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Wingharn Advance Times, Thursday, Sept. 1, .966 A"' Page 5
features from
The World of Women
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ingbant Atitianweintit
Rainbow Wedding for Mary Hayden
Calvary Baptist Church was
the scene of a rainbow wedding
on August 13 when the bride's
attendants were gowned in rain-
bow hues. Pastor Howard of
London was assisted by Pastor
Leroy Tower of Goderich in the
ceremony which united in mar-
riage Mary Hayden and Albert
The bride is the daughter of
Ben Hayden of Bluevale and the
late Mrs. Hayden and the
groom is the son of Mr. and
Mrs, Peter Bilstra of Goderich.
Cliff Heffer was the organ,
ist. Mrs. Grace Richardson,
soloist, sang "A Marriage
Hymn" and "Joyfully Serving
the King".
Mr, Hayden gave his daugh-
ter in marriage. Her formal
gown of Chantilly lace with
pearl neckline had long lily-
point sleeves and bouffant tier
skirt. She wore a handmade
short nylon tulle Scotch veil
with matching crown and car-
ried medium pink roses and
white stephanotis on a white
Mrs. Grace Sanderson, sis-
ter of the bride, wore a pale
blue street-length dress of or-
ganza, empire style with match-
ing train and hat. Her acces-
sories were white and she car-
ried a white basket of ice blue
feathered carnations and white
The bridesmaids dresses
were the same as the matron of
honor's gown in style. Mrs.
Jill Hayden of Hensall wore tur-
Showers for
Jane Ann Colvin
Mrs. Donald Border enter-
tained the staff of the Bank of
Montreal at her home in Water-
loo in honor of Miss Jane Ann
Colvin, bride-elect.
Mrs. Harold Ross of Kitch-
ener held a miscellaneous
shower and Mrs. Grant Mc-
Laughlin of Waterloo held a
party for Miss Colvin at her
home, at which many lovely
gifts were received by the
guest of honor.
Mrs. Freddie Templeman of
Wingham held a miscellaneous
shower at her home on Boland
quoise, Mrs, Joyce AckersviIle
of Stratford, blossom pink and
Miss Nellie Bilstra of Goderich
was gowned in yellow,
Jerald Hayden of Hensell was
best man and Murray Hayden
and Philip Hayden of Bluevale,
were ushers, All are brothers
Of the bride, Larry Pentland of
Dungannon was also an usher,
The reception was held at
the bride's borne. The groom's
mother received guests in a
two-piece blue suit with white
accessories and a corsage of
pink and white carnations.
For travelling to Northern
Ontario the bride chose a pink
and white lace dress with white
accessories and a corsage of
pink gladioli.
' Mr. and Mrs. Bilstra will
live at R. R, 2 Bluevale.
Prior to the wedding, show-
ers were held for the bride-
elect at the homes of Mrs. Ed-
ith Hayden of Bluevale, Mrs.
Moses Martin of Goderich and
Mrs. Grace Sanderson of Ford-
On Leave
From France
Mr. and Mrs. William Step-
henson and twin daughters, of
France, visited on Monday with
his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Ohm Sr. They are spend-
ing their leave with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. William Stephen-
son Sr. at Brussels.
Mr. Stephenson was a hair-
dresser in Wingham for some
time previous to enlisting in the
airforce. He has been in France
about a year and the twins were
born there about three months
—Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wheel-
er returned last week from a
three weeks' trip to Banff.
Inexpensive cuts of meat
stretch the food dollar and can
also be very tempting. Marinat-
ing such cuts in a cup of French
dressing for at least two hours
before cooking can add an ex-
otic touch.
Ali Is Ready for
WI Convention
The eighth annual conven-
tion of the Grey-Bruce Area
Women's institute will be held
in the town hall at Lucknow
Thursday and Friday, Septem-
ber 8 and 9, Registration com-
mences at 9 a, m. with open-
ing exercises at 9.45 a.m.
The president, Mrs. Arthur
Maundrell, Southampton, will
be assisted during the conven-
tion by vice presidents Mrs.
Emerson Knott, Meaford, Mrs.
Percy Radbourne, Owen Sound
and Mrs. Harold. Biasing, Neu-
stack. The secretary is Mrs. Ed
Carson, Desboro, The conven-
tion theme is "You can serve
God only by Serving Man".
On Thursday the speakers
will be Miss Helen McKercher,
Director of Home Economics
Service, Ontario Department of
Always of special interest is
the banquet Thursday evening.
Dean Norval Richards, Ontario
Agriculture Colleges, Univer-
sity of Guelph, will be the
guest speaker.
Friday morning the session
commences at 9 a.m, with
election of officers and other
business. A symposium by the
three Board Directors, Mrs. Don
McCosh, Ripley; Mrs. Wm.
Clugston, Markdale and Mrs.
Percy Radbourne, Owen Sound
will be of much interest.
A special invitation is ex-
tended to all local and district
residents to view the Gay Nine-
ties Centennial Parade present-
ed by the Ripley Women's In-
stitute, also on Friday after-
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mc-
Clenaghan, Beatrice and Eldon
of Windermere, visited Wednes-
day and Thursday with Mr. and
Mrs. Russel Ross and other
friends and relatives in the com-
munity. Mr. McClenaghan is
a student minister at Winder-
mere and has six charges under
his supervision.
Miss Edna Carr, Reg. N., of
Wingham spent the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ross.
Pearl, golden or amber
glace put a luscious, fresh frost-
ing on your lips. Or try the
glace alone, if you want to
look extra cool and refreshing.
Donavan united in marriage
Helen Marie Faster of London,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar
Joseph Foster of Kitchener and
John Robert McGee, London,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Nor-
man McGee of Wroxeter, in a
ceremony at St. Patrick's Ro-
man Catholic Church, London.
Red and white gladioli decorat-
ed the church.
Mr. Foster gave his daughter
in marriage, She wore a floor-
length gown of French peau de
sole with bateau neckline, el-
bow-length sleeves and an em-
pire waist, the entire bodice
made of delicate Chantilly lace..
The skirt was A-line, A de-
tachable chapel train cascaded
from the back of the empire
waist and was silhouetted with
the same appliques of hand
clipped Chantilly. She wore
a matching peau de sole bow
headpiece which held a pure
silk illusion shoulder-length
veil, liar contemporary cas-
cade bouquet was a white or-
chid surrounded by trailing ivy
and white miniature carnations.
Mrs. Mary Kiteley of Lon-
don, matron of honor, and the
flower girl, Lysann Kiteley wore
floor-length gowns of white
French peau de sole which were
the same style as the bride's
gown with the exception of the
lace bodice. Flaming red bow
headpieces touched with flat-
tering cocktail veils, and white
shoes, completed their cos..
tumes. Mrs. Kiteley carried a
cascade of red carnations and
white miniature carnations
while her daughter carried a
basket of the same kind of flow
Donald Spence of London
Marilyn Porter at Lucknow.
,--Miss Barbara Skinn is
spending a few holidays with
her brother, Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn Skinn at Kitchener.
—Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
Beirnes spent the week-end in
Kitchener with Mrs. Beirnes' sis-
ter-in-law, Mrs, L. Aldworth
and her nephew, Mr, and Mrs.
Frank Caslick.
—Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Thompson spent the week-end
in Dracebridge with their
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lott.
—Mrs. Effting and son Chas.
of Chicago are visiting with her
sister, Mrs. E. Snell.
—Miss Beatrice Dey of
Southampton and Mrs. Wilfred
Henry attended the Wright-Dey
wedding at Metropolitan United
Church, London, on Saturday
and the reception at the London
Hunt Club.
—Mrs. Ken Cerson and Julie
and Mrs. Helen Casemore spent
a couple of days in London last
—Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
Beirnes had their sister-in-law,
Mrs. Ella Beirnes and Mrs. A.
Pierce of Goderich visiting with
them on Wednesday of last
—Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Johnston and two grandchildren
of London spent the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wheel-
—Mr. and Mrs. M. J. O'-
Laughlin (Grace Louise Parker)
and two children left on Tues-
day for their home in Westport,
Connecticut, after spending the
past month with her parents at
home and at the cottage.
—After visiting almost three
weeks with Mrs. Eldridge's mo-
ther, Mrs. M. Blatchford, Capt.
and Mrs. L. R. Eldridge, Mark,
Stephanie and Hilary left Fri-
day for Toronto where they will
spend some time with Capt. Eld-
ridge's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Gilbert Eldridge and Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh Laviolette and fam-
ily before returning to their
home at Canadian Forces Base,
-,-Les Langford Photography
mother chose a honey color
lace dress with matching three-
quarter coat, black accessories
and a corsage of Sweetheart
For the wedding trip to
Washington the bride chose an
aqua tweed suit with fur collar,
aqua hat which matched the
suit, black accessories and an
orchid corsage.
They will live in London.
The groom attended high
school in Wingham.
al 41
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it kt
was best man and Lavalle Kite-
ley of London was ring bearer.
The ushers were Murray Mac-
Farlane of Bluevale, the groom's
brother-in-law and Steven An-
derson of London.
Guests were received at the
Moose Lodge immediately af-
ter the ceremony.
The bride's mother wore a
beige dress with matching
three-quarter length coat, beige
accessories and a corsage of
Sweetheart roses.. The groom's
—Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wil-
lie, Bonnie, Marion and Pat-
ricia returned home Monday
from a trip through the Mus-
koka District to Algonquin Park,
and came back by way of Mid-
land and Collingwood.
-'Mrs. C. Tofting and Har-
ry spent a couple of weeks re-
cently in Peterborough with her
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ron
Lowes and family. Mrs. Lowes
and family returned home with
them and spent a week here.
—Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Cunning and Miss Joan Cunning
of Vankleek Hill, and Mr.Gor-
don Moffat of Toronto, visited
over the week-end with the lat.
ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.Far-
ish Moffat. Miss Cunning is
dairy princess of Prescott Coun-
ty and was competing at the
—Mr. and Mrs. Don Adams
and family spent the week-end
in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Braden in West Hill.
—Mrs. Helen Casemore is
spending her holidays with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. McLean
at Collingwood.
—Corp. and Mrs, C. R.
Croskill and family spent the
week-end in Toronto with her
sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lit-
sett and family.
—Miss Linda Farrish of Ow-
en Sound and her girl friend,
Miss Linda Locking, spent a
holiday with the former's grand-
mother, Mrs. J. J. Elliott. On
Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Ross For-
beck of Owen Sound came to
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ohm's and
visited till Sunday, and then
picked up the girls at Mr. and
Mrs. Elliott's.
—Miss Hilda Tiffin has re-
turned home after visiting with
Rev. and Mrs. G. Stanley Kean
and family in Chaplin, Con-
necticut, for a couple of weeks.
While there they all toured
New York City, Boston and oth-
er points of interest.
--Miss Judy Ohm is spending
her holidays with her grand-
mother, Mrs. J. J. Elliott and
Mr. Elliott. Miss Janice Ohm is
holidaying with her cousin,Miss
John McGee Wed in London
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