HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-04-21, Page 14LISTOWEL MANOR HOTEL AND - `l l i l I i TiTrr DINING ROOM & COFFEE SHOP 140 Argyle — Across from Post Office A pleasant drive and a good meal make an enjoyable after- noon and evening. Our dining room and coffee shop are open till 8:30 p.m. every day. A delicious Smorgasbord awaits you every Sunday from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. For a good meal away from home — visit the Twin Gables, We'll be glad to see you. *PARTIES *RECEPTIONS — Fully air-conditioned For Reservations Ted Smith, Phone 291-2881 Manager. 6% PAID ON GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES * issued in amounts frotn $100 upwards for 3, 4 or 5 years. * earn 6% interest, payable half: yearly by cheque. * authorized investment for all Canadian Insurance Companies and trust funds. STERLItui T RUSTS 372 Bay 5t., 35 Dunlop St., 73 Mississaga E., Toronto Barrie Oak: • Don't Wait . Do It Now! Smart car owners know that balanced wheels mean safer, smoother riding, while you save on the wear and tear of your tires. Come in soon and let one of our skilled mechanics balance your car's wheels. SAVE MONEY BY GRABBING BENNETT'S C VIM efitheRY..NORR)1..NURRY.. POLE LAMPS Plastic Pails ROOM SIZE — 9x12 RUGS . ASSORTED COLORS 39.99 SPECIAL Special--1O'95 89' BENNETT'S St to $1.00 STORE WINGHAM EASY OFF Window OC Spray UNI JOHNSTON'S Pride Polish Glo-Coat EA. 79' IF IT'S FOR CLEANING — IT'S HERE! PAINT BRUSHES - PAINT WINDOW BLINDS - SCRUB BRUSHES Page 6 Meet= Adeartect•TieneS, Bluevale Personals Lakelet Personals !:farrisren, Mr. and Mrs, lieet,h camphell and boys, ot Bluevale, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Campbell and tamily, Mr. and Mrs. Peter t ,ampbell and iarnily and ".1r. and Mrs. Ken Joimstun and "'anal:, allot Morris Township. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Cordon Fall in Easter week were Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mas- ters, o: Parithill, and Mrs. Will Hall, Douglas, Brian and Don- na, or Cdencee. Mrs. George Hetherington, Betty and Jim visited for a few days in London last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Barrett, Joy and Brian, of Amherstburg. and Mr. and Mrs. Colin Camp- bell and family of Trenton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Campbell and boys during the holiday week. David White, of Springfield, spent a holiday with his grand- mother, Mrs. George Lowis. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McKin- ney have returned from a va- cation in the south. ane e'rs. %te., Each:en a::4 t.zeu, leislte4 Se.'et Mr. ard ez-, eee: Z"'" FeesLa... eiteted ;led zeze.te. •ee wee-. else ane :xi. zee: t ate and Bee. ee. ee.es•s er. Fee-. c: --e eeee.„ :rs. .etee ae•ereee:: `c ..-e:..ser- aeee. Mr. eee and L Is W.M.S. Speaker Ease: Thankc ferine -;:e was held in the Se:day room of the eherch er:Thetz -:ay evening. Mrs, Wm,. E.:leer:see_ presided and gave the call t. worship. A poem, 'Easter, was read by Mrs. Robertson. The Scripture was read by . Ross Gray:, followed by seita:ele comments. Mrs. B. Mcffate led in prayer. Mrs. B. Robertson introdec- ed Mrs. Alvin Mundell, the speaker. Mrs. Mundell gave a very thought-provoking address in which she used the W, M. S. theme of Prayer, Study and Service and used the women who were named in the Faster story to portray each part. Mrs. R. J. McMurray thank- ed the speaker for her inspiring message and presented her with a small gift. Mrs. B. Moffatt and Mrs. R. Mann served a delicious lunch. 111 es. Miss Christine Pryce sang "I'll Walk Beside You" and -The Lord's Prayer". She was ac- companied by Miss Margaret Craig, Mr. Mathers gave his daugh- ter in marriage. She wore a floor-length gown of white peau de soie with medallion trim, Young fry of the community are back to school after the week of Easter vacation. And Mother is busy soothing her shattered nerves after having them 'underfoot' for what seem- ed like a year: One thing never ceases to amaze us -- on school days you can hardly pry the poor tired little ones out of their cozy beds with a crow-bar; and during vacation, they're sitting on the edge of a bridge trying to catch fish or playing a fast game of rubber ball hockey, in the middle of the street, at 8 a. m, : Kids are funny that way: Mrs. John Kerwin and fam- ily of Toronto spent the Easter vacation at their home here, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Snider of Owen Sound and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T. Abraham and familyof Petrolia were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Abra- ham. A fine crowd of more than 50 teenagers attended a coffee- house dance in the community Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wylie visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wylie on Sunday. Mr. Arnold Kreller is a pa- tient at the Palmerston hospital where he underwent surgery last Friday. The Clifford fire truck paid a hasty visit to Lakelet last Thursday when they were call- ed to the property of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Harper. How- ever, it proved to be little more than a scare for the fire was quickly put under control. Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Dick- ert and Mr. and Mrs. A. Fil- singer of Mildmay visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Roeddingof Kitchener on Wednesday. John and Grant Wolfe of Mel. bourne, and formerly of Lake- let, created quite an excite- ment last Thursday when they Late W. J. Currie Remembered Early Days in Wingham Continued from Page One corner where Gurney's Glove factory is now. Griffin kept a hotel on the corner across the street (nor a very law-abiding place). After it was out of Griffin's hands, Nichol and Dore had a carriage shop, and above this was a hall where the Congregationalists held wor- ship, There was a Primitive Methodist church on the corner of Victoria and Minnie streets. Across the road was Robertson's Foundry. Ridd had a veterin- ary office near the dressmaking shop. This is history of early Wing- ham before Josephine Street was built on. The original survey was Lower Wingham and west. Fair grounds were surveyed for a market square, but finally Wingham was built east of that, where the town is as of today. The property behind the stores on the west side of Josephine street was originally a frog pond, and a great deal of work was done to fill this in. Afternoon Unit Holds Meeting BELGRAVE--The afternoon unit of the U.C.W. met last Wednesday in the church school room with eleven members pre- sent. Mrs. Earl Anderson pre- sided. A work bee has been plan- ned to wash the paint in the church basement on Monday, April 18. It was announced that the ladies had leased front- age at the Plowing Match for a booth. The garden party has been tentatively set for late May or early June. The bus trip to Toronto, sponsored by the Calvin-Brick ladies, was announced for May 18. An in- vitation was accepted to join the Blyth U. C.W. for their Thankoffering meeting on Ap- ril 24 when Mrs. Cruikshank of Wingham will be guest speaker, Fourteen home and two la",- pital visits to sick and 'lust-ille; we re recorded., Mr:. Arthur Jackson conveyed thank' the' ladies fur the excellent meal they had served for the London Conference. Mrs. Walter Scott opened the worship with an Easter medi- tation and prayer, A hymn was sung and Scripture was read fol- lowed by meditation by Mrs. Scott. Mrs. Arthur Jackson led the Bible study, Mrs. Pearl Wheel- er read the same passage from the Phillips Translation and a discussion followed. The mis- sion study, "Together in Trini- dad" tools the form of a skit with Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Stan- bey nook, Mrs. Ilelen Martin and Mrs. Anni(. r;oultes taking part, They reprfented four dLIk.rent eownrief, and answer- e d d it, w l e ,Ii.01, -What Does- Jzoor :'.1.ean" in that particular coke try', 25th Anniversary wept} --Mr. and Mrs.Clar- enee eparline were honored by their neighbors at a serprise party ott rhoir te, wedding an- niversary, April e. Mrs. 61ad Idgar read the address and. Mrs. Earl Reichard presented them with a sunburst clock, They also received other gifts. Grace Mothers Wed at Home -rocs ea•l-te fee! " a train, er veil was e- .. a held a crystal he apieceand e s eCetberer et re e see zerried pink rosy_. F-e: attendant wce her sister, ::..--r•er W. : e:ss Feth eia.thers. :-ior floor- and 7:1e :eae de soie sawn was tre-eee::, exelerzei- :71:ereSue wore a ree•ching ed v:ws as the hare:: :.eiclpieee and gioeez and car- :- al- threet'e.: eine and white carnations, Mitchel: :arees Scott of les•owel was perfe. ez --zee:7e- ries: an and the useers were mane. ireetbers of the bride, Robert, The le-._se a: dee-:rated and Kenneth Masters. with pinle and white rtreamers, The reception was held at hells anal sprin;.; fleeers. The env's Restaurant. :able de- ceremony tooe place encer are cceations were pink and white arch graced with .pine snap- 'candies and roses.. The bride's dragons, white moms and Faster ,mother chose a mimosa nubby landed in a field on the farm of Mr. D. Dickert in their light plane. The boys find the plane useful in their business of ditch- ing. Masters Bruce and Garth Dickert spent Easter holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Hubbard of Harriston. Master Ronald Clark ofMit- chell spent the Easter holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Greenley. Mrs. Stanley Dennis spent last week visiting with relatives in Guelph. WrOXeier Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hut)* fer visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McCuteheon, Wal. ton. tweed two-piece su.•, white accessories and corraze. For the wedding •:17 to East- em Ontario the bride wore a two-piece powder leh,:e boucle suit, bone shoes, verse and gloves, powder blue scarf and corsage of blue carnations. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell will live in McKillop Thee-ship. centre on Wednesday evening of last week. The dance was spon- sored by the Beireere-McIntosh United Church Hi-C Club, with more than 35 young people at- tending from Pine River United Church and Gorrie United and Anglican churches. Dancing was enjoyed to popular records and prizes given :or special dances, Lois Fereuson and Ian Inglis were winners from the lo- cal group. At the close of the evening lunch was served by the local group. Mrs. John Warden, Linda, Rae, and Lois, of St. Pauls, visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jeffray and family. Mrs. Fred Dustow of Wing- ham spent Friday with her son, Oliver and Mrs. Dustow, on Friday of last week. A number from this com- munity attended the Friday night dance in the hall. The dance was sponsored by the Lakelet Women's institute, with our Institute members in charge of a booth in the hall. 11111“11.11111110/1 ttttttttttttt tttttt tttttttttt 1111101 ttttttt $1101 ttttttt tttttttt 1.1 /11111.1,1111111111 ttttt Belmore Personals ers of Pars: 2.^C hall et Aylent: efeeeee: day evesEre t, 'r. and '"rs. Cordon Hare ete and Mrs. 5I.1. an and le.,,,ena • -,e-i•- -ed at ti-e sa•-re `.elr. and Mr. ano "sirs. 'ac ere: fair aee arc Mrs. .iezzes al, earefee Tt.c.erreale Mrs. !ace !ate.fy Brussels c r:- • :t we:. 7. bies •irst blirtteat, keeeel visiters aee Mrs, ("iarni:,'E'il were :Mr. and Mrs. Jerre bane'? arc: o• Ainieere:te:re•. and Mrs. reolin :errepivell and fam- , ily, of Trento; n, Mr. and Mrs. , Ivlerray ,...,bean and boys, r3z,e Mrs. A. Munde1.1 Stratford, :.1r. and Mrs, to. re