HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-05-05, Page 2Page 2 Wingham Advance-Times. Thursday, May a, 1966 THE TORONTO BIBLE COLLEGE CHORALE will present a sacred rnt.,sic program at St tionai. The College was established for the Andrew a Presbyterian Church this Sunday traininn ministers, missionaries and at 7 p.m There is no charge for admis- other Christian workers. During the past sion, end all are welcome. The students 72 years, more than 3,000 have graduated represent Canada's oldest Bible College, and of these hundreds have gone out into founded in 1894, which is interdenomine- 56 countries around the 1011 iiiiiii ttttt 111111.10. tttttttttttttt 1111 ttttttttttt ttttttttttttt 1 tttttttt 1011.1110 tttttt 1.01.1111 ttttttttttttttttttt 1 ttttt 111. 01111 tttttttt 111111 ttttt 1. ttttttttttt 111111111 ttttttttttttt C (ANGLICAN) taigtiam Rev. C. F. Johnson, L.Th. Rector Mrs. Gordon Davidson Organist FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER EASTER — MAY 8 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School and Bible Class. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer. Thurs., May 5—W.A. Guild at the home of Mrs. R. E. Campbell, 3 o'clock. Thurs., May 12—Altar Guild, Parish Room, 2:30 p.m. 110011 tttttttttttttttttttt 1 ttttttt 1010110.41 tttttttttttttt 11000100111001110 tttttttttttttttt ttttttttttttttttttttttttttt 111 p These Y 'UARANTEED PARTS AND SERVICE FOR THE LIFE OF YOUR CAR. SENSATIONAL SHIMS Theta units are priced down to cover depreciation. A number of USED STUDEBAKERS left from 1962 to 1964. All in Al shape and going at Real BARGAIN PRICES. 4 I Complete hoto Sevvice WEDDINGS - PORTRAITS BABY PICTURES COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY 11111111111110111 ttttt 111111111111 tttttttt 0011111 Contact: KEN DUCHARME, PHOTOS PliER PHONE 357-2594 WINGHAM .1.61,60PISIC.V21.,12.1!3•21 eel Viege44 gese Atierzei ancia6 Would you trade $1.00 a day now for an extra $10,000 later? Just Call or Write THOMAS JARDIN District Manager Dial 30-3661 - Box 394 WINGHAM, ONT. /7-toed&V" SYNDICATE LIMITED aLIGIV1.11.1.1:11.111..,41115 nr-Ainretann. 'Mt& WINGHAM Notes were taken on gloves ;lest spealter at st. tin I and jewellery. Tae next meow- drew's this Sunday at the ::.'sz:in ing will be a welt. meeting at and 1.1. i.) c a.m. services will Mrs. Ferguson'::. be Mr. i3ernie Smith. A native Evelyn Ferguson served re- sn: Warren, Ohio, ”r. smith is freshments, a school teacher in the Windsor HAPPY HATMAKERS youth Leader to LAk::El.i:T—The sixth meet- ins was held al. the home e . rs. G, Wright. The roll call, Guest Speaker New Assistao selecting accessories" was an- At si A n d rew 1 Too, $24 6 Moneta $12 3 Montha $6 cap this odvortisorrsent cold return it with gate check or mown, order to: reto Christien StiPlICO MOLlitef ono Novney Street nonton, M. 02115 lbyterian Church was opened With the hymn, "When He Com- eth"., A Scripture reading was given by Grace Corrin and Con- nie Jamieson led inprayer.The offering was received and dedi- cated in prayer by Alexa Cur- 1 tie. Three children presented 'their birthday offerings and a 'song session followed. Another chapter from the study book, George and the Chinese Lady" Il was read. Peter Hilbert closed the meeting in prayer. school system. Known far and wide as a youth leader and spern.ccr, Mr. Smith has been particularly ac- I tive the program of Inter !Varsity Christian Fellowship and 'Inter School Christian Fellow- !ship. The services at St. Andrew's; 1Sunday are particularly direct- old to the interests the youth. The family as a unit is invited to share in these services. Accidents don't just happen, 4-11 member acquire knowledge 1They are caused, and skills in modern agriculture; adopt a scientific. attitude to- Andrews Mission Band The monthly Mission Band ward agriculture, realize the • need for continuing education, develop a sense of responsibil- ity, develop qualities of leader- ship and acquire the habits and attitudes necessary for a satisfy- ing home and community life. There are 57 4-11 agricultur- al club leaders in Huron County, As a matter of interest, 22 of the Huron County leaders arc graduates of a two or four-year course in agriculture. ganized during the Easter holi- days. The 4-H clubs include 14 calf (dairy and beef projects), breeding swine, 1 market hog, 1 sheep, 1 tractor maintenance, grain corn and 1 sweet corn club. Of the approximately 401) projects, 221) are in 4-11 calf club work, The chief objective of 4-H agricultural club work in On- tario is the development of the club member through training in agriculture and citizenship. More specific objectives of the 4-H program are to help the Fir Ellen County David Is "One point I haw learned about steed by eight members. - College chorale At St. Andrew's A program of sacred music will be presented by the Toron- to Bible College Chorale at St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church Sunday evening at seven aspart 0 the special services being held this month to mark the opening of the new church. Graduates from this college arc to be found not only in the active ranks of missionaries, and ministers, but in such pro- fessions as inedieint.:, law, and dentistry; and in political life, journalism and busint•ss. Bvery walk of life, in Cninnia, +the "4- S. A., and abroad has its quota of graduates oronto Bible College. All seek to hold a Christian wittiest wherever they are. Students also cona- from many countries of nie world, and the present stud-, is repre- sent the U. S.A., ',"erinany, Af- rica, India, Bernina, Korea, Australia, Jamaica, rue United I-:ingdom (England, a.land and Scotland), as well .a anada. Courses at T.D. . include Diploma Courses ..t•tor's, Mis- sionary„ Christian :rot nation and General Bible,: and degrees: Bachelor of Theolony and Bach- clot 0: Religious la a. 100, An "open door' :nicy, en- ables the institutie'' accent ,any student, regani!es:, of race, language or color, to assist students to enter w may be deficient in acade mic standing. While the average aacents are graduates of Grade la, 13 or. University levels, apaortunityas given for others to enter for training as well, Toronto Bible Colia.ae serves the church of Jesus Cht:st, and all associated with the Board of Governors, fact:."- staff and students are commintea to this gear task. You will enjoy hearing this Chorale in its sacred music pro- gram. b Enjoy Bowling Eleven couples gathered at the bowling alley when the Presbyterian Copies' Club en- joyed an evenina of bowling. Mrs. John Donaldson won the prize for the ladies and Gordon Sutcliffe for t11... mien. A short business meeting was held in the upna room of St. Andrew's C.E. hnilding. Mrs. Clare Niergarth dedicated the offering. Mr. Mrs. Len Phillips and Mn. and Mrs. Nia- gara', conven the eve- ning served lunch, Sh wer, DO1 ce WROXETrp— A large crowd attended the shower held in Wroxeter Conntntiiity Hall Fri- day evening for Mr. and Mrs. Allan McRae (Lynne Wright). Miss Gail Static toad the ad- dress and Miss l..tyise Edgar pre- sented the youna couple with a gift of money. DU BARRY HUDNUT TABU Phone 357 - 2170 Barbershoppers Give Support To Logopedics The Wingham Harmony Men are proud to be able to help in the support of the Institute of Logopedics, located at Wichita, laansa,s. "We sing that they shall speak" was chosen as a motto in June, 1904 by the So- ciety for the Preservation and 'Encouragement of Barbershop Singing in America Inc., and since that time the Society's 30,000 members have been sing- ing their hearts out in aid of portion of the funds of the Har- mony Men is earmarked for this worthwhile cause. The Institute of Logopedics, or "Speech Town", began as an impossible dream in the mind of a very unusual man, In 1934, Dr. Martin F. Palmer began to make his dream a reality. With la single room at the University (of Wichita, and a budget of 1$1,000, he set about develop- ing a program of research, clinical habilitation, and a stud- ent training decaicated to bring ,speech to the silent. It is estimated that one in 20 children is affected with a speech or hearing defect. For ,sorne the detect will be minor, !for others, it will shape their The truth is that if noth- ling is done for these children they are doomed to semi-isola- :tion, Thirty thousand logopedists are needed to cope with the number of speech handicapped in the U.S.A., yet there are only 3,000 qualified persons in the country. The Institute maintains an active profession- al training program. In the past three decades, about 30,000 case histories of communica- tive disorders have been as- sembled at the Institute. Since 1934, over 12,000 children have been returned to society, able to communicate with their fellow men, Among these were 118 children from Ontario. In connection with this service project, the Wingham Chapter of the S.P.E.B.S.Q. S.A. Inc. is proud to be among the first of Ontario's 31 Chap- ters to provide funds for any Orr tario child attending the Insti- tute. The Harmony Men will pre- sent their third annual show May 14 in the Wingham District High School at 8.15 p.m. They hope for a sellout crowd to bet- ter serve this great project. Tickets may be obtained from any of the Harmony Men. Scurvy, a disease of infants which results from a lack of vitamin C and generally shows itself at the average age of sev- en to 12 months, is easily pre- vented and cured with applica- tion of a vitamin supplement for infants. SUNDAY, M Y 8th FAMILY PEW SUNDAY AT ST. ANDREW'S MORNING SERVICES — 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Special Speaker — Mr. BERNIE SMITH, of Windsor. 9:30 a.m. Service—Presentation of Religion and Life Awards. Cubs and Scouts parade to this service. 11:00 a.m. Service—Broadcast over CKNX. Junior Choir with Ruth Arm Currie and Joan Currie, soloists. 7:00 p.m.—Toronto Bible College Chorale. A special ministry in song and the spoken word. 8:10 p.m.—Fireside, with accents on Youth. You Are Welcom I Accurate Complete Mews Coverage THE SC' IICE OilliCR 111111111111MONIMMINSIMIANNIENOMEMIMM WAIT Before You Buy THOSE TIRES! We have a truckload arriving May 16 — Prices will be sensational. 111111111111111MMINIENNOMMINWEININENIMMIRSAINIS Bert Armstrong's Garage "Where You Never Blow Your Horn" YOUR WINGHAM STUDEBAKER DEALER PHONE 357-1460 WINGHAM tralrff=16.02111=1".21:112111 WHAT A 'THOUGHTFUL GIFT! 11.4 i (4T YOU GQT IT AT VANCE'S DRUG STORE David 21, of R. R. A Wan:erton, has been appointed Extension assistant tor iluron County. lie is a graduate o. Walkerton Disttict Secondary School and a ;966 graduate the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege Associate Diploma Course in Agriculture where he special-i ized in animal husbandry. David completed e 4-H dairy calf club projects in the Bruce County 4-P program. He was an active member of the Wal- kerton Junior Farmers and held a number of executive positions in both 4-H and Junior Farmers, At O. A.G., Dave was presi- dent of his class executive in first year and vice-president in his graduating year. He partici- pated in college intramural hockey, football, soccer, and the animal husbandry club. David Inglis will be working with the 24 Huron 4-H Agri- Couples' Cu their unified service project. A ,meeting of St. Andrew's Pres- cultural clubs which were or- IMPREVU from Coty New from Paris for mother FROM SPAIN MAJA ALL REGULAR PERFUMES STOCKED Choose from our Complete Stock of — Smiles 'n Chuckles Candies Coty's EXCLUSIVE LILY of the VALLEY Direct from Paris CHANEL NO. 5 A Paris exclusive and exotic scent CHANTILLY by Houbigant of Paris COMPLETE VETERINARY SUPPLIES ttttttttt tttttttt 1 ttttt ttttt 0. tttttttttttttt .11 ttttttttttt ttttttt .1 tttttt 1 tttttttttttttttttt 11111.1, FOR YOUR GIFT HEADQUARTERS MOTHER'S DAY HARRIS Trf^fitRY 11101100 tttttttttttttt 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 11 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 0111 iiiiiiiiiii 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1..,111,114,..1.1,. 100[1..420.0.20.4. OJenny Lind Chocolates 'English Toffees Mother's Day Cards a)Mother's Day Ideal Booklets Qi)Chinaware Stationery The finest place for Mother's Day shopping is HAFERMEIrieS She'll be delighted too, with our Exclusive COSTUME JEWELLERY, CHINA TEAS and SAUCERS. GIVE MOTHER CRYSTAL 4 EWELLERY PHONE 357-2670