HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-08-18, Page 78 t eb • • c • BIRTHS MARTIN — In Wingharn and District Hospital, on Friday, August 12, 1966, to Mr. and Mrs. Claude Martin, R. R. 1, Fordwieh, a son. 0. A. WILLIAMS, 0.D. Optometrist 9 PATRICK STREET W. WINGHAM Phone 357-1282 MARLATT'S Dead Stock Service HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for Dead Cows & Horses over 500 lbs. More for sick and disabled Cows and Horses according to size and condition FOR PROMPT SERVICE PLEASE CALL COLLECT BRUCE MARLATT Brussels - Phone 133 24 - HOUR SERVICE License No. 390-C-85 ••••••••••••~"."1.01.•AAAMAIV,A"A"A".....• \ 12 I . HAFERMEHL'S JEWELLERY 3 WINGHAM / 6 \ DIAMONDS - WATCHES CRYSTAL - CHINA Gifts for Every Occasion FREE — Gift Wrapping Expert Jewellery and Watch Repairs 41111111111111111111111111111111111111111116. _.....,,,,,...._____.__................,........................_ .. L ....„....__, SUNRISE DAIRY FOR THE BEST IN PASTEURIZED PRODUCTS PROCESSED DAILY At Your Home Dairy CALL 357-1260 sts pNo auy, ryes DELUXE 10 - PIECE BEDROOM SUITE NOW ONLY $ 229 00 ""s $3.95 vie -THREE FLOORS OF QUALITY -This Fine Suite has Absolutely Everything- *Simone Smooth Top Mattress *2 Colourful 'Dresser Lamps *2 Quality Feather Pillows *Twin Bed Lamp WE SAVE YOU MONEY FREE CUSTOMER PARKING - STORAGE - DELIVERY *54" Double Dresser *Large Chest of Drawers , *4/6 Bookcase Bed *Highriser Ribbon Spring spent a day at the Elliott home. Mr. and Mrs, Mart Board, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Board, Darryl and Rex of Altoona, Wis- consin visited for a week with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walker. They all spent the week-end at Ni- agara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Purdon and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burchill and family of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crowston, Dale and Debby of Chatham visited over the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw. Dale is visiting here for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Orland Irwin and family of Lucknow visited on Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw. Misses Kathy and Lorie Pur- don spent some holidays with their cousin, Gayle Rintoul. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bott of Belwood visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Purdon and family. Mr, and Mrs. Archie Purdon and family, Mr. and Mrs. Le- roy Rintoul and Carol, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rintoul and fam- ily, Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Bott of Belwood, Mrs. Gardner and Tracy of London held a family picnic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Curran at St. Helens, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Farrier and Mrs. Gibson Gillespie visit- ed with the latter's sister, Mrs. Furbur of Tisdale, Sask. , at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack MacFarlane at Scotland, Ont. Belgrave Personals IMPORTED CHINA Agency for all famous manufacturers • SPODE • DOULTON • WEDGEWOOD • ROYAL ALBERT • AINSLEY • PARAGON, ETC. We carry the largest stock in Western Ontario — at reasonable prices Schmid's Jewelry and China LUCKNOW, ONT. TEL. 528-3532 JOHN C. WARD CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Wallace Avenue N. — LISTOWEL, Ont. MORRISON TRANSPORT LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE HAULING LIVESTOCK, FEED, FERTILIZER, ETC. Cattle shipped on Mondays - Hogs on Wednesdays Safe, Careful Livestock Handling ALL LOADS FULLY INSURED LYNN MORRISON, Prop. PHONE — WINGHAM 357-3008 (Collect) WAREHOUSE-357-1799 YOU CAN ADD 50% TO THE LIFE OF YOUR TIRES Keith McClure Simple care will do it, with special attention to inflation For instance, constant driving with only one pound under standard inflation will cause a loss of 900 miles i n the maximum life of a tire. Maximum mileage is generally set these days at 40,000 miles. Thirty percent underinflation from standard pres- sure recommendations will cause a one third loss of maxi- mum tire life. Forty percent underinflation, a 57 percent loss. Underinflation results in a softer ride but forces tire sidewalls to flex, causing overheating. At 80 degrees, which is easily reached on a 'hot day, tire wear is almost four times greater than at 30 degrees. Excessive wear is caused to the outside edges of the tread, causing tire squeal when corner- ing. Squeal is always a sign of excessive wear. If you are starting out from Wingham on a long high- way trip, you should cheek your tire pressures when the tires are cold. Pressures may be increased as much as four pounds above standard if speeds of 60 miles or over are being driven. This recommendation from tire engineers is contrary to a popular misunderstanding that tires should be deflated slightly before long trips. Remember that brakes stop the wheels—only tires stop the car, Tiles without tread belong in the trashcan. See you next Thursday. DEATHS Business and Professional Directory WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct and Save Bus. Ph. 357.1910 Res, Ph. 357.1015 AMBULANCE SERVICE CALL — S. J. WALKER PHONE Day - Night 357-1430 Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, RO Mrs. Viola H. Homuth, RO OPTOM ETRISTS Phone 118 HARR I STON ONTARIO Aunt Killed At Kincardine Miss Jean Walden, 74, of R.R. 1 Kincardine, died as the result of injuries in a tragie mishap on Monday morning. She was an aunt of Eric and Wil- liam Walden of Wingham. Miss Walden, who lived with her brother, Alfred Walden, on Highway 21, three miles south of Kincardine, had picked up mail from a road-side box and when re-crossing the highway walked into the side of a car driven by George McCutcheon of Brussels. Miss Walden was a nurse and had been working at the Kin- cardine hospital. Dr. M. R. Helliwell, coron- er, has said no inquest will be held. Funeral services were held on Wednesday afternoon with burial in the Kincardine Cem- etery. Miss Walden is survived by three brothers, Alfred and Bert of Huron Township and Harold of Kincardine; one sister, Mrs. Walter (Milly) Spurgeon, of London. Pearson, Edwards & co. Chartered Accountants P. R. PEARSON Trustee in Bankruptcy 306 JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM - Tel. 257-2891 Gaviller McIntosh & Ward Chartered Accountants Resident Partner J. E, Kennedy, C.A. Opposite Post Office Dial 881-3471 - Walkerton Crawford, Shepherd & Mill Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. J. Harley Crawford, Q.C. Norman A. Shepherd, M.A., LLB. Alan R. Mill, B.A., LLB. WINGHAM, ONTARIO Dial 357.3630 J. T. GOODALL BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY, Etc. Office — Meyer Block WINGHAM DIAL 357-1990 Taught 35 Years, Sudbury Schools Miss Elva E. liupfer of Wing- ham, who retired from school teaching in 1957, died in Vic- toria Hospital, London on July 31 following an illness of six weeks. She was a daughter of the late Robert Hupfer of Wroxeter who died in 1940, and his wife who died in 1956. She was also predeceased by a sister Mary. Miss 1lupfer is survived by brothers John, Lloyd and Ver- non of Wroxeter and Harry of Detroit, and sisters, Mrs. R. (Kate) Griffith and Mrs. H. (Annie) McMichael of Wroxe- ter, Mrs. Charles (Orvilla) Mc- Cutcheon of Walton and Miss Evelyn Hupfer of Wingham. She attended S. S. No. 1 Turnberry Public School and Wingham High School, and was a graduate of Stratford Normal School. Miss Hupfer taught school at Sudbury from 1922 to 195'7 and was regarded as one of the com- munity's pioneer teachers. She taught first at the old Central School and later at Alexander Public School. During her 30 years as teach- er in the latter institution she helped organize an interesting sports program for students. She was a keen sports enthusiast and up to the time of her retire- ment was an active tennis play- er. Miss llupfer was also active in St. Andrew's United Church where she taught Sunday School for more than a quarter century. She was one of the founders of the Canadian Girls in Training there, was a member of the choir for a number of years and was a member of Session. She was also active in the Women's Missionary Society, of which she was a Life Member. After her retirement Miss Hupfer came to Wingham. She continued her interests in church work and was a member of the Canadian Cancer Society. Rev. C. M. Jardine conduct- ed the service at the R. A. Cur- rie & Son funeral home on Aug- ust 3 with interment in Wrox- eter Cemetery. Friends at- tended from Sudbury, Detroit, London, Streetsville and Wind- sor as well as from the immed- iate areas of Wroxeter and Win ham. Pallbearers were Ronald Mc- Michael, Oliver Riley, George Gibson, Allan Griffith of Wrox- eter, Lloyd Lamont of Teeswa- ter and Bill Stapleton of Wing- ham. The flower bearers were Leslie Douglas and Jack Grif- fith. Mrs. Wm. Curie Mrs. William Curie of Bel- more, the former Elizabeth Mundell Hackney, died at her home Saturday, August 6. She was in her 71st year. Mrs. Curie was the daughter of the late Peter West Hackney and his wife Jane Mundell, and was born in Carrick Township. She had lived in the district all her life. She is survived by her hus- band; two daughters, Mrs. Flow and (Irene) Gowing of Tiverton and Mrs. Alexander (Jean) Mar- shall of Stratford; one son, Ro- bert Curie of Woodstock; and one sister, Mrs. Norman (Eu- nice) Newans of Belmore. One child and a sister Anne prede- ceased her. There are three grandchild- ren and six great grandchildren, As a child she attended Ing- lis' School in Carrick and was a life-long member of the Pres- • byterian Church. The funeral was August 8 with service at Knox Presbyter- ian Church and interment in Wroxeter Cemetery. Rev, llawkes officiated, The pallbearers were Ross McKague, Ken Dickson, George Dickson, Ralph Dickson, Tom Inglis and Elmer Jeffray. Flow- er bearers were Tom Abraham and Elmer Zinn. Roy Sanderson Dies in Hospital Roy Sanderson, R.R. 1 Blue- vale, farmer and veteran of World War I, died in Wingham and District Hospital on August 1, following a short illness, Mr. Sanderson was horn in Howick Township 71 years ago, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Sanderson. lie at- tended school at Wroxeter. On October 3, Itil"; hemar- ried Margaret Sarah Ash of Lis- towel, who survives, l le is also survived by three sons, Gordon, Cecil and Bill, all of Turnberry Township; three daughters, Mrs. Allan (Margaret) Edgar of Moles- worth, Mrs. Howard (Mary) Ry- an of Turnberry and Mrs. Geo. (Ruby) Burgers, R.R. 1 Listowel; and 14 grandchildren. He was predeceased by a son, George Matthew. Mr. Sanderson was a mem- ber of Bluevale United Church and the Wingham branch of the Loyal Orange Lodge. Rev. George Mitchell con- ducted service at the Moir fun- eral home on August 3 with in- terment in Wroxeter Cemetery. Pallbearers were George, Tom and Bob Ash, Stewart Lovell, Carl Frieburger and Lloyd Wheeler and flower bearers were Sandy, Carman and Wayne Sanderson and Bill Edgar. Gordon McGregor Dies in Hospital Rev, Everett Hawkes of Blue- vale Presbyterian Church con- ducted funeral service at the R. A, Currie & Son funeral home on .August 1 for J. Gordon McGregor, R. R. 2 Wingham. Interment was in Wingham Cemetery. Pallbearers were Lloyd Case- more, Ted Foxton, Stewart Rit- chie, Ted Holloway and cous- ins, Alex and George Skinn. The flower bearers were nep- hews, William Henry of Lis- towel and Richard Cowan of Lu- can. Mr. McGregor had been ill since 1964 and had been a pa- tient in Wingham and District Hospital since March of this year. He died July 30. He was born 64 years ago in East Wawanosh Township, the only child of John McGregor and Annie Skinn. lie attended school in Lower Wingham. Mr. McGregor was a trucker. In June, 1945 he married Edith McEwan of Wingham. There were no children. Mr. McGregor is survived by his wife and his mother, the lat- ter residing in Lucknow. PHONE 357-2320 FOR WANT AD SERVICE Mr, and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz and their son Clayton motored to Charlo, N.B., where they visited with Mr, and Mrs. John Lebesque, Mrs. Clayton Scholtz and children returned home with them after spending a month at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lebesque, her parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. Scholtz at- tended the Scholtz reunion on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reg Scholtz at Blyth with relatives attending from Till- sonburg, Listowel, Goderich, Auburn, Benmiller and Gowans. town. There were 80 present with Mrs. Geo. James of God- erich receiving the prize as the oldest lady. The oldest gen- tleman was Jasper Marian of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Pagan and Mary Lynn of Goderich visited with Mr, and Mrs. El- roy Laidlaw and family one day recently. Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw and Miss Lila Emerson visited on Sunday with Mrs. Maud ilaggitt, a pa- tient in Wingham and District Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber, Ann, Marlene and Clare visited on Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mack. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber, Ann, Marlene and Clare enjoy- ed a trip to Port Elgin, South- ampton and Sauble Beach and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Long and family at Elmwood. The W. M, S. meeting of Chalmers Presbyterian Church will be held on Thursday at the home of Mrs. Annie McQuillin. The Johnston reunion was held at Riverside Park in Wing- ham August 7. There was 70 present. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnston of Wingham were the guests of honor. Next year's reunion will be held at the same place. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber, Ann, Marlene and Clare at- tended the Weber reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Chambers and family at Harris- ton. Prizes were given to Mrs. John Chambers and Mrs. John Kaster of Walkerton as the old- est members present. Around 43 attended and a good time was enjoyed by all. Rev. Arthur Jackson preach- ed his farewell service at Cal- vin-Brick United Church on Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Jack- son are leaving to take a charge in Nova Scotia. The Calvin-Brick U.C.W. will meet this Wednesday eve- ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mason Robinson. Mr. Murray Coultes of Tor- onto spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ron- ald Coultes and family. Miss Helen Currie of Lon- don spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Currie. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Jamie- son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Irwin and Mr. and Mrs. Lance Magoffin and family of London spent Sunday at Bay- field and Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Purdon and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Purdon at Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Cairns and family of Toronto visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Norman Coultes and family. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Mc- Neil and John of Stratilroy and Mrs, St. Clair Willis of Gow- anstown visited on Sunday with Mrs. Doris Willis and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Laid- law visited on Sunday in Owen Sound with Mrs. Laidlaw's aunt, Mrs. Ethel Wood. Misses Rhonda and Mary Jo Perrot of Goderich visited re- cently with Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Elliott and family. Donny McMillan of California also HONDA BACK TO SCHOOL SALE — WHILE THEY LAST — 3 C100 List $299---Sale $235.00 2 S65 List 3369—Sale $.295.00 3 90-201 List $42a—Sale $346.00 1 CM90 List $399---Sale $326.00 Cunningham Motors Rambler Sales & Service WALKERTON PH: 881-0740 18-25-1-8b rh Wingbarn Advance-Times, Thursday, August 16, 1966 — Page 7 Whitechurch News Items Mr. and Mrs. Bill George from Forest were recent visitors with Mrs. Winnie Smith. Mrs. Herb Wheeler is visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Goldie Wheeler and family of London. Miss Judith Currell of Etobi- coke visited the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fear and family. Mr. and Mrs. Del Nixon and Cindy from Stratford visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fear and family on the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Minick of Kitchener spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hanna and family. Mrs. Robert Higgins and Miss Doreen Pattison visited for a few days last week with Miss Margaret Higgins of London. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bos- man and family are vacation- ing this week at a cottage at Port Albert. A reception and dance was held on Friday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. E. Rainer (Claire Chamney). Dancing was enjoy- ed and during the intermission Mr. and Mrs. Rainer were call- ed to the platform. Mason Rob- inson read the address and Cal- vin Robinson presented them with a gift of money. Mr. Fred Swindlehurst of Los Angeles is spending a month's vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Garner Nicholson and family. Raymond Nicholson and Har- old Keating visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Nicholson of St. Marys. Mrs. Alex Styles and Pat of Mimic° are visiting with Mrs. Cora McGill.