HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-09-22, Page 12-4
BEST FARE AT the fair for some was the
great North American delicacy, the hot
dog, This group of Belgrave district child-
ten works hard at making the "dogs" do
a disappearing act.
—Advance-Times Photo,
Page 4 WingIlatn Advance-Times, Thursday, Sept, 22, MG
Belgrave School Fair Hall Exhibits up This Year
difve goo), Ate Xec e dr4i eic e /6
Don't ash where your dol-
lars have gone , Tell
thorn where to go!
Continued from Page Three
son; Mary Ellen Elston; Cal-
vin Nixon, Belgrave; Doreen
Anderson: Bruce McCallum;
Wayne Caldwell,
Crabapples, plate of 5 --
Heather Currie; Dwight La.
rnont; Doreen Anderson; Dale
Lamont; Donelda Lamont;
Danny Lamont,
Basket of Assorted Fruit --
Kevin Pletch; Dale Lamont;
Jilda Anderson; Danny La-
mont; Donelda Lamont; Dwi-
gbt Lamont.
POULTRY (front Home Farm)
Jr, Gt., 1, 2, 3, 4 and Beginners)
Pair of Pullets, Light Breed
— Joan Black, 13 E. Waw.;
Mary Ellen Elston; Lorne
Pair of Pullets, Light, under
5 months—Cameron Cook, Bel-
grave; Wayne Cook, Belgrave;
Lorne Scott; Judy Sellers.
Pair Market Cockerels —
Brenda Nethery; Noreen Arm-
strong, 7 E, Waw.; Lorne
Pair Pullets, Heavy—Mark
Lockhart; Steven Robinson,
Pair Pullets, Heavy, under 5
months — Terry Armstrong, 7
E. Waw.; Steven Robinson;
Alvin McLellan, 4 Morris; Nor-
een Armstrong; Mark Lock-
hart; Brenda Nethery.
Pair Young Ducks — Gordon
Passohier; Anna Passchier;
Ross Casemore; Irvin Pease;
Carol Gross; Brenda Nethery,
Pair Young Muscovy Ducks
—Joan Black; Muriel Taylor;
Terry Armstrong; Lorne Scott;
Carol Gross; Cameron Yuill.
Henn Eggs, Brown — Glenn
Wightman; Mark Lockhart;
Paul Casemore, 7 Morris; Mark
Taylor; Wayne McDowell;
Maxine Proctor.
Hen Eggs, White—Judy Sel-
lers; Paul Casemore; Barbara
Snell; Marvin Cook, Belgrave;
Wayne Cook; George Snell.
(Sr. Gr. 5, 6, 7 and 8)
Mange's — Danny Bailey;
Joyce Taylor; Jack DeGroot, 6
E. Waw.; Terry Anderson.
Turnips—Linda Caldwell, 10
E. Waw,; Jean Caldwell, 10 E.
Waw,; Karen Galbraith, 9 E.
Beets—Owen Fear; Marlene
Pletch, 5 Morris; Joey Eckens-
wilier, 7 E. Waw.; Janice An-
derson, Belgrave; Mary Ellen
Taylor, 13 E. Waw.; Nancy
Anderson, Belgrave.
Cabbage — Margaret Robert-
son, '7 E. Waw.; Ken Empey, 16
E. Waw,; Alex Cloakey, 5
Morris; Judy White, 5 Morris;
Donna Edgar, 7 Morris.
Carrots—Linda Walden, 6 L.
Waw.; Murray Wightman, 6 E.
Waw.; Richard Anderson, Bel-
grave; Duncan Anderson, Bel-
grave; Brian Warwick, 8 Mor-
ris; Marilyn Robertson, 7 E.
Cucumbers — Bill Sellers, S
Morris; Cameron Anderson,
Belgrave; Donald Walker, Bel-
grave; Linda Bennett, 13 E.
Waw.; Wayne Hopper; Nelson
Nicholson, 4 Morris.
Onions—Keith Elston, 7 Mor-
ris; Louis Sanders, 5 Morris.
Parsnips—Murray Black, 13
E. Waw,
Squash—Glen Walker, 9 E,
Waw.; Connie Nethery; Velma
Fear; Ray Robinson; Julaine
Anderson, Belgrave; Leona
Nicholson, 4 Morris.
Muskmelon — Clayton Bos-
man, Belgrave; Larry Robin-
son; Ronnie Cook, Belgrave;
Lois Eckenswiller, 7 E, War.;
Ricky White, 5 Morris; Bert
Sanders, 5 Morris.
Watermelon — Donald Patti-
son, 9 E. Waw.; Grant Vincent,
Belgrave; Elaine Robinson_ 7
E. Waw.; Joyce Nethery; Sid-
ney 'White, 5 Morris; Brian
Walden, 6 E. Waw.
Mangels—Mavis Bailey, 10 E,
Waw.; Danny Bailey, 10 E.
Waw„ Velma Fear: Arnold
Potatoes (Lute)---Linda Wal-
den; Michael McNeil, Bel,
grave; Brian Walden; Neil
Lockhart: Donald Pattison;
Fred Meier,
Potatoes (Early) — Michael
MeNall; Neil Vincent; Keith
Elston; Neil Lockhart; Chris.,
tine Hartleib, Belgrave; Grant
Turnips—Jean Caldwell; Lin-
da Caldwell,
Largest Pumpkin — Gordon
Belgrave; Rickey White;
Neil Lockhart; Nelson Nichol-
son; Joey Eckenswiller.
White Beans—Susan Smith;
Nancy Anderson: Don Edgar,
7 Morris; Keith Elston; Donald
Pattison; Brian Warwick.
Coloured Beans—Brian War-
wick: Neil Bieman, 7 E. Waw.
Collection of Vegetables —
Donald Pattison; Sherry Wil-
liams, Belgrave; Nancy Ander-
son; Don Edgar; Michael Mc-
Nail, Arnold Pease,
(Sr. Gr. 5, 6, 7 and 8)
Asters — Mavis Bailey; Bill
Empey, 16 E. Waw.; Joyce
Taylor; Jahn Mitchell, Bel-
grave; Christine Hartlieb; Lin-
da Caldwell.
Cosmos—John Congram, 9 E.
Waw.; Clayton Bosman; Neil
Bieman; Kathy Bone, 6 Mor-
ris; Sherry Williams; Margar-
et Robertson,
African Marigolds—Jimmie
Beecroft, 7 E, Waw.; John
Koopman, 5 E. Waw.; Jack De
Groot; Danny Bailey; Velma
Fear; Lorna Mason,
French Marigolds — Linda
Walden; Linda Bonnett, 13 E.
Waw.; Wayne Hopper; Brenda
Glausher, 7 Morris; Mary Ann
Wheeler, Belgrave; Duncan
Larkspur — Neil Vincent;
Connie Nethery; Terry Arm-
Snapdragon — Donald Patti-
son; Don Edgar; Ray Robin-
son; Richard Anderson; Ken
Empey; Keith Elston.
Petunias — Joyce Smith, 7
Morris; Rickey White; Elaine
Robinson; Bin Sellers.
Zinnia — Lois Eckenswiller;
Gordon Gray, 9 E, Waw.; Brian
Walden; Glen Walker; Alvin
Moore, 9 E, Waw.; Mary Ellen
Cornflower—Doris Coultes, 9
E, Waw.; Kenneth Mathers, 8
Morris; Donna Edgar; Arnold
Pease; Brian Warwick; Nancy
Stocks—Grant Vincent.
Gladioli—Murray Wightman;
Sherry Williams; Nancy An-
derson; Lois Leishman, 5 Mor-
ris; Donald Edgar; Sharon
Cook, 6 E, Waw.
Dahlia—Arnold Pease; Brian
Warwick; Keith Black, 13 E.
Waw.; Sherry Williams; Shar-
on Cook; Pat Casemore, 7
Bouquet Sweet Peas—Larry
Robinson; Don Edgar; Marlene
Pletch; Brian Warwick; Kathy
Bone; Keith Elston.
Dining Table Bouquet—Ray
Robinson; Keith Elston; Don-
na Edgar; Don Edgar; Debbie
Cook, 13 E. Waw,; Brenda
Johnston, Belgrave,
Tea Pot Arrangement—Mich-
ael MeNall; Brian Warwick;
Donna Edgar; Gordon Rinn;
Keith Elston; Shirley Gray, 9
E. Waw.
'Giving Room Bouquet—Brian
Warwick; Julaine Anderson;
Don Edgar; Marlene Pleteh;
Keith Elston; Christine Hart-
(Sr. Or, 5, 6, 7 and 8)
Northern Spy Apples- Connie
Nethery; Joyce Smith, 4 Mar-
ris; Joyce Nethery; Janice Mc-
Dowell, 13 E. Waw.; Murray
Wightinan; Brenda Glousher,
Snow Apples -- Ruth Ellen
Currie, P E. Waw.; Brenda
Johnston; Connie Nethery;
Joyce Nethery; Billie Snell.
MacIntosh Reds—Ruth Ellen
Currie; Connie Nethery; Joane
MeLeana.n, 8 Morris; Murray
Wightman; Louis Sanders,
Apples, any other—Mary El-
len Currie.
Pears — Donald Pattison;
Keith Elston; Nancy Ander-
son; Karen Pengelly, Belgrave;
Shirley Pattison, 7 E, Waw.;
Richard Anderson.
Crabapples — Shirley Gray;
Gordon Gray; Murray Wight-
man; Nancy Anderson; Mich-
ael MeNall; John McCallum, 7
E. Waw.
Basket of Assorted Fruits—
Nichael McNeil; Duncan An-
(Sr. Gr. 5, 6, 7 and 8)
Pair Pullets, Light — Keith
Black; Keith Elston.
Pair Pullets, Light, under 5
months — Barbara Cook, Bel-
grave; Ronald Cook; Glen
Walker; Bill Sellers.
Pair Pullets. Heavy—Evelyn
Bieman, 7 E. Waw.; Ray Rob-
inson; Neil Lockhart; Neil Bie-
man; Joan Currie, 9 E. Waw.;
Larry Robinson.
Pair Pullets, Heavy, under 5
months — Marion Armstrong;
Ray Robinson; Joan Currie:
Marlene Armstrong, 7 E. Waw.;
Brenda Johnston; Larry Rob-
Pair Market Cockerels—Joan
Currie; Connie Nethery; Joyce
Nethery; Ray Robinson.
Pair Young Ducks — Joan
Currie; Paul Gross; Bryan
Black; Arnold Pease; Connie
Pair Young Muscovy Ducks
—Marion Armstrong; Marlene
Armstrong; Murray Black;
Joyce Nethery; Keith Black;
Paul Gross,
Hen Eggs, Brown—Marilyn
Wightman; Brenda Johnston;
Mary Ellen Taylor; Murray
Wightman; Neil Lockhart;
Marlene Armstrong.
Hen Eggs, White — Brian
Warwick; Marlene Pletch;
Glen Walker; Bill Sellers;
Marjorie Proctor; Sandra
Proctor, 5 Morris.
(For Beginners in Sept. only)
Largest Tomato — Patsy
Scott, Belgrave; Gary Hopper,
7 Morris; Rodger Craig, 10 E.
Waw.; Mary Ellen ralston;
Paul Casemore; Kitty Hartleib,
tie .eumpkin—Anne Christ-
mas, 9 E. W,aw,; Kitty Hart-
lieb; Jviary Ellen allston; Lynne
Haines; Laurie Haines; Mar-
vin Cook.
Ouc Odd-formed Vegetable—
Laurie Haines; Lynne Haines;
Paul Casemore; Kitty Hartlieb;
Gail White, 5 Morris; Reta
Lynne White, Belgrave.
Mature Sunflower — Janet
Cook, 6 E. Waw.; Rodger
Craig; Garry Hopper,
Three Tomatoes — Marvin
Cook; Anne Christmas; Kitty
Hartlieb; Garry Hopper; Laur-
ie Haines; Mary Ellen Elston.
Three Onions—Anne Christ-
mas; Kitty Hartlieb; Mamie
Walsh; Garry Hopper; Lynne
Haines; Laurie Haines.
Three Carrots—Wayne Mc-
Dowell; Mary Ellen Elston;
Marnie Walsih; Allan Snowden,
7 E. Waw.; Marvin Cook; Pat-
sy Scott.
Largest Potato—Allan Snow-
den; Marnie Walsh; Kitty
Hartlieb; Garry Hopper; Way-
ne McDowell; Mary Ellen El-
(Beginners and Gr. 1, 2 and 3)
Pair Kittens — Kathy Gal-
braith; Murray Edgar; Brenda
Nethery; Ronald Campbell;
Mark Lockhart; Lorie Thomp-
Cat—Karen Currie; Heather
Currie; Ruth Ann White; Dor-
een Anderson; Ronald Camp-
bell; Judy Sellers.
Rabbit — Wayne McDowell;
Carl McLealand, 4 Morris;
Judy Hanna, 6 E, Waw.; Ray-
mond Hanna, 6 E, Waw.; Max
McLelland, 4 Morris; Judy
Dog — Murray Rinn; Jean
Pattison; Gayle Mazey, 7 E.
Waw.; Donald Scott, Belgrave;
Dennis T:hompson; Laureen
Pair Bantams—Irwin Pease;
Lorne 'Scott.
Any Pet, not listed above—
Donelda Lamont; Cameron
Cook; Joey Hanna, 6 E. Waw,;
Brenda Nethery; Paul Case-
more; Barbara Glousher.
Pair of Rabbits — Bryon
Black; Kevin Pletch; Nelson
Gower, Belgrave; Kevin Mc-
Lellan, 4 Morris; Doug Elliott,
6 'Morris.
Pair Pigeons—Joan Currie;
Larry Robinson; Fred Meier:
Barbara Cook; Calvin James, 6
Morris: Neil Lockhart.
Collie Dog — Calvin Nixon;
Rodney White, Belgrave.
Any Pet. not listed above—
Gordon Rinn; Ronnie Cook;
Connie Nethery; Leslie Brewer,
8 Morris; Arnold Pease; Bren-
da Johnston.
Dairy Calf, Heifer — John
Koopman, 16 E. Waw.; Jack
DeGroot; Velma Fear; Ruth
Ellen Currie,
Dairy Calf, Heifer (Junior)—
Mary Edith Garniss, 7 Mor-
ris; Sandra Currie; Karen Cur-
rie; Heather Currie; Garry
Hopper; Ken Hopper.
Beef Calf, Steer — Bryon
Pail-fed Beef Calf — Grant
Vincent; Neil Vincent.
Junior Beef Calf—Grant Via-
Beef Calf, Heifer—Neil Via-
Placings for the pens of two
bogs slaughtered at J. M. Sny-
ders September 15; 1st prize,
Mary Ann Wheeler, Belgrave;
2nd, Neil Bieman, Belgrave;
3rd, Neil Vincent, Belgrave;
4tit, Evelyn Bieman, Belgrave;
5tb, Garry Hopper, Brussels,
Champion carcass, Evelyn
13iernan; reserve champion, Neil
Showmanship with Dairy
Calf, id years and under---Gar-
ry Hopper; Heather Carrie;
Sandra Currie; Karon Currie;
Mary Edith Garniss.
Showmanahip with Dairy
Calf --- Jack DeGroot; Jolla
JOHN KOOPMANS, 13, of R. R. 2 Auburn, grooms his
Holstein heifer for judging at the Belgrave School Fair.
—Advance-Times Photo.
Koopman; Wayne Hopper;
Velma Fear; Ken Hopper;
Ruth Ellen Currie.
Showmanship with Beef Calf
—Bryon Black; Neil Vincent;
Grant Vincent,
Market Lamb, short wool —
Donnie Edgar; Bryon Black.
Pony, pupils over 10 years—
Murray Irwin; Brenda Gloush-
er; Owen Fear; Rodney White.
Please Turn to Page Five
'66 DODGE, 4-Dr. 8, Auto., Demo., with
low mileage
'64 VALIANT, 4-Dr., Auto., with radio
'64 ACADIAN BEAUMONT 8 Auto., radio
'63 CHEVROLET 2-Door, 8, Stick, radio
'63 FORD 2-Door, 6 Std., with Radio
'60 PONTIAC Station Wagon, 6, Auto.
'60 FORD 4-Door, 6, Auto.
'60 FORD, 6 cyl., 4-Door, Auto.
'60 METEOR, 4-Door, 8, Auto., with radio
Several older models.
'59 GMC 3/4-ton Truck, 4 speed, racks
Your Dodge - Plymouth - Chrysler - Valiant Dealer
Len Crawford Motors
District Manager
Ph, 357-3661
Ju*t Call or Writs
Wingham District High School
Evening Classes 1966-67
The Advisory Vocational Committee of the Wingham District High School is
planning to offer a programme of Evening Courses again this year. Classes
will be held only if a sufficient number apply (at least fifteen) and qualified
instructors are available.
Conversational French
Typing Auto Mechanics (Part 1)
*Farm Management
Bookkeeping Auto Mechanics (Pt, II)
Leather Work
Senior Typing and
Drafting Fundamentals
Oil Painting (Beginners)
Business Machines & Blue Print Reading
Oil Painting (Advanced)
Electricity (Part I)
Millinery Electricity (Part II)
Physical Fitness Welding
Woodworking (General)
Sewing (Basic)
Suggestions for other courses will be considered.
Classes will be held each Wednesday evening from 8 to 10 p.m. The Fall
term will start on October 12th and end December 14th, The Winter term
will begin on January 4th arid end March 15th. If a second class is needed
it will be held Thursday evening. *Farm Management classes will commence
on October 26th.
Each course will require the payment of a registration fee. The fee for each
course will be $5.00 except welding and farm management where the fee
will be $10.00. No materials are provided in this fee. Fees are not refund-
able unless the course is cancelled.
Applications for courses should be mailed or phoned to the school. Registra-
tions will be accepted on opening night between 7 and 8 p,m. for those courses
not already filled. Fees will be collected on the first night of classes, October
12th, 1966.
Beard Vice-Chairman, Chairman, ANC,