HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-07-28, Page 15CALLAN SHOES YOUR FAMILY SHOE STORE JOSEPHINE STREET PHONE WINGHAM 357-1840 4111111111111111.11 WIIITECIIIIIRCII—On Mon- day, Belgrave and Whitechurch Intermediates played in Wing- ham with a score of 5-4 in favor of Whitechurch. On Wednesday in Brussels, Belgrave and Whitechurch In- termediates played and again Whitechurch won by a 4-3 score. Whitechurch Intermediates finished in first place for league standing, and now meet Clin- ton in the play-offs. In Wingham on Friday, Whitechurch Juveniles played ROLL CALL—Bible club students pay close attention as their teacher, Miss Marilyn Wiesmore, of the Child Evangelism Fellow- ship, calls the roll, This class is being held at the Herb. Fuller home. —Advance-Times Photo 111 OOOOOOOO 11111 OOOOOO 1 OOOOOOO 111111 iiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii 1111 iiiiiiii 111111111 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 111111/11/1 1111111 iiiiiii iiiii 111111111111/1111/1111111111111111111111111111111111 iiiiii 1 iiiiiii 111111111 Whitechurch Intermediates In Play-offs Clifford Juveniles with a score of 5-4 for Clifford. Whircchurch Intermediates played an exhibition game in Wingham on Saturday evening with the Branton team. The score was 7-6 for Branton. FISHER SUMMERTIME COMBO In Illti 110111 01 :A1111111(.11' (then fish are fat, content, and lulled to near insensibility by soaring temperatures, there may not he a lure in the (tickle box that will arouse their interest. When no :dimly approach seetm In work, then try IN‘O. In laid, mid-summer ()filers a chance for hodl the dedicated bait fish- et malt and artificial addict to (inlet limit l'eutl and pool their shills to mutual ad‘anIage. M , old trick ol" munhining plug- and minions is alum a:: old the dug out I fitioe. And hilrhiIi Illes to hole, is not men. some tench. during the lied; of , in n a (.11 until: iii alit its are For vol !On izet.zarilluss of I he (!i• salt. tandem hill orn ,n produ,i, I olTerinus Tim twist Itimoplihdirated [wok a %%twill. 111111111 lir 011101' 111111 111;111 011 I() The 11111i 1111SIIP5 :11111 Viii, on' sr/111111. hilis (111(1r ttttillltic 11(1111 1111` 11:1i1 1111'1111'r 111111:111/Pi 1111. (01;11'0. !Sy appeal nl: 111 (lit' of sigh'. • wind and int .% t "toncht.il all the " halt plitv colnblnal ion can ctl in many \toys. The 1\k() 111:1 j111111.11 Ii, 1110111e 11.111!,111i; 111111 but Ili‘111111 111t• 11111' 11nllil le pi pip- \Oil! 01 flip! by poptimio poriipalarly flit. nu poilip-Ii. Irii11111/1 n ‘l4111111i111' 111rti i.:111 Ili' timid 101' 111/111. \Vlicli (luny thit‘Ht'l anoillpr ihot pin tr:‘ tutu -thill111111 * 1111" call hp 'minim itt;tujc "Added Feature" GO-GO contest for fun and prizes —submit entries to community centre MUSIC TILL ONE, SO COME AND HAVE FUN: A REALLY BIG NIGHT AND THE PRICE IS JUST RIGHT. And From London The Fabulous NOVELLES with SUE and SHANE Disc-O-Tec Dancers Only Boy Girl Go-Go Team In Canada M.C. BILLY RUSSELL $1.15 ADVANCE — TICKETS — $1.75 AT THE DOOR SUPPORT THE WINGHAM LIONS CLUB KITCHENE R COUPLE WINS WATCHES The Elgin watch mixed doubles tournament was held at the local greens on Saturday with :it; entries from Hamilton, Kitchener, Atwood, l.ucknow, Teeswater, Flora, Walkerton and Wingham. The first prize which was me Fight watches went to Mr. and Mrs. Wes /Weston o: Kit- chener; second, Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald of Lueknow; third, Mr. and Mrs. D. Mae- Tavish of Lucknow; fourth, I lerb Duffy of Teeswater and Mrs. of C Luk Carl Lott; fifth, Jack Rutherford now and Mrs. W. C. ItISIIII*1111111A11,13 HARRISTON DRIVE-IN THEATRE WED. 27 - THUR. 28 - FRI. 29 RED LINE 7000 An action packed racing car thriller, featuring the Daytona 500. The Naked Prey in Color — Stars Cornet Wilde and Gert Van Der Berg (Adult Entertainment) SATURDAY JULY 30 THE ROUNDERS In Color — Starring Glenn Ford and Henry Fonda Zebra in the Kitchen in Color Stars Jay North - Martin Miller and Joyce Meadows Great Family show SUN. LATE SHOW JULY 31 Two spine tingling chillers BLOOD AND BLACK LACE — Plus — Black Torment Adult Entertainment MON.-TUES. AUG. 1-2 Red Skelton stars in THE FULLER BRUSH MAN — Plus — Lucille Bull in The Fuller Brush Girl WED. 3 - THUR. 4 - FRI. 5 MARRIAGE ON THE ROCKS In Color — Stars Dean Martin - Deborah Kerr Frank Sinatra — Plus — Carry On Spying with the Carry On Gang 1119 11111111111111111111 I 1111111•1:1111 Ill Win ham Advance-Times, Thursday, July 2$, 1900 Page 7 41111.111111111111111111 1 SAVE During Our Annual Summer Clearance Sale ALL MERCHANDISE GREATLY REDUCED! • Colour - CinemaScope — Starring: Terry Thomas - Stuart Whitman - Red Skelton This is a fun film that men, women, children and anyone else won't want to miss. Second shows on Friday and Saturday start at 9:30 on this feature. WED.-THUR.-FRI. AUGUST 10-1112 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT "THE SILENCERS" Colour - CinemaScope — Starring: Dean Martin - Stella Stevens - Nancy Kovack Dean has the only gun in the west that shoots backwards. Come and sec this espionage thriller and find out how it works. SAT.-MON.-TUES. AUGUST 13-15-16 "THAT DARN CAT" Colour — Starring: Hayley Mills - Dean Jones - Dorothy Provine Elsa Lanchester This is another sterling Walt Disney family entertainment feature. In it an undercover cat helps the FBI trap some bank robbers. —COMING NEXT— WED.-THUR.-FRI. AUGUST 17-18-19 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT "THE SEVENTH DAWN" timitaiimmunirmtinummumummliswanoutimmoinsmirimill HORTICULTURAL SHOW Saturday, August 13, at 2 p.m. Wingham Town Hall Murray; sixth, Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Trilesky of Flora. BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE — CLINTON 2 Shows Nightly Come as Late as 11 p.m. and See a Complete Show. Box Office opens 8 o'clock First Show starts at Dusk THURSDAY FRIDAY July 28-29 "THE IPCRESS FILE" MICHAEL CAINE NIGEL GREEN A story of international espion- age. Filmed in London, in color CARTOON SATURDAY - MONDAY July 30 and August 1 "HOW TO STUFF A WILD BIKINI" ANNE'ETE FUN-WELL° DWAYNE HICKMAN BRIAN DONLEVY Color Cartoon Special Holiday Sunday Midnight Show — July 31 For the Big Beat and Racine Action , . Don't Miss This Double Bill "The Big T.N.T. Show" Ray Charles - The Birds Roger Miller - Petuta Clark And Many Other Top Recording Stars 'The Young Racers' Mark Damon - Win. Campbell Color Cartoon TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY August 2-3 "THE YELLOW ROLLS-ROYCE 1111 REX HARRISON INGRID BERGMAN SHIRLEY MacLAINE Color Cartoon Starting Thursday, Aug. 4 — 6 BIG NIGHTS — Paramount Pictures are proud to announce the return of the Greatest Motion Picture of All Times! Cecil B. DeMille's "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS" CHARLTON HESTON YUL BRYNNER — In Color — DON'T MISS IT! LISTOWEL DRIVE-IN THURS.-FRI.-SAT. JULY 28.29-30 Country Music Stars FERLIN HUSKY - SONNY JAMES - DUKE of PADUCAH and many, many more play country music in the new motion picture LAS VEGAS HILLBILLY Color — PLUS GUNFIGHT AuATE GiiiiiIINCHE GREEK THE WOMAN WHO WOULDN'T DIE — PLUS — WHATEVER HAPPENED TO BABY JANE? (Adult Fntertainmenti MON.-TUES.-WED. AUG. 1-2.3 Bon utorn ELKA SOM3IER, - PHYLLIS DILLER BOY DID I GET A WRONG NUMBER 111111111111111111.111111111111116 1111111111=1111111.11111211111MIMISIMININIM juiminutuniallitiitimiarimimuniunalsocitimiimimuitn.1 .11 LYCEUM SHOWPLACE OF WINGHAM — PHONE 357.1630 Monday to Thursday at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday-2 shows at 7;15 and 9:15; Sat. Mat. at 2 p.m., .unless otherwise noted Prices: Adults 81.00; Students 75c; Children 40c WED.-THUR.-FRI.-SAT.-MON,-TOES. AUG. 3-4-5-6-8-9 (6 DAYS) — "THOSE MAGNIFICENT MEN IN THEIR FLYING MACHINES" WINGHAM YOUTH "66" -Sponsored by the Wingham Lions Club- THURSDAY, AUG. 18, 8.30 P.M. WINGHAM ARENA "Featuring" Recording & T.V. stars of "C.B.C." Music Hop THE WILLOWS 1111111111111111111.1.