HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-03-31, Page 3EASTER LILIES--Tall, beautiful stems, 3-5 bloom plants 59c each bloom LARGE TURKEY BURGERS 35c includes tomato slice, crisp lettuce DELUXE BANANA SPLIT--3 flavor ice cream, top- ped with whipped cream, reg, 45c,only 30c SODAS,-many flavors, Ingredients: Two scoops ice cream, whipped cream, soda water, generous portion of chosen flavor whipped cream, and cherry, regular 30e—only — .... „. .20c MIDTOWN RESTAURANT Across from IGA Store Wingham, Ont. rafagararaWama !DEPENDABLE CARS 1963 CHEV. BelAir, Automatic, Radio 1962 PONTIAC, 4-Door, 6 cyl., Standard 1962 FORD Fairlane 500, 4-Door, 6 Stand. 1962 COMET, 6 cyl. Automatic, Radio 1962 MERCURY 2-Dr. Hardtop, V8, Radio 1958 PONTIAC, V-8 Standard 1963 CHEV. 1/2-ton Truck, long, wide box McCLURE MOTORS LTD. WINGHAM DIAL 357-3760 ..1.1•••••••• rroporimwomay The Frosty Queen DRIVE-IN WILL BE OPEN THIS WEEK-END DROP IN AND TREAT YOURSELF TO A DELICIOUS SNACK FROM THE FROSTY QUEEN KITCHEN OR FROM THE ICE CREAM FOUNTAIN. PHONE 357-2191 FOR FAST TAKE-OUT SERVICE 10010.0•1111.0•1111P041110 PHONE 357-3190--ANY DAY for Custom-Care Dry Cleaning NEW, MODERN EQUIPMENT --Fast Service--- Wingham Drive-in Cleaners 11 Diagonal Rood 31.7b 12 / HAFERMEHL'S': 9 JEWELLERY 3 -,•". WINGHAM *."' / 6 TWO CERTIFIED WATCHMAKERS TO PROVIDE FAST, EFFICIENT SERVICE. on Watch Repairs Jewellery Repairs HOME BINGO THIS IS THE SECOND CALL of the 1966 HOME BINGO BEING SPONSORED BY THE KINSMEN CLUB OF WINGHAM. PRIZE '100.00 TO BE CA SPLIT IN SE OF TIE WINNER MUST HAVE FULL HOUSE (all numbers on card called). CARDS ON SALE BY ALL MEMBERS OF THE KINSMEN CLUB—Kin members and immediate family not eligible BINGO 3 16 32 49 61 4 17 36 51 64 7 18 37 55 65 11 19 39 56 66 13 20 41 57 67 14 21 43 59 68 15 24 44 60 69 25 70 27 71 28 72 30 73 74 Pearson, Edwards & co. Chartered Accountants P.. R. PEARSON Trustee in Bankruptcy 306 JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM - Tel. 257.2891 Gaviller McIntosh & Ward Chartered Accountants Resident Partner J. E. Kennedy, C.A. Opposite Post Office Dial 881-3471 - Walkerton Crawford & Shepherd Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. J. Harley Crawford, Q.C. Norman A. Shepherd, M.A., LLB. WINGHAM, ONTARIO Dial 357.3630 J. T. GOODALL BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY, Etc. Witt, — Meyer Block WEN (; DIAL 357-1990 Business and Professional Directory WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct and Save Bus. Ph. 3571910 Res. Ph. 357-1015 AMBULANCE SERVICE CALL — S. J. WALKER PHONE Day - Night 357-1430 Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, RO Mrs. Viola H. Homuth, RO OPTOMETRISTS Phone 118 HARRISTON - ONTARIO A. H. McIAVISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. and NOTARY PUBLIC Teeswater Ontario Tel, 302-6813, Teeswater i'toketer—Every Wednesday afternoon, 2,4 p.m., or by appointment hitechurch Personal Notes Wingbarn Advance-Times, Thurs, . March 52, X966 .- Page 3 Mr. and Mrs. Harley Gaunt were Sunday visitors with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Gaunt, Dr, and Mrs. R. Galbraith and family were Sunday evening Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Le- roy Rintoul and family, Mra and Mrs a Ivan taidlaw and Janet were Sunday visitors With her parents, Mr, and Mrs.. John CPPWStOn of LlichnOW. M. and Mrs. Gordon Moa Burney, Hugh and Ronald and Mrs. R. M. Sbiell of Wingham were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Shiell and fam- ily of London and with Mrs. Fred Yausle, also of London, Whiteohurch U.C. W. will hold its Easter Thankoffertng meeting on Tuesday, April 5, in the church at 2.3Q. Miss Clara McGowan will be the guest speaker. Mr; and Mrs. Gershom John- ston Moved on Monday of last week to their new home on Catherine Street, Wingham. Visitors on Thursday at theJohna ston home were Jack Johnston of London, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Johnston and family of Listowel and on Saturday Mr. and Mrs, Ken Johnston and family of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Michael and family of Seaforth and Miss Brenda Ritchie. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Leader and family of Gorrie were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Currie. Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Bott of Belwood were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Coul- ter. They also called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rintoul. Mr. and Mrs. George Ross and Cheryl of Owen Sound were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ross and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Toth, Rob- bie and Billie of Kitchener, were Sunday visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Currie of E, Wawanosh. Sunday School begins April 3 at 10 o'clock in Chalmers Presbyterian Church. All child- ren of the congregation are in- vited to be present. Those from here attending the Presbyterial at Clinton were Family Home for 56th Anniversary DONNYBROOK--All mem- bers of the family of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chamney of Au- burn, formerly of Donnybrook, were home Saturday night to celebrate their parents' 56th wedding anniversary. They gathered at the Auburn Com- munity Hall where the family served a lovely turkey dinner and the evening was spent in dancing. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Chamney of Wing- ham; Mr. and Mrs. Herman Chamney, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Chamney, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Chamney, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fox, all of Windsor; Mrs. Ver- na Doerr, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Doerr, Mr. Brian Doerr, Miss Helen Chudobiac, all of Niag- ara Falls; Miss Sheila Doerr, Miss Bonnie Ford and Mr. Bill Ford of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ives and David of Chip- pawa; Mr. and Mrs. Graham Chamney and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Rumig and Tracey, all of Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Chamney and family, R. R. 1, Auburn; and Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Chamney and family of Donnybrook. Mrs, Elwood Groskorth, Mrs. Clifford Laidlaw, Mrs. Milian Moore and Mrs. Albert Coultes, Those attending from Calvin- Brio were Mrs. Gilbert Bee- croft, Mrs; Alex Robertson, Mrs. Gordon McBurney and Mrs. Harry Cook. Mrs. Gordon Lyons and. Mur- ray of W. Wawanosh visited on Tuesday with Mrs. Russel Rit- chie while the Men attended Bill Evans' sale. Miss Ruth Coultes and her friends, Miss Marian Green and Miss Barbara Evans, student nurses at Guelph Hospital, were Friday visitors with her parents, Mr, and MO. Norman Coultes. Mr. and Mrs. Gershom John- ston were in Listowel Saturday morning to watch a game of hockey in which their grandson, Paul Johnston, was playing. Paul's team ,W011, Miss Helen Currie of London spent the week-end at herhome here. Mr. Donald Gaunt of Kit- chener spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sel Gaunt and on Saturday Mr. Gordon Moffat of Toronto visit- ed at the same home. Mrs. Angus Falconer and Kevin of Streetsville brought Mrs. Cecil Falconer, who had visited last week with them, to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wes- ley Tiffin on Saturday. Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher were Mr. and Mrs. John L. Carruthers and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fish- er and family, all of London. Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw spent Thursday in London with Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Simmons and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Laid- law. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Schef- ter were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Schefter and family of Clifford, who have recently moved to their farm home from Kitchener. Mr, and Mrs. Dan Tiffin and family moved their house- hold effects from the former Angus Falconer farm to the MacDonald farm, east ofTees- water, on Saturday. Mr.. and Mrs. Bill Evans of Langsidea with the assistance of Robert Orr, on Monday moved their effects to the Coffin resi- dence. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Linneps on the ar- rival of a daughter, a sister for Joanne, Jean and Henry, at Wingham and District Hospital on Thursday. Euchre at Currie's School WHITECHURCH—Currie' s School held a progressive eu- chre party Friday evening with 14 tables in play. Prize winners were high lady, Mrs. Lawrence Taylor; low lady, Mrs. Gershom Johnston; high gent, Bert Garniss; low gent, Allan McGill; lucky draw, Mrs, Ken Zinn. The older school girls super- vised games and contests for the young fry in the basement. Lunch was served by the teach- er and her assistants. Baptism GORRIE—Rev., Ronald M. Sweeney received into the church by baptism Karen Lynne, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Latronica, at the Sun- day morning service in the Gor- rie United Church. YOUR RED CROSS IS ILI SERVING Ai "Ir TODAY READY' FOR iOR TOMORROW Resurrection Is Theme at UCW BELMORE..-The United Church Women held their meet- ing at the home of Mrs, Alvin Fitch on Wednesday of last weep. A quilt was set up and several of the women quilted during the meeting. Mrs. William Mulvey was the leader and the topic was The Resurrection. She read Scripture from the New Testa- ment and conducted devotions on Lent from The Upper Room. She also read an article on how to explain the Easter story to children, and led in prayer. Mrs. Fred Doubledee was in charge of the story on Trinidad, and a poem was read about the history of Trinidad and the part the church has played in this history. Mrs. Harry Mulvey was in charge of the study book, "Jesus Christ and the Christian Life", and a discussion follow- ed the reading of a portion of chapter two. Roll call was an- swered with a thought for the Easter season. President Mrs, Earl Fitch conducted the business. Plans were made for members to at- tend the annual Presbyterial meeting in Paisley this week. An invitation to an Easter Thankoffering service, at Mc- Intosh Church in April, had been received from that church's U.C.W. and it was decided that most members would try to attend. A profit of $27.00 was reported from the bake sale held by the ladies as part of the Monday social evening. Mrs. Mulvey gave the clos- ing prayer and lunch was serv- ed by the hostess. Dainty Designers BELGRAVE—The Dainty De- signers held their fourth meet- ing at the home of Mrs. Hanna with ten present. The next meeting will be April 2 at 7,15 p.m. Minutes were read by Donna Walker and roll call was the color each member will dye her scarf. The theme was "Acces- sories -- Hats and Shoes". Don- na Walker demonstrated the making of bias binding. Mrs. Johnston discussed the selection and care of hats and Mrs. Hanna spoke on the selec- tion and care of shoes. Some of the girls cut out their hats. SEWING SWEETHEARTS BLUEVALE—The first meet- ing of the sewing Sweethearts was held at the home of Mrs. I. Thompson Tuesday, of last week. The election of officers re- sulted as follows: President, Gail McLennan; vice-president, Linda Johnston; secretary, the four members will take turns; press reporter, the secretary will make up the press report. Mrs. Jas. Thompson outlin- ed the project, "Accent on Ac- cessories", and Achievement Day. Mrs. Clifford J. Brewer gave notes and discussed the finished look, accessories to complement your costume and basic styles. Ruth Mathers was last week's secretary. Bluevale Mr. and Mrs. Robert Golley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Robertson. Mrs. Tessie Procter from Yorkton, Sask., spent Tuesday with her cousin William Robert- son and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. John McInnis and Mr. and Mrs. Murray McFar- lane attended the Barbership concert in Listowel on Saturday night. Friends Shower Grace Mothers i31UEVALE--A shower was held in the schoolroom of the United Church On Saturday eve.. ning to honor Miss Grace Math- ers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Mathers, in view of her Marriage on April 9 to William Campbell, of Seaforth. The bride-elect was seated with her mother and Mrs, Beth Price, sister of Mr. Campbell. An interesting program was car- ried out in the tastefully, dec- orated room. Mrs. Bill Robertson conduct- ed a sing-song with Mrs. Carl Johnston at the piano. A musi- cal number was given by Miss Mary Craig, Miss Betty Heth- erington and Miss Phyllis Grant. The humorous verses had been written by Miss Helen Hotch- kiss. Mrs. Bill Robertson sang a solo. Two contests were en- joyed.. Miss Pat Craig read an ad- dress of congratulations and good wishes written in rhyme by Mrs. George Hetherington. Friends of the bride presented her with many beautiful and useful gifts. Refreshments were served at the close. Human nature, whatever else it is, is perverse. Janis Farrier Breaks Ankle WHITECHURCH—Miss Janus Farrier fell on a sheet of ice at the corner of her home as she was returning home from the Young People's play practice on Sunday evening. Her cries for help were heard by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Farrier who helped her into the house. On Monday x-rays showed a broken ankle and a walking east was applied. Julia was al- lowed to go home afterward, The same ankle was broken a few years ago. "So you are undertaking to keep bees?" "Yes," answered Farmer Jones. "I don't want to miss anything, and I've been stung every other way there is." W. R, HAMILTON OPTOMETRIST Josephine Street WINGHAM FOR APPOINTMENT Phone 357-1361