HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-06-30, Page 6• SELL. RENT . SWAP • HIRE . BUY* SELL. RENT • SWAP • HIRE • BUY • SE RENT • SWAP • H I RE • • H I FitE • BL SELL. RENT • SWAP HIRE • auY• SELL. RENT • SWAP • HIRE • BUY • SELL. RENT • CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS 111111010.1111•MEMI• vwttEst.s BEAR SERVICE Ken's Alignment Service WINGHAM • PHONE 351.1230 Mrs. D. C. Nasmith Enjoyed Active Life Mrs. Donald C. Nasmith died at the Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital on Friday after several months' illness. She was in her 53rd year. The former Eurith Campbell, she was born in Wingham on March 28, 1914, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Campbell. She was a graduate of the University of Toronto. Mrs. Nasmith, who attend- ed St. Paul's Anglican Church, had served as treasurer of the Hospital Auxiliary for the past ten years. She was a member and past president of the La- dies' Golf Club, a member of the Curling Club and the Bridge Club. She is survived by her hus- band, three sons, Peter, James and William, and one daugh- ter, Sue; two sisters, Mrs. Gor- don (Edna) Buchanan, Wing- ham and Mrs. Jack (Katharine) Wilson of Toronto. Funeral service was held on Saturday afternoon at the S. J. Walker funeral home at 2.30 and interment was in the Wing- ham cemetery. Pallbearers were Howard Sherbondy, Gary Gibson, Donald Lloyd, R. S. Hetherington, F. E. Madill and E. H. Truax, the latter of Wal- kerton. Flower bearers were Donald McDonald, Jack Greg- ory and Gregory Buchanan. Harvey Anderson James Harvey Anderson of Kincardine passed away in Vic- toria Hospital, London on June J.G. Born on October 1S, 1i 05, he was the elder son of Duncan Anderson and his wife, the for- mer Annie Henderson, whose farm home was on the Bluevale Road in Turnberry Township. Funeral service was held in the Linklater funeral home and was conducted by his rector, Rev. S. R. Lupton of the Angli- can Church of Messiah on Sat- urday, June 18. Interment was in Kincardine Cemetery. Pallbearers were two cousin4 Tom Henderson and Graeme Anderson; two brothers-in-law, John Lockart and Perry Ander- son of Kincardine; and two friends, Clarence Walpole and Ervin Speiran. Flower bearers were nephews. Final resting place is Kincardine Cemetery. Surviving are his wife, the former Pearl Haldenby, former- ly of Kinlough; one son, Evan Finlay of Port Credit; two daughters, Betty Lois of London and Peggy Ann Rodgers of Ham- ilton; three grandchildren, Judy, Jimmy and Mary Ellen Ander- son, of Port Credit. He is also survived by his step-mother, Mrs. Duncan An- derson of Hamilton; one broth- er Wilfred, of Montreal, and one sister, Mrs. Wm. (Ruth) Free o; 13dmonton, Alberta. Harvey was an employee of Imperial Oil Company for 3'7 years in Wingham, Teeswater, Lucknow and Kincardine. Mrs. J. A. Currie Dies in London A former resident of Wing- ham, Mrs. John A. Currie, died Saturday in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, after a short illness following a fall on June 19 in which she broke her hip. The former Wilhelmina Wheelans, daughter of the late William and Margaret Wheelans was born in Turnberry Township 8'7 years ago. Her husband predeceased her in June, 1035, She is survived by daughters Mrs. R. D. (Beth) Ralston of Calgary, Mrs. Morgan (Ena) Henderson of Lucknow and Mrs. Harold (Margaret) Mitchell of Hamilton. A son, William W. Currie died in July, 1963. There are five grandchild- ren and five great grandchild- ren. Mrs. Currie was a member of the Presbyterian Church, Rev. Rod McLeod conducted funeral service at the R. A. Currie & Son funeral home June 28. Burial was in Wingham Cemetery. Pallbearers were Douglas Mitchell, Gob Snedden, Joe Dunbar, Jim Henderson, Bob McKague and Bruce McCull- ough. Flower bearers were Ken McKague, Jim Kennedy and Keith Dunbar. Page Wingham Advance-Times, Thursday, June 30, 1966 Corning Events FOR SALE GIRL'S BICYCLE; for sale, 24" frame. Phone 357-361.7. 30b 2 SMALL TOY TERRIER dogs for sale, 4 months old, Vhone 299W3, Palmerston. 30b STRAWBERRIES for sale. Apply Anthony Sehelter, 357- 3465, 30b ,GOOD CATTLE and hunting dog for sale, Collie-Beagle cross, Wroxeter 42W1. 30* FOR SALE — Salad set with Wm. Rogers silver servers. Only $3.e5 at Hafermehl's Jewellery. 30b 4 DRAWER filing cabinet for sale, size 52"x24"a15", goad as new. Apply Norman Wade, Gorrie, 30b CURRIE'S FURNITURE are now giving 20% off on all pole lamps. Come in and choose from Currie's large selection while they last. 3013 MILK FILTERS for sale, plain, rapid flo, 02"--85c a box. Alexander's Hardware, phone 357-3631. 11rrb FOR SALE — "Cornflower" Continental coffee mugs. $3.50 set of 4 at Hafermehl's Jewel- lery. 30b FOR SALE — Sixty 4-wooden wheeled factory trucks; 10 metal wheel Watson factory trucks; 1 exhaust fan; several other articles. Moe Brown, 357- 2332. 23-30* LAWN SWING set for sale, 2 swings and chair; child's play desk, suitable for two. Phone 357-1012. 30* FOR SALE—Ruby based kero- sene lamp with white milkglass shade. Ideal for patio, See these at Hafermehl's. 30b SAVE ON PAINT — 10% off regular prices an Nem Glo Enamel, Super Kern Tone and Martin-Senour. Your headquar- ters for Kern Lines. Alexander's Hardware. 5rrb RE-POSSESSIONS — 2 port- able and 2 cabinet model sew- ing machines. Very reasonable or take over payments owing. Singes Co. of Canada, phone after-a3r 357-3730. 23-30b BOTS-28" CC1VI bicycle for sale, new last year; girl's 26" CCM bicycle, in good condi- ' tion; pair men's ball spike shoes, size 10. Phone 357-1018. 30b REPLACEMENT paper bags for all current models of popular vacuum cleaners. Spec- ial on Airway, 12 for $1,95. Pattison Radio and Electric. J9rrb USED LENNOX oil furnace for sale, in good condition, in- cluding oil tank and duct work, Phone Mel Cramm, 357- 3190, or 357-1682 after 6 p.m. 30b $13.88 WILL BUY you a qual- ity Gendron summer stroller, adjustable back and foot rests, also quality Gendron carriage only $44.50. Check these spec- ials in Currie's window and don't forget to look at Sun- Lite summer furniture as na- tionally advertised and fully guaranteed, 30b VACUUM CILEANER SALES. Service for all makes, Filter Queen Sales, Zurich, phone Hensall 262-5350 collect. My26rrh FOR SALE OR RENT—Travel trailers, tent trailers, parts and accessories, Morry's Trailer Sales & Rentals, Walkerton, 881-0406. 19-246-30* RELAX this summer on a comfortable chaisette pad $3.49 or a chair pad $1,89; also lounge pillows to match $1.49. Your choice of colors this week at Currie's Furniture. 30b VACUUM CLEANER hoses re- placed, any make of cleaner, $6.75, Full line of replacement parts for wall and floor brush- es, crevice tools, etc„ for all popular models of vacuum cleaners. Pattison Radio and Electric. J9rrb SUMMER WOOD SALE—Dry, foot lengths slab wood, $1.00 per cord at yard. We deliver at $15.00 per seven cord load, green. This is soft maple and elm, James T. Craig & Son, Auburn, phone 526-7220. 23-30-7b CARS & TRUCK FOR SALE 1955 DODGE for sale, good condition, automatic. Phone 357-3617. 30b '55 MERCURY* 1e-tan pickup With racks' for sale. Phone 357- 2955. 30b TAXI SERVICE GRANT'S TAXI DIAL 357-1836 DlGrrb REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BUILDING LOT for sale on Water Street. Cheap for quick sale. Ph. 357-2585. 16-23-30* 2 -YEAR - OLD three-bedroom brick house for sale, in Blyth. Contact Ronald Higgins, phone 523-9353, 23-30b FOR SALE — In Bluevale, 6 room frame house with sun porch, small barn, good size garden and excellent water on pressure. Wingham 357-1089, Mrs. Ruby Bosman, 30b FOR SALE or will trade on house in Wingham — 50 acre farm; good house and barn, running water. Apply Box 88, Advance-Times. 30-7-14* SMALL 1- room house, com- pletely redecorated, on corner lot of Main Street, Wroxeter, $1200,00. Apply to Mrs. Chas. Lawrence, Gorrie. 30b ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE AGENCY Gordon B. Elliott, Broker, Edward A. Elliott, Salesman, Phone 357-1590 12 room brick veneer home, two bathrooms, two living rooms, fire place, oil fired hot water heat, frame barn now used as garage. While this home needs some decorating and repair it is in excellent con- dition. Possession Sept. 1/66, 7 room frame home, 4 bed- rooms, new furnace, modern bath, hardwood floors upstairs and down. Modest down pay- ment _on this very reasonably priced family home. Possession 3 Several choice building lots, completely serviced, and priced right. WILLIAM S. REED Real Estate Broker and General Insurance Dial 357-2174 — Wingham REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 7 room brick home, 2 storey, rooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, oil furnace, ex- tra large lot. Must be sold to close an estate. 7 room bicrk home, 2 storey, oil furnace, close to down town, attached garage. Full price $9,000.00. Several homes, farms and businesses to choose from. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE .olinMY•aqmos ul 3 SERVICEABLE age Here- ford bulls for sale. Phone 357- 3607. 30* 12 PIGS for sale, nine weeks old. Apply Howard Wilkinson, R. R, 5, Brussels, phone 363 W7. 30b 90 DRUNKS of pigs for sale, 2 bunches, aver, 75-90 lbs. Allan Benninger, R. R. 2, Teeswarter, 392-6330. 30b HAY FOR SALE al•••••11.1•11. 11 ACRES of mixed standing hay for sale, J. C. Nethery, phone 357-1288. 30* 10 ACRES alfalfa and timothy hay for sale, Phone 357-2488. 30b 20 ACRES standing hay for sale. Ed Smythe, ph. 357-2899. 30* 25 ACRES of good quality hay for sale, Can be bought either standing or in stooks. Norm Higgins, Belgrave, Ont, 30* ARTICLES FOR RENT RENT our new Dustless floor sanders and make your old floors like new again. We have just purchased the new Dust- less floor sanding machines. You can save over 50% by doing your own sanding. Alex- ander's Hardware, 24rrb JOB OPPORTUNITIES FINISH HIGH SCHOOL Home study prepares you to Write Ontario provincial exam. inations for recognleed certifi- cate, Grades 6-13. All books and supplies. Low monthly pay- ments, income tax deductahie. For full information write ra- neclian Araderny. 40 Main St., West, Hamilton, Ont. A7rrf) FOR RENT FOR RENT—Trailer at Boiler Beach for July ,and August. Phone 357-1418, 30-7b 3 - ROOM APARTMENT for rent with bath, Available July 1, Phone 357-2151. 30* HOUSE FOR RENT — 3 bed- rooms, in Bluevale. Phone 357- 1828. 30b 3-BEDROOM cottage at Am- berley Beach for rent, July 4- 9, and August 20 on. Phone 357-3703, Mrs. Ruth Hueston. 30b 7-ROOM COTTAGE for rent, 1 block from Lake Huron, 1 block from main street, Bay- field. Write Box 14, Bayfield. 30-7b FOR RENT—Two storey brick building on Helena St,, about 38x40 ft., suitable for storage, hall or trade school. Apply Box 83, Advance-Times. 16-23-30* FOR RENT—In Teeswater, 3 bedroom, ranch - style home, carpeted living room and din- ing room, drapes, basement recreation room and laundry, oil furnace, water softener, large garden. Available mid- July. Apply Box 315. Tees- water. 9-16-23-30b MALE HELP WANTED MAN OR BOY wanted to help with hay. Ed Powell, R, R. 1, Wingham, phone Wroxeter 547W2. 30* CAREER OPPORTUNITY For young men with Grade XII or Grade XIII education. Banking offers attractive starting salaries, rapid advan- cement with commensurate salary increases and ,the op- portunity to move across Ca- nada. Interested? Apply at Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Wingham. LOCAL MAN REQUIRED I need a representative for my firm in this area. This opening may be worth up to $8,000.00 yearly for the right 'person. Full or part-time. Can you make short auto trips? We hope you will start soon and stay with us a long time. Con- tact Now! Charlie Lee, Wing- ham, phone 357-1383. 123-30-7-14b FEMALE HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED stenographer- bookkeeper required for local business, Full time. Steady employment, Replies confiden- tial. Apply Box 87, Advance- Times, 30b EMPLOYMENT WANTED •010,...11•1111ELMI BACKHOE SERVICE Tommy Parker, Bluevale, Ont. 23-30-7-14* TEEN-AGE GIRL seeks em- ployment, Will babysit or do domestic work, Phone 357- 3716, 30b HIGH SCHOOL girl wants babysitting and light house- work, with two summers' ex- perience. Phone 357-1516, 30' CUSTOM WORK with backhoe and front loader. All types of excavating, burying stones, ditching. Lloyd Walker, phone 357-1359. 9-16-23-30* 3-BEDROOM house wanted to rent, in good condition, im- mediately if possible, Phone 351-3716. 30b 3-BEDROOM house wanted to rent by August or September by a business man. Phone 357- 3559, 30-7b WANTED TO RENT --- Three bedroom home in Wingham by high school teacher, Occupan- cy by Sept, 1st or sooner. Ap- ply Box 85, Advance-Times, 23-30-7-14b WANTED TO RENT-4 bed- room home in Wingha,m, re- quired h'r school opening. Phone Mr, Kirkham, Fry & Blackhall Ltd., 357-1741, 30.7-14-21b ATTENTION LADIES! SAVE $ $ $ Have your Bridal Wear and better dresses custom made by an experienced dressmaker. Materials supplied if desired. For further information and estimates contact: MRS. JOAN WISSLER Telephone 892-6572 TEtSWATER, ONTARIO 30* WANTED OLD CLOCKS WANTED, in any condition, Letters with particulars to K, Sandercott, Twilite Motel, R. R. 1, Hyde Park, Ont., or phone Wingham 357-2399, '23.30-7-14*rrb .Itel..1.0.0111.1•01•0111 PERSONAL IMIC600.011•••10•1. ANYONE WANTING ironing done call 357-3415. Jessie Archer, 30b ,....MOISMet...1.11111•11101••••••• MISCELLANEOUS ....4111.4n1.0.1111•01.1.1=3110 PAINTING & DECORATING CHARLES RINTOUL Phone 357-3044, Wingham, Jy/67* SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R. R. 2, Brussels, phone 442W6, Brussels. 11124-S1* FLOOR SANDING New hardwood floors laid, sanded and finished. Also old floors, New modern equipment. Phone 357-2750, Norman Rin- toul & Sons. lerrb NOTICE If you are thinking of financ- ing a car be sure to contact your State Farm Agent first. Reuben Appleby, 27 Patrick Street, Wingham, phones 357- 1679. FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automo- bile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness Home Protection , Call your Co-op Agent- 53 Maple Street, Wingham Mai 357-3739. LLOYD MONTGOMERY STUD SERVICE Commander House Joe Far- ceur-12723, Registered Belgian stallion. Sorrel-roan with white mane and tail, feet and legs white to knees; 3 years old and weighs 2100 lbs. Fee $20 for week old, colt, 1/2 mile west and % mile south of Lakelet. Joseph Eyler, R. R. 2, Clifford, Ont. 30-7* FOR MEMORIALS OF DISTINCTION Let us help you choose a lovely and enduring family monument of ageless granite or marble. Our talented craftsmen will create a memorial of lasting beauty that will stand as an imperishable monument to the future family memory. Telephone collect for assistance without obligation: Stratford 271-6736. Stratford Cemetery Memorials Ltd., 38 Avondale Ave., Strat- ford, Ontario, A22rrb MARLATT'S Dead Stock Service HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for Dead Cows & Horses over 500 lbs. More for sick and disabled Cows and Horses aecording to size and condition FOR PROMPT SERVICE PLEASE CALL COLLECT BRUCE MARLATT Brussels - Phone 133 24 - HOUR SERVICE License No. 390-C-65 From $299.00 to $1,199.00 30 in stock. One-year-old models from $175,60 up Insurance and finance available CUNNINGHAM MOTORS RAMBLER, HONDA SALES & SERVICE WALKERTON, ONTARIO A28-Jne30b CARDS OF THANKS We wish to express our sin- cere thanks and, appreciation to our neighbors, friends and relatives for the many cards and expressions of sympathy, acts of kindness and floral tributes received during our recent bereavement of a hus- band and father. Your kind- ness will always be remember- ed.—Mrs. James Dickson and family. 30b I wish to thank my friends and nursing staff for the cards, gifts and visits while I was a patient in Wingham and District Hospital. Special thanks to Drs. Corrin and Klahsen and Dr. Walden, of Clinton.—Mary Ann Sotham, 30b I wish to thank all my friends and neighbors who sent cards, letters, gifts and flow- ers, visited me, and made en- quiries for my recovery, while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Special thanks to Dr. W. A. McKib- bon, Dr, L. M. Gibson and Dr. G. A Lovat and the nursing staff of the surgical ward, Rev. C, F. Johnson, Rev. Mr. Hicks, of London. These kindnesses were deeply appreciated and will always be remembered by me.—Mrs, William Austin. 30* The Wingham Fire Depart- ment would like to express thanks for invaluable assist- ance to all those who assisted in fighting the recent fire at Beaver Lumber Co and the CNR freight storage depot; to the town police department, Ontario Provincial Police and the many ladies of the town who made sandwiches and cof- fee; to employers for their co- operation and understanding attitude in connection with em- ployees who were performing their civic duty, Appreciation is also extended to the Blyth Fire Department, Teeswater Fire Department and Luck- now Fire Department for their assistance. Special thanks to Capt. Albert Ferris and the Salvation Army for lunches and coffee for the firemen who could not leave during the many hours spent on duty. Capt. ,Ferris was one of the last men to leave the scene of the fire and his sense of humor and wit made the job so much lighter. To one and all, thank you,—Wingham Fire Dept. 30b IN MEMORIAM KING--In loving memory of a dear son and brother "Clair," who passed away June 26, 1964. Remembrance is a golden chain, Death tries to break, but all in vain, To have, to love and then to part Is the greatest sorrow of one's heart. —Ever remembered and sad- ly missed by mother, dad, Pa- mela and Donald. 30b MITCHELL-MAXWELL — In ever loving memory of a dear mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Mitchell, who died July 1. 1958, and a dear sister, Mrs. Annie Maxwell, who died July 13, 1962. A Little Step Away Is this the crowning of a life, The end and aim thereof?' The totalled sum of conscious- ness, The ripened fruits of love. It cannot be, for works of God Are wrought for nobler ends, And those away continue on In the hearts of kin and friends, It cannot be, for they live on. A little step away. The soul, the everlasting life Has found a better day. —Always remembered and sadly missed by the Westlake faintly, 30* Mrs. James Bone Mrs. James Bone, a former resident of the 9th Concession of East Wawanosh, passed away on June 23 in Goderich Alex- andra Marine and General Hos- pital after a long illness. She was 91 years old, Mr, Bone predeceased her over 40 years ago. Mrs. Bone leaves three daughters, who will be remem- bered by many as Gertrude, May, and Laura and three sons, Lewis, Cleland and Walter. Laura of California and Wal- ter of Victoria B.C. were Lin., able to attend the funeral which was held on Saturday from Stiles funeral home, God- erich to Wingham Cemetery, MILK DELIVERY There will be no milk deliv- ery on Friday, July 1st, Bate, son's Model Dairy and Sunrise Dairy, 30b RUTH'S BEAUTY SALON Will be closed July 15th to August 2nd, inclusive, 30-7b CLOSING NOTICE Dunkin TV and Radio Ser- vice, Glenannan, will be closed June 28 - July 28, 30* A RECEPTION In honor of Mr. and Mrs, Bill Willis (Anita Lucas), in Whitechurch Community Hall, on Friday, July 1, 1966, Tiffin's orchestra. Everyone welcome, 30b ANNOUNCEMENT The annual Memorial service sponsored by the Belgrave Women's Institute will be held at Brandon Cemetery on Sunday, July 3rd, at 3:00 pan.. Rev. G, L, Fish, of Wingham, will be guest speaker. The Presbyterian ladies are in charge of the service. 30* ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Verbeek of Bluevale, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Alice, to Mr. David Clifford Marks, son of Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Marks, of Brussels. The marriage will take place in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Brussels, on Saturday, July 23, at 2:30 o'clock. 30* GARBAGE PICKUP There will be no garbage pickup on Friday, July 1, The route ordinarily done on Fri- day will be done Saturday, 30b CLOSING NOTICE Canadian Tire in. Wingham will be closed all day Wednes- days starting July 6th. 30b KINGSBRIDGE GARDEN PARTY Sunday, July 3rd, turkey, ham, and full course meal will be served from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Adults $1.50, children 75e. 30b OPEN AIR MEETINGS Brethren Church open air meetings will be held about one mile north of Wingham at 8 o'clock every Sunday night during July and August. Special music. Special speak- ers, Everyone welcome, 30-J7-14-21-28-A18-25* TOUR OF HISTORIC HOMES Goderich area, Wednesday, July 6, with tea 3-5 p.m., at Ridgewood Park (residence of Mr. and Mrs. Ben M. Homan), begins at 2 p.m. at Cairn Har- bor Park, then to Laithwaite, Freeman, and Rundle Homes, through Benmiller (with stop at old woollen mill), Saltford to Ridgewood Park. Everyone welcome. Your own transporta- tion. Tour may be joined at any point or proceed directly to tea. Tickets, adults $1,50, children 50c at Harris Station- ery, Wingham. Proceeds to furnish Archives Room at Museum. 30b WANTED TO RENT NEW HONDAS