HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-09-22, Page 14THIS YOUNG MISS had to choose between a pioneer ex- hibit and her ice cream cone at the Beigrave fair,—A-T. THE ANNUAL SCHOOL FAIR at Belgrave featured an ex- tensive display of garden vegetables grown by area child- ren. Here, winning entries are give a careful examin- ation,—A-T Photo. tot. ttttt ttttt 6 ttttt g ttttttttttttttttt ,,,,, tt tttt t t ttoittltro tttttt ttli tttttttt till ttttttt t ttttttttttttt ,,,,,,,,, 41,1 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, tttttttttttt Weetittlait tttttttttt A SECOND DISPLAY of beef was offered by the Belgrave district as they competed for teams of bigger boys from the schools in tug-o'-war honors last week,—A-T Photo. See us wp ,„ before you drive that new car Naturally you're anxious to protect your investment and your family's welfare. We'll be happy to help you obtain quality auto insurance-de- pendable insurance backed by this agency and The Hartford Insurance Group. Call on us today. W. B. CONRON, CLIP INSURANCE AGENCY Complete Insurance Coverage - Agent for - MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 5 John St. W. - Ph. 357.2636 WINGHAM Drive through winter with a smile . .. when you let us keep your car happy. Drive in for a check-up. • ,,,,;t1fttg.g,,A, TRAIN TO TORONTO Ask about convenient departure and return times Fot inforMation, phone the local al Passenger Sales Witte FgpM iviNGH 7011 30 44/ nivt, 144//re PARE, Ake soco6 CANADIAN NATIONAL 0 Witighatn Advance -Times, Thursday, Sept. 22* 1996 Beigrave School Fair List Pag Mrs. Betty Flannigan of Tor- onto is visiting with her moth- er, Mrs. Tom Inglis of W. Wa- wanosh. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Fisher, Lonnie, Lori and Lee of Guelph and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gibson, Rhonda, Billie and Gregory of Lucknow were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Fish- er. Mr,, and Mrs. Elmer Sleight- holm and family accompanied their son Elgin, to Waterloo on Sunday, Elgin entered the Uni- versity of Waterloo on Monday. Mrs. John McIntosh of Brus- sels spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Dave Gibb and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tiffin and Joyce of Teeswater spent Satur- day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Tiffin, Quite a few from here at- tended the Lucknow fair on Sat- urday. All reported a very in- teresting, attractive parade with the clowns providing much humor. Mrs. John Fielder and Car- men of Port Albert and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Scholtz of Dungan- non were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz. Mr. Brian and Patricia King of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ar- scott and family. Mr. and Mrs, Bob Gordon of Waterloo spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Taylor. Mrs. Bill Tiffin and Hilda of Wingham were Monday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson, Mrs. Kenneth Iloffman of Toronto visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams and family. Mr. and Mrs. Don Stewart and family of Teeswater were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Don Martin and family. Mr. Paul Geiger and his friend of Waterloo were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClenaghan. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Tiffin were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin, Miss Winnifred Farrier of Toronto spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. W. Farrier. Wayne Farrier returns to the University of Western Ontario this week. Mr. and Mrs.- Russell Ross spent Monday in London. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Ross of Tumberry Township and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Marsh of Bluevale during the week-end toured in Northern Ontario and visited in North Bay and with his brother, Mr. Malcolm Ross, Mts. Ross and family of Pembroke. Mrs. E. R. Dunlop of Doon spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morrison. Continued from Page Five !lams; Linda Caldwell: garet Robertson; Lois Eekens- wilier. Grades 3 and 4, Illustrated Booklet-Carol Walker; Mary Edith Garniss; Carol Gross, Gail Mayberry; Darlene Ma- tes; Debbie Patterson, Grades 5 and 6. Illustrated Booklet -.Evelyn Bieman; Mar- ilyn Robertson; Marlene Arm- strong; Donna Walker; Bar- Resignations Accepted by Howick Twp. Ilowick Township Council decided to accept the county library system and the applica- tion of Wray Vines for the drain- age loan at the September meeting. The resignation of Anson Galbraith as road superintend- ent was accepted, as was the resignation of Robert Gibson as reeve of the township. Mr. Gil son applied for the position of road superintendent and his ap- plication was accepted with duties to commence on ap- proval of the department. liar- vey McMichael was appointed deputy-reeve, Mr, and Mrs. George Young of Langside were Sunday visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Johnston of E. Wawanosh. Mr. and Mrs, Wilbert Proc- ter and her mother, Mrs. Ma- bel Stapleton of Morris, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jamieson. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Irwin and daughter of Oshawa were Saturday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Tom Magoffin. Mr. Ir- win is a grandson and his daughter is Mr. and Mrs. Ma- goffin' s first great grandchild. Miss Anne Weber this week is on holidays from her employ- ment at the Bank of Commerce, Wingham, Mr. Garry Chapman of Ham- ilton spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sel Chapman. Whitechurch United Church congregation were well repre- sented at the Bluevale United Church anniversary services morning and evening. Church services will be held here next Sunday at 10 a.tri. with Rev. George Mitchell in charge. Mrs. Claude Coffin, Mr. and Mrs. George Coffin, Sharon and Cindy of Galt spent Sunday at the Coffin home here. BIRTH GIBE--To Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gibb, a son, Bradley James, on Monday, September 12, 1960, at St. Mary's Hospi- tal, Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gibb of the vil- lage are grandparents, and Bradley is their first grand- child. barn Glousher; Lorna Mason. Grades 3 and 4- Gicn Nixon; Gordon Passehier; Murray Rinn; Johnny Scott; Bruce McCallum; Mark Lockhart, Grades White;hitc; o:y aEleldlieGnsWillertroldin3-acyy Robinson; Ken Hopper; Gor- don Rinn, Grades 7 and 8 -Brian Jain- icson; Jinuttio Beeeroft; Neil Bieman; ,tyneHopper. 10liris .Cronin, 16 4. Wow,; Cameron Anderson; Wayne Grades C3TanWd°4-RI:LI-le:N71; Murray Flinn; Bruce McCal- lum; Gordan Pa:44-4411er; Allen Walker; Mark Lockhart, Grades 5 and t; --Jot!), Eels- enwiller; Ken Empey; Alien Cardiff; Ronnie Snowden; Ray Robinson; Gordon itina, Grades 7 and 8- -Linda Cald- well; Lois Eckenswiller; Joan Brenda Campbell;s taplietionn&1 ;ChSeIrlyolwdel; Pat- terson, 1 Open, Ontario Farming 1866 wary Passehier; Julaine An- derson; Shirley Payne; Lois lileirenswiller; Linda Snowden; Elaine Robinson. Open, Poster -Ruth Camp- bell; Linda Snowden; Joan Campbell; Velma Fear; Julaine Anderson; Monna Pardon, Religious Booklet - Lorna Mason; Marlene Armstrong; Evelyn Bieman; .Than Currie; Marilyn Robertson; Cathy Bone. Grades 2, 3 and 4 - Alice Beceroft; Karen Currie; Jane Shiell; Mary Garniss; Edith Sne1; Sandra Currie. Grades 7 and 8 Brian Jam- ieson; john McCallum; Chris Cronin; Jimmy Riperoft; Neil Lockhart; Bill Garaiss. Open, Farming 1386 -Barry Mason; Jimmy Receroft; Rich- ard Anderson; Michael McNall; Larry Robinson; Ronnie Snow- den, Open Poster -Richard An- derson; Joey Eckenswiller; Larry Robinson; Raymond Van Camp; Cameron Anderson. Grades 5. 6, 7 and 8-Billy Snell; Gordon Rinn. Grades 2, 3 and 4-Murray Rhin; Bruce McCallum; Dennis Thompson; Doug Shiell; Mur- ray Irwin. Open, Booklet-Cathy Bone. CRAFTS Grades 1 and 2-Margaret Wesselinit; Grace Kelly; Hilda Thalcn, 10 E. Waw.; Barbara Glousher; Jilda Anderson; ls.Taxine Proctor. Grades 3 and 4 - Brenda Glousher; Janet Cardiff; Bev- erly Casemore; Janet Haines; Mary Edith Garniss; Cathy Barbour. Grades 5 and 6-Gwen Hunt- er; Velma Fear; Jean Cald- well; Lorna Mason; Brenda Glousher; Barbara Glousher. Grades 7 and 8-Lois Eck- enswiller; Linda Johnston; Linda Snowden; Shirley Pay- ne; Joan Campbell; Gail Mc- Lennan. ARTS AND CRAFTS-(Boys) Grades 1 and '2 - Wayne Cook; Glen McLean; Paul Gin- grich; Tommy Miller; Danny Lamont; Jim Glousfher. Grades 3 and 4-Glen Nix- on; Michael Walsh; Calvin Nixon; David Wasselink; Gor- don Passehier; Glen Wight- man, Grades 5 and 6 - Ronnie Snowden; Allen Cardiff; Joey Eckenswiller; Duncan Ander- son; David Gingrich.; John W. 'Mears. Grades 7 and 8 - Cameron Anderson; Jim Duncan; Jahn McCallum; Jimmie Beecroft; Barry Mason; Clayton Bosnian. Open - Chris Cronin; Ken Empey; Billie Empey; Neil Lockhart; David Campbell; Murray Bone. Open-Ray VanCamp; Allen Cardiff; Duncan Anderson; Michael MeNall; Rodney White; Cameron Anderson. ()Pen -May Hartiieb; Joan Campbell; Joan Currie; Ruth It ilert Carrie; Darlene Coultes; Joyce Nethery. Open-Julaine Anderson; Ca- thy Bone; Monna Purdon; Mary Passehier; Jean Cala., well; Barbara Glousher. /NSTITLTTE CLASS .S Senior Girls - Karen Gal- braith; Joyce Taylor! Joan Currie; Nancy Anderson; Judy Cook; Mary Anne Wheeler, Junior Girls-Darlene Coul- tes; Linda IVfachan; Donelda Lamont; Joan Black; Doreen Anderson; Muriel Taylor, Junior Boys, Grades 1-4., Scrapbook Cameron Yuill; Murray Irwin; Danny Lamont; Danny Campbell; Dale La- mont; Lorne Scott. Open, Poem on Centennial- Joan Campbell; Bill Garniss; Keith. Elston; Linda Elliott. Grades 1-4, Girls, Book Cover -Karen Currie; Sandra Cur- rie; Darlene Coultes. Grades 5-8, Snapshots-Nan- cy Anderson; Donna Edgar. Grades 1-4, Boys, Bird Feed- er-Greg Cook; Murray Irwin. Grades 5-8, Boys, Snapshots - Michael McNeil; Richard Anderson; Murray Wightman. Seven Sessions For Co. Council BY R, S, ATKEY GODERICH-Huron County Council plans to meet seven times next year, it was decid- ed at the September session, Friday. Report of the Warden's and Personnel Committee, which was adopted without discussion, proposed times of meetings as follows: January, three days; March, two days; April, one day; June, two days, Septem- ber, one day; October, one day; November, two days; to- tal, 12 days. In 1966 sessions have totall- ed ten days with the November session still to come. The report recommended: "In view of the increased amount of business being trans- acted at the County level and in view of the fact that a great deal of this business should be transacted as quickly as possi- ble, we would recommend that in 1967, County Council meet more often, but for shorter per- iods of time so that the overall number of days of County Coun- cil sessions would not be any greater than at present." The entire situation will be reviewed later in 1967 for fut- ure needs. E. W. Council Will Trade Road Equipment The clerk was instructed to issue a permit to the Ontario Department of Highways to burn the floor of the old bailey bridge on Highway 86, at the yard on No. 4 Highway when East Wa- wanosh Council met last week. It was voted that 'the treasur- er receive a $100.00 raise and that an advance of $42, 100.00 be made to E.W. Township School Area Board for the cent- ral school. The 1939 Champion grader will be traded for a windrow eliminator with the Dominion Road Machinery Co., arid in- stalled on the township grader for the difference of $600.00, subject to the approval of the Department of Highways. The treasurer's 1066 budget was accepted. Council applied to the 0.D.11. for a permit to construct arid repair the side- walk in the village of 13elgrave. Erect Century Farm Markers By October 5 Members of the JuniorFarrn- ers Association of Huron Coun- ty have started to erect over 240 Century Farm markers a across the county. In a series of work bees, the Junior Farm- ers have constructed and paint- ed sign posts for all of the Cen- tury Farm markers. The work of erecting the signs has been divided up as follows: Seaforth Junior Farmers: Mc- Killop; Hullett; Tuckersmith; Stanley - '76 signs; North Hur- on; Morris; Grey; West Wawan- osh; - 42 signs; Ilowick Juniors: Turnberry; Howick; East Wa- wanosh; - 28 signs; Clintonjun- iors: Ashfield; Colbourne; God- erich; - 38 signs. October 5 has been set as the completion date for this project. Century Farms must have been owned by direct descend-. ents of the same family for 100 years or more as of January 1st, 1967. As well, in order to qualify, Century Farms must be resided on and must be in ac- tive operation. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kerr and Brian of Bluevale, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore, Blaine, April and Curtis of Wingham, celebrated with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw, their daughter Janet's second birth- day and on Monday evening her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Crowston of Lucknow also joined in the celebration. Mr. Donald Watt, student minister at Langside and White- church charge resumed studies on Monday at Knox College. Mr. Watt begins his last year of studies and if successful in pass- ing exams next spring will graduate as a minister. Visitors on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber and fam- ily were Mr. and Mrs. William Brigner of Bradenton, Florida, and their daughter, Mrs. Bob Tupman of Waterloo. Mr. Elwin Moore of London is visiting with his parents from Saturday till Thursday, when he registers for the corning term at the University of Western On- tario. Others registering this week at the same university are Miss Muriel Moore, Mr. George Conn, Mr. Murray Coultes and Mr. Wayne Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Elliott, Paul, Ruth, Barry and David visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Henderson and family of Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jamieson and family were Friday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Le- roy Rintoul and family. Mr. and Mrs, Perry Penning. ton of Culross were Sunday eve- ning visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tiffin. ,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,,,, tttttttt tttttt .11.11110 ,1 ttttt .1 tttttttttt 0 , Whitechurch News Items