HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-09-22, Page 5THE NEW KINETTE OFFICERS were instal- led last week at a joint meeting with their Kinsmen husbands. Seated are; Mrs. Keith McClure, 1st vice-president; Mrs. Dave Burgess, president; Mrs. Maurice Stainton, past president; Mrs. William Hanula, 2nd vice-president; standing: Mrs. Stewart Leedham, bulletin editor; Mrs. George Gammage, secretary; Mrs. Vern Redman, registrar. Absent: Mrs. Ron Wingfield, treasurer; Mrs. Murray Taylor, sergeant-at- arms,-A-T Photo. Wf harn Advance-Times, Thursday, Sept, 22, 1960 Pa features from The World of Women YOU'LL SAID MORE. Depend on us to carry out your doctor's orders Years of training and experience have qualified us to fill prescriptions exact- ly as written, from fresh, potent drugs. In case of emergency, call us for prompt home delivery. Telephone 357-1880 Emergency 357-2093 JOHNSTON'S McINNES OFFERS QUALITY SERVICE AT REASONABLE RATES g CALL US NOW FOR FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY OR LEAVE YOUR CARD IN YOUR WINDOW Now is the time to let us spruce up your fall clothes and make them look like new. McINNES DRY CLEANERS PHONE 357-3750 WINGHAM CRAFTSMANSHIP REALLY COUNTS IN DRY CLEANING PRODAPT bEUVERV SpRVICE' ti Nurses Honor Mrs. Iris Morrey Hold Shower A miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mrs. Ger , ald Smith last Monday for Miss Gloria MacDonald whose wed- ding took place on Saturday, The hostesses were Mrs. John Strong and Mrs. Smith, The room was decorated with pink and white streamers and a decorated umbrella was placed over the bride's chair. Contests were held and lunch was served. --Mr, and Mrs, William Me- Cool and Mr. and Mrs, Jos, Kerr spent the week-end in Mua, koka where they visited with Mr. and Mrs, R. E. McKinney, -Mr. and Mrs, Allan Mc- Gill were in Toronto recently to attend the graduation of Miss Mary Symons from the Hospital for Sick Children School of Nursing. Hear Report on Area Convention BELMORE-The September meeting of the Women's Insti- tute was held on Wednesday evening of last week, in the Institute Hall, Mrs. Tom Ing- lis was the convener. The top- ic was "Health". Roll call was answered by stating a grandmother's cure, Mrs. Elmer Jeffrey was in charge of the motto, "A house is made to live in, not to look at". Mrs. Walter Woods gave an interesting report of a recent trip to the Canadian West Coast, and the Peace River Conserva- tion Project, Mrs. Harry Mul- vey, Mrs. Fred Doubledee and Mrs. David Eadie gave an ac- count of the Grey-Bruce W.I. area convention, held recently in Lucknow. Following the business ofthe meeting, lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Ken Cham- bers, Mrs. Ralph Dickson, and Mrs. Earl Fitch. W.A. to Cater On Fair Day FORDWICH-Trinity W.A. met for its September meeting at the home of Mrs. Karl Krum- land, Lakelet. Mrs. Peter Browne led in devotions. Mrs. E. Hargrave read the Scripture and the roll call, a command- ment, was answered by 11 mem. bers and three visitors, An invitation was received to open house at the Mohawk Residential School in Brantford. Mrs. R. Foster gave the study on who became Bishop of Moo- sonee in the early 1900's. The W.A. members will ca- ter to the Agricultural Society on fair day. A quilting is plan- ned for September 30 in the basement. Mrs. E. Strong and Mrs. S. Forester told of their trip to the West Coast, Mrs. Peter Browne closed the. meeting with prayer and Mrs. Elsie I)emerling conducted sev- eral contests, Lunch was serv- ed by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. E. Ferguson. Fordwich Miss Karen Carswell of Lon- don, Mr. and Mrs. David Ing- lis and John Carswell of Kitch- ener spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cars- well. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Frew am Sharon of Preston visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore. 'the latter had spent the past week in Preston and Galt. Misses Marjory Rattan of Kitchener and Marion Rattan of Teeswater spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Rut tan. Mr, and Mrs, Ted Rice of St. Clements spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Ken Graham. --Miss Eleanor Errington, nurse-in-training at Galt but at present at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, spent a few days last week at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. William Errington, -Mr. Mack Cameron of Oshawa and Miss Sandra Cam- eron of Stratford Teachers' Col- lege spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Don Cameron. Mack has been transferred from Dryden to Osh- awa and expects to move his family there next month. -Mr. and Mrs. Ralph John- son of Kitchener spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Lee and family. --Scotty Ross had the plea- sure of visiting at Kitchener with his niece from Scotland and a niece from Toronto. -Miss Ann Keith, Shuter Street, has returned home after visiting for a couple of weeks with friends in Stouffville, New- market and Barrie, -Mr. and Mrs. MacKechnie of Sarnia spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. "Casey" Casemore. -Mr. Norman Hastings of Willowdale visited his mother, Mrs, Alkin Hastings last Thurs- day. She returned home with him and spent the week-end. While there she also visited her two brothers, Chester and Clif- ford Showers and their families in Toronto. -Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Young of Winnipeg are guests with their sister and brother-in- law, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Sherbondy, -Mr. and Mrs. Alan Nicol of Chatham, N.B., Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Nicol, Jimmie and Susan of Brampton and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Finnigan and Tim- mie of Petawawa spent the week-end with Mrs, Annie Ni- col. -Mr, and Mrs. Jim New- man and Kin of Cobourg spent a few days recently with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Newman. -Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Al- cock of Sault Ste Marie spent the week-end with Mrs. Ethel Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Clem Yeo of Southampton, Mrs. Cora Hughes and Howard Coheen of Toronto, Mrs. Mary Errington of Goderich and Mrs. Victor Errington of Dungannon visited with Mrs. Stewart on Sunday. -Mrs. W. W. Armstrong re- turned home Saturday from a cruise that took her on a circle of the Pacific. KOOKEEZE WROXETER--The Kookeeze 4-H club held its first meeting at Mrs. Andy Gibson's with five members and two leaders pres- ent. Leone Chambers was elected president; Brenda Town- send, vice-president; Jean Ad- ams, press representative. The reasons for the supper club were discussed and a light lunch was served. 1 0 N 4 t7. NI 441 Graduate nurses of Wingham and District Hospital gathered at the Twin Gables, Listowel, Tuesday evening to honor their administrator, Mrs. Iris E. Mor- rey, who has recently been made a member of the Ameri- can Association of Hospital Ad- ministrators. Since exceeding- ly few women administrators have had this honor conferred upon them either in Canada or the United States, Mrs. Morrey has brought credit to the Wing- ham and District Hospital as well as to herself. Mrs. Morrey was piped by Piper D. A. MacLennan of I,o- chalsh, to her place at the head table, which was decorated with roses. She received a cor- sage of gardenias, pinned by Mrs. E. Fielding and a very amusing poem was read by Mrs. Florence MacKenzie. Seated at the head table also were Mrs. D. Connell, past president, and Miss Merle Wilson, president of the Graduate Nurses' Group. Following a delicious meal the nurses adjourned to another room to recall the "good old days" of 25 years ago' when Mrs. Money first came to Wingham. At many points the group was rocked with laughter as amus- ing incidents were related by senior members of staff. Mrs. MEMBERS OF THE Wingham Women's Institute enjoyed a plastics demonstration last Thursday afternoon in the town hall, Miss Mary Hehn, right, of Wingham, shows a plastics arrangement to convener, Mrs. Omar Haselgrove, Miss Helm gave the demonstration. Advance-Times Photo. Morrey later held her audience spellbound as she covered a quarter of a century of hospital life, from the early days of eighteen patients up to the prea- em day. Anniversary Held At United Church BELMORE-Special anniver- sary services were held on Sun- day at 11 a,m. and 8 p.m., in the United Church. Guest speaker at both services was Rev. George Ball of Ripley. The topic in the morning was "A Reminder of God's Sal- vation", During the evening Mr. Ball spoke on "An Eternal Gospel and a World-Wide Fel- lowship", stressing the oppor- tunity available to church work- ers and Christian witnesses. Members of the choir pro- vided special music in the mm- ning. Mrs. Norman Newans was the organist. Lloyd Sillick of Teeswater was guest soloist at the evening service. A quartet comprised of Mrs. Carl Dougles, Miss La- vonne Ballagh, Mr. Sillick and Wayne Douglas also sang a spe- cial number, OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS --MEAT' FEATURES-- Coleman's Smoked Picnics"4194 COLEMAN'S SWEET Pickled COTTAGE ROLLS LB.69C CHICKEN LEGS 8t BREASTSLB,594 CHICKEN -IN-THE-BASKET LB.454 Coleman's WIENERS PKG. 1.09 COLEMAN'S - 1/2 -LB. SLICED SIDE BACON 594 BY FTLHEEMIHE O 'S BOLOGNA LB, 434 I SLICED PORK LIVER LB. 394 - GROCERY - Granulated Fine White Sugar, 5 lbs. 37c Libby's Deep Browned Beans w/Pork and Tomato Sauce, 28-oz. 3/89c New Top Valu Assorted Relishes, 12-oz, 4/99c Kraft Pure Strawberry Jam, 24-oz. 75c Kraft Smooth Peanut Butter, 6c off, 2 1/2 lbs. 89c Armour Star Beef Stew, 24-oz. 49c St. Williams Pie Ready Cherry, 20-oz. 49c St. Williams Pie Ready Apple, 20-oz. 33c Coronation Sweet Orange, Grape, Pineapple Grapefruit, Pineapple Orange Drink, 48-oz. 29c Leaver Pieces and Stems Mushrooms, 10-oz. 33c Chef-Boy-Ar-Dee Beefaroni or Lasagna Prepared Dinner, 15-oz. 2/59c McLaren Pik L Barrel Sweet Mixed Pickles, 32-oz. ..49c McLaren Plain Sliced Dills, 15-oz. 29c McLaren Garlic Sliced Dills, 15-oz. 29c Heinz Tomato or Vegetable Soup, 10-oz. 4/49c Old Tyme Table Syrup, 16-oz. 2/69c York Choice Strawberries, 15-oz. 2/69c York Raspberries, 15-oz. 2/69c Stokely Fancy Honey Pod Peas, 10-oz. 6/89c Stokely Fancy Cream Style Corn, 10-oz. 6/89c Stokely Fancy Cut Green Beans, 10-oz. 6/89c Stokely Fancy Cut Wax Beans, 10-oz. 6/89c Top Valu Choice Dessert Pears, 28-oz. 33c Royal Jelly Powders, all favors 10/$1.00 Salads Tea Bags, 60s 79c Shirriff's Instant Mashed Potatoes, 12-oz. 49c Pillsbury Assorted Cake Mixes, 18-21-ozs. 2/89c Easy Off Window Spray, 7c off, 15-oz. 49c Success Super White Paste Wax, 8c off, 1 lb. 61c Surf Powdered Detergent, 20c off, Giant 69c Mir Liquid Detergent, Tri-Pack, 60-oz. 79c Top Valu Chocolate Buds, Wafers, Macaroons, 8-oz, 29c Gleem Toothpaste, family size 79c Suave Egg Shampoo, 12-ox. 2/$1.49 Suave Clear Shampoo, 12-oz, 2/$1.49 Noxzema Skin Cream, 6-oz. 89c Curity Tri Cut Adhesive Tape 79c Curity Adhesive Tape, 1/2 " x 5 yds. 2/79c Mom's Parchment Margarine, 3 1-lb. 85c Black Diamond Plain Cheese Slices, 16-oz. 65c - FROZEN FOOD - Fraservale Cod Fish Chips, 24-oz. 59c Preservele Fancy Sliced Strawberries, 15-oz. 2/89c York Fancy Kernel Corn, 2 lbs, 49c York Fancy Diced Squash, 14-oz. 2/37c Farmhouse Apple Pie, 24-oz. 39c - PRODUCE FEATURES - Red Grapes, 2 lbs. 25c Green Cabbage, each 19c Pepper Squash 2/33c Brussels Sprouts, quart 39e South African Oranges, size 88s, dozen 69c V *I