HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-07-07, Page 6Paged Wit-That"! AdVarlee-Tittles, Thersalae, lel% leles. ** iiiii PAPOPPOoppo 1A . op . pp iiiii Aoo.000pooppoplOMOIPPPIP iiiii p ii i OA 0000000 OPAI oo • o APPOSAI oo ...... APAAAAAPA ... ... PPAPPOPAOtto .... Corning Events oOpipplialftlIAMA ... .... PAAAAA 0 ...... AAAAAPIAAPOPPOPIA .. P .. ..... 4•111APAIMPIPPIpollpionolo111,11.,01 ...... PPAAPPAAPAAAAPA FOR SALE 44041.".0114.41140pililli.MIN•414..010.1.0451114IMM4.1414404M4M.414.1•1 CAMP TRAILER for sale, complete with hitch, Apply Mac Galbraith, 357-2661. 7b FOR SALE—Crystal stemware in a wide variety of patterns. Priced from 89c at Hafermehl's Jewellery, 7b SMOKER round or square bale loader for sale. Excellent con- dition. Reasonably priced. Mel Craig, Brussels 351J6. MILK FILTERS for sale, plain, rapid fie, 6'ss"-85c a box, Alexander's Hardware, phone 357-3631. llrrb BUILT-IN CUPBOARDS for sale, bottom section 5', wood with arborite top. Top section 4' steel, Phone 357-3842 noon hours or after five. 7* RELAX this summer on a comfortable chaisette pad $3.49 or a chair pad $1.89; also lounge pillows to match $1,49, Your choice of colors this• week at Currie's Furniture. 7b SAVE ON PAINT — 10% off regular prices on Kern Glo Enamel, Super Kern Tone and Martin-Senour. Your headquar- ters for Kem Lines. Alexander's Hardware. 5rrb CHOICE BEEF—Front quar- ters, avg. wt. 100 lbs., 38c lb.; white sugar, 5 lbs. 39c, 50 lbs. $3.89. Open Saturday till 10 p.m. Meyer's Meat Market, ph. 392-6827, Teeswater, 7b FOR SALE—Limited quantity of Wm, Rogers Iced Tea and Grapefruit Spoons at only $1.95 set of 4. Don't miss this special at Hafermehl's, 7b IVERS & POND piano for sale, small upright, walnut, colonial legs, matching bench, excellent condition. $500,00. Apply Box 91, Advance-Times. 7* VACUUM CLEANER SALES. Service for all makes. Filter Queen Sales, Zurich, phone Hensall 262-5350 collect, My26rrb 862.50 will buy quality space savers in nylon or duracelle FREIZE covering, double spring construction. Also avail- able in top quality naugahide at Curries Furniture, (Custo- mer parking), 7b FOR SALE — Stainless steak knives, forks, salad forks, spoons, grapefruit sets, Pack- aged in sets of 6. Reg. S4.95 value for $3.95 at Hafermehl's Jewellery — Your Gift Centre. 7b ihi storey 5 room aluminum sided home, standard lot, small barn, good garden area, fruit trees a.id ample shaded lot. In Whitechurch, close to main highway. Reasonably priced. 1 storey 5 room asphalt sid- ed home near Wingham. Par- tial basement, HD wiring and water on pressure. Installed new—oil fired furnace, outside chimney, asphalt roof, septic tank and weepers, Also built-in cupboards and sink. Large well shaded lot, Priced for quick .ale. lee storey 4 bedroom mo- dernized home with all con- veniences. Good location, close to schools and hospital. Inter- ior in good condition, most of floor covering new. Spacious well landscaped and shaded lot. Only $1,850 down payment and good terms for balance available. Possession in Aug. Main highway lot, close to Wingham. 360' frontage x 200' in depth, Drain through pro- perty. Reasonably priced with early possession, - • Building lot in Wingham, 1 block off main street, 681 ' frontage x 132' in depth. good drainage, for only S800.00, 1960 DODGE, Pioneer, V8, automatic, power steering, push-button radio. In excellent shape. Reasonable. Phone 357- 2382, 7* esa MARLATT'S Dead Stock Service HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for Dead Gawk & Horses over 600 lbs. More for sick and disabled Cows arid Hones according to size and condition FOR PROMPT SERVICE PLEASE CALL COLLECT BRUCE MARLATT Brussels - Phone 133 24-HOUR SERVICE License NO. 890-C-66 TAXI SERVICE HOLSTEIN heifer for sale. Due to freshen. Apply Harry Bateman, R. R, 1, Wingham, 7* 19 CHUNKS of pigs for sale, 9 weavers, Harold Casemore, 357-1118, 7b VAPAANOnomoloWo1 HAY FOR SALE 10 ACRES standing hay for sale, Phone 357-3128, Charlie Showers, 7* 12 ACRES of mixed hay for sale. Phone 252J Wroxeter, Ralph Tompkins, Gorrie, 7b ARTICLES FOR RENT RENT our new Dustless floor sanders and make your old floors like new again. We have just purchased the new Dust- less floor sanding machines. You can save over 50% by doing your own sanding, Alex- ander's Hardware. 24rrb FOR RENT FOR RENT—Trailer at Boiler Beach for July and August. Phone 357-1418. 30-7b 7-ROOM COTTAGE for rent, 1 block from Lake Huron, 1 block from main street, Bay- field. Write Box 14, Hayfield. 30-7b FOR RENT—Trailer at Boiler Beach for July and August. Sleeps six. Phone 357-1418, John Brent. 30-7* HOUSE for rent, 3 bedrooms, four miles from Wingham, Ph. 357-1828. 7* 3-BEDROOM brick house In Bluevale for rent, all conven- iences, Apply Box 90, Advance- Times. 7* smsrollOploileomil JOB OPPORTUNITIES FINISH HIGH SCHOOL Home study prepares you to write Ontario provincial exam- inations for recognized certifi- cate, Grades 6-13. All books and supplies. Low monthly pay- ments, income tax deductable. For full information write Ca- nadian Academy, 40 Main St., West, Hamilton, Ont, A7rrb MALE HELP WANTED LOCAL MAN REQUIRED I need a representative for my firm in this area, This opening may be worth up to $8,000.00 yearly for the right person. Full or part-time. Can you make short auto trips? We hope you will start soon and stay with us a long time. Con- tact Now! Charlie Lee, Wing- ham, phone 357-1383. 23-30-7-14b EMPLOYMENT WANTED BABYSITTING wanted., exper- ienced, will sit day or night, Phone 357-1867, 7* BACE110E SERVICE Tommy Parker, Bluevale, Ont. 23-30-7-14* WANTED TO RENT 3-BEDROOM house wanted to rent by August or September by a business man. Phone 357- 3559, 30-7b WANTED TO RENT — Three bedroom home in Wingham by high school teacher, Occupan- cy by Sept, 1st or sooner, Ap- ply Box 85. Advance-Times. 23.30-7-14b WANTED TO RENT-4 bed- room home in Wingham, re- quired be school opening, Phone Mr, Kirkham. Fry & Blackhall Ltd., 357-1741. 30-7-14-21b WANTED WOMAN wishes room in or near the country, where a dog would also by accepted. Would like either board, or to get own meals. Phone 357-2215, 7-14* OLD CLOCKS WANTED, in any condition, Letters with particulars to K Sandercott. Twilite Motel. R. R. 1, Hyde Park, Ont., or phone \Vingharn 351-2399. 23-30-7-14*rrb TENDERS WANTED A.P.A.P.pwoonoo4mo.m000moo....roomo•Oommop TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be rt ceived un- til Wednesday, July 20, 1966, for purchase and removal of Lakelet Communfly Shed, ap- proximately 46x60 feet. A cash deposit of MX to accompany tenders to be held by the trus- tees until the inspectors are satisfied that the ground has been cleaned up and levelled off properly, Highest or any tender not necessarily accept- ed.—James Inglis, Trustee. 7-14b ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OFFICE SPACE REQUIRED TOWN OF WINGHAM Submissions are invited from Owners or authorized agents to lease approximately 1,000 square feet (ground floor level preference) office space to ac- commodate the Ontario Prov- incial Police Detachment at the Town of Wingham. Addi- tional requirements preferred: all services and required parti- tioning, 575 square. feet of gar- age space, Written offers on existing or proposed buildings will form the basis for future negotia- tions and should be forwarded not later than July 29th, 1966 to the undersigned. Please re- fer to File No, L-1071 Wing- ham. Lowest or any other offer to lease not necessarily accepted. Mr, W. G, Bentley Chief Property Officer, Real Estate Branch, Department of Public Works, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ontario. 7-14-21-28b AUCTION SALES 444449.4.44.1111011.1=111•=0141•Onl AUCTION SALE of the St. Augustine Separate School, of the Township of West Wawanosh will be held on Saturday evening, July 9, at 7:30. The •frame school be- ing 36x30, will be offered for sale as well as the following contents: Teacher's desk, Hei- .nezman 'piano, 12 steel desks, furnace, work bench, light fix- tures, brass bell, 10 cords of wood and numerous small ar- ticles. The sohool building is to be removed from the pro- perty by the purchaser. Terms —Cash. Allan Maclntyre, Auct. 7b NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF LOR- ENE PEARL PA TTERSON. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Wroxeter, in the County of Huron, Housewife. who died on the 25th day of May, 1966, are required to file proof of same with the under- signed on or before the 23rd day of July, 1966. After that date, the Executor will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this 30th day of June., A.D. 1966. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor, 7-14-21b 114110=1.1••••011•1•1•1=111•1111•1=1 IN MEMORIAM HALLIDAY In loving mem- ory of a beloved heisband, James A. Halliday, who pass- ed away July 7, 1964. You left a beautiful memory, And a sorrow too great to be told, But to us who loved and lost you Your memory shall never grow old. Just a loving thought And a silent tear For a husband who was SO dear. Dear God, take a message To him above, Tell him how much I miss him And give him my love, —Ever remembered and sad- ly missed by his wife, Clara. 7* PAINTING & DECORATING CHARLES RINTOUL Phone 3574044, Wingham, Jy/67* SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used All work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R. R. 2, Brussels, phone 442W6, Brussels, 31124-S1* FLOOR SANDING New hardwood floors laid, sanded and finished, Also old floors. New modern equipment. Phone 357-2750, Norman Rin- toul & Sons. l6rrb NOTICE If you are thinking of financ- ing a car be sure to contact your State Farm Agent first. Reuben Appleby, 27 Patrick Street, Wingham, phone 357- 1679, FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automo- bile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness Home Protection Call your Co-op Agent- 53 Maple Street, Wingham Dial 357-3739. LLOYD MONTGOMERY STUD SERVICE Commander House Joe Far- ceur-12723, Registered Belgian stallion. Sorrel-roan with white mane and tail, feet and legs white to knees; 3 years old and weighs 2100 lbs, Fee $20 for week old colt, lei mile west and % mile south of Lakelet. Joseph Eyler, R. R. 2, Clifford, Ont. 30-7* FOR MEMORIALS OF DISTINCTION Let us help you choose a lovely and enduring family monument of ageless granite or marble. Our talented craftsmen will create a memorial of lasting beauty that will stand as an imperishable monument to the future family memory. Telephone collect for assistance without obligation: Stratford 271-6736. Stratford Cemetery Memorials Ltd., 38 Avondale Ave., Strat- ford, Ontario. A22rrb For Sale Wroxeter homes: 2 storey solid brick with 4 bedrooms, 3 pe, bath, modern kitchen, bright and spacious living area throughout. Full basement with oil furnace. Full price only $7,200 with terms available. 1 storey brick bungalow 2 bedrooms, kitchen, spacious dining and living area, hot and cold water, 3 pc. bath, new oil furnace and utility silted at- tached. Full sacrifice price only $5,500, Lake front cottage, 2 storey contemporary design. Located north of' Goderieh overlooking take Huron. Three bright bed- rooms, modern kitchen, spac- ious dining and relaxation area throughout, two 3 pc. bath,. rooms. This is an excellent op- portunity to get the lake view cottage you've been wanting. DON HOLST REAL ESTATE LIMITED "'Rand Ontario Specialists" ,• Keith Fitzsimmons Manager, 'Wingham, Ph, 357-3840 —Poimoomo‘.....i4o4moarre RVTITS BEAUTY SALON Will be closed July 15th to August 2nd, inclusive, 30-7b CLOSING NOTICE Canadian Tire Corporation Associate Store in Wingham will be closed all day Wednes- days starting July 6, 7.14* III-T DANCE Radio and recording stars, "The Fortune Tellers," are coming to Brussels Community Arena, Friday, July 8. Dancing 9:30 p,m, to 1:00 aan. Admis- sion $1.00. 7kr ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Chamney announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Laura Elizabeth Claire, to Mr, Ewald Josef Rainer, of Toron- to, son of Mr, and Mrs. F. Rainer, of Innsbruck, Austria. The marriage will take place on Saturday, July 23rd, at 4:00 P.m., in Knox United Church, Belgrave, 7b CARDS OF THANKS The family of the late Miss Luella Simmons who passed away in Huronview, wish to thank friends and neighbors for all their kindness, also Rev. Douglas Steven. A special thanks to the staff at Huron- view. 7b We wish to thank the many people who sent letters and cards of sympathy to us fol- lowing the passing of a dear and never-to-be-forgotten wife and mother. We acknowledge and appreciate the many acts of kindness, We especially want to thank our neighbors for their generosity in bring- ing baking to our home, This can never be forgotten.—Elston Cardiff and family. 7b The family of Douglas St. John, of 'Uxbridge, wish to ten- der their deep gretitude to those friends of Wingham and district who thought of us at the tragic passing of our dear son, brother and grandson. The sympathy cards, letters and other acts of kindness did much to ease the burden of grief which was ours with Doug's loss. Very sincerely— Betty (Rae) and Russell St. John and Mrs. D, Rae. Mr, and Mrs. George Phillips take this opportunity to thank all their friends for the lovely gifts and many cards they re- ceived on the occasion of their fiftieth wedding anniversary. They would also like to thank all those who helped and all who called in at the "open house," 7* I should like to thank every- one who sent me cards, letters and treats, also those who visited me while I was a pat- ient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don.—Alex, Blair. 7* I would like to express my sincere thanks for cards, treats and visits while I was a pa- tient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don. Special thanks to Dr, Tew Sr., the nurses on 5th floor east, also to the Belmore Wo- men's Institute for the lovely box they sent,--Doris Scott, 7b I wish to thank my friends and neighbors for their cards. gifts and visits while I was a patient in hospital. Also the ladies of the Royal Canadian Legion, the nurses on second floor, Dr. Leahy and Rev. C. Jardine, — Mrs, George John- ston. • 7b I wish to sincerely thank all my friends who sent flowers, cards, gifts, treats and visited me while I was a patient in Wingham and District Hospi- tal. Special thanks to Drs. Corrin and Klahsen and the nursing staff, — John Mean- tyre. 7* I wish to express thanks to all my friends who visited me and sent cards, gifts and treats while I was a patient in the Wingham and District Hos- pital. Special thanks to Dr. Klahsen, Dr. B. Corrin and Dr. Flowers of Clinton; also the nursing staff of second floor, Your kindnesses will always be remembered.—Alberta New- ton. 7* „11.,1,11,111,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11,,,E 14114.111)1411111.41/114 PHONE 357-2320 FOR WANT AD SERVICE CLOSING NOTICE Shirley's Hair Styling will be closed July 17 to August 7, inclusive, 7.14* CLOSING NOTICE Warren House and Credit Union. Office will be closed for vacation July 10.24, inclusive. 7.141) OPEN AIR MEETINGS Brethren Church open air meetings will be held about one mile north of Wingham at 8 o'clock every Sunday night during July and August, Special music, Special speak- ers. Everyone welcome, 30-J7-14-21-28-A18-25* NEW BINGO Howlett Lions New Bingo will be held on Friday, July 8, in Wroxeter Community Hall, at 8:30 p.m., DST, 12 games for $10; 3 "Share the Wealth"; 1 Jackpot of $75 in 60 calls. Adm, $1.00; extra tickets 3 for 50e, or 7 for $1.00, Everyone wel- come, CURRIE'S Furniture has wardrobes in solid birch wal- nut construction 66x23 with full door mirror $38,95; family size 66x36 with double sliding doors 558.95, (Customer parking). 7b SUMMER WOOD SALE—Dry, foot lengths slab wood, $1,00 per cord at yard, We deliver at 315.00 per seven cord load, green. This is soft maple and elm. James T. Craig & Son. Auburn, phone 526-7220. FOR SALE—McBrine luggage for air, land or sea, McCulloch 9 hp fishing outboard; Holden- Woods tents; hunting. fishing, swimming, water skiing and ball supplies, Complete 100 page catalogue of Cole's office supplies, in color. For the young bride, everything from the ring, china, cookware, ap- pliances to outdoor lawn furni- ture. Six companies to choose from. Oneof the six has five showrooms. Fifty-one bedroom suites all told. See the beauti- ful furniture in color. Also the room close-up photos showing you how to set up same, If still not satisfied, travelling to F ast or u' et. or ever. to Toronto a letter of introduction will he given to actually see them. Hieene Cont'ict Vivian. 2a5 Carling Terrace, Wingham, so you can have delivery by autumn. 7b CARS FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 2-STOREY Colonial style ho use with attached garage, in good condition, Owner transferred. 357-3170, 7-144 FOR SALE or will trade on house in Wingham — 50 acre farm; good house and barn, running water. Apply Box 88, Advance-Times, 30-7.14* ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE AGENCY Gordon B. Elliott, Broker, Edward A. Elliott, Salesman, Phone 357-1590 Modern two bedroom frame home in new condition inside and outside. Two bathrooms, laundry room and recreation room. New furnace, etormS and screehs, broadloom, drap- es, TV tower, therrno window, Ideal location two blocks from main street. Possession 30 days, 12 room brick veneer home, two bathrooms, two living rooms, fire place, oil fired hot water heat, frame barn now used as garage. While this home needs some decorating and repair it is in excellent con- dition, Possession Sept. 1:66, 7 room frame home, 4 bed- rooms. new furnace, modern bath, hardwood floors upstairs and down. Modest down pay- ment on this very reasonably priced family home, Possession 30 days. Several choice building lots, completely serviced, and priced right. WILLIAM S. REED Real Estate Broker and General Insurance Dial 357-2174 — Wingham REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 7 room, 2 storey, 3 bedroom brick house, modern conven- iences, oil furnace, extra lot, Priced reasonable to close an estate. Centrally located 7 room, 2 storey brick house, oil furnace, attached garage. Full price $9„000.00. Several modern homes, build- ing lots, farms and business- es. 7b WILFRED McINTEE s,; CO. LIMITED Realtor - Walkerton, Ontario 100 acre farm near Wingham on main highway. 40 acres workable. 2 wells. one on pros- sure throughout house and barn. New seeding on 40 acres 1965, All wire fencing. Bank barn 50'x40', concrete floor and 110' concrete hog .troughing, capacity for 150 hogs.. loose housing, Colony house and small ailed, also Ili storey brick 5 room home with 4 pee. bath with ample storage clos- ets. Full basement, concrete floor and coal or wood hot water furnace, Frame asphalt sided addition with modern kitchen, Also enclosed sun- porch, House is in excellent condition. Possession 30 days. Priced reasonably with terms available, Contact: FRANK J. CASKANETrE pox 167, or Dial 351-1702 Wirighant. lb GRANT'S TAXI DIAL 357-1836 Dlarrb L IVESTOCK FOR SALE wHEEL9 © 0 BEAU SERVICE Ken's Alignment Servicel WINGHAM • PHONE 3S1.1210 1 BIRTHS IVicDOUGALl..0 — In Victoria Hospital, London, on Wed- nesday, June 29, 1966, to Mr. and Mrs, Harry McDougall, a son, James Richard, WALDEN--In Wingham and District Hospital, on Monday, July 4, 1966, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Walden, Wingham, a daughter, CAMERON—In Wingham and District Hospital, on Wed- nesday, July e, 1966, to Mr, and Mrs. Donald Cameron, R. R. 2, Lucknow, a daugh- ter. PERSONAL A'rI.ENTION LADIES! SAVE $ $ $ Have your Bridal wear and better dresses custom made by experienced dressmaker, Ma- terial supplied if desired, For further information and esti- mates contact Mrs, Joan Wis- sler, telephone 392-6572, Tees- water, 7-14* MISCELLANEOUS WHITECHURCH Andrea King celebrated her ninth birthday on Saturday by having Catherine White, Debby St. Marie and Doris Naylor as guests for the occasion, to en- joy a birthday supper. Miss Lila Emerson surprised Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson on the occasion of their 42nd wedding anniversary on Satur- day when she invited them for supper and they found Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tiffin, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tiffin, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ritchie and Mrs. Maud Flaggitt there as well. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cassidy, Douglas and Lorraine of London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Arscott and family and with his father, Mr. Dan Cassidy. Mrs. Jim Currie and her son, Donald Leader, and Donna of Gorrie, attended the Hespeler reunion on Saturday. It was the third reunion which Mrs, Currie had attended for which she was given a badge. Attending the trousseau tea in honor of Patricia Thompson at the home of her mother, Mrs. Campbell Thompson, were Mrs. Ezra Scholtz, Mrs. Garnet Far- rier, Mrs. Gibson Gillespie, Mrs. Albert McQuillan, Mrs. D. MacDonald, Mrs. Wesley Tif- fin, Mrs. Cecil Falconer and Mrs. Dawson Craig. Mrs. George Fisher left Sun- day afternoon for Toronto where she will attend a special edu- cation course for six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Evans, Linda and Larry were callers on Friday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans, They were leavine the family with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nichol- son of Kinlough, while they visit the western provinces dur- ing their holiday period. Retired Minister Resided Here f--Many in this community will remember Rev. Duncan NlacTavish who resided in the parsonage here while. serving Whitechurch, Tif- fin and Bethel appointments. The Free Press calls him, farmer, mason, novelist, Scot- tish comedian and preacher and states he has now retired at London, age 77, Those who know him will agree with all rite titles given for he never failed to practise any of these arts on the churches he served. ale also assisted farmers in do- ing their work. This community extends best wishes when he and his wife celebrate their 50th wed- ding anniversary the first week in August. WILSON ELECTRIC FORDWICH PHONE 11 R 12 COMPLETE MOTOR WIND and REPAIR — Wagner - Leland Sales — Jy-r-orm.