HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-09-08, Page 51r Y
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Top Valu Ice Cream, Assorted Flavors, 1/4 -gal. 89c
Blue Bonnet Parchment Margarine, 3-lbs. 99c
Pillsbury Buttermilk, Sweetmilk Biscuits, 8-oz....,4/59c
Top Valu First Grade Creamery Butter, 1-lb. 64c
Chiquita Bananas, 2-lbs. 29c
Cooking Onions, 3-lb. bag 39c
Waxed Turnips, 2-16s. 19c
Canada No. 1 Tomatoes, 6-qt. basket 89c
Canada No. 1 Prune Plums, 6-qt. basket 99c
White Grapefruit, 56s 5/49c
FLIPPER, the TV porpoise, looks over an Eedee fashion
award winner at his home in Florida. The plum colored
Mini-skirt with Mondrian patterned sweater, hat and
sox, an Eedee winner, was paraded before holiday crowds
at an all Canadian fashion show in Florida
ROUGH AND TUMBLE-DRY suits are knitted of stretch
nylon. Bigger brother's brass-buttoned three-piece style
in red, white and navy has a yacht club air. Little bro-
ther's turtle neck design is in baby blue and navy. Em-
broidered ship motif uses white buttons for portholes.
sions of the custardy main-dish pie, the quiche. This
flavorful quiche teams cheese and sausage seasoned with
red pepper and other spices.
-,Mr, and Mrs. Bill Craw,
ford and Cindy of Toronto )(Wt."'
ad over the week-end with her
mother, Mrs, George Fowler.
L, C. Young and son
George, and a friend, Mrs, N,
Brown of Willowdale, were in
town on Saturday visiting friends
"The pepper that they do
bring from the Indies, not only
serveth for medicine, but it is
most excellent," wrote 16th
Century Nicholas Monardes in
book entitled "Joyful News out
of The New Found World."
"They (the peppers) are used in
all manner of meats and pot-
ages ... made in pieces and
cast into the broth it is an ex-
cellent sauce, they do use it in
all that which the aromatic
spice is used, which is brought
from Malucco and Calieut."
By "the aromatic spice...
from Malucco and Calicut"
Monardes meant black or white
pepper which is, of course,
from an entirely different plant,
a vine. Since many of the pod
peppers (or Capsicums) had
pleasing pungency Spanish ex-
plorers immediately called
them "pepper" thereby creating
confusion which still exists.
Traditionally cayenne was
prepared from the spunkiest lit-
tle chillies and since these vary
in color from red to yellow,
cayenne was usually an orange-
colored spice, Red pepper
(ground or crushed) was more
likely to be produced from
somewhat larger, less pungent
peppers and its color was a
truer red.
3 tablespoons sweet pepper
2 tablespoons celery flakes
1.1 tablespoons instant chopped
1/8 teaspoon instant minced
1/3 cup water
6 slices bacon
1 lb, ground chuck
1 can (15 oz.) whole tomatoes
1 can (0 oz.) tomato paste
- teaspoon basil leaves
teaspoon salt
teaspoon ground cayenne
1/8 teaspoon ground black pep-
1 bay leaf
2 medium-sized eggplants, 1
lb. each
Boiling water
1 teaspoon salt
11 cup grated sharp Canadian
Combine first 5 ingredients;
let stand 10 minutes for vege-
tables to soften. In the mean-
time, in a large skillet cook
bacon until partially cooked.
Remove to absorbent paper.
Add softened vegetables to bac-
on fat and cook over low heat,
stirring frequently, until onion
is lightly browned, Add ground
chuck and cook, stirring freq-
uently, until brown. In a large
bowl combine tomatoes, tom-
ato paste, basil leaves, the
teaspoon salt, ground red pep-
per, ground black pepper and
bay leaf. Add to beef mixture.
Cook, uncovered, over low
heat, stirring frequently until
a large bowl combine beaten
eggs, cream, milk, parsley
flakes, ground red pepper, nut-
meg, ground black pepper and
onion flakes. Sprinkle shredd-
ed cheese over bottom of pastry
shell. Top with sausage. Pour
egg mixture over all. Bake on
the lowest shelf in a preheated
hot oven (425 degrees F.) 15
minutes. Reduce heat to slow
(300 degree F.) and bake 40
minutes longer or until custard
is set. Serve hot. Yield: One
9-inch quiche.
Illness Causes
Cancellation of
Several Functions
Miss Mary Phillips, whose
marriage to Murray Earl Mc-
Lean takes place this Saturday,
was feted by several showers
last month.
A miscellaneous shower was
given by Mrs. Ivan Cook in
honor of the bride-elect early
in August in the Ripley Legion
Hall. The bride's cousins, Miss
Rosalene Phillips and Miss Lou-
ise McDonald assisted in open-
ing the many beautiful and use-
ful gifts. Mary expressed her
thanks and appreciation and a
delicious lunch was served.
On August 10, the office
employees of Co-operatorS In-
surance Association held a din-
ner party for Mary at Hatton's
Hall in Owen Sound. After
dinner she received many use-
ful gifts, for which she thanked
her co-workers,
The Wingham community
shower planned for August 20
had to be cancelled. Mary has
since received a card table set,
a white clothes hamper and a
French Provincial coffee table
and matching lamp table.
Mrs. George Cameron and
Barbara planned a breakfast
,personal shower for Mary on
August 20, which was also can-
celled. The bride received
many beautiful personal gifts
while in hospital in London.
A dinner party planned for
August 27 by Miss Esther Kerr
and Miss Helen Currie at the
former's home was cancelled.
A gift of a barbecue was given
to the bride-elect at a later
Mrs. Leonard Phillips enter-
tained Mary's attendants, Miss
Barbara Cameron, Miss I lelen
Currie, Miss Esther Kerr and
Miss Linda Elliott and their
mothers at a dinner party on
August 38, Following the din-
ner, the bride-elect presented
each of the attendants with a
small gift.
-John Merkley of Toronto
spent the holiday week-end with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har-
ry Merkley.
The September meeting of
the Women's Missionary Society
of St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Church was held in the upper
room with the president, Mrs.
T, Currie presiding. After the
call to worship a hymn was
sung and Mrs. Currie offered
The offering was received
and the offertory prayer given
by Miss V. McLaughlin. Prayer
was offered by Mrs. H. Aitchi-
son. The Scripture and medi-
tation were given by Mrs. W.
Lapp, her thoughts based on
Psalm 23.
The guest speaker, Miss Bet-
ty Anne Lapp, was introduced
by Miss C. Isbister. Betty An-
ne, a student of Toronto Bible
College, leaves shortly for her
final year for her Bachelor of
Theology degree.
Betty Anne chose David as
her topic, giving a brief out-
Hold Shower at
United Church
BLUEVALE-A very attrac-
tive shower was given on Fri-
day evening in the schoolroom
of the United Church for Miss
Mary Fischer, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J. V. Fischer, whose
marriage takes place on Sep-
tember 17th.
The room was decorated
with small pink and white bells,
streamers and summer flowers.
The bride-elect was seated
with her mother and the groom's
mother, Mrs. Harry Temple-
man, under a decorated canopy.
A sing-song was conducted
by Mrs. Keith Moffatt, with
accompaniment by Mrs. Nora
Moffatt, and Mrs. McMichael
and Mrs. Wendell Stamper ar-
ranged contests. Mrs. George
Hetherington gave a reading.
Miss Fischer received many
beautiful and useful gifts and
was assisted in opening and dis-
playing them by Mrs. Murray
McFarlane and Mrs. Clifford
Brewer. Miss Fischer responded
in a graceful little speech and
invited all present to attend the
trousseau tea, to be given by
her mother in her honor on Sep-
tember 17th,
line of David's life and then
speaking of him as a man, elms.,
en, called and equipped forhis
task. As god had a plan for
David, so he has for all lives.
Even though we do not under-
stand, we must go forward with
faith and obedience, Miss Lapp
said. As God proved sufficient
for David's every need, He will
meet our every need, if we ful-
ly trust Him.
The speaker said, "As we
wait for God's will to come to
our lives we might 'remember
that the faithful fulfilment of
the commonplaces of daily life
is the best preparation for any
great demand that may sudden-
ly come upon us,"
Miss Lapp spoke of her life
at T.B.C„ of her summer work
and her opportunities for wit-
ness there.
Mrs. W. Congram thanked
the speaker and asked for daily
prayers of the W.M. S. mem-
bers for Betty Anne, as she pre-
pares for her life of service to
Miss C. Isbister gave the
closing prayer.
-Miss Judy Forsyth, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart
7 orsyth left on Tuesday for St.
Joseph's Hospital, London,
where she will take the nurses'
training course during the next
three years.
A stolen car is a dangerous
car, says the Ontario Safety
League. A way-out idea for
extra car protection comes from
Vienna. Inventor Urich Reiter
has a device that, he claims,
not only makes cars virtually
thief-proof, but also traps the
would-be thieves.
It allows an intruder to get
into the car and even to insert
the ignition key, but as soon as
he steps on the accelerator
things begin to happen.
The ignition is cut off, the
horn begins to wail and a pair
of iron fetters snaps around the
culprit's ankles like handcuffs.
The device is invisible and,
the inventor claims, fool-proof.
6 and Mrs. G. M. Tay-
lor of Vancouver, B.C., spent
last week with his sister, Mrs.
Leask McGee of John Street,
and left on Friday to visit with
relatives in Toronto before tak-
ing a trip through the Mari-
,* times.
thickened, 30 to LIZ, minutes.
In the meantime, slice unpeel-
ed eggplants, crosswise in 1-
inch slices. Place in large
amount boiling water to which
the 1 teaspoon salt has been
added. Return to boil and cook
5 minutes. Drain on absorbent
paper. In a buttered 2 quart
casserole place a layer of egg-
plant top with tomato sauce and
cheese. Repeat until all in-
gredients have been used, Cov-
er and bake in a preheated
moderate oven (350 degrees F.)
30 minutes, Remove cover,
top with reserved bacon and
bake another JO minutes or un-
til bacon is crisp. Yield: 6
2 tablespoons onion flakes
2 tablespoons water
lb. hard sweet Italian sau-
sage, coarsely chopped
4 large eggs, lightly beaten
1 cup heavy cream
3/4 cup milk
1 tablespoon parsley flakes
teaspoon ground cayenne
1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/8 teaspoon ground black pep-
lb. muenster cheese, shredd-
1 9-inch unbaked pastry shell
Combine onion flakes and
water; let stand 10 minutes for
onion to soften. In the mean-
time cook sausage in a skillet,
tossing frequently, until brown-
ed on all sides. Remove from
pan and reserve. Add softened
onion flakes to skillet and cook
over low heat until golden. In
Wingham Advance-Times, Thursday, Sept, 8, 1966 Page
features from
The World of Women
Miss Betty Ann Lapp
Addresses WMS Meeting
Loin Pork Roast Ls. 69(
Loin Pork Chops LB. 79(
Shoulder Roast LB. 49C
LB. 69C
LB. 35(
Roost or Chops LB. 49C
Aylmer Condensed Tomato Soup, 10-oz. 8/99c
Garden Patch Choke Green Peas, 15-oz. 8/98c
Cashmere Bathroom Tissue, Assorted 8 rolls 69c
Aylmer Condensed Vegetable Soup, 10-oz. 4/54c
Schwartz Homogenized Peanut Butter, 16-oz. 45c
Vachon Strawberry, Raspberry Jam with pectin,
24-oz. 53c
Ardmona Fancy Sliced Peaches, 15-oz. 4/99c
Schwartz White Vinegar, 136-oz. 59c
Kent Choke Tomatoes, 28-oz. 2/69c
York Choice Cream Style Corn, 20-oz. 5 /99c
York Choice Wax Beans, 20-oz, 5/99c
York Choice Green Beans, 20-oz. 5/99c
Heinz Tomato Ketchup, 15-oz. 3/51.00
Clarks Beans with Chili Sauce, 15-oz, 5/99c
Heinz Sandwich Spread, 16-oz. 49c
Rose Brand Whole Plain, Garlic Dills, 48-oz. „.„ 59c
Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 16-oz. 2/75c
Jell 0 Pudding, Banana Orange, Banana Cream,
Cocoanut Cream, Butter Pecan, Butter.
scotch, Caramel, Chocolate, Chocolate
Cream, Vanilla, Vanilla Tapioca 3 /39c
Mother Parker Instant Coffee, 6-oz., 1966 25c
"Coin Pack" 51.19
McCormick's Crackers, Plain, Salted, 1-lb. 37c
McCormick's Saltines, 1-lb. 37c
Bold Powdered Detergent, Giant size 93c
Alcan Foil Wrap, 12", 25' 2/63c
Sandwich Baggies, 100s 59c
Granulated White Sugar, 5 Ibs, 39c
Bon Ami Jet Spray Cleanser, 14-oz. 63c
Highliner Ocean Perch, 1-1b. 39c
Swift Chicken, Turkey, Beef, Beef Kidney Pies,
8-oz. 4/99e
Farmhouse Brown 'N' Serve Bread, 16-oz. 2 /3 9c
York Fancy Cut Green Beans, 2-lbs. 55c