HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-09-01, Page 4When you see a school bus with red lights flashing-- STOP. Whether you are approach- ing the bus from the front or overtaking it from the rear, the flashing red lights mean you must stop. You must stay stop- ped as long as the red lights are flashing. For some time now, motor- ists have been, required to stop Mrs. Sinclair Entertained A group of ladies spent a ery pleasant evening together when Mrs. Richard House enter- ained at her home in Lucknow in honor of Mrs. Donald Sin- lair who left Wingham this week for her new home in Col- lingwood. BEHIND the school bus when it is stopped on the highway with red signal lights flashing on the back. A new law, effective September 1, requires motor- ists approaching from the front to stop as well. This law applies to allrnot- orists except those approaching from the front on a highway with separate roadways. " The purpose of this new law, stopping traffic in both direc- tions, is to allow children time to cross the highway after they get off the bus," said Honour- able Irwin I laskett, Ontario's Minister of Transport. "I urge all parents and teachers to in- struct children to act with cau- tion when getting on or off a school bus. The law says motor- ists must stop, hut children should still make doubly sure they have done ,m before cross- L Up-to-date stocks of drugs . . . In filling your doctor's prescription, we use only the freshest, top quality phar- maceuticals, at peak potency . . com- pounded with professional precision. Our stocks are complete and up-to-date. JOHNSTON'S DAY IN DAY OUT .. YOU'LL SAVE MORE AT OUR ill DRUG STORE LEATHERY SKIN Summer exposure does it, Use a creamy vibrant masque that you tissue off. Stimulates circulation, smoothes and makes the skin look creamy- dreamy, ELLIOTT'S BEAUTY LOUNGE COLD WAVE BODY PERMS HAIR COLORING MAIN STREET, WINONA/A Phone 357-2981 ,eastmoom Appearing in The Advance-Times, which have been taken by our staff photographers are now available to those who wish to purchase reprints. ORDERS MUST BE PLACED WITHIN TWO WEEKS OF PUBLICATION. PRICE SCHEDULE 6x8 in.. • $1.50 8x10 in... .... $3,00 Page 4 -- Wirigharn Advance.,Tinies, Thursday, Sept, le features from The World of Women Home and The Housewife Frances Walker Wed on Saturday ing the road," Drivers who fail to stop when required to do so are liable to fines of up to $50 for the first offence, $100 for a second of- fence and $200 for a third of- fence. There is also a penalty of four demerit points for each offence, --Wingham Photo Studio An evening reception was held in the Brussels Legion Hall. Guests attended from Californ- ia, Toronto, Oakville, Milton, Georgetown, Brampton, Kitch- ener, London, Exeter, Seaforth and Brussels. The bride's mother received in a French blue lace dress with matching accessories and a cor- sage of white roses. The SAFETY MEASURE A protective measure in the home is to familiarize every adult member of the family with the phone numbers of po- lice, fire department and fam- ily doctor. A list of these should be kept handy to the phone. Each member, includ- ing the bigger children, should know how to turn off electricity, gas and water at the main where these utilities enter the building. best man. Guests were ushered by William Robinson of Burling- ton, Raymond Walker of Wing- ham, Bruce Cannan and Ian Fos- ter, both of Milton. The wedding dinner was held at the church where tables were decorated with red rosebuds. The three-tier round wedding cake and candles decorated the bride's table. Dear Ann Landers: I have read several letters in your column from women who are beleagured by snoring hus- bands. I feel very sorry for them because I have a similar problem, There's this differ- ence, however: I am the hus- band, and it is my dainty 103- pound bundle of charm who i ,, keeping me up nights. Sho makes so much noise that if you didn't see her, you would think the snoring was coming from a 280-pound wrestler. We took a train trip recently and the man in the next com- partment knocked on our door at 2:30 a.m. and asked If I could do something to quiet the person who was making all that noise, I replied. "'Ves, and I have considered it, but it's against the law." We have berm married less than four months and my wife is a sensitive person with a lot of feminine vanity, I hate to offeAd her, but I need help., X. HAUSTED. Dear Mr. X.: Ask your wife to see a doctor. A minor sur- gical correction could solve the problem. If this does not work, I suggest wax earplugs or sep- arate bedrooms, in that order. 0--0--0 Dear Ann Landers: Last Sunday afternoon my husband and I took the younger child- ren for a ride into the coun- try. When we returned, my husband started to unlock the front door and discovered a key in the lock. Nobody was at home. We both knew that the key belonged to our 16-year-old son, John, and that he had carelessly left it there. My hus- band became furious. He ran across the street to the empty lot where John was playing ball and dragged the boy across the grass, When they reached the porch, my husband slapped John across the face and ears as hard as he could. Then he slammed the boy's head against the brick wall. My husband has done this sort of thing before and it makes me sick. I'm worried about the boy's temper, too, because he shows signs of hav- ing inherited his father's dis- position. Is this possible? What can I do?—NERVOUS WIFE. BELMORE—Eighty children attended the annual Vacation Bible School held at McIntosh United Church last week, for the children of the three sur- rounding churches, McIntosh and Belmore United, and Bel- more Presbyterian. The child- ren had a close-to-perfect at- tendance for the five-morning school. They were divided into four groups -- kindergarten, prim- ary, junior and intermediate. Teachers for the respective groups were: kindergarten, Mrs. Ralph Dickson, Mrs. Jack Fer- guson, Miss Velma 13allagh and Mrs. Walter Woods is nurs- ing a broken left arm, follow- ing a farm mishap last week. Mr. and Mrs. Peter West and family of Sault Ste. Marie were recent visitors with Mr. air Mrs., John Rutherford and family, The sort and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Klein, of near Mildmay, spent some rime last week with Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Darling of Carrick Township. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Leeson spent Friday in Kitchener, at ..,1i4044.4,4011111 Dear Wife: Children do not inherit "disposition," but a boy who is abused and knocked arowid becomes hostile and filled with hate. These feelings are often released by abusing others. Your husband should not be slapping a 16-year-old boy—for any reason whatever. And knocking the lad's head a- gainst brick wall could cause permanent damage. I believe in discipline, but this is naked brutality and must be stopped at once. Both father and son need psychiatric help. I urge you to see that they get it. Start by talking to your family doctor. 0-0-0 Dear Ann Landers: How can a 19-year-old girl tell the dif- ference between a lying rat and a sincere guy? I went with Dougic for five months. No fellow ever gave a girl more attention or treated her better. My folks thought Dougie was the greatest. I used to pinch myself to see if I was dreaming. Well, two weeks ago Dougie began to pinch me. In the wrong places, To make a long story short he said he wanted to marry me, but he had to be sure we were sexually com- patible. It made sense at the time and I gave in. Would you believe it, Ann Landers, I haven't heard from him since? Explain, please — DAMAGED GOODS. Dear Goods: Yes, I'd believe it, and would you believe that the dumbest thing a girl can do is to give away samples? 0-0-0 Do you feel ill at ease out of it? Is everybody having a good time hut you? Write for Ann Landers' booklet, "The Key to Popularity," enclosing with your request 35c in coin and a long, self-addressed stamped envelope. All letters or requests should be addressed to Ann Landers c/o Advance-Times, Wingham. They are forwarded from this office unopened. Be sure to en- close a long, self - addressed stamped envelope and the ne- cessary coinage for the bookie,- requested. White tapers, ferns and bas- kets of white gladioli decorated Wingham United Church on Sat- urday for the wedding of Fran- ces Merle Walker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Walker of Wingham and Clifford William Thomas Hunter of Georgetown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hunter, also of Georgetown. Rev. C. M. Jardine per- formed the double-ring cere- mony, Mrs. W. W. Currie was organist and accompanied John Wilson of Norval, who sang "This Is Our Day" and "The Lord's Prayer". Mr. Walker gave his daugh- ter in marriage. Her bridal gown of silk faille was fashion- ed with an empire bodice and elbow-length sleeves. The hemline of the sheath skirt was accentuated by heavy Swiss lace and the detachable bouffant ov- erskirt fell into a chapel train. Her headpiece was a princess crown of seed pearls which se- cured a three-tiered bouffant veil. She carried a cascade of red roses and white stephanotis. Miss Velma Ballagh of Ham- ilton was maid of honor and the bridesmaids were Mrs. Raymond Walker of Wingham and Miss Jean Hunter of Georgetown. They were gowned in long dress- es of canberra crepe with em- pire bodices and elbow-length sleeves, the sheath skirts em- hasized by a bias fold of peau de soie. Each wore a dome shaped headpiece with hand- ade petals and a veil and car- ied a crescent shaped bouquet f white roses and gardenias. Gordon Brian of Toronto was groom's mother assisted. She wore an aqua crepe sheath dress with a beaded and lace top, matching velvet accessories and a corsage of red roses, Mr. and Mrs. Hunter left on a trip to Northern Ontario. For travelling the bride wore a cer- ise Italian knit two-piece suit with black accessories and cor- sage of white roses. The couple will live at Cam- elot Terrace, 30 Speers Road, Apartment 202, Oakville, Ont. Both Mr. and Mrs. Hunter are graduates from teachers' col- lege, IMPORTED CHINA Agency for all famous manufacturers • SPODE • DOULTON • WEDGEWOOD • ROYAL ALBERT • A 1 NSLEY • PARAGON, ETC. We carry the largest stock in Western Ontario — at reasonable prices Schmid's Jewelry and China LUCKNOW, ONT. TEL. 528-3532 .4111.1.411111104.10..111141.111•1 ..1•04 M1•11.141=11.11.111•404111111.1.11News.14111...111,111.1.M1111541.M... delight in every bite This week's 11 ,1,181 GOOF SPECIAL SCONES REGULAR 49c . . SPECIAL 394. Discoun t s apply only on retail prices: Macintyre's Bakery Josephine St. Wingham Phone 357-3461 4.4.11011..11.11...W11.0.111..1111.....11••.4•1•4•41•• Law Effective Seat. 1 School Bus with Flashing Light Means All Must Stop Ann Landers Excellent Attendance at Vacation 3ble School Mrs. Douglas Steven, assisted by Laurie Steven and Laura Ing- lis; primary, Linda Harkness, Cheryl Haskins and Mrs. Leon- ard Harper; junior, Mrs. Wil- fred Johann, Mrs. lilmer Jef- fray and Mrs. Thomas Inglis; intermediate, Rev. Douglas Steven. During the week the children participated in Bible study, handcrafts and music, On Friday evening they pre- sented a program when they re- cited Bible verses they had learned and displayed their handcrafts. Each child was pre- sented with a certificate for completing the course. Belmore Personals the home of their daughter, Mrs. Bert Rowe. Mrs. Alex Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. James Marshall and fam- ily and Mr. Beckett, all of Stratford, and Mrs. Howard Cowing of Tiverton, were week- end visitors with Mr. William Curie of the village. A number of residents of this community attended the wed- ding of Miss Frances Walker and Thomas Hunter, in Wingham United Church on Saturday al, ternOon. i; tl 0,h V a) A rl