HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-09-29, Page 16RELATIVES AND FRIENDS were present from Toronto,
Whitechurch, Clinton and the Wingham district to ob-
serve the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. David
Gibb last Saturday, celebrated at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ted Whitby. Married in Scotland in T916, the couple
came to Canada in 1929. They had eight children, two
of whom are deceased. There are 24 grandchildren and
14 great grandchildren. The home was decorated with
fall flowers for the occasion, the table centred with a
three-tier wedding cake.—Advance-Times Photo.
Choose Book for Bible
Study at UCW Meeting
581 Huron Street, P. 0. Box No, 8
Require trucks for winter sanding, Loaders for loading
winter sand, salt and snow removal at Wroxeter, Wingham
and Lucknow.
Basic Requirements:
TRUCKS must have Department of Transport license. 27,000
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cessories to conform to Highway Traffic Act.
LOADERS---Rubber tire or track type. Minimum % c.y.
bucket capacity.
All equipment subject to approval of the District Highway
Equipment Supervisor.
Rental agreements available at or by mail from the above
mentioned address.
Closing date for tenders 12:00 noon, October 7', 1966.
J. G. Tillcock,
District Engineer. 29b
or VICUtti.rcc
Page Wthgharn Advance-Times, Thursday, Sept. 29, 1966 News Items from Fordwich
Brick U.C.W. met Wednesday
evening at the home of Mrs.
John Jamieson with an attend-
ance of 16. The Scripture was
read by Mrs. Mason Robinson.
Mrs. George McGee led in
prayer and gave a reading,
"Temperance" .
The poem, "Yield Not to
Temptation" was given by Mrs.
Gordon McBurney'. Mrs. Don-
ald Dow led in the Bible study
on temptation. The new study
book, "The Church Grows in
Canada" was introduced by Mrs.
Gilbert Beecro ft.
Mrs. Alex Robertson presid-
ed for the business session. The
minutes were read by the sec-
retary, Mrs. Sidney Thompson
and the treasurer's report was
given by Mrs. Ronald Coultes.
It was agreed that the program
committee use the book, "The
Church and World" in prepar-
ing the Bible study.
Mrs. Lawrence Taylor re-
ported for Supply and Alloca-
tion. A thank you note was read
from Mrs. E. Dow and an invi-
tation was received from West-
field to attend their special
meeting Sept. 30 at 8.15p.m.
Delegates appointed to attend
the regional convention in Gor-
rie were Mrs. Gordon McBur-
ney, Mrs. Ken Mason, Mrs.
Norman Coultes, Mrs. Donald
Dow and Mrs. George McGee.
The benediction was pro-
nounced by Mrs. Alex Robert-
Mr, and Mrs, TOM Wade and
family, Chatham, were visitors
Saturday afternoon at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, C. Jordan.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Jordan
spent two days in Parry Sound
during the past week.
Mr. Edwin Jordan, Toronto,
spent the week-end with Mr,
and Mrs. C. Jordan.
Best wishes to Mrs. R. B.
Wasters who celebrated her
85th birthday at her home on
September 20th.
Mr. and Mrs. Royden Devitt
and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Graham
spent one day last week in Lon-
Miss Jean Siefert of Kitch-
ener spent last week with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bast
spent the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Witmer in Kit-
Mrs. Helen Thomson of Al-
bany, N.Y., is visiting for two
weeks with her father, Mr. Mor-
ley Aylesworth.
Master Peter Espensen, 12-
year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Espensen, was confined
several days last week to Pal-
merston Hospital suffering from
Mrs. Howell Fraser and Mr.
Fred Sharpin are confined to
Listowel Memorial Hospital.
Mrs. Fred Demerling is in Bruce
County Hospital, Walkerton and
Mr. William Clyne is in Pal-
merston Hospital.
Miss Lily Wyld of Chicago is
spending a few weeks with her
sister and brother-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Cober.
Wedding anniversaries in the
community the past week were
celebrated by Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Doig, 40 years on Sep-
tember 22nd; Mr. and Mrs.
Wray Cooper, 33 years on Sep-
tember 21st; and Mr. and Mrs.
Crosby Sothern will be married
45 years on September 28th.
Mrs. Anson Demerling at-
tended the convention of the
Lutheran Women's Missionary
League held in St. Thomas on
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lep-
pington of Peterborough spent
the week-end at their home
Rev. and Mrs. DeKoeger of
Elmwood spent one day last
week at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Milton Pries. Rev. De-
Koeger is minister of the Elm-
wood United Church.
Mrs. Bertha Fitzpatrick of
Elgin, Manitoba, is spending
several weeks with relatives in
the community!,
Mrs. Edna Bride spent two
weeks at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Stephen I3utchart in Tor-
Mr. Everett Cooper returned
home from the Northwest Terri-
tories and will spend a month
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Cooper,
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Keith
spent a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Chiomey in Port
Colborne and Mr. and Mrs.
Scott Keith in Oakville. They
also attended the wedding of a
niece in St. Catharines on Sat-
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Miller
spent one day last week in Fer-
gus. Mrs. Miller's mother,
who is 82 years old, underwent
an appendectomy on Friday in
Fergus Hospital.
94th Birthday
FORDWICH—Members of the
local branch of the Ladies' Or-
ange Lodge held a party at the
Village Nursing Home on Fri-
day for one of their charter
members, Mrs. Jennie Mosure.
Mrs. Mosure celebrated her
D4th birthday that day.
She received so many cards
and lovely gifts than she re-
marked the occasion seemed
more like Christmas. She also
spent Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Arnold McDougall in
Mrs. Mosure lived alone at
tier home until last November.
Because her sight and hearing
aad deteriorated she found it
difficult to get around alone and
the now enjoys the companion-
ship of other patients in the
aursing home.
Mr. Robert Bride of London
spent the week-end with his
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Stan
Mr. Jack Doig of St. Cath-
arines spent two days at the
home of his parents. Mrs. Ross
Doig returned after spending
two weeks with members of her
family in St. Catharines and
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Jacobson
Kim and Shelley, spent the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
William Demerling in Fenelon
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stewart
and family moved their house-
hold effects from Listowel to
the house they recently rented
in the village, on Saturday.
Mrs. Rosemary Campbell
and Jimmy of London spent the
week-end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Crosby Sotheran.
Mrs. William Sothern is
spending a few days this week
with Mr. and Mrs. Gary Soth-
ern in Palmerston.
Mrs. John Craig, Fordwich,
and Mrs. Ken Fisk of Harriston
attended Grand Chapter of the
Order of the Eastern Star last
week at the Royal York Hotel,
Mr. and Mrs. John Tudan
and family of Toronto spent
the week-end at their home
Friends of Miss Jeannette
Thomson will be sorry to learn
she fell at her home on Sunday,
afternoon and suffered a frac-
ture of her hip. She is confin-
ed to Listowel Memorial Hospi-
SOTHERN--To Mr. and Mrs.
Gary Sothern, a son, Tim-
othy Gary, on Tuesday,
September 20th, in Palmer-
ston Hospital.
FORDWICH—Mr. and Mrs,
Crosby Sotheran entertained at
a family dinner at their home
on Sunday for their 45th wed,
ding anniversary, Among those
present were the attendants of
45 years ago, Mrs. J. R. Tay-
lor, Ilderton and Frank Salter
of Strathroy.
Jim Vitae, Carl Ettinger,
Fraser Lynn and Mel Allan at-
tended District C convention
held in the Legion rooms in St.
Marys on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Con-
nell visited on Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Everett
Sparling in Goderich.
Mr. Holger Feldskov of
Georgetown spent the week-
end with friends in the village.
Manager of
Trust Firm
GORRIE—John Edgar, pres-
ently assistant manager of the
Brampton office, has been ap-
pointed. Georgetown manager
of Halton and Peel Trust & Sav-
ings Co.
The firm opened its first of-
fice there on September 23rd in
a temporary location on Mill
St., in the Mackenzie building.
Extensive remodelling is plan-
ned to the former Christian Re-
form Church on Main Street
which has been purchased by
Halton-Peel for its eventual
Georgetown office.
A native of Gorrie, Mr. Ed-
gar was with the Toronto-Do-
minion Bank in Gorrie, Mount
Forest, Guelph, Toronto and
Brampton before joining the
firm in Brampton.
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A MEDICAL CENTRE centennial project
for the Brussels district is discussed by
members of the centennial committee.
Seated are J. Russell Croden of London,
regional centennial representative, Ontario
Department of Tourism and Information
and Mrs. Calvin Smith, secretary; standing,
Herbert Stretton, left, and Archer Grewar,
co-chairmen, all of Brussels.
—Advance-Times Photo.
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