HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-04-28, Page 13Pick up the April issue of the Reader's Digest. In it you'll find the "Investors Story" — 12 full pages on how Investors can help you make money. It's the complete story on the many ways that Investors can help you plan for your retirement, your children's education, or that trip that's still only a dream. Whatever your goal — whatever your means, the Investors Man has the plan to suit your needs. Read the "Investors Story" in the April issue of the Reader's Digest — then call your Investors Man. He's your best friend financially. CO, find out how money makes money Without obligation, please send me more information Name Address C) City/Town Prov FORDWICH—A pot luck din- ner was held at the home of Mrs. Anson Demerling when the Women's Institute held the an- nual meeting. Mrs. Robert Gibson presided and devotions were taken by Mrs. Lome Siefert. Mrs. C. Carswell discussed the motto, "Rest not beneath the tree of knowledge, climb it." Roll call was answered with suggestions for the new program. Corres- pondence included a thank you note from Mrs. Wilda Camp- bell, a polio patient in Guelph. The choice for the senior leaders' training course is "Hats for You". An invitation was ac- cepted from the Wroxeter In- stitute to attend the food forum on May 3. Plans were made for members to attend the opening sessions at the Guelph Confer- ence May 5. The East Huron district annual will be held in Moncrieff May 30. Mrs. Anson Demerling re- ported on the new drapes for the community hall. Mrs. Stanley Bride, W . F. I. B. board mem- ber, presided for the installa- tion of officers: Pres., Presidential commit- tee of twelve members; 1st vice, Mrs. John Inglis; sec. -treas. , Mrs. Crosby Sothern; branch directors, Mrs. Elmer Harding, Mrs. Scott Clarkson and Mrs. Royden Devitt; district direc- tor, Mrs. Robert Gibson; assist- ant, Mrs. Crosby Sothern; pub- lic relations, Mrs. Bruce Agla and Mrs. John Craig; pianist, Mrs. Lome Siefert Sr.; sun- shine, Mrs. Earl Moore; audit- ors, Mrs. Scott Clarkson, Mrs. Jack Brown; nominating comm., Mrs. John Craig, Mrs. Clare Harris and Mrs. Royden Devitt. Conveners of standing com- mittees: Agriculture, Mrs. Howard Harris and Miss Elva Foster; home economics and health, Mrs. John Winkel and Mrs. Wm. McCann; citizenship and education, Mrs. Stan Bride and Miss Minnie McElwain; his- torical research, Mrs. Clare Harris and Mrs. Harold Pollock; resolutions, Mrs. Anson Demer- ling and Mrs. Goosen Winkel; Tweedsmuir history curator, Mrs. Crosby Sothern. CARS NEED CARE That Means Check-Up! Our experienced mechanics spot the trouble before expensive damage sets in. We assure top performance with the best tools, materials. Fast service, too! THE EtA RO ACCORDIAN COLLEGE OF MUSIC Due to local success and demand will avail a BEGINNERS' COURSE OPENING FOR PIANO ACCORDIAN with six one-hour class lessons, including loan of instrument and music, for $15.00 COMPLETE STUD1O-Town Hall For information and free aptitude test write to BOX 69, WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES or call at TOWN HALL FRIDAY EVENING from 4:30 to 7:00 p.m. THE CHRISTIfill SCIO10E 110111TOR Accurate Complete News Coverage P:rintcd in BOSTON LOS , ANGELES • LONDON 1 Year $24 6 Months $12 3 Months $6 Clip this advertisement and return it with your check or money order to: The Christian Science Monitor One Norway Street Boston, Mass. 02115 PB-16 LAWN-BOY'S GRASSCATCHER rakes as you cut It's one of 18 advantages that make Lawn-Boy the most convenient power mower money can buy. Come in and see the other 17. Few other makes have half of them. No other mower made has them all. TRADE NOW! TRADE UP TO A LAWN BOY! PRICED FROM $89.00 STAINTON'S H ARDWARE PHONE 357-2910 (WINGHAM) LIMITED A carpenter stood gazing si, jo lently and wonderingly at the crib where his first born lay gurgling, After watching the tender scene for a moment, his wife 'tiptoed over and put her arm ONTARIO The Ontario Department of Health cordially invite you to visit THE ONTARIO HOSPITAL GODERICH, ONTARIO It is the belief of your Department of Health that illness of any kind is a community affair — that every citizen has a basic interest, a basic desire, to understand and assist. To help you become fully aware of the professional help available to the people of this province we welcome the opportunity to show your our facilities and how they are being used. You are invited to visit the hospital at the following times and dates during Mental Health Week: OPEN HOUSE AND TOURS SUNDAY, MAY 1 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY, MAY 4 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Any group may visit at other times during the week by appointment. MENTAL HEALTH WEEK MAY 1 MAY 7 ONTARIO HOSPITAL, GODERICH HON. MATTHEW DYMOND, M.D., Minister. THOMAS A. JARDIN District Manager Ph. 357-3661 WINGHAM 0.)1;064/19.21/4 SYNDICATE LIMITED or mall this coupon rte 0' 4 0 '4 • • a, it through his, "A penny for your thoughts, dear," she whispered, "1 can't get over it," ans- wered the carpenter softly." How the devil can they turn out a crib like this for only $29?" / / / / Mrs. Charles Ver Schoor of Ann Arbour, Mich., is spend- ing a few days with Mrs. Ruby Forester. Miss Jean Siefert of Kitch- ener was a week-end guest with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Siefert Sr. Master Jeffrey Stewart, 3- year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stewart, was confined to Palmerston Hospital last week with a severe attack cf croup. Friends of Mrs. Erny D'Arcy will be sorry to hear she is con- fined to Listowel Hospital, suf- fering from virus pneumonia. Mr. John Inglis and Miss Bon- nie Inglis went to Mahon air- port Thursday night where they met Mrs. Inglis and Mr. and Mrs. E. Winston. The latter Pot Luck Dinner At Annual Meeting BRUSSELS GIRLS were confirmed at the local R.C, Church in a special service on Monday evening of last week. In the group are, back row, from left: Joanne Terpestra, Marie Nolan, Cathy Blake, Rose Mary Ryan, Theresa Hinz, Elizabeth Deitner; centre: Sharon Ducharme, Barbara Fordwich News Items spent the past six months at Zepher Hills while Mrs. Inglis was taken quite ill on a visit there. She spent several weeks in hospital before being allow- ed to return home. Mrs. Winnifred Downey, for- merly of Fordwich, is in the Palmerston Hospital. Miss Ruth Johnston spent the week-end in Toronto with her sister, Mrs. Janette Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Campbell, Kerry and Alan were in Galt one day last week because of the death of a relative. Mrs. Phyllis Bolander, John and Don visited over the week- end with her sister, Mrs. Fred Holstock and Mr. Holstock in Stouffville. Mr. and Mrs. Ian Pitten- North and south: First, A.R. DuVal and W. Laidlaw; second,. Mrs. A. R. DuVal and Mrs. C. Hodgins; third, Mrs. W. lious. ton and W. H. French. East and west: First, Mrs. W. H. French and B. Ortlieb; second Mrs. G. Gannett and C. Hodgins; third, Mr. and Mrs. W. Wharry. Janie Laidlaw, COC President WHITECHURCH—Chalmers C.O.C. held their first meet- ing this year on Sunday during church service. The superin- tendent, Mrs. Hugh Simpson, and her assistant, Mrs. Earl Caslick, were in charge. The call to worship was giv- en by Ruth Elliott and the Scripture was read by Jim De Boer. The election of officers fol- lowed with Janie. Laidlaw as president; secretary, Jim De Boer; treasurer, Paul Laidlaw; pianist, Darlene Simpson; as- sistant, Ruth Elliott. Robbie Ross received the of- fering which was dedicated by Paul Laidlaw. Mrs. Caslick told the juniors their story and Mrs. Simpson had the seniors. Doris Fisher closed the meeting with prayer. Bridge Results dreigh and daughter of London, Mr. George Inglis and Frances of Clifford, Miss Minnie Mc- Elwain, John and Bill were Sun- day guests with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pittendreigh. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Doig and four daughters of Glenmor- ris visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Doig. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Demer- ling attended the Raab-Demer- ling wedding in Clifford on Sat- urday, Mr. and Mrs. Erle Corbett of Woodstock called on friends in the village last week and also attended the funeral in Gorrie of the late Mrs. Ruth Corbett. Mrs. Wm. Wilson and Mrs. Jack Wilson spent Thursday in London. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kennedy were Kitchener visitors one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Miller and family spent Sunday in Elora. Mrs. Drew Aitchison re- turned home with them after spending a week here. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen But- chard of Toronto visited will, Mrs. Edna Bride at the Village Nursing Home. Mr. Joseph Jones of St. Thomas, who recently purch- ased the farm home from Ira Schaefer, has sold it to Mr. and Mrs. Don Osinga and family of Listowel with immediate pos- session given. Mr. and Mrs. Don Schaefer, Judy and David of Montreal visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Schaefer. Hinz, Elizabeth Terpestra, Maryanne Blake, Moira Roon- ey, Christine Hartlieb, Helen Rooney; front: Patsy Rooney, Julie Hanna, Joyce Blake, Wendy Prior, Elizabeth Sebas- tian, Bernice Kumm. FORDWICH--The final pro- gressive euchre party of the sea- son sponsored by the L.O.L.was held at the home of Jack Win- ter. Winners were, high lady, Mrs. Geo. Pittendreigh; high gent, Peter Brown; consolation, Mrs. Peter Brown and Austin Stinson; most lone hands, Mrs. Sam Johnston. L.O.L. Euchre Wingham Advance-Times, —Advance-Times Photo. hursday. April 28, 1966 — Page 5 TEACH CHILDREN TO WASH HANDS Most children regara Amy hands as the normal state of things, All youngsters should be trained as early as possible to wash their hands thoroughly before eating, to remove dirt and germs.