HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-06-30, Page 12rage 4 -- Wingham .Advance-Times, Thursday, June 30, 190ti THE CNR FREIGHT SHED was demolished in Thursday night's fire. Piles of charred doors which belonged to Lloyd-Truax Ltd., were all that remained the next morn- ing. It is estimated the loss in doors was about $75,- 000.00. —Advance-Times Photo. OPEN HOUSE of 1966 HALLIDAY HOMES '1420 NO MONEY DOWN PRICED FROM TODAY, TOMORROW AND SUNDAY FROM 10 A.M. TO 9 P.M. Due to the tremendous response we repeat our Open House of HALLIDAY Vacation Homes and Garages Drive out today 1 Use this handy 36 Floor Plans PRESENTED BY — LONDON BUILDING PRODUCTS See it on the display court at 113 Falcon St., London Phone 455.1980 1111 lllllllllll 11111 lllllllllllll 1 lllllll 111111111L Please send me your Catalogue on: HOMES — 50 Cents COTTAGES — 50 Cents NAME ADDR ESS Appearing in The Advance-Times, which have been taken by our staff photographers are now available to those who wish to purchase reprints. ORDERS MUST BE PLACED WITHIN TWO WEEKS OF PUBLICATION. FOUR FREIGHT CARS beside the freight shed were damaged in the blaze Thursday night, one of which was 1104 Fordwich Personal Notes loaded with doors. The siding rails were warped as much as 18" where the heat was most intense.—A-T Pix. To Invite Other Groups For W.I. Holiday Tea Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Gibson are spending this week in Sar- nia and Windsor attending the annual convention of mayors and reeves. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cowan of Wheatley spent last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nel- son Armstrong. Mrs. Pearl Patterson and Miss Leslie Campbell visited one day last week with Mrs, Wilda Campbell in St. Joseph's Hospital, Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Norris of Brantford visited friends in the village one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Royden Devitt spent one day last week in Lon- don. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lynn, Karen and Judy of Orillia, spent the wcek-end with Mr. and Mrs Earl Ridley, Mrs. William McCann was confined last week to Listowel Memorial Hospital. Mrs. W. llorsburg of Haynes City, Florida, is spending some time with her daughter and son in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Emmer- son Ferguson. The Anglican Church picnic will be held next Sunday, July 3, in Gorrie Park. The sympathy of the com- munity goes to Mr. Roy Sim- mons who received word Mon- day of the death of his sister at Huronview Home, Clinton. Mrs. Barry Parsons returned borne last week from Minto, N. B., where she spent a month with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hibberd visited one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Litchy in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Jack King en- joyed a motor trip to Nashville, Tennessee and attended the Grand Ole Opera on Saturday night. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cooper of Fordwich who celebrated their 40th wed- ding anniversary on Sunday. Mrs. George Wipp and fam- ily of Galt spent the week-end with Mrs. Pearl Patterson. Week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Bride were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Riddell and three children of Lindsay and Mr. Bob Bride of London. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore and Miss Eileen Miller spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Frew, in Preston. The garden party at the Ford- wich United Church Friday night was well attended, with $350.00 being realized. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ettinger of Brighton visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ernie D' Ar- cy. Mrs. Charles Ver Schoor re- turned to her home in Ann Ar- bour, Mich. , Saturday after spending a couple of weeks with Mrs. Ruby Forester. Miss Ruth Johnston spent a couple of days last week with relatives in Toronto, Mrs. Elmer Miller is spend- ing this week with her mother, Mrs, D. Aitcheson, in Elora, Miss Helen Johnston spent a few days last week in Toronto. Quite a number from here FORDWICH --The June meet- ing of the Women's Institute was held in the community ball with the conveners of citizen- ship and education, Mrs. Stan- ley Bride and Miss Minnie Mc- Elwain, in charge. Mrs, Bride presided and wel- comed the members and guests. The devotions were taken by Mrs. L. Loughlean. The motto, "We had characters", from Miss Ethel Chapman's book, From a Roadside Window, was given by Miss McElwain. The roll call was a current event, The roll calls were vot- ed on and Miss Elva Foster was judged the best. Her roll call was on the International Plow- ing Match to be held at Sea- forth, Huron County, in Octo- ber. • Correspondence included a thank you note from the adopt- ed veteran at Westminster Hos- Rev., Mrs. A. Coles Leave this Week FORDWICH--A presentation was held in the United Church on Sunday night for Rev, and Mrs. Alex Coles, who are leav- ing this week for Seeley's Bay,. They were given a cedar chest and two lawn chairs. Bob Hibberd read the address and Anson Ruttan and Warren Zur- brigg made the presentation. The United Church Women also presented them with an oil painting. Mrs. Warren Zur- brigg read the address and Mrs. Lorne Siefert Jr. made the pre- sentation. A small gift was given to the three children. Rev. W. A. Parrott of Cara- doe Indian Mission will take over duties here August 1. pital. Announcement was made of a new home economist, Miss Sharon Carroll and the Achieve- ment Day to be held in Howick Central School, June 30th. The July meeting is to be a holiday tea CM Tuesday, July 19, 4 to 8 p.m. when the neighboring branches will be invited. A report of the district an- nual meeting was given by Mrs, H. Harris and Mrs. C. Sothern. Community singing was en- joyed with Mrs. Lorne Siefert at the piano. The topic, "The United Na- tions in Your\Life" was given by Mrs. S. Bride and Mrs. H. Harris. A demonstration and display of liquid embroidery by Mrs. W. Hargrave and Mrs. W. Sothern was greatly appreciat- ed. A clothespin contest was conducted with Mrs. John In- glis winning the prize. Lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Clarence Carswell and Mrs. Scott Clarkson, Bus Trip to Niagara Falls DONNYBROOK--The teach- er, pupils and parents of S. S. No. 3, West Wawanosh went on a bus trip Friday to Niagara Falls. The tour included the On- tario Hydro Plant, Brock'sMon- ument, the floral clock at Queenston, Niagara-on-the- Lake, Welland Canal, the Bo- tanical Gardens and a historical Presbyterian Church which came into being in 1791 with the pre- sent church built in 1831.There were 42 on the trip. Regional Director Appointed for Library Group E. Stanley Beacock of Lon- don has been appointed first re- gional director of the Midwest- ern Regional Library Co-Opera- tive. lie will start his duties October 1, Since 1901, Mr. Beacock has been assistant director of London Public Library and Art Museum. Previous to that, he worked with county libraries in Ohio in the United States and in Lambton County in Ontario. The Midwestern Regional Li- brary was organized nearly two years ago to help improve li- brary service in the four coun- ties of Waterloo, Wellington, Perth and Huron. It will set up services that most of the small- er libraries in the region are un- able to provide to their borrow- ers. It will have available in Mr. Beacock an experienced professional who will offer ad- vice to any library seeking help. Family Reunion Held in London Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mc- Intyre attended a family reun- ion picnic at Springbank Park, London, on Sunday afternoon. Each year different members of the family supply the refresh- ments and this year Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McIntyre of Lon- don were host and hostess. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Jim McIntyre and family of Bridgetown, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold McIntyre and fam- ily of Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gerrie and family of Stratford, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob McIntyre of Kitchener. attended the 100th anniversary of Newbridge United Church on Sunday, when Rev. J. W. Hird of Gorrie was the guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D'Arcy of Brampton were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernie D'Arcy. Miss Ardyth Campbell of Peterboro was a week-end guest of Mrs. Pearl Patterson. Miss Leslie Campbell returned home with them and will visit there this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bride and Peter of Don Mills visited over le week-end with Mr. Presentation FORDWICH--A presentation and dance was held in the com- munity hall, Friday night in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Johnson, who were married re- cently. Mrs. Ron McClement read • the address and Paul Schaefer and Harold Keil presented them with step tables, a coffee ta- ble and a purse of money. Rona Lee and Wayne thanked every- one. ST, HELENS Mrs. George Fisher, the St. Helens teacher, attended a seminar in Toronto over the week-end. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs, George Phillips on the oc. casion of their 50th wedding anniversary. and Mrs. Harold Doig. Mr. and Mrs. John Tudan and family of Toronto spent the week-end at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wray, Brian and Grace of Toronto, spent the week-end here and attended the 100th anniversary of Newbridge United Church. They also attended the Wray reunion in Stratford. Y. fir fr{ 4,1 9 fi