HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-09-15, Page 15BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE — CLINTON 2 Shows. Nightly Come as Late as 11 p.m. and See a Complete Show. Box Office opens 8 o'clock First Show starts at Dusk Belgrave Downs A Harriston 10-5 Belgrave exploded for 15 hits to crush Harriston 10-6 Wednesday of last week in the first game of the WOAA Inter- mediate semi-finals. Coultes went the distance for Belgrave to pick up the vic- tory. lie scattered six hits. R H E Belgrave 103 032 .100 10 15 2 Ilarriston 001 031 000 5 6 3 Coultes and Taylor; Deve- raux, Dare and Bennett. OLD, BUT STILL in very good shape, this 1926 Dodge Brothers 4-door sedan, owned by Len Crawford Motors, Wingham, was the oldest car to pass the Department of Transport's safety check in Wingham re- cently. When acquired in Toronto the car had not been run for ten years. The new owners put the car back into condi- tion and it went through the safety lane with flying colors.—A-T Photo. ,,,,, ,,,,, fht ,,,,,,, ,,,,, if rf,et ,f,,,f,f„r,,, 0110M01.1111,1114, ,,,,,,,, It Atlrl rrtrrl „,,r,”morn', ,,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, 1040 W.F.S.C. Re-Engages Pros M11111111111111/111111111111111111/111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111113111111/1 11/11111111 SHOWPLACE OF WINGHAM — PHONE 357-1630 Monday to Thursdayat 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday-2 shows at 7:15 and 9:15: Sat. Mat. at 2 p.m., uudais otherwise noted Prices: Adults $1.00; Students 75c; Children 40c WED.-THUR.-FRI.-SAT.-MON.-TUES., SEPT. 14-1516-17-19-20 "THE SINGING NUN" Colour - CinentaScope — Starring: Debbie Reynolds - Greer Gerson Agnes Moorehead Chad Everett This is the warm and turle-filled story of bile Singing Nun. who was introduced oh the Ed Sullivan Show. 'Immoorising SATURDAY MATINEE SEPTEMBER 17 "MARA OF THE WILDERNESS" —COMING NEXT— WED.-THUR.-FRI. SEPTEMBER 21-22.23 "FLIGHT OF THE PHOENIX" WED. 14 - THUR. 15 - FRI. 18 CAT BALLOU In Color — Starring Lee Marvin in his Academy Award winning role Returned by popular demand — On the same program -- Move Over Darling In Color — Starring Doris Day SATURDAY ONLY SEPT. 17 NONE BUT THE BRAVE In Color - Starring Clint Walker - Tommy Sands and Frank Sinatra -- On bhp same program Go Go Mania In Color with The Beatles The Animals and Herman's Hermits SUN. LATE SHOW SEPT. 18 WHITE FREIGHT FOR HONGKONG Plus Voyage to the End of the Universe Corning! Next: WED. :IA -11-ttitt. 22 -PRI. t3 55 DAYS AT PEKING Wingham Advance-TkMOS, Thursday, Sept. l J, MO •-*, Page 1. THURSDAY and FRIDAY September 15.16 Douhle Feature — In Color "Boy, Did I Get a Wrong Number" BOB HOPE - EL CE SOMMER PHYLLIS DII.f.ER "LORD LOVE A DUCK" lRODDY MoDOWALL TUESDAY WELD (Adult Entertainment) SAT. - MON. - TUES. September 17-19.20 'Cast a Giant Shadow (Adult Entertainment) Kirk Douglas, Frank Sinatra, Santa Berger, Yul Brynner, Angie Dickinson, Jahn Wayne Color "WORLD OF HENRY ORIENT" PETER SF.TIERS Color Cartoon Coming next: Double Feature — In Color "Duel at Diablo" James Garner, Sidney Poitier "Viva Maria" Brigitte Bardot, Jeanne Mor- eau, George Hamilton Squids to Play for WOAA Honors The Wingham Squirts elim- inated the Brussels boys last Wednesday evening in their race for the Western Ontario Athletic Association championship. Fin- al score in the fixture was 15-5, Wingham taking the best of five series in three straight games. The local team will meet Rostock in the Wingham ball park at three o'clock this Satur- day afternoon for the first game of a best of seven series to de- termine the W 0A A Squirt championship. Leitch, the Wingham pitch- er allowed the Brussels boys on- ly five hits in the encounter while Wheeler, on the mound for Brussels gave up 0 hits. Catching chores were handled by Lockridgc for Wingham and likel for Brussels. The winners carne out strong with five runs in the first frame, added three in the second, one in the third, two in the fourth, three in the fifth and completed their scoring count with two more runs in the sixth inning. Brussels opened with a single run in the first, added four more in the third and failed to score again CROWN THEATRE HARRISTON — Admission Prices — Adults $1.00 Students 75c Children 40c WED. 14 - THUR. 15 - FRI, 16 Everything you hope for but rarely find in a movie! Starring Lawrence Harvey - Dirk Bo- garde - Julie Christie in DARLING A powerful, bold motion pic- ture—made by adults—for ad- ults—with adults ADMI1TANCE RESTRICTED TO PERSONS 3 YEARS OP AO OR OM Wed. and Thursday at 8 pan. Friday 7:00 and 9:15 p.m. SAT. 17 - MON. 19 - TUES. 20 THE CINCINNATI KID Stars Steve McQueen - Edward G. Robinson - Ann Margret He'd take on anyone, at any- thing, anytime—it was only a matter of who came first (Adult Entertainment) Saturday 7:15 and 9:20 p.m. Monday and Tuesday at 8 p.m. COMING NEXT : WED. 21 THUR. 22 - FRI. 23 WHERE THE SPIES ARE CALLAN SHOES YOUR FAMILY SHOE STORE JOSEPHINE STREET PHONE WINGHAM 357-1840 The Wingham Squirts, who have played a truly magnificen season of softball, travelled all the way to Port Perry in Eastern Ontario on Saturday morning to take a good try for the all-On- tario Softball Association cham pionship. The local lads had to wait out the first game when Rich- mond I hill defeated Peterbor- ough 23-4. Wingham in turn eliminated Burlington in a sharp encounter which ended in a 4-1 score for the home boys. Tommy Lee. gave up '7 hits but his team mates came through with all four of their runs in the first inn ing. Burlington scored their on- ly run in the fourth. The Wing- ham boys scored 5 hits from Burlington pitcher Rick Cornel- ius, The catchers were Jim Stewart for Wingham and Kim Parker for Burlington. R. H E Wingham 400 000 0 -- 4 5 2 Burlington 000 100 0 -- 1 1 1 SECOND GAME Taking on Richmond Hill in the second and final game of the series, the Winghatn boys held it to a one-all tie at the end of the first frame and there was no further scoring by either team until the fourth, when Richmond IfiI1 banged in five runs. They added another five in the fifth inning and insured their lead with two more in the sixth.. The Wingham boys got three runners across the plate in the sixth but were unable to im prove the count in their seventh inning try. Richmond Ifni was credited with 15 hits to Wiugham's Tom Lee and Jim Stewart com- posed the Wingltam battery and mai Steffan and Todd Price were Molesworth Trims Juvenile Girls The first game of the quar- ter-finals was in Moorefield last Wednesday but after the lay off the girls weren't in the best of shape. Linda Aitcheson had a love- ly grounder to outfield and got home on errors for Moorefield. Susan Kregar had a triple on errors. The Phys. Ed. teacher must be too hard on the girls -- they were all stiff. Score, 21-11 for Moorefield. On Thursday night the game in Wingham was nothing to brag about. The girls were still complaining about sore mus- cles which seemed a little worse after the game the night before. They started warming up in the fifth but a little too late. Score was 28-11 for Moorefield. But it was a close game back in Moorefield on Saturday night with Wingham losing by one run. The score was 15-14. Bonnie Willie had a triple in the 0th; Marion Willie, 2 dou- bles; Barb Dauphin, 2 doubles and a homer; Pat Zurbrigg, a homer and double. Pat had the misfortune to sprain her thumb in the first part of the game but finished the game. 20 PAIRS FOR MIXED DOUBLES The local bowling club held a mixed doubles tournament last Friday evening with 20 pairs from Teeswater, Atwood, Walkerton, Clinton, Seaforth and Wingham participating. Mr, and Mrs. Elwell Web- ster won first prize; Mr. and Mrs, 0. ilaselgrove, second; Mr, and Mrs. S. MacDonald of Teeswater, third; Herb Duffy and Mrs. Ballagh of Teeswater, fourth and Frank McCormick and Mrs. J. McIntyre, fifth. The lunch committee con- vened by Mrs. G, Day served refreshments Lucknow Fall Fair SAT., SEPT, 17, '66 FEATURING: —Miss Dominion of Canada —Beauty Contest —Baby Contest —Flying Dutchmen Bugle Band, Kitchener —Kincardine Jr. Pipe Band —Lucknow and District High School. Band —Mammoth Parade —Midway with rides —Dance at night in the "Roaring Twenties" to Carruthers' Orchestra NEWEST FALL STYLES FOR ALL THE FAMILY AT REASONABLE PRICES ,fteseoRammieefflimenomparmorp.-Neow-map-----air-1" WOAA. SQUIRT SOFTBALL FINALS Rostock vs. Wingham WINGHAM TOWN PARK Saturday Sept. 17 at 3 p.m. 0 at mound and plate for Rich- mond Hill. R HE Richmond Hill 100 552 0 -13 15 0 Wingham 100 003 0 - 4 0 4 The players and manage- ment have asked The Advance- Times to express their apprecia- tion to the fans who supported the team throughout the season and particularly the car owners who were so helpful in provid- ing transportation to the out of town games. Play in Grimsby Belgrave Midgets played in Brussels Saturday evening in the WOSA semi-finals, defeating Grimsby 12-1. Brian Coultes struck out 21 batters and Dave Gowing had 4 hits. They play in Grimsby Saturday night. This is the best-of-three series. The Midgets start a WOAA best-of-three series with Des- boro. There will be a game in Brussels Friday night. ed too late in the season. The officers for the 1.966-07 season are: President, Roy Ben- nett; corresponding secretary, Mrs. S. Orien; recording secre- tary, Mrs. G. W. Tiffin; treas- urer, Mrs, 11. Wild; costumes, Mrs. D. Fenwick, assistant, Mrs. B. English; ice supervis- ion, Mrs. Wm. Edwards; test chairman, Mrs. J. Strong; car- nival tickets, Mrs. J. Lloyd; director at large, Jack Ilodgins, Last season there were 88 skaters enrolled and a concert- ed effort to increase this nwrt- ber is to be made, An opening date for skating will be decid- ed by the arena commission. Squirts Lose Bid for OASA Title in Final Game of Series The executive of the Wing- ham Figure Skating Club held its first meeting for the new season on Thursday evening at the home of the president, Roy Bennett. The club profession- als II. Brooks and D. Thomas were present to discuss arrange- ments with the executive. Both were re-engaged. This will be happy news for those who bene- fitted from their instruction last year. Arrangements were also made to co-operate with other skat- ing clubs in the area so that talent might be exchanged for special carnival numbers and judges might be secured for senior tests. This should be of special interest to senior skat- ers. There are now 24 bronze medalists in the Wingham Club, three of whom will receive their medals at the opening skating party this fall. 1111111111111141111111711:1111(11111:111Tilill Mr. Thomas asked that the skating lessons be changed from Thursdays to Wednesdays and this arrangement is to be made. The junior children are again to receive lessons from 4.30 to 6 and the seniors from 0.30 to 9 o'clock. Should there he an increase in the number of sen- iors this time will be extended to 10.00 o'clock, It was em- phasized that small children who can not skate are welcome to join the. club, Plans to have the skating tests conducted before the car- nival were approved. Last year 75% of those trying tests passed though the testing was conduct- ed April 0, which is consider- HARRISTON DRIVE-IN THEATRE First feature now starting about 8:30 p.m, Thursday Nights — $1.00 per carload every Thursday night in September Closed Monday and Tuesday during September ANOMMIII•Bil.i...010MItIMM•MeNtlInv BIG CASH BINGO MORE GAMES — 15 GAMES AT $10.00 EACH BIGGER SPECIALS — 2 GAMES FOR $25.00 EACH AND 1 SHARE THE WEALTH BIGGER JACKPOTS — 6 CALL LINE FOR $280.00 $1.00 Admittance for 15 Garbles — Extra Card 7 for $1.00 Special and Jackpot — 25c; 3 for 50c; 7 for $1.00; 15 for $2.00 Every Other Wednesday Night AT THE WINN lifillON HALL, WEDNESDAY y SEPT. 21 DOORS OPEN AT 7:10 — Auspices Ronal Canadian Legion, Branch 180 --, MUST GO ON MONDAY, SEPT. 19 FOR EXTRA DOOR PRIZE DRAW ALL PROCEEDS FOR COMMUNITY WORK SPONSORED BY THE SERVICE CLUBS OF CLINTON 15 GAMES for $30.00 EACH 3 - Share-The-Wealth Games - 3 $1,000.00 BINGO — MUST GO ADMISSION: $1.00 Per Person EXTRA CARDS: 250 Each or 5 for $1.00 2 DOOR PRIZES — CLIP THIS ADVERTISEMENT LIONS ARENA 9:00 P.M. SHARP CLINTON $1,00