 Au" urn; 2. Cyril. Boyle, R.R. 2 Auburn; 3. Robert McAllister, R.R. 2 Auburn. A new CBC dramatic ser.cs which began this season is Wc- jeck" , a short ten-week serleS that could turn out to be verN good and the equis"alelt o: e'ia U.S. network's 'Doctor" 0:00. Dr, Steve Wojeek is a big eit,. coroner, and the series takes us with him on many of his ad- ventures, pleasant and other- wise. Actor in the title role is John Vernon, a performer who has made the rounds in every kind of role, but is no more able to fit into any role than that of the coroner. Woject, in the eyes of writer Phillip "Hometown Service ... anywhere"... no matter how far from home you may be! A country-wide network of more than 200 claim offices services the car insurance we write. Even if you have an accident far from home, you can count on fast, efficient help . . the same kind we give you right here! W. B. CONRON, CLU INSURANCE AGENCY Complete Insurance Coverage — Agent for — MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 5 John St. W. - Ph. 357-2636 WINGHAM lis Show Biz 1.c.mo'„ :VW his isractice in ';'•-.0 'al:A slags. lie has Is'earr.cc.", siiersk his mind and :r right, regardless '•;e saust cross to win. Ic is Jefizattel.,, a fiCtional Charaotez, although his ad- vent-arcs and the sit:;ations dis, playe,,1 is his we are real. Writer Ilersoli, a native of Toronto, is a creator who will stop at nothing to lirite a story that 'lives'. He has talked to all kinds of people while writ- ing the series. His first idea for a series came after he visited a modern crime laboratory. He wrote a script but thought it 'too technical' to make interest,. ing drama. About that time the activities of a Toronto cor- oner were reaching the news- papers and Hersch was struck with a new idea -- that ofwrit- ing a series based on the work of a coroner . Following a sin- gle production, "Tell Them the Streets are Dancing", seen last winter, Hersch has been holed up with his typewriter, turning out scripts faster than Jack Benny can count money! Mr. Hersch has been writing since he was fifteen, but only started selling two years ago, (Guess there's hope for me yet!) His first script seen on the CBC was a 'Show of the Week' pro- duction. lie has worked at many different things at one time or another, has attended a film school in France, and directed such U.S. series as "Cannonball", "The Last of the Mohicans", and "Tugboat An- nie". His main interest lies in the field of the movies, but he claims he doesn't wish to leave Toronto permanently, though he would like to work in Lon- don and Hollywood. This year he has also written a film script for Expo 'WI, which illus• trates the theme of the Mont- real World's Fair. He has also worked on a film scenario for production in England. Hersch is married to the for- mer Nancy Waterhouse, a reg- istered nurse, who helps with the Wojeck series, gathering re- search and acting as script con- sultant. 0-0-0 In addition to John Vernon, the series also stars Ted Follows as Arnie Bateman; Carl Banas as Detective Sergeant ByronJames; and Patricia Collins as Marty Wojeck, Steve's wife. Jamie Weyman and Tanis Montgom- ery appear occasionally as Stevey and Judy, the Wojeck children. Top directors work- ing on the series include George McGowan, Ron Kelly, Paul Al- mond and Daryl Duke. The series is filmed entirely on location in Toronto, using No. 5 police station as head- quarters, and the city's streets, hospitals, hotels, offices and homes as location shootings. It is seen each Tuesday evening at 9 p.m.; watch it and see what you think of it. WHITECHURCH Services at Chalmers Pres- byterian Church will be Sun- day School at 10 a.m. and church service at 11 a.m. on Sunday. Mrs. S. C. Willis of Gow- anstown spent the week-end with Mrs. Doris Willis and fam- ily. On Sunday the ladies at- tended the Harvest Home ser- vice in Listowel Anglican Church. Mr. Ross Smith of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Chapman. Folks from here going by train to Toronto Sunday eve- ning were informed at Wing- ham that the train had broken down at Kincardine, The pas- sengers went by taxi to Strat- ford. The train was repaired and passed through here around 10.30. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Currie were Sunday visitors with her sister, Mrs. James Scott of Pal- merston. We are pleased to report Mrs. Edgar Gaunt was recently re- leased from Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital. W. R. HAMILTON OPTOMETRIST Josephine Street WINGHAM FOR APPOINTMENT Phone 357 -1361 Township winners in the Hur- on County Farmstead and Rural Improvement Centennial Pro- ject have been named by the judges, Warren Zurbrigg of Clifford and Howard Armstrong of Seaforth. The contests were sponsored by the Federation of Agriculture in each township with a chair- man for each, supervised by the county federation under Charles Thomas of Brussels, president of the Huron Federation as chair-' man and Gordon Elliott of Sea- forth, as vice-chairman. There were 125 entries scor- ed on the first inspection about a year ago. The second in- spection was made early in Sep- tember and 123 entries were re- examined. The farm in each township with the greatest in- crease in points became the township winner. The county champion and the runners-up were declared by the two judges on their joint in- spection but announcement of the winners will not be made un- til the presentation of prizes on the stage at Headquarters in the Tented City at the Internation- al Plowing Match on October 12. DISTRICT WINNERS In Howick Township John L. Stafford of R.R. 1 Wroxeter was the winner. Jack Ferguson, R.R. 1 Clifford was second; Ro- bert Dunn, R. R. 2 Clifford, Lions Plan f©r Farmers' Night WROXETER—The September supper meeting of the Howick Lions Club was held in the Gor- rie Restaurant on Monday eve- ning when the new president, Geo. Timm presided. Misses Doreen and Tharon Riley of Wroxeter provided vo- cal duets, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Ed. Martin of Brussels. A recording of the speech of International President Ed.Lind- say as delivered at Orillia on September G was heard and pic- tures of the conventions held at St. Catliarincs and London, shown by Lions George Timm and Wray Cooper, were enjoy- ed A draw was conducted by Lion Ken Edgar, and plans were made for the club's annual Far- mers' Night to be held in No- vember. Club members are looking forward to the official visit in October, of the hew District Governor, Lion Ken Wallies of Owen Sound. wititintmonmonnisigsw FEATURE EVENT DIRECTORY 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111•111111. for your entertainment pleasure in TORONTO ROYAL ALEXANDER Theatre Sept. 12 - Oct. 8 "THE ODD COUPLE" starring George Gobel O'KEEFE CENTRE Sept. 19 - Oct. 8 Canadian Opera Co. presents FAUST - MACBETH - LA TRAVIATA - I PAGLIAOCI CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA DEIRDRE 111111.1111111M1111111111111111•11111111111111 Towns ip Farmstead and Rural Improvement Winners Named third; Elmer Harding, R.R. 1 Gorrie, fourth; Russel Ruttan, R.R. 1 Gorrie, fifth; Fred Dou- bledee, Wroxeter, sixth; Stan Zurbrigg, R.R. 1 Gorrie, sev- enth and tied in eighth place, George Hamilton of Wroxeter and Robert Gibson, R.R. 1 Gor- tie. In Morris Township Ross Hig- gins of R. R. 5 Brussels was first. Other winners were: 2, John N. Cardiff, R.R. 5 Brussels; 3,John Wesselink, R.R. 4 Brussels; 4, Wm. K. Robertson, R.R. 2 Bluevale; 5. George Michie, R.R. 4 Brussels; Ted Fear, R.R. 5, Brussels; Charles Higgins, R, R. 5 Brussels; Albert Bacon, Belgrave. East Wawanosh Township: 1. Ivan Howatt, R. R. 1 Belgrave; 2. Elmer Ireland, R.R. 5 Wing- ham; 3. Peter Chandler, R.R.