HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-08-18, Page 2Page 'Z. WinghaM Advanee.-Times, Thursday, August 18, 19tili , . Pres. Timmrs Barbecue Is Also Farewell Party RESULTS ARE ALWAYS RIGHT . . . OUR EFFICIENT SERVICE WILL SOLVE ALL YOUR DRY CLEANING WORRIES Neamisummimaammimumemommimisminiummemear deirk ~edit, SLEEK—the lazy way to keep legs slick-as-a-whistle all summer long. lAnd this gentle Elizabeth Arden depilatory is perfectly safe to use on face, arms or the most delicate skin areas too.) Here's how. Apply a whipped-cream coating of Sleek. Read for , ten minutes, Test a tiny patch. Rinse with tepid water—and that's all. Every trace of hair will be removed so effectively that regrowth is discouraged. Skin stays smoother, longer—with no effort at all. Sleek, 1.50 and 2.25 "FOR THE BEST IN DRUGS AND PRESCRIPTION SERVICE" Don't ask where your dol- lars have gone . . . Tell them where to go! Just Call or Write Rector Organist Rev. C. F. Johnson, L.Th. - Mrs. Gordon Davidson ..Aeet Watex gad Xiend gifitancia4 THOMAS A. JARDIN District Manager Ph. 357.3661 WINGHAM SYNDICATE LIMITED (ANGLICAN) ialingbarn 11th SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY — AUG. 21 8:30 a.m.—Holy Communion. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer. United Church congregation at St. Paul's for Aug. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SUNDAY, AUGUST 21st 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School—All ages. 9:30 a.m.—Divine Worship. 11:00 a.m.—Divine Worship. Speaker—The Rev. WALLACE I. LITTLE, B.A., from Atwood and Winnipeg. A WELCOME to all summer visitors and friends to St. Andrew's. No Evening Service. :VOiliitli '''''' ll ii4litlyt l i 1111 Y,1111 it Ili ''' '''' tliftPtit/tItttittOiktt$014,ti tttttt totromoo tt iltbtetit1 assts 11e1111it1t11 ttt ALWAYS BRIGHT AND BEAUTIFULLY DONE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY —YES, WE CAN REPAIR ZIPPERS Notes For information, phone the local CN Passenger Sales Office home in Keswick, where Ger- ald will he manager of the Bank of Commerce., An address was read by Mrs. Ray Cooper ex- pressing the sincere apprecia - tion of the club to Gerald, who has been a valued member and will be greatly missed. Good wishes for their family's future success and happiness was ex- tended and gifts were presented by Lion Wm. Edgar and Mrs, Alex Graham, to which Gerald fittingly replied, The president offered a warm welcome to all the guests and was pleased so many could at- tend. The crowd expressed ap- preciation by singing, "For lie's a Jolly Good Fellow". chell read a story "What Can One Christian Do?". Mrs. Far- rier Sr. gave a piano solo. Mrs. Moore took over for the business when plans were made for Rev, and Mrs. George Mit- chell's 50th wedding anniver- sary, Plans were made for the Sep- tember meeting to be held at Bruce Lea Haven in Walkerton. Lunch and homemade candy will be taken, Mrs. Russell Purdon led a short worship service. Mrs. Rus- sell Chapman read the Scrip- ture and gave an interesting reading on the psalm. Mrs. Sleightholm led in prayer. The ladies had a "pretend supper" to help provide money for painting the church. A nice sum of money was realized. A social half hour was enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth iTn- derwood and Barry have return- ed from a motor trip to Me- Adam, N.B„ where they visit- ed Mrs. Florence Thurlow, Mr, and Mrs. George Thurlow and family and Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Leech, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gallaway and family, Toronto, spent sev- eral days with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Smith, Mrs. Mary Morris, Motherwell, Scotland and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kreller and fam- ily of Clifford visited at the same home, Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Barry McKnight of Simcoe. They were accomp- anied by Masters Terry and Dar- tell McKnight who returned home after visiting their grand- parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Edgar spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Edgar of Bramp- ton. Mr. and Mrs. George Brown and Jean visited Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Coulter of Kitcheneron Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Cihrig, Bridgeport, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Felker. Sharon and Ed McMillan Darling Reunion Held in Park BELMORE--The annual Darl- ing reunion was held in the Community Park here recently, with more than 130 family members in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bal- lagh and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dickson, both couples of this village, were in charge of sports. Prize winners for straight races were Mary Dickson, Twy- la Dickson, David Mawhinney, Beverly Ballagh, Douglas Jef- fray, Darlene I3allagh, Allan Dickson, Linda Harkness and Bob Harkness. Among the nov- elty contest winners for the children were Twyla Dickson, Danny Campbell, Leland Hark- ness, Joan Campbell, Allan Dickson, and Terry Ballagh, and Mary Dickson. Among winners in the adult contests were Mrs. Ralph Dick- son for throwing a ball; Bruce Ilarkness for threading a needle in record time; Mrs. Russell Field for eating a soda biscuit and whistling, and guessing the size of a waistline, and Robert Harkness for guessing the weight of a bag. Mei" prizes were awarded to: Youngest person, Vaughn Field; oldest lady, Mrs. T. Aitken; oldest gentleman, Mr. Roy Ru- therford; one farthest from home, James Darling; birthday nearest reunion day, Douglas Jeffray. Grandparent with most grand- children present, Mrs. James Dickson; lady first to present a safety pin, Mrs. Robert Hark- ness; gentleman first to present a photo of his wife, James Dar- ling; girl with the largest col- lection of pictures, Joan Camp- bell; boy with the oldest coin, Ronnie Darling with a 1943 coin. Election of officers for the coming year then took place, as follows: President, Howard Lints; secretary-treasurer, John Dickson; sports, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jeffray, Mr. and Mrs. Ala* Darling; lunch, Mr. and Ivc-• Arnold Jeffray, Mr. and Mr:,. Jim Darling, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harkness; novelty, Rev. and Mrs. Maurice McNab. The reunion will again be held in Belmore Park next year, on the Civic lioliday week- end. visited Mr. and Mrs. AllanMe" Taggart of Cranbrook. Mrs. Nelson Boyd of Mount Forest visited Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs, T, L, McInnes. Miss Maude Higgins was able to return to her home on Wednesday. Mrs. Ena Ritchie, Wingham, called on Mrs. Ann Ritchie on Tuesday. Mrs. Mac Abram, Kitchen- er, and Mrs. Gordon Jackson, Listowel, visited Mrs. Ewart Whitfield on Wednesday. Mrs. Fred Dustow of Wing- ham called on Mrs. Wm. Dar- ling and Mrs. Albert Dustow on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McIn- nes attended the funeral of Mr. Alex Butler of Goderich in the Presbyterian Church on Thurs- day. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford King spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Vic Shera, Moorefield. Mrs. Jean MacDonald and Miss Florence Edwards of Lon- don, Mrs. E. Carson and Mrs. W. C. King spent Wednesday and Thursday at Bruce Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Grain- ger and Robert, Ian Howes and Marcelline visited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grainger of Wallace- burg on. Saturday. A number attended the Der- ry Day celebration in Owen Sound on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Penning- ton, Teeswater, visited Mrs. Frances Strong and Mr, Roy Strong. FORDWICII—Rev. Harold Jenkins performed a double- ring ceremony in Trinity An- glican Church on Au itust 13, uniting in marriage. Ruth Iris Armstrong of Stratford and Pet- er Alexander Wart of Palmer- ston. The bride is the. daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Evercir Arm- strong of Fordwich and the groom is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Peter Watt of Palmerston. Miss Elva Foster was organ- ist and Mrs, Marie Jones sang "Wedding Prayer" and "0 Per- fect Love". Mr. Armstrong gave his daughter in marriage. She chose a satin brocade, floor- length A-line gown with em- pire waist, The chapel train fell from the shoulders. Her scalloped edged veil was shoul- der length and she carried Or- ange Delight roses with stream- ers of white feather carnations and ivy. Miss Donna Armstrong, sis- ter of the bride, was maid of honor and the bridesmaids were Miss Judith Watt of Toronto and Mrs. Doreen Crowder of Peter- borough, sister of the bride. James P. Watt was the groom's attendant and ushers were David Rands of Stratford and James Armstrong, Fordwich. GORIIIE—President-eleet of Howiek Lions Club, George Timm, entertained membersof the club, their wives, families and friends, numbering 60, at a steak barbecue at his farm home on the Howlek and Wallace Boundary. The spacious lawn with its attractive setting of flowers, shrubs and large shade trees was an ideal spot for such a gather- ing, which was thoroughly en- joyed by all. The club members took this opportunity of saying farewell to Lion Gerald Rome and his wife, Olga, and family who are leaving shortly to make their WIIITECHURCII—The Aug- ust meeting of the U.C.W.was attended at the home of Mrs. Russell Gaunt. Mrs. Mitchell opened the meeting with a hymn, sung as a question and answer. Mrs. Mitchell led in a dis- cussion on Christian concern. Mrs. Cliff Laidlaw read a story on youth. Mrs. Mitchell talk- ed on personal behaviour and the temptations before today's young people. A poem, " Who's Delinquent?" was read by Miss Winnifred Farrier. Mrs. Mitchell spoke on al- cohol. Statistics show one bil- lion nine hundred and forty mil- lion dollars are spent in Can- ada each year for smoking and drinking. Mrs. Groskorth read a story "The Ten Command- ments of Alcohol". Mrs. Mit- Gorrie Persona Mr. and Mrs, Glen Under- wood and Karen, Mr. Wes.Gal- loway and Mr, and Mrs. Ken Underwood spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Under- wood at Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Nethereott, Atwood, visited Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Grainger recently * Mr. and Mrs. Earl Toner and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Grainger visited Mrs. C. Gilpin At Hur- onview on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Under- wood, Debbie and Kathy of Ux- bridge, who have returned from a trip to Vancouver visited Thursday evening with Mrs. Wilbert Galloway, and Mr, Wes Galloway. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Underwood visited at the same home. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Meln- nes visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McInnes of Teeswater on Sun- day. Mrs. Eric Stanley, Rodney, Janice, Cindy and Kimberley, of Sarnia, spent the week with Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Ash. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Black, Hamilton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Edgar. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McKer- cher, Aberdeen, Scotland, visit- ed Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Glad Edgar. Miss Elaine Ash has returned home from Jack's Ranch near Douglas Point. Mr. Fred Coulter and Mr. Clifton Coulter visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Brenner of Kitchener. To Entertain at Bruce Lea Haven WILSON ELECTRIC FORDWICH PHONE 11 R 12 COMPLETE MOTOR WIND and REPAIR — Wagner - Leland Sales — Jy7-eo',v McINNES DRY CLEANERS PHONE 357-3750 WINGHAM TRAIN TO TORONTO Ask about convenient departure and return times CANADIAN NATIONAL 40.65 The reception was held at the Blue Barn where guests were received by the bride's mother who chose a canary yellow lace dress with matching walking coat, bone colored accessories and a corsage of bronze mums. The groom's mother assisted. She wore a dusty brown dress with beige and brown accessor- ies and corsage of Orange De- light mums. The young couple left on a trip to the East Coast. The bride travelled in a sea green dress with matching coat and white accessories with a cor- sage of white mums. Mr. and Mrs. Watt are grad- uates of Stratford Teachers' College. They will live in Stratford. WHITECHURCH Miss Celine Di Nova of Scar- borough returned home after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Walter Arscott and family. Miss Mel- anie Di Nova is visiting at the Arscott home, Mr. J. C. King, Miss Pat- ricia and Miss Bernadette King of Toronto are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Arscott and family. Will live in Stratford TWO ENTRANCING THINGS about a rose are its beauty and fragrance. Mary Ann Douglas, 5, samples a bit of both. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan Douglas.---A-T Photo.