HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-09-15, Page 14Miss R. A. Cox Graduate of Chatham Hosp WHITECHURCH-,Miss Ruth Ann Cox graduated as a nurse at Park Street United Church in Chatham on Friday evening. She had completed her eourse at Chatham General Hospital on August 31. Miss Cox has been asked to remain with Chatham General as an instructor and has accept- ed the position. She will com- mence her duties on October 1. Ruth Ann is the daughter of Rev, and Mrs. Graydon Cox of Dresden and is well known to people in this district, spending WHITECHVRCH Mr, and Mrs. Roy Irwin visit- ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hastings and Murray of Morris Twp, Some from here attended the wedding of Mary Phillips and Murray McLean on Saturday in St. Andrew's Church, Wing- ham. Miss Bonnie Inglis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Inglis of Fordwich, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Adams and family. many vacations here with her grandmother, the late Mrs. Mal- calm Ross, and her aunt, Mrs. Olive Boss, now of Wingham. Mrs. Ross attended the gradu- ation ceremony. 111011.010NO11411.11^1 COIN COLLECTORS & INVESTORS: First Time Ever Offered! 7965 Proof-like Mint Sets $4.50 each Price List and Catalogues on All Coins Free! WRITE TO: HAMILTON COIN EXCHANGE 42 James Street North — Hamilton, Ont., Canada 15&29b 'Education for Tomorrow! FINISH HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME .. ii Ato / prepares you to qual • Gnades 6 to 10 course ify for rov't span- s, .., \*" loorr• sore trades coursos. ' course prepares you Grade 12 equivalency ...' ..,1 I for employment a: t:" draftsman. acoount an t , sec r etar y, et ' Grade 12 General •10 prepares you to write matriculation exams. All books and supplies for as little as $2.0D weekly. For full information' and free trial lesson write: Academie Standards Institute 40 MAIN STREET W., HAMILTON, ONT. Ma i l C o u p on T o da y E Last Time Thursday Sept. 15 at 3 p.m. Variety Review 'with Movieland Animals and Levee Loungers HENRI FRENCH Bicycle 'Thrills and Antics LABATT'S WUNDER., BANDE Courtesy of Lobatt's Ontario Breweries Ltd. GO ,G0 DANCE PARTY Sponsored by Coca- Cola Ltd. CANADA PACKERS SQUARE DANCING OLD TIME FIDDLERS COMPETITION LEVEE LOUNGERS GARLAND PARNELL Orgon Grinder and his Monkey "Tricky-Bobb" Continuous Entertainment On The Fair Grounds at Len Crawford Motors '66 DODGE, 4-Dr. 8, Auto., Demo., with low mileage '64 VALIANT, 4-Dr., Auto., with radio '64 ACADIAN BEAUMONT 8 Auto., radio '63 FORD 2-Door, 6 Std., with Radio '60 PONTIAC Station Wagon, 6, Auto. '60 FORD 4-Door, 6, Auto. '60 METEOR, 4-Door, 8, Auto., with radio Several older models. '59 GMC 3/4-ton Truck, 4 speed, racks LEN CRAWFOR MOTORS Your Dodge - Plymouth - Chrysler = Valiant Dealer JOSEPHINE STREET WINDHAM Phone 357-3862 'Tis Show Biz By Vonni Lee Strikes & Spores Mr, and Mr. Wesley New- ton Jr, and Michael of Wing- ham spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Fraser Haugh. Mr. and .Its. Blair Sharp, John, Tommy, David and San- dra of Sarnia visited her father, Mr. John flup!er for the week- end. Mr. !lolly Clement, Hamil- ton and Mr. Clarence Clement, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mrs. Clarence Clement. The latter has returned to Tor- onto with him. Mr, and Mrs. Geoff Wool- lett, Toronto, spent the week- end at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Pocalyu- ko and family of Elmira spent the week-end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Andy Pocalyuko and attended the wedding of Mr. Murray McLean and Miss Mary Phillips in Wingham Presbyter- ian Church. Miss Aileen Eaton of Sea- forth and Mr. Oliver Edwards, Dublin, were supper guests at the home of Mr. John Hupfer on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, John McGee, London, were week-end visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McGee and attended the Mc- Lean-Phillips wedding in Wing- ham on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bolt and family, Cooksville, visited at the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bolt. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Statia and baby of Kitchener spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Statia and Mr. and Mrs. Wes Heirnpel, and also attended the wedding of Murray McLean and Mary Phillips in Wingham on Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Smith visited Mr. and Mrs. John Sin- namon of Seaforth on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Bechtel and family, New Dundee, visit- ed at the home of Mr. Ross To- man on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Collier and Gary of London, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gibson, Dana and Duane of Monkton attended the wedding of Mr. Murray McLean to Miss Mary Phillips on Satur- day. Mrs. Collief and Mrs. Gibson are sisters of the groom. Mrs. Dorothy Earles, Misses Lynne and Leone and Mrs. Jean McDonald of London, spent the week-end with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Coates visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lucas, Listowel, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Walk- er spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Weppler of Chesley and attended the Ches- ley Fair on Saturday,. Mrs. Zella Duncan, Mrs, Vera MacDougall and Mrs, Vio- let Adams, London„ spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. WM. Detman, Mr. and Mrs, Wes. Paulin and other friends around Belmore. Miss Margaret Paulin, Tor- onto, spent the week-end at her name here. Mr, and Mrs. Malcolm Mae- gee of Willowdale spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. beanie Harris, Mr. Wilfred Brown was home for the week-end but has return- ed to hospital. The barn on the farm of Mr. Kitely, formerly owned by Mr. Edward Lambert, was destroyed ay fire Sunday morning. I should be bubbling with en- thusiasm and excitement this week! I should come on strong, singing the praises of color tele- vision, which invaded our land September 1st. I should be urg. ing you to rush out and buy your set immediately, if not sooner! And that I will do: In the hopes that one of the first in- vitations you extend will be to me. Alas, I am one of the 'poor people' of our prospering nation, a struggling writer, hall wit columnist who cannot even afford rose-colored glasses, let alone a boob toob in living or- ange and purple! Now mind you, I don't like to complain, but should any colour-minded rich soul be reading, do drop me a line, in care of this news- paper, and I'll catch the first zebra over: Our television producers wisely saved one of the 'Sum- mer Music Hall' series for col- or, the show with star John Davidson welcoming guest Nan- cy Sinatra. It was a mid-term production in the series, and so we really saw the last show the week previous. That has been the greatest summer series that has ever hit the television screen. Never before have we been treated to such fine en- tertainment by such a nice young bunch of kids! John Davidson was the young (24) star, handsome, versatile, personable, and talented as the deuce, lie played Sir Lance- lot in Camelot last year on stage, That's the role that made Robert Goulet famous, and just between you and me, I'll bet John made our Bobby look sick! Ile had joining him on this summer TV series, Jackie and Gayle, the two gals formerly of the New Christy Minstrels who now have a sweet sound of their own; the five King cousins, five beautiful blonde, spirited members of the talented King family who were simply fabulous; and a great new comic George Carlin who, in addition to presenting price- less comedy sketches on the show, also wrote the series' scripts. The guests each week were young, too, and every one of them the very best in their class. Without a doubt, though, it was young Davidson who made the show. [Ifs case before the cameras, his charm when talk- ing to members of the audience, were wonderful to watch, lie certainly had no trouble selling himself. His farewell speech on the last show was touching; after a summer with these kids we felt as thought we were say- ing goodbye to our best friends. Ilis thanks to all the people who gave them a chance may have been deserved; but even more deserved is the chance that these youngsters got, Let's hope we see them again, and next time, for much longer than a summer! 0--n--0 If you graded yourself on that rest during the Canadian Driv- ers' Test on CBC Tuesday eve- ning you are probably heading MEN'S LEAGUE Monday night saw the open- ing of the season for the Men's League, with an excellent turn, cut and some good scores for first night. Matt Boyd had a high single of 282 with a 049 triple. Other scores, Barry Fry* th Birthday WROXETER—On Friday eve- ning neighbours of Mrs. Jennie Harris called to celebrate her Seth birthday. The evening was spent playing cards and social chatting and lunch was served, complete with a very attractive hirthday cake in the form of an open book with icing simulat- ing the leaves. After lunch Mrs. Harris was presented with many lovely gifts and cards, to enrol in a drivers' training course right now: It is surpris- ing and could be fatal, how much those of us who think we are experienced drivers really have to learn about the rules of the road. This was evident in the fact that the experienced drivers in the studio audience, the chauffeurs, taxi-drivers, etc., came out with lower marks than the under-25 group who had participated in a train- ing course. This show was first seen on May 19th, and proved so popu- lar that it was repeated. It consisted of a series of driving (ogle with 248, 13i11 Edwards 203, Ken Saxton Sr, 202, Ken Saxton Jr, ..tritri with a 680 tri- ple, Gary Ternpleman 261 and Jim Bain i60 with a 062 triple. Team standings; ScOtch 11' Sodas 6; Whiskey Sours 5; Rum n' Cokes 4; Velvet Hammers3; Screwdrivers 2; Boilermakers 2. Whitechurch Miss Phyllis McPherson of Teeswater spent the week-end with her friend, Miss Donna Hand. Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Wall of the 8th concession of Cuirass visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ritchie. Mr. Howard Neable of Au- burn spent a few days at the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Neable. Mr, and Mrs. Dan McInnes and family of Holyrood were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gershom Johnson of Wing- ham. Mr. and Mrs. Gershom John- son spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Robinson and fam- ily of Donnybrook. situations in which judgement, skill, and knowledge of traffic rules must be used if an acci- dent is to be avoided. On their cross-Canada poll, 4207o of Can- adian drivers failed the test. Only 7c7o rated excellent with a score of 68 or above, This makes us look plenty bad as drivers. It's time we started brushing up on our traffic rules, if you ask me: This production, an excel- lent one, was produced in Tor- onto by the CBC in co-opera- tion with the Canadian High- way Safety Council. Fun and Entertainment for the Whale Family ADULTS .... $1 CHILDREN 25c at all times RtmemeeR GATE ADMISSION COVERS THE WHOLE SHOW! Fag m A.dvattee-Times, Thersday, cep:. Wroxeter Personal Notes Week-end win elisses Elsie and :.lariee itiieian were Mr, and Noel Dico.on of 1111$111111:1101:14 1111(11111 Ill 11111 1111$ FEATURE EVENT DIRECTORY 11111111111111111111111111011111111lio for your entertainment pleasure in TORONTO ROYAL ALEXANDER Theatre Sept. 12 - Oct 8 "THE ODD COUPLE" starring George Going EXHIBITION PARK Sept. 16 - Sept. 25 FESTA ITALIANI O'KEEFE CENTRE Sept. 19 - Oct. 8 Canadian Opera Co. presents FAUST - MACBETH - LA TRAVIATA - I PAGLTACCI CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA DEIRDRE ODEON - CARLTON Sept. 1 - Sept. 22 Julie Andrews and Paul New- man star in Alfred Hitchcocks "TORN CURTAIN" 31111111111111101111111111111111111111.11111111alli For economy and friendly ser- vice plan to stay at Toronto's Lord Simcoe Hotel *conveniently located at the subway in the heart of down- town. *Singles from 7.90 up, Doubles from 11.90 up. *Free overnight parking. T H E LORD SIMCOE HOTEL KING and UNIVERSITY Tel: 362-1848 1111•1111111111111111111111181111•11111111111111. hatful of thrills * stars * fun* spectacle!!! STARTING TODAY FOR THREE DAYS ONLY, September 15, 16 and 17 SPECTACULAR FREE GRANDSTAND SHOW (Twa Shows Nightly at 7 and 9 p.m. Afternoon Shows, Friday at 3 p.m. and Saturday of 2 p.m. Thrills and Spectacle of The "Big Top" ! HUBERT CASTLE'S COMPLETELY NEW INTERNATIONAL CIRCUS Western Ontario's showplace of Agriculture, Industry, Education and Entertainment since 1867. WIN ! 1966 METEOR CHEVROLET RAMBLER 4 COLOR T.V.'s