HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-09-22, Page 6REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE pv.• • Winobron adenno Times. TharStlav, Sept. i2, 19" Coming Events ELECTROHOME Kinsmtn or- gain. Reasonable price. Phone 357-1897. 22* BOX for 1961 Chtv, truck for sale, in excellent shape. Ernie Pleteh, R. R. 5 Brussels. 22* • - . THE PERFECT school aid a portable typewriter. Try the new Underwood at The Ad- vance-Times. From $93,00. rr MILK FILTERS for sale, plain, rapid flo, 61/2 "--85e box, Alexander's Hardware. phone 357-3631. 11.arb 3-FURROW pull type plough for sale. Phone 392-6421, Tees- water. 22* MeOLARY coal and wood range for sale, ivory enamel, polished top, waterfront, pipes, Phone 357-3200, 22b OIL STOVE for sale, nearly new; Quebec heater with 700 lbs. coal, Ph, 357-1866, 15-22* 1 GEHL blower and pipes for sale. Contact Fordwich 37R4, Ross King, Gorrie, 22* TRY the new Underwood type- writers at The Advance-Timas office. Portables at $93.00 and $139.50. All the features of the big standards, rr SAVI, ON PAINT - 10K1 off regular prices on Kern Glo Enamel, Super Kern Tone and Martin-Senour. Your headquar- ters for Kern Lines. Alexander's Hardware. 5rrb FIVE 1962 FORD Fairlane wheels and tires for sale, mounted 650x13. Cheap, Phone 128W, Wroxeter. 22* KENMORE clothes dryer and Moffat refrigerator, in good condition. Priced for quick sale. Phone 357-2062. 22b MILDMAY CIDER MILL will make cider every day but Sat- urday. APPLE BUTTER by appointment. Cider and hard- wood barrels for sale, Wanted --Apples and gallon jugs. 22-29-6b VACUUM CLEANER SALES. Service for all makes, Filter Queen Sales, Zurich, phone Hensall 262-5350 collect. My2tirrh OLIVETTI - UNDERWOOD adding machines are priced as low as $103.50. Add, subtract, multiply, credit balance: 10-11 columns. Try them at The Ad- vance-Times. rr FOR SALE --- Hammermill screens cut to any size. Ma- nure and forage wagon aprons made to order 67H chain. Little Beaver, Gem, Woods, Cham- pion grinder plates. Little Beaver electric hammermills. Grinders and grain rollers. Lobsinger Bros., Mildmay, Ont. 22-29-613 Typewriters for Sale or Rent SPECIAL PRICES FOR STUDENTS New and used typewriters, add- ing machines, duplicators and office furniture in stock. K. A. Hammond & Co. Ltd. Moorefield, Phone 5612 15-22-29h REPOSSESSIONS 2 cabinet models automatic sewing ma- chines; 2 portable automatic sewing machines; 1 vacuum cleaner: 1 floor polisher: 1 Sunbeam mixmaster; 1 deluxe automatic washer; 1 portable record player; pay balance ow- ing on any of this merchamth,e, Singer Company of Canada., phone 357-3730 after six p.m. 22b SUIT SALE It's sale time at Armitages in Wingham with their Free Punt Sale where during this sale you are given extra Pants FREE made from the same cloth as the suit. \Vhy don't you be one of thy hundreds who have taken ad- vantage of these FREE pant sales. For $719,00 you tan have your new Fall suit math' to your individual miAsurenitins and made any style you wish with extra pants FREE. This snit normally sells at $76.00 Wiwi extra pants but during the sale just $59.00. You can take delivery of your suit in Oct., or Dec. Tho sate ends Oct. Nov.,5, so you must have your order in before this date, nu, extra trousers are yours FREE at ARMITAGE'S in Wi nghtun , 15-22-29-00-13h CARS & TRUCKS FOR SALE '40 1')01)01,I '2-ton stake (Allele with hoist for sale, in good condition: '56 Meteor, automit, tie, with 4 111W tires and good motor. Robert. Mothers, Blue- vale, plume 371,15, Brosm•is. 221i LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 5 BULL CALVES for sale, ii months old, ilanIt (*roller, It. It I Illuevale, 34-1849. 22 1' FOR. SALE --7-room house and bath, Oil heated. Phone 753- 6273, Brantford. 15-22-29-Ob 2-YEAR-OLD 3-bedroom brick house for sale, in Myth. Ronald Higgins, 523-9353, Blyth, 1S-22b ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE AGENCY Gordon B, Elliott, Broker, Edward A. Elliott, Salesman, -Phone 357-1590 Frame stucco duplex, an ex- cellent retirement home with an income, right downtown. Tills home is in very good shape, low taxes, etc. Posses- sion in approximately 60 days. Six year old frame home, 2 miles out of Wingham, 2 bed- rooms, oil heat, with very low taxes. An excellent retirement home with lots of garden. Priced below cost, Beautiful immaculate 4-bed- room frame executive home on a large lot, overlooking Sum- mit Drive; two full bathrooms, garage with breezeway and laundry room, full basement. Immediate possession. . „ 12 room brick veneer home, two bathrooms, two living rooms, fire place, oil fired hot water heat, frame barn now used as garage. While this home needs some decorating and repair it is in excellent con- dition. Possession Sept. 1:66, 7 room frame home, 4 bed- rooms, new furnace, modern bath, hardwood floors upstairs and down. Modest down pay- ment on this very reasonably priced family home. Possession 30 days. 2 bedroom frame lined cot- tage, Johns Mansville extra lot. Rossiland Lake at Hanover. WILLIAM S. REED Real Estate Broker and General Insurance Dial 357-217_4 -- - `Wingham •--- PROPERTIES FOR SALE Attractive new ranch style home, situated on a spacious landscaped lot, living room 32' long with beautiful fireplace, large dining area, modern kit- chen, 3 bedrooms with closets, 2 bathrooms, one 3-piece and one 4-piece, electric heating throughout, large recreation room and bedroom in base- ment, attached carport. Easy terms, early possession. Two storey red brick home, centrally located, large living room, 3 piece bath upstairs, 2 piece down, oil furnace, attach- ed garage. Full price 89,000.00. Two storey brick home, liv- ing room dining room, kitchen with utipb(.ards, 3 13,.d- rooms, 3 piece bath, oil furn- ace, large lot. Must be sold to close estate. - - Well situated 2-storey brick house, fully modern, large kit- chen, 4 bedrooms, double gar- age. Early possession. 111: storey frame 7-room house, oil furnace, 3 piece bath. Immediate possession--For sale or rent. Choice building lots, well situated, Several farms in Wingham area 100 non's to 200 acres, Several village homes for sale, moderately priced. Office employee will rent a 3 bedroom house, centrally lo- cated; possession as soon as possible. 01.01110011211.0.14.00111 ARTICLES FOR RENT RENT our now Dustless floor sanders and make your old floors like new again. We have just purchased the new Dust- less fluor sanding machines, You can save MT .-n'; by doing your own sanding, Alex- ander'.; Hardware. 24rrh FOR RENT APARTMEN'C for rent. Avail- able immediately. Phone 357- 1453, 22b T\V(1-111'11100M apartment for rent, modern kit ellen, dining mid living room ar ea, heated. Apply Box 104, A(Tvance-Times, JOB OPPORTUNITIES FINISH SC111001, Timm. Wilily prepares you to Write Ontario provinvial exam , Mations for recognized rod ifi- cate. Grades 6-13, All hooks rind supplies, Low monthly pny- rrients, income lax dednetable. For full information write Ca- nadian Acaulemy. 40 Maln St., West, Hamilton, Ont. A7rrh WILFRED Mc1NTEE & CO. LIMI'T'ED Realtor Walkerton, Ontario $2,800,00-11/2 storey 5 room aluminum sided home in Whitechurch, Standard lot with small barn, garden area, fruit trees and ample shade trees, $3,700.00-1 storey 5 room as- phalt sided house near Wing- ham. Partial basement, HD wiring, water on pressure. in- stalled new-built in cupboards and sink, 3 piece bath, oil fired furnace, outside chimney, sep- tic taak and asphalt roof. Large lot with ample shade trees, 11/2 storey 6 room insul as- phalt sided home with all con- veniences, with frame addition too, containing 3 rooms on 1st floor, Located 2 blocks off Wingham main street. Spaci- ous landscaped lot with ample shade trees and shrubs. Reas- onably priced for cash sale as owners are moving out of town, 150 acre beef farm, 134 work- able choice clay loam acres. 2 hardwood bushes of value', 2 spring creeks, 1 trout stocked, 2 wells on pressure, Bank barn with addition, Steel drive shed 50'x30'. Two storey 7 room mo- dernized brick home. Located between Wingham and Tees- water close to main highway. Reasonably priced with reas- onable terms available, 100 acre farm, 65 acres work- able clay loam soil. Located close to Wingham. Good water supply on pressure throughout. Steel clad barn 56'x36'; frame hen pen 24'x15' with steel ad- dition for storage; frame drive shed or garage 18'x15'. Fencing in good condition, River cross- es back corner of farm; also 12 acres hardwood bush of value. 1.L.: storey 9 room instil brick sided home with good asphalt roof and conveniences included. Priced to sell. Contact: FRANK J. CASKANETTE Box 167, or Dial 357-1702 Wing-ham. 22b 0,10100011.11011100001111000,00 MALE HELP WANTED 0105010,00.61100000.00 •10•0100/000 MAN required for night shift, 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. Bonus plan, fringe benefits. Apply Spinrite Yarns and Dyers Limited, Lis- towel, Ontario. 22b MINMOMILMS. HELP WANTED - Male and Female MARRIED COUPLE to man- age a golf course, caddy house and lunch facilities, April 1st to October 30th, Apply to Box 106, Advance-Times. 15-22-29b FEMALE HELP WANTED WAITRESS wanted. Apply in 'person only. Queens Restaur- ant. 22b FIVE LADIES required for day shift work. Incentive plan bonus, fringe benefits. Apply Spinrite Yarns and Dyers Lim- ited, Listowel, Ontario, 22b PART - TIME clerical help wanted for Wingham District High School, 11 a,m, to 3 p.m., Monday to Friday. Ability to typo desirable, Send written applications to the Principal, Wingham District High School, Wingham, Ontario. 22h CASH IN ON the big Fall and Christmas Selling Season. Represent Avon in your neighborhood. Write Mrs. Shirley Craig, Avon Mgr., P.O, Box 102, Owen Sound, or phone 370-9792 collect. Open- ings in Whiti ,rhurch and Molesworth areas, Sl5to027b EMPLOYMENT WANTED BABY SITTING wanted, by reliable lady. Phone 357-3332. 22* WANTEI) -Sealers, pints or quarts. Phone 357-1109, 22s Roll-loll desk, guns told rifles. Cameron's Billiards. I bell ‘VA N'Tiett Ride to London every Friday afternoon after 3:30. Willing to pay. Phone 357-2740, 22b 01,1) CLOCI<S WANTED, in any condition. Letters with particulars to K. Sandercott, Twilile Motel, It, R. 1, 'Hyde Park, Ont., or plume Wirghani 357-2399. 23-30-7-14 ' rrb BIRTHS LANG--.Xn Wingham and Dis- triot Hospital, on Monday, September 12, 1,966, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lang, R, R. 1 Formosa, a sa te GIBE-- InSt, Mary's Hospital, Kitohener, on Monday, Sep- tember 12, 1966, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gibb, a son, Brad- ley James, QUAST - In St, Mary's Hosp- ital, Kitchener, to Robert and Sonja Quest (Sonja Ross), on Thursday, September 15, 1966, a daughter, Welcomed by parents, grandparents and great grandparents, HEDLEY -In Wingham and District Hospital, on Friday, September 16. 1966, to Mr. and Mrs. Delbert liedlcy, Holyrood, a son, CAMERON--In Victoria Hos- pital, London, on Friday, September 16, 1966, to Mr, and Mrs. Brian Cameron, a son, Brett Michael. CARDIFF-In Wingham and District Hospital, on Satur- day, September 17, 1966, to Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Cardiff, R, R. 5 Brussels, a son, WEISHAR-In Wingham and District Hospital, on Sunday, September 18. 1966, to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Welsher, R, R. 2 Mildmay, a daughter. GAUNT - In Wingham and District Hospital, on Wed- nesday, September 21, 1966, to Mr. and Mrs, Harley Gaunt, Wingham. a son, NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF CHARLES EDWARD SMITH. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Retired Salesman, who died on the 15th day of July, 1966, are required to file proof of same with the' undersigned on or before the 17th day of October, 1966, After that date the executor will 'proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to th claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this 16th day of September, 1966. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL, Barristers, WINGHAM, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executor. 22-29-6b AUCTION SALES 0ftwowelmo AUCTION SALE Auction sale of Registered and Grade Holstein cows and beef cattle, farm machinery and some household effects will be hold for Graydon Ritchie., nh lot 3, con, 11, Ash- field Township, 5 miles west and two miles south of Luck- now on Friday, September 30, at 1 p.m. No reserve as farm is sold. Terms-Cash.. Allan Maclntyre, Auct. 15-22-29b AUCTION SALE OF SCHOOL PROPERTY Morris Township School Ed. will sell by Public Auction the following: September 24-School No, 12 South Boundary at 1 p.m. The school property including the furnace and pressure system; also the school furniture and equipment, September 24 --School No. 1, Concession 8. at 3 p.m., the school property, also the oil furnace, pressure system and general school equipment. On Oetnber 1, at 1 o'clock. School No. 3, 5th concession. The school and grounds ex- cluding the pressure system, also oil filmier. school furni- ture and equipment. October 1 at 3 p.m.-- S. S. No. 111, concession 1, The school property intending the furnace, also the pressure system, seller)] hell, te.leher's desk and other school furniture and equipment. Terms- On real estate, 10'; at time of sale, balance in 30 days. All other items Cash. Robert Henry, Auctioneer. CARDS OF THANKS The family of the late Lynn Morrison would like to thank all those who were so kind at the time of their breavernent of a dear husband and father. Special thanks to the doctors and nurses at the hospital. 22* I would like to thank all my friends and neighbors for the lovely cards, flowers, treats and visits while I was a pa- tient in Wingham and District Hospital, Special thanks to Drs, Corrin and Klahsen and the nurses on second floor.- Wilbert Hodgkinson. 22b I would like to take this op- portunity to thank all those who visited, sent flowers, cards, letters and treats to me while 'I was a patient in St, Joseph's Hospital, London, and since I returned home, Your kindness will always be re- membered.---Mrs. Laura John- ston. 22b I sincerely wish to thank all my friends and relations for flowers, cards and visits while I was a patient in Wingham and District Hospital. Special thanks to the nurses of the second floor, Dr, Corrin, Dr. Klahsen and Captain Ferris.- Linda Purdon. 22* I would like to thank our friends and neighbors for cards, treats and visits while a patient in the Wingham and District Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Corrin, Dr, Klah- sen and the nurses on first floor. Also to everyone who helped the family at home. Your kindness was much ap- preciated.-Ernie Pletch. 22* IN MEMORIAM FRASER - In loving memory of a dear husband and fath- er, John Fraser, who passed away September 20, 1961. We travel down a winding road A road without an end And they who seem so far away, Are only 'round the bend. -Always remembered by wife and family, 22* SANGSTER-In loving mem- ory of a dear mother and grandmother, Mrs. Thomas Sangster, who passed away five years ago, September 21, 1961. Sunshine fades and shadows fall, But sweet remembrance out- lasts all, -Ever remembered by the family. 22* MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING & DECORATING CHARLES RANTOUL Phone 357-3044, Wingham. Jy/67* SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used All work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R. R. 2, Brussels, phone 442\V6, Brussels. S1-D15" FLOOR SANDING New hardwood floors laid, sanded and finished. Also old floors. New modern equipment. Phone 357-2750. Norman Rill- tout & Sons. Ifirrb FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automo- bile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness Home Protection Call your Co-op Agent- 53 Maple Wingh tin Dial 357-3739. LLOYD MONTGOMERY FOR MEMORIALS OF DISTINCTION Let us help you choose a lovely and enduring family monument of ageless granite or marble. Our talented eraftsmen will create a memorial of lasting beauty that will stand as an impori.shahle monument to the future family memory, Telephone collect for assistance without obligation: Stratford 271-6736. Stratford Cemetery Memorials Ltd., 38 Avotidale Ave„ Strat- ford, Ontario A22rrb HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for fresh dead, disabled cows and horses, we pay le per lb. weighing over 500 pounds. For the most prohnit and courteous serViee in this distriet PLEASE CALL COLLECT MARLATT BROS. Phone 133 Brussels, Ont. 24-hone service-a-1 miya a week License No. 390-C-65 FAYE'S HOUSE OF BIIIAU'rY Will be moving to 90 Jahn Street and will be open for business on Tuesday, October 4th, 22b THE WINGIIAM HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Will hold an open Meeting in the Council Chambers, Town Hall, Monday evening, Septem- ber 26, at 8 o'clock. All mem hers and others interested in horticulture are urged to be present, 22* CORNER SHOP Nearly new clothing and other good second hand mer- chandise. Will be open for business Thursday, Friday and Saturday afternoons and Fri- day evenings from September 29th until November 26th, ex- cept Saturday, October 8. 22b THE MONTHLY IMMUNIZATION CLINIC Sponsored by the Health Unit, will commence again on Wednesday, Septembtr 21, 1966, 10:00-12;00 a,m., at the Wing- ham Town Hall. 8-15b CEMETERY NOTICE Take notice that a meeting will be held at Charles Tiffin's, Langside, on the 29th day of September at 8 o'clock p.m, for the purpose of electing trustees for Langside Cemetery, Plot owners are requested to at- tend. 15-22* OPEN HOUSE Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turvey, Brussels, are holding open house on Wednesday, Septem- ber 28th, from 2-5 p.m. and 7- 9:30 p.m.. on the occasion of their 50th golden wedding an niversary. Friends and rela- tives please accept this in- vitation. 22b TEESWATER FALL FAIR Follow the crowds to TEES- WATER, home of Canada's Largest Rural Fair on SATUR- DAY, SEPTEMBER 24th. See Canada's finest livestock; 4-H; machinery, rides, and Miss Dominion of 'Canada, Ontario Provincial Police Motorcycle Precision Ride features two complete grandstand shows; Canada's 48th Highlanders Pipe Band and Dancers in at- tendance. See Mr. Flowers de- monstrating in arena with the Craft Folk. Exhibits on view to public Friday night. Floor show and dance Saturday night in arena to music of The Debonaires. 15-22b TENDERS WANTED TENDERS for the caretaking of the Blue- vale United Church will be re- ceived until September 26. For particulars about duties con- tact George Fischer, chairman, 15-22* TENDERS Tenders will be received by the unedrsigned for the con- struction of the Wright Mann Drain and the Wright Newton Drain and Jacques Branches. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's Office, Gorrie, Ontario. Tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk not later than 5 p.m., Friday, Sept. 23, 1966. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Ivan Haskins (Clerk), Town- ship of Howick, Gorrie, Ont, 15-22b TENDER East Wawanosh Township School Area requires one care- taker custodian for the open- ing of East Wawanosh Central School. Reply by Monday, Oc- tober 17, 1966, stating age, ex- perience, salary expected and references to Mrs, Lorraine Cook, R, R, 1, Belgrave, For further particulars contact board members. Lowest or any application not necessarily ac- cepted. 15-22b TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS Tenders clearly marked will be received by the undersigned until 12 noon October 3, 1966, for three (3) trucks to plough snow as directed by the road superintendent in the Town- ship of Morris. Tender to state make, model and size of equipment, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. Helen D. Martin, Clerk, Belgrave, Ontario, 22-2913 Dmwmows. EUCHRE Will be held in the IOOF Hall Monday, September 26, at 8;10 p.m, Luneli served. 22b RUMMAGE SALE Of the Ladies' 'Auxiliary to the Wingham and District Hospital will be held in the Arena on Saturday, October 22, at 2 pari. 15-22b COME ONE: COME ALL:: Dance to the music of the fabulous New Set in the Brus- sels Legion Hall Friday, Sep- tember 23, 9:30 to 12:30, Adm. $1,00 single and couples $1,75, 22b TILE SIXTEENTH ANNUAL HOT TURKEY SUPPER Will be held at the Formosa Community Memorial Hall on Wednesday, October 5, 1966, commencing at 5:00 'p.m, Ad- ults, $1,50; children under 12, 75c. Bingo and games during and after supper, 15-22-29b A SERIES OF PRENATAL CLASSES Will begin Wednesday, Oc- tober 5th, 1966, at 2:00 p.m. in the Therapy Room, downstairs in the Wingham and District Hospital. Those interested are invited to attend on the above date or write to the Health Unit, Goderich, 22-29b OPEN HOUSE For Mr. and Mrs, David Gibb Sr., on their 50th wedding an- niversary Saturday, September 24th, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ted Whitby, 335 Shuter Street, Wingham, from 2:30 - 5:00 and 7:00 - 9:00. 15-22b ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. William Merk- ley wish to announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Sharon Ann, to Mr. James De- witt Adams, son of Mr, and Mrs. James 'Adams, of Blue- vale. The wedding will take place in Belmore United Church on Saturday, October 15, at two-thirty o'clock. 22* ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs. Robert Sy- mons, Doll Mills, are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Elizabeth, to Mr. William Stewart McGill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Mc- Gill, Wingham. The marriage will take place at 7 p.m,, on Friday, October 7, in St, Mark's Presbyterian Church, Don Mills. 22b A little old lady went to the post office to mail a package, and fearing she didn't use enough stamps, she asked the clerk to weigh it. After weigh- ing it the clerk told her she'd actually used too many. "Oh dear," she said, "I do hope it won't go too far." For Sale A little bit of heaven can be yours in this very attractive while bungalow located on a large lot on the outskirts of Wingham, Bright modern kit- chen, cosy relaxation area, 4 Piece bath, a bedrooms. Full cement basement, new oil fur- nace, new pressure system and all artesian well. Very nicely. landscaped, Bargain priced to sell fast. Country Paradise-The best in country living can be yours and you can make a pocket full of money at the same time u'ith very little effort by turn- ing- your spare time into cash. Located on provincial highway HU just we"-t o f Wingtant, this Very attractive and best of ail low priced 109 acre farm, boasts a solid brick home com- pletely modernized and reno- vated tastefully designed kit- chen with tile floor and ceil- ing and loads of buill in cup- boards, spacious relaxation area, family size; 4 pe. nrodern bathroom, again with lots of cupboard space, 1 bedroom down and three up, all nicely decorated. You also enjoy 111:1 h1111111 in cosy living com- fort front hot water radiator heatitig. Full cement basement. Solia born tlixat) mainly set tin for bog raising, 40 acres of Choice land is workable plus 10 acres of pa-lure, balance in hush, Br sure to make an in- qniry on this Ilne-111e price is loWet than .yott would over dream possible, DON HOLST REAL ESTATE LIMITED "Rural Ontario Specialists" Keith Fitzsimmons, Mattager4 Phone 357-3/111) Cecil Illithood, Retire SIM :Ai ve, Pholie 392-6952 AND StaANCI REAR SERVICE ;Ken's Alignment Service WINGHAM PHONE 357.1230 WANTED Dead Stock Removal W. R. HAMILTON OPTOMETRIST Josephine Street WINGHAM FOR APPOINTMENT Phone 357-1361 4, I tt, at