HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-09-22, Page 1711111111111111114111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111•1•1111111211111111111111111111131 LYCEUM SHOWPLACE OF WINGHAM — PHONE 357-1630 Monday to Thursday at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday-2 shows at 7:15 and 9:15; Sat, Mat. at 2 p.m., unless otherwise noted Prices: Adults $1.00; Students 76c; Children 400 WED.-THUR.-FRI. SEPTEMBER 21-22-23 "FLIGHT OF THE PHOENIX" Colour - CinemaScope — Starring: James Stewart - Richard Attenborough A fight for survival is a gripping drama with an all-star cast. This is one of the best movies of the year. SATURDAY MATINEE SEPTEMBER 24 "SNOW WHITE AND THE 3 STOOGES" SAT.-MON.-TUES. SEPTEMBER 24.26-27 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT 1 "STAGECOACH" Colour - CinemaScope — Starring: Bing Crosby - Ann Margret • Van Heflin - Red Buttons - Bob Cummings This is a re-make of one of the biggest western films ever Made. Whether you Are a western fan or not, we think you'll like this one. ....001.11101111 NexT WED:THUR. FRI. SEPTEMBER 28-29-30 , ADULT ENTERTAINMENT "PEYTON PLACE" THURSDAY NIGHT MIXED LEAGUE The Thursday night mixed league began its fall season with a little pep talk by Pres. Barry Fryfogle. Barry read the rules and welcomed everyone. A few new faces were present, namely; Marg and Keith Mof- fat, Sandra and Frank Riehl and Fran and Murray Gerrie. The six captains for the year are Bob Brooks, Stu Leedham, Paul Rintoul, Bob Jones, El- wood Irwin and Frank Riehl. Bowling got underway and the standings are as follows: Bob's Bananas 2; Stu's Prunes 5; Paul's Plums 0; Bob's Blueber- ries 7; Elwood's Peaches 7 and Frank's Figs 0, Gwen MacLaurin was in true form, getting the high single with a 334 and the high triple with a 782. (Not bad for the first night!), Mac Ritchie captured the men's high single with a 287 but lost out on the high triple to Wayne Brown who rolled a 399. Better luck next week B. 0--0--0 WEDNESDAY NIGHT MIXED LEAGUE The Wednesday night mixed league started the new season with animals providing team titles this year. Marty's Mice won all three games for 7 points, with Mike's Mules and Ken's Kougers tied for second with 5 points. Joe's BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE - CLINTON After September 24 Weekends Only Box Office Opens at 7:45 First Show at 8:15 THURS. - FRI. - SAT. September 22-23-24 Double Feature — In Color 9 11 12 15 47 49 50 52 54 58 62 63 71 72 73 16 20 22 23 32 35 36 39 43 BELGRAVE ANNUAL TURKEY SUPPER Wednesday, October 5th 7:00 P.M. SHARP BELGRAVE COMMUNITY CENTRE 22-2913 HOME BINGO BINGO THIS IS THE FIRST DRAW OF THIS SERIES. FIRST FULL HOUSE WINS. Get tickets from Kinsmen — Also available from: Elluevale--at B. H. Moffat's Brussels—At Queen's Hotel Coffee Shop Belgrave—At Amos Smith's Store Whitechurch—at Willis' Store Sponsored by the Kinsmen Club of Wingham COST OF TICKETS-41.00 EACH. PRIZE--$100.00. WOAA SQUIRT SOFTBAU Rostock vs. Wingham WINOHAM TOWN PARK Sunday Afternoon at 3.00 A , --.4.1/.10141/14$1.**10.1480101. I Wingharn AdVance0TimeS, Thursday, Sept 1966 ee PaSe 9 CALLAN SHOES YOUR FAMILY SHOE STORE JOSEPHINE STREET, PHONf WINOHAM 3574840 NEWEST FALL STYLES FOR ALL THE FAMILY AT REASONABLE PRICES Squirts Take Two Straight in WOAA Championship Series The Wingham Squirts took the first two games of their WOAA championship series with Rostock at the week-end. Sat- urday's fixture, played in Ros- tock ended in a 5-1 victory for the local youngsters and the re- turn match here on Sunday was a 12-5 victory for the home town boys. In Saturday's game Jeff Lock- ridge and T. Lee both slammed out homers, D. Leitch was credited with two singles and B. Skinn with one single. The Wingham boys piled up all their 1111111111111113111111111111111111111112111111111111118 HARRISTON DRIVE-IN THEATRE First feature now- starting about 8:30 p.m. Thursday Nights — $L00 per carload every Thursday night in September Closed Monday and Tuesday during September WED. 21 - THUR. 22 - FRI. 23 55 DAYS AT PEKING In Color — Starring Charlton Heston-Ava Gardner — On the Same Program — In Color—Cliff Mallards in Rhythm and Greens SATURDAY ONLY SEPT. 24 Doris Day stars in DO NOT DISTURB Another cute comedy for the Doris Day fans — Plus The Bounty Killers in Color—Starring Rod Cameron - Dan Duryea SUN. Late Show Sept. 25 MURDER BY AGREEMENT — Plus — Honeymoon of Horrors In Color—Adult Entertainment CLOSED MONDAY-TUESDAY Coming Next: WED. 28 - THUR. 29 - FRI. 30 THAT DARNED CAT 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 runs in the first and third inn- ings, The lone Rostock run was scored by D. Jacobin in the fifth after being walked to first. Batteries were Lee and Lock- ridge for Wingham and Riehl and Ackersmill for Rostock. R H S Wingham 203 000 0 5 9 5 Rostock 000 010 0 1 4 1 SECOND GAME The Wingham lads really let loose in the game here on Sun- day, scoring 3 in the first, two in the third, two each in the fourth and fifth and three in the sixth inning. 13. Skinn account ed for three runs, one of them a homer; D. Leitch scored on three singles; B. Brown had two runs scored from a pair of 2- base hits; J. Lockridge account. CROWN THEATRE HARRISTON — Admission Prices — Adults $1.00 Students 75e Children 40c WED. 21 - THUR. 22 - FRI. 23 A cloak and dagger thriller with lots of fun and adventure in WHERE THE SPIES ARE in Color and Starring David Niven Wed. and Thursday at 8 p.m. Friday at 7:15 and 9:10 p.m. SAT. 24 - MON. 26 - TUES. 27 WEDNESDAY 28 Ann Margret - Red Buttons Michael Connors and many other stars in STAGE COACH In Color by Deluxe There were ten people who fought Indians, outlaws and each other as they rode to greatness on the stage coach to Cheyenne, (Adult Entertainment) Saturday 7:15 and 9:15 p.m. Mon., Tues. and Wed. at 8 p.m. COMING NEXT : TRUE. 29 - FRI. 30 - SAT. THE SILENCERS iniaMininismitimanimon ed for two on a homer and a two-bagger; S. Tiffin added another hornet and S. Lee scor- ed after gaining first on balls. The five Rostock goals were all scored in the opening frames, four in the first and one in the second, Batteries were: Wingharh. Lee and Lockridge; Rostock, Riehl and Ackersmill, R H E Wingham 302 223 0 12 15 4 Rostock 410 000 0 5 5 2 The third game of the best- of-seven series will be played in Rostock on Friday at 6 p.m. and the teams will be back in Wingham on Sunday, Sept. 25 for a game at 3 p,m. "DUEL AT DIABLO" James Garner - Sidney Poitier "TARAS BULBA" Tony Curtis - Yul Brynner Cartoon I don't know about you, but I was getting tired of summer reruns! And particularly with The Ed Sullivan Show, a so- called variety show that runsre- peats all summer. Last Sunday, the 11th, Ed- die Bay was out in full force to begin a new season, And if the first show is any example, it should be a great season. His CBS buddy, Red Skelton, of course was the highlight, but then, whenever he is on screen he makes your living-room brighter. And in color, Big Red must be something to see! The real surprise on Ed's first Whitechurch and Mildmay Juveniles played an exhibition game in Mildrnay Thursday evening with the score 4-2 for Mildmay. Whitechureh and Thornhill Juveniles played at Richmond Hill Saturday evening and after 10 innings the score was 6-5 for Whitechurch who won the series in two straight games. White- church now plays Pointe Anne this Saturday evening, Septette. her 24 and if successful in this series will have the OASA championship. Pointe Anne, is near Belleville. 'Tis Show Biz By Vonni Lee show came at the end, when he announced that comedianJack- ie Mason would be back. Jack- ie Mason was at one time al- most a weekly fixture on the Show, almost as regular as Alan King and some other close friends of Ed's. Then a few years ago he came under fire from Ed, who disapproved ofhis act, Ed fired him, and claim- ed he would make no more ap- pearances on the Sunday eve- ning production, Immediately, Jackie hit Ed with a lawsuit, claiming there had been noth- ing wrong with his act. That was about as far as thingswent, but one thing sure, Jackie Ma- son was a rare sight on your television set on any produc- tion. Now they have patched up their differences and in a warm and tender welcome- home greeting, Ed said how glad he was to have him back. This doesn't happen too often; once Ed makes up his stubborn little Irish mind about some- one, it's hard to change it. 0--0--0 In Hollywood last week a gay and smiling Mickey Rooney walked up the middle aisle for the sixth time, to say "I do", this time to a non-professional and an old friend by the name of Margie Lane, Immediately, everyone says, "I'll give that about two weeks!" And I sup- pose even Mick himself might make a joke or two about it and say it had better last because he 'can't afford to pay any more alimony!' All joking aside, it HAD better last, main- ly because he is so deserving of a little bit of happiness. Let's hope, at long last, that the dark cloud's silver lining is begin- ning to show itself. 0--0--0 A kid starting young on the path that Mick has travelled is Connie Stevens, young actress who once played 'Cricket' on "Hawaiian Eye". Connie filed for divorce last week, from her husband of only three years, Tim Stacy, charging extreme cruelty. Connie took a long time choosing a mate because in her words, it would 'be for- ever'. Forever hasn't lasted long, and she's singing the blues like so many of her pals in Hollywood. 0-0-0 In New York came sadness as well, with the announce- ment that actress Gertrude. Berg had passed away of a heart at- tack in a hospital there, Miss Berg, who was GO, is the actress who became known for her role as 'Molly Goldberg'. She was the typical Jewish woman who 3ricicared herself to audiences throughout the country. Messengers W IHTECHURCH—Calvin- Brick Messengers held their meeting in the church Sunday morning. Miss Doreen Pattison was pianist for the meeting. Miss Joyce Coultes, leader, gave the call to worship. The theme was, "God Speaks to Its Through Ills Beautiful World". Miss Shirley Pattison read the Scripture. Prayer was given by Miss Marilyn Robertson. Barry Mason gave the Herald's Report The offering was received by Lori Thompson and Doreen Taylor arid dedicated by Miss Joyce Coultes. The story, "Can You See God?" was given by Mrs. Law- rence Taylor. "Why, Mr. Bones, was the cannibal expelled !ram school?" "He was caught buttering up one of the teachers." CLASSY COOKS BBLGRAVE ,—The third meet ing of the Classy Cooks was held in the church basement. Minutes were read by Cathy Chandler. Thirteen were pres- ent. The leaders checked the notes. Members demonstrated fruit cups, baked apple, how to cook prunes and plums. 0--0--0 MERRY CHESS CLUB WHITECHURCH—Darlene Simpson presided and Sandra Fisher read the minutes. Dis- cussion was on the dry and moist methods of cookingmeat and tenderizing less tender cuts. Miss Fisher showed preparation and baking of swiss steak and Mrs. Gibb cooked sausage. Eight answered the roll call with their score on last week's home meals and ways of im- provement. 0-0-0 SUPPER GALS GORRIE—Mrs. Clarence Sparling outlined the project when the No. 1 club met ether home. Margaret Koch was elected president; the secretary appointed at each meeting;Mrs, Sparling, press reporter. Record books, check sheets, working methods and "Good Food Makes a Difference" were discussed. Margaret Koch de- monstrated measuring. Marion Harding read minutes at the second meeting, attend- ed by five. The food guide for health, milk, fruit, meat and fish, was discussed, Mrs. Spar- ling showed how to make crou- tons, creamed corn soup and scalloped potatoes. Four girls attended the third meeting when Barbara Thornton read the minutes. Vegetables, cereals, bread and vitamin D were diSeussed. In showing how to use fruit for supper Mrs. Glenn Johnston demonstrated the making of stewed prunes, coddled, apples, fruit salad and fruit cup. 0-4-0 MENU MEDDLERS LAKELET—There was a full attendance for the secondmeet- ing at Mrs. Burchill's. Chatter ceased when President Kaye Wood opened the meeting. Louise McComb read the min- utes. "Reason for Canada's Food Guide" was discussed under fruit, meat and fish, and preparing supper using the food guide for 'health. Mrs. McComb made vege- table soup and croutons; Kaye Wood made white sauce and Mrs. Burchill demonstrated the preparation of a scalloped cas- serole. FRIDAY and SATURDAY Sept. 30 - Oct. 1 Double Feature — In Color "CHEYENNE AUTUMN" Richard VVidmark-Caroll Baker Karl Malden "PALM SPRINGS WEEKEND" troy Donohue-Conide Stevens Cartoon Strikes & Spares Jacks and Bob's Bearcats got 2 points and Fred's Frogs are in the cellar with no points. Men's high single went to Brent Davidson with 250 and the high triple was taken by Ken Saxton who came up with 681. Both the women's high single and high triple went to Hilda Brown with 247 and 629. See you all next week, gang! WEDNESDAY NIGHT LADIES' LEAGUE The Wednesday night Ladies' Bowling League got off to a good start this season with Hel- en's Hyacinths in first place with 7 points; Marg's Marigolds and Louise's Wiles followed close behind, each with 5 points; Dorothy's Daisies and Audrey's Asters each with 2 points and Verna's Violets in last place, failing to get a score, Gwen MacLaurin had a high single of 290. Jean King had a 651 triple. 0-0-0 MEN'S LEAGUE Six points separate the top and bottom reams after two weeks of bowling. Some good single scores and early season triples were rolled Monday night, with Jim Bain getting 311 for the high single of the year and a 730 triple and Ross Gordon 282, and a 738 triple which is the best so far this sea- son. Other scores: Barry Fry- fogle 264, Joe Desmarais 292 and a 731 triple, Matt Boyd 271 and a 726 triple, Ken Sax- ton Jr. 262, Ken Saxton Sr. 255, Gary Storey 286, Andy Henderson 276, Ivan Gardner 267, Ken Simmons 266, Mac Ritchie 253. Team standings: Whiskey Sours 10; Velvet Hammers 8; Boilermakers 7; Scotch n' Sodas 7; Rum n' Cokes 6; Screwdriv- ers 4, 0-0-0 The Commercial League starts its season on September 27 at 7 o'clock. Hope to see everyone there. Ball Games Salesman: "These are espec- ially strong shirts madam.They simply laugh at the laundry." Customer: "I know the kind. I had some that came back with their sides split." Wingham Pair Claim Trophy The Lloyd-Truax trophy was played for at the local bowling greens on Monday evening with entries from Lucknow, Seaforth, Clinton and Wingham, The trophy winner was Har- ry Brown and Lorne Gardner. Second prize went to Mr. Pat- terson and partner of Seaforth; third, Bob Doig and partner of Seaforth; fourth, Jack Fisher and partner of Lucknow.