HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-07-28, Page 14GODERICH BUSINESS ;;; COLLEGE Serving Western Ontario 1941-66 Our aim is to justify the confidence placed in us, and we are endeavouring to maintain the same high standards. FALL TERM OPENS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 Senior and Junior Courses approved by THE BUSINESS EDUCATORS' ASSOCIATION OF CANADA Dial 524-8521, 7284 or 6307 — Tuition $35 per month 28-A18-25-S1 e tee at Len Crawford Motors '64 DODGE, 6 Standard, with Radio '64 ACADIAN BEAUMONT 8 Auto., radio '63 PLYMOUTH 2-Door, 8 cyl., radio '63 PONTIAC, 6 Standard, with washers '63 FORD 2-Door, 6 Std., with Radio '61 DODGE, 2-Door Standard '61 DODGE, 4-Door Standard '60 FORD 4-Door, 6, Auto. '59 CHEVROLET, 2-Door Hard Top '58 CHEVROLET 2-Door, with radio Several older models. LEN CRAWFORD MOTORS Your Dodge - Plymouth - Chrysler - Valiant Dealer JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM Phone 357-3862 WINS NEW CAR—Mrs, James Currie, Sum- mit Drive, Wingham, was presented with the keys of a new Plymouth last Monday evening at Port Colborne, She was the lucky winner of a Lions Club draw in that community. The Port Colborne Lions Club president Bill Dentenbeck, right, made the presentation as car dealer Mel Peacock looked on. — Photo courtesy The Evening Tribune, Marines Join Fort Henry Guard In August 3 Sunset Ceremonial Page 0 ee Wingham AdeaneeeTiMes, Thursday, July 28, 1966 Everyone is talking about„, the two surprise weddings that took place in the entertainment world last week. In Europe, French glamour girl Brigette Bardot took on her third hus- band, who happens to be a rich, handsome German playboy by the name of Gunther Sachs. She was married first to French producer Roger Vadim, who discovered her and made her into a sex symbol and ev- entually, a star. Unfortunate- ly, like many of the gals lie has discovered, he made her believe that she owed him something and she married him, That marriage ended in divorce, and she later married Jacques Chattier, a young French actor with whom she co-starred in a movie. They were divorced in 1050, and she was left with a young son, Nicholas. She has been free since then, working hard and proving her worth as an actress. And once the girl who would do anything for a little bit of publicity, she is now a disciplined young per- former, who shows talent and common sense. They were married in a quiet ceremony, and are spending a quiet honeymoon in Tahiti, which is a real switcheroo for Bardot. Time was when she followed photographers; now she wants to get away from them! This in itself, should give this marriage more of a chance than the others. 0-0-0 In Las Vegas, Nevada, an- other surprise ceremony -- this one with singer Frank Sinatra and actress Mia Farrow the principal players. The first sine prise came last week when it was announced that the couple was engaged, but then the wed- ding plans were supposedly far off, and everyone sneered and said, "I'll believe it when I see it But by George, the Our citizens and many visit- ing tourists are on the move in the Province of Ontario. Va- cation time is here again, along with the mosquitoes, black flies and sun-burns. This is the time of year that highways lead to the beaches and cottages more than any other time of the year. In 1965 in the months of Ju- ly, August and September, we had a total of 32,149 accidents -- 362 persons killed and 11, - 542 received personal injury on our highways. There are many causes for these accidents, one being the impatient driver. You will all agree that when we get hot, we are more apt to also get hot under the collar and do some foolish thing, especially when we are driving. Think back (if you drive) when the temperature was 80 degrees. Can you remember the numerous times the children wanted to know when they were going to get there and how much further it was; or some- one had to use the washroom again; when the wife saw a love- ly spot to stop and have lunch just as you were past it with several cars behind you; when you thought there was a good place to eat just a mile up the wedding did come off, and within a week of their engage- ment announcement! Frankie Baby is a mid-cen- tury 50 year old, and has been married twice. Ile has been playing the field for so long that he has earned the title of 'perennial bachelor'. But he has been taken out of the ranks by a little wisp of a girl with straight hair, a figure like Rin- go Starr, and as much know- ledge of life as the gal who lives on Sam Hill! She. is younger than two of Frank's three children, a mere 20 years old, and considering that one of Frank's wives was Ave Gardner you would wonder what has happened to his eye- sight! Of course, when you al- so consider that he divorced Ava, maybe Mia has a foot in the door after all! Mia is a new young star, who was discovered for the televis- ion series "Peyton Place". She is the daughter of actress Maur- een O'Sullivan and the late dir- ector John Farrow. She is a de- vout Catholic, and at one time planned to be a nun. Her act- ing talent was the first thing that ended that idea, now she is even farther from that goal! They are honeymooning in Palm Springs, trying to dodge news- men and having an even tough- er time than Bardot, no doubt. Which of the two weddings will be more lasting, remains to be seen. If I were betting, I would bet more on the Euro- pean one. But I say, more power and much happiness to Mia and Frank. Idle gossip and talk may help to break up their happiness, which is sad. It is no one's business but their own, and they both deserve a break, particularly Frank, who has had his share of problems and is such a great entertainer and 'good Joe' to everyone. road and it turned into 1, 2, 10, 20, miles and the whole family was on your neck? This is all very irritating and leads to frus- tration. Frustrated drivers very often cause accidents. But what about the person who is on the highway and for safety reasons is travelling at a slower rate of speed, such as pulling a boat or trailer; or a farmer with his tractor towing an implement of husbandry who is travelling at a slower rate of speed? Both these persons have the right to use the highway providing they are obeying all the laws and regulations govern- ing their movement on the high- ways. But when we get behind one of these vehicles, don't we also have a tendency to get im- patient? If you do - DON'T. To the person operating a slow- er moving vehicle -- i f the traf- fic starts to line up behind you, wouldn't it be a good idea to give the proper signal and pull over when it is safe to do so and let the traffic pass? Don't you think this could prevent an ac- cident?, we do. So again we ask: Want to prevent an accident? To the impatient driver (don't be): Control your tern- KINGSTON--The U.S. Mar- ine Corps' Fort McHenry Guard, proud inheritors of a 142-year- old tradition, will visit Kings- ton's Fort Henry the evening of August 3 to stage a joint Sunset Ceremonial with the Fort Henry Guard. Starting time is 8 p.m. It will mark the fifth time units of the Marine Corps and the Fort Henry Guard have ex- changed visits since forging their unique friendship more than a decade ago. The Canadians are one of the three units in the world to have been presented with a per, use deep thought and con- sideration. To the slow driver: Be gen- erous, pull over. Goodyears Win Opener Wingham Goodyears won the opening game of the Western Ontario Athletic Association In- termediate "A" softball semi- final here Monday with a 5-3 victory over Beigrave. Gord Gerson led the Good- years with two triples and a single. fie drove in two runs with each of the triples and then drove in the fifth run with a single. Ken Saxton added a double and a single for the Goodyears. Wayne Coultes, Grant Coul- tes and Jim Taylor had two hits apiece for Beigrave R H Li Belgrave 100 000 002 3 9 1 Wingham 200 001 02X 5 9 1 Coultes and Taylor; I lotch- kiss, Gibson (4) and Foxton. ADVANCE-TIMES WANT ADS PAY Marine Corps drum and the Marines possess she only dupli- cate set of keys to the Kingston fortress. The Marines, who provide a ceremonial guard at the Balti- more, Md., fort and the Fort Henry Guard share another tra- dition. Honorary Colonel of the Fort McHenry Guard is Gen. Lemuel C. Shepherd Jr., for- mer commandant of the Marine Corps, who is also honorary commander of the Fort Henry Guard. In his honor, the Kings- ton Guard always marches off parade to the strains of the "Marine's Hymn", At the Aug. 3 ceremonial, the Marines will pass in review to the music of "The General Shepherd March," first per- formed at Fort McHenry a week earlier. The music, a slow march, was composed by Fort McHenry Guard's drum major, Sgt. Ian Stokes, a Scot who served with the Royal Canadian Navy before joining the Marine Corps and receiving his U.S. citizenship papers. The history of the Fort Mc- Henry Guard extends back to September, 1814, when the star-shaped fortress guarding the water entrance to Baltimore featured in one of the climac- tic battles of the War of 1812. Less than a month earlier a British force, revenging the American burning of York(now Toronto) had captured Wash- ington and burned the federal buildings. Baltimore was to be the next target of the fleet. On the mottling of Sept. 13, sixteen British warships dropped anchor off Fort McHenry and commenced a 25-hour shelling of the fortress, Although heav- ily bombarded, the guns ofFort Mcl lenry kept the ships at bay and prevented them from giv- ing close support to ground troops who were thus unable to penetrate the ion defences. As dawn came on the 14th, the huge flag of Fort McHenry could be seen tattered but still flying above the fort. From the deck of one of the British Show Biz By Yonne Lee O.P.P. SAFETY TIPS Want to Prevent an Accident? ships (he had been negotiating the release of prisoners), Fran- cis Scott Key was inspired to write the words to "The Star Spangled Banner". Set to the music of the Eng- lish song, "To Anacreon in Heaven," the tune became so popular that in 1931 Congress declared it the U.S. national anthem. Today, the flag at Fort McHenry is one of the few authorized by presidential pro- clamation to fly 24 hours a day. Commanded by Captain Jo- seph F. Cody, the men of the Fort McHenry Guard are vol- unteers from the Marine Corps unit based at nearby Fort Meade, Md. Once weekly they present a program of 1814 drill tactics and music at the Balti- more fort, dressed in modern Marine Corps uniforms, the design of which is directly de- scended from those of 1814. Forest Conservation is the intelligent management of for- est lands to produce increasing quantities of high quality tim- ber in perpetuity. PROCLAMATION I HEREBY PROCLAIM Monday, August 1, 1966 A PUBLIC CIVIC HOLIDAY FOR THE TOWN OF WINGHAM I HEREBY CALL UPON ALL GOOD CITIZENS TO OBSERVE THE SAME. DEWITT MILLER, Mayor. SAVE UP TO 35 MEN'S WEAR ANNA/ Men I s SUMMER & CONTINUES-- Boys' SALE Wear SAVE UP TO 35% BOYS' WEAR SHORT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS SUMMER PANTS BATHING SUITS KNIT T-SHIRTS MEN'S COTTON DRESS PANTS KNIT T-SHIRTS SHORT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS BATHING SUITS SUMMER PANTS BOYS' DRESS JEANS