HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-06-02, Page 12Pa$e 4 el., Wingham Advance ,- Times, Thursday, June 2, 1966 MISS ANN GEDDES, one of the hospital's new ward clerks, brings records to one of the severe: nursing sta- tions in the new wing.—A-T Photo. Bible College Teacher Is Anniversary Speaker Looking for an investment that offers Security Plus Extra Interest? GET 51/2% SIMPLE MENEM WITH TORONTO-DOMINION B-YEAll SAVINGS CERTIFICATES Available in convenient amounts from $10 to $50,000 (a $10 certificate costs only $7.50) and may be cashed anytime if you need the money. Go-Ahead people bank on TORONTOaCIONI1NION The Bank where people make the difference, V 2598 J. B. RUNStEDTILER, Manager Wingham A. E. GRAHAM, Manager Gorrie Len Crawford Motors '65 PLYMOUTH 4-Door, 6 Stnd,, Radio '64 DODGE 4-Door, 8 cyl. with Radio '64 DODGE 4-Door, 6 Automatic '63 PLYMOUTH Suburban, 6 Auto, Radio '63 PLYMOUTH 2-Door, 8 cyl., radio '63 DODGE 4-Door, 6 cyl., Automatic '63 VALIANT 4-Door, Radio '63 FORD 2-Door, 6 Std., with Radio '62 CHRYSLER 4-Dr., power equip., Radio '59 PONTIAC 2-Door, 6 Auto., with Radio '59 EDSEL, Power equipped with Radio Several older models. '55 FARGO 3-ton Dump LEN CRAWFORD MOTORS Your Dodge - Plymouth - Chrysler - Valiant Dealer JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM Phone 357-3862 The Wingham Advance-Times --.%ederell A.147ecti;ete Ave oe(94(44;eit ,-1 Iliteertrtived Let us assist you with your plans for that all important wedding day. COME IN AND SEE OUR COMPLETE SELECTION OF • INVITATIONS • ANNOUNCEMENTS • 1NFORMALS • ACCESSORIES Your choice of various paper stocks, type styles and sizes, ask for . . .00.4 few,NATIA,11, Select your wedding invitations, announcements and accessories with complete confidence as to quality and correctness of form. WE ALSO HAVE PERSONALIZED WEDDING NAPKINS, MATCHES''' AND CAKE BOXES , s Wroxeter Personal Notes Scientist, Author Retires in States Mr, and Mrs, Boyne Sago and family, 3rd Con. Wallace, visited Sunday at the home of Mr. Ross Tornan, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hupfer, Melvindale, Mich., called on Mrs, Richard Griffith and Mr. Allan Griffith and Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Hupfer on Saturday. On Sunday they visited Mr, and Mrs. Harvey McMichael, Mr. John Hupfer and Mr, and Mrs. Vernon Hupfer. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Brown and family of Gorrie were Sun- day visitors with Mr„ and Mrs. Bob Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence 'Tull and Cameron of Belgrave visit- ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Haugh. Other visitors at the same home were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Noble, Wayne and Paul of Maryhill. Miss Elaine Sanderson, Kit- chener, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sanderson. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Statia, Waterloo, were week-end visit- ors with their parents, Mr, and The Pioneer Girls Encamp- ment service was held in the Baptist Church Friday evening. The Colonist Division put on an interesting program based on the work done by them for World Friendship badges. The country chosen for their theme was Palestine, with par- ticular emphasis on Jordan. The Pilots, Brenda Stapleton and Candice Foxton, had contact- ed Miss Laura Collar, a mis- sionary in Jerusalem, Jordan. In her letters she told the girls of the customs and dress of the people there. She also sent postcards and a doll's dress showing the needlework done by the women. These made an excellent display and were viewed with interest. Three of the Colonists, Bren- da Stapleton, Adora MacLean and Daphne Robb presented a short play which had been writ- ten by Miss Collar. The following awards were presented. PILGRIMS AWARDS Red Ribbons; Shirley Gray, Kathy Pattison, Diane Lavergne, Kim Mellor, Trudy Archer, Sandra Currie, Lynda Jacewicz. Gold Ribbons: Elaine Archer, Janet McGee, Trudy MacKay, Janice McTavish. Handcraft Badge: Trudy Mac- Kay, Jackie Stone, Ellen Gor- rie, Janet McGee, Beverley Gannett, Trudy Archer. Nature Badge: Shirley Gray, Janice McTavish. Pets Badge: Janice McTav- ish, Helen Ann Holloway, Bev- erley Gannett, Karen Currie. Mrs, Doug Statia and Mr. and Mrs, Wes Hein-Tel, Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Walter Charles were Mrs, Marion Longstaff and Miss Joy Longstaff. Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Woollett and sons of Toronto spent the week-end at their home here and ate making good progress erecting their new pre- fab house. Mr. Woollett has accepted a position at Camp- bell Soup Co. , Listowel, com- mencing Monday morning and Mrs. Woollett and boys will join him at the end of the school term. We welcome them to our community. Mr, David Sanderson, Wind- sor, was home for the week- end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sanderson, Mr, and Mrs. Ross Coates spent a week-end recently with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mapletoft, Millbrook. Mr, and Mrs. Lowell Burke and family of Rochester, N.Y., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. George Gibson, and Outdoor Badge: Karen Ritter, Janice Ohm, Ruth Klahsen, Sandra Currie. Kitchencraft Badge: Carol Hastings, Lynda Jacewicz, Joan Johnston, Elizabeth Nethery, Grace Corrin, Trudy Temple- man. New Life Badge: Carol Hast- ings, Helen Ann Holloway, Ruth Klahsen, Joan Johnston, Lorie Henderson, Karen Smith, Kar- en Currie, Debbie Brenzil. Water Badge: Trudy Mac- Kay. Safety Badge: Janice Mc- Tavish, Shirley Gray. Games Badge: Kathy Patti- son, Shirley Gray. Advanced Kitchen Badge: Shirley Gray. Naturecraft Badge: Shirley Gray. Sightseeing Badge; Shirley Gray. Missions Badge: Ruth Ellen Currie, Janice McTavish, Bible Badge: Karen Ritter, Sylvia MacLean, Janet McGee. Collection Badge: Helen Ann Holloway. Drawing Badge: Trudy Arch- er, Helen Ann Holloway, Kathy Ross, Shirley Gray. Voyager Rank: Christine Rae, Carol Hastings, Lynda Jacewicz, Helen Ann Holloway, Ruth Klahsen, Joan Johnston, Eliza- beth Nethery, Karen Smith, Janice Rae, Debbie Brenzil, Trudy Templeman, Grace Gor- en. Discoverer Rank: Karen Rit- ter, Janice Ohm, Lynda Jace- wicz, Helen Ann Holloway, Ruth Klahsen, Sandra Currie. Settler Rank: Janice Mc- Tavish, Ruth Ellen Currie, Janet McGee. Townsman Rank: Janice Mc- Tavish, Ruth Ellen Currie. COLONIST BADGES Handy Girl Badge: Candice Foxton. Wardrobe Badge: Daphne Robb. Party Planning Badge: Jean- nette McDonald, Judy Ohm, Patty Cantelon, Adorn Mac- Lean, Brenda Stapleton, Daphne Robb, Candice Foxton. Activity Planning Badge: Candice Foxton, Karen Hast- ings, Adora MacLean, Brenda Stapleton, Judy Ohm, Jane Ann Nethery, Gayle Mazey, Patty Cantelon, Janette McDonald, Personal Development Badge: Candice Foxton, Daphne Robb, Jeannette McDonald, Patty Cantelon, Karen Hastings, Bren- da Stapleton, Adora MacLean. Christian Life Badge: Adora MacLean, Candice Foxton, Brenda Stapleton, Patty Cante- lon, Jeannette McDonald. World Friendship Badge: Brenda Stapleton, Daphne Robb, Candice Foxton, Adorn Mac- Lean, Karen Hastings, Judy Ohm, Patty Cantelon, Jeannet- te McDonald, Pilot Leadership Badge: Bren- da Stapleton. All-Canadian Badge: Mrs. Collar accompanied by Master Murray and Miss Glenis Gibson visited Miss Gertrude Bush, Mrs. W, E. Weir and other cousins. Sunday visitors with Mr„ and Mrs. Ross Sanderson were Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hart, Patti, Su- san and Dianne, Mrs. George Hislop Jr, Linda and Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Haugh attended the funeral of their cousin, Mrs, Isabelle Kennard, at Hensel last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Car- son, Peggy and Susan of Brook- ville spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs, A, Wearing. Mrs, Wm. Smith, Toronto, visited her mother, Mrs. David Robinson, one day last week and also visited her father in hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Eaton, Mr. Glenn Eaton and Miss Kar- en Kerr of Seaforth visited Mrs. Alonzo Sparling Saturday eve- ning and she returned home with them for a visit. Mr. John Doig and Mr. Alex Mildmay, visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Doig. Mrs. Sinclair received Food Arts, Advanced Food Arts, Gardener, and Homecare bad- ges. Trailblazer Rank: Candice Foxton, Judy Ohm. Pathfinder Rank: Patty Can- telon, Adora MacLean, Can- dice Foxton, Brenda Stapleton, Jeannette McDonald. At the close of the service the benediction was pronounced by the pastor, Rev. D. Sinclair. See Films at S.S. Meeting WHITECHURCH—On Satur- day evening Donald Watt, stud- ent preacher here, showed the half hour film, "For the Bible Tells Me So". This film has 150 pictures dealing with Sun- day school work. The film strip, "Four Friends and a Sick Man" was also shown. The Sunday school teachers present were Miss Wendy Rey- nolds, Mr. and Mrs. D. Watt and Mrs. V. Emerson. Others present were Mrs. Campbell and Betty Ann and Terry Eng- land. Mrs. Watt served refresh- ments after the meeting. The average water consump- tion per person in the United States is about fifty gallons. A native of liowick Town- ship, Dr. W. T, Galbraith of Altoona, Pennsylvania, has re- tired, He is a prominent vet ,, erinary scientist and author who has been mentioned twice in the Canadian "Who's Who" and Burke's, London, England. Dr. Galbraith was born at Lakelet, a twin son of the late John W. Galbraith and his wife, the former Sarah J. Hays. He was educated in Gorrie and Bluevale schools, Wroxeter High School, Wingham Business College, Ontario Veterinary College, Shaw Schools in Tor- onto and later studied in Chico., go, Minneapolis, Edinburgh and London, Eng. He is a veteran of two world wars, serving with Canadian, British and American forces. Dr. Galbraith is seen in the picture with his late wife, Mur- iel, who died in Altoona. She was a well-known English so- prano and an army nurse, well known to Canadian troops over- seas. Dr. Galbraith is a brother of Mrs. Florence Watts, London, Ont., and of the late Robert H. Galbraith, WEAR SLIPPERS AT SWIMMING POOL Patrons of swimming pools should always wear slippers ex- cept when actually in the wa- ter. It is possible to pick up germs of athlete's foot, a con- tagious skin disease, if you walk barefoot where anyone suffering from that disease has walked, WHITECHURCH—Anniver- sary services were held on Sun- day in Chalmers Presbyterian Church. One of the spring bouquets was in memory of the late Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Buc- ton. At the morning service the choir sang, "A Holy Ghost Re- vival", and Mr, and Mrs. Mur- ray Gaunt sang " Glorious Hope". Eight men of the choir sang, "Hide Thou Me". The guest speaker was Rev. Horace Braden, teacher at the Bible College in London. He said people debate about God because what they find in the Bible doesn't suit them. Man has tremendous power for evil but Christ came so men could realize his highest potential. God communicates through the Bible, the authority for faith. The church is composed of people with a personal know- ledge of Christ which makes them His witnesses. At the evening service the choir sang "Abiding and Con- fiding". A trio, Misses Alma Conn, Mary and Barbara Pur- don sang "Home Sweet Home" and the men sang, "Redeem- ed". The organist for both services was Mrs. Johnston Conn, Rev. Braden's message was "What Is God?" We need to un- derstand that we, as humans, are responsible for all our ac- tions and to atone for us God gave up his son. All Christians are called to bear witness for Christ, To repent means to un- dergo a change. Repentance involves faith and for this we need God's help. Harmony Unit WROXETER—The Harmony Unit of the U.C.W. met Tues- day of last week in the Sunday School rooms. Mrs. Ira Mc- Lean conducted the devotional part of the meeting and opened with the call to worship and theme hymn. An article on the meaning of the ascension was followed by a hymn. Mrs. McLean led in prayer and read a poem, "I Had No Time"-, Mrs. Edwin Martin present- ed a most interesting topic from the study book. Mrs. McLean read Scripture and a poem, "His Instrument" brought this portion of the meeting to a close. Mrs. Glenn McMichael con- ducted the business. It was moved that $50.00 be transfer- red to the U.C.W. Mrs. Doug Statia and Mrs. Ron McMichael volunteered to prepare the wor- ship service for the U.C.W. general meeting. A bale will be packed the end of June and articles are to be Left at the church. Lunch and a social hour fol- lowed. Play by Miss Laura Collar Presented at Encampment .4, rs