The Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-03-17, Page 15C Li N SHOES
WINGHAM 357-1840
All Wingharn Retail Stores
Open Friday Evenings
Starting March 25th
TO PEil$0144
la was O AGE 011
Adm.: Adults 81,; students 50c
Another wonderful, colorful
fairyta:e for all youngsters
All seats - 50e
SAT. 19 - 310N, 21 - TEES, 22
The screen's most exciting cast
in the year's most magnificent
movie, in Metro Color
Ingrid Bergman - Rex Harri-
son - Alain Delon - George C.
Scott and Shirley 31-act:tine in
Laughter and drama as well as
plenty of action on an inter-
national sca:e
(Adult Entertainment/
Saturday at 7:13 and 9:25 p.m,
Monday and Tuesday at 8 p.m.
WED. 23 - THUR. 24 - FRI. 25
SAT. 26
A great big colorful country
Musical and all your favorites
in the cast: Farlin Rusty, Hank
Snow, Hank Williams Jr.,
Stonewall Jackson, Skeeter
Davis and many more country
music stars
Make it a date for sure and see
Adm.: Adults $1.00; Students
ii 75e; Children 35e
Wed. and Thurs. at 8 p.m.
Fri. and Saturday at 7:15-9:15
Pack 'A' of the Wingham
Cubs met March 1 with an at-
tendance of 29. Blue SLxer
Doug Mason led the Grand
Howl, Inspection followed.
The Pack then welcomed a new
chum, Neil Reiss.
Baloo instructed the boys in
first aid, Examiner Don Lloyd
came and Tom Lee, Randy
Pepper and Doug Vanderwoude
passed Morse code.
Several of the boys passed
their first and second star read-
ing and plants and othercharts.
First Stars were presented to
Michael King, Jeff Anderson
and Bob Williams, The boys
enjoyed a rousing sing-song be-
fore the closing exercises,
The Grand Howl at the
March 8 meeting was led by
sixer Bob Vanderwoude. In-
spection followed. Once again
they welcomed another new
chum to the pack, JeffCroskill.
Some of the sixers gave a
demonstration of the short skit
they' are preparing for the
Variety Concert, to be held in
April; and boys you have done
very well.
All were asked to be sure
and be at the town hall for
practice at 2 p.m. on Sunday.
The closing exercise fol-
lowed. There. was an attend-
ance of 31. The boys were re-
minded to take their fathers
to the Father & Son banquet
on Wednesday, March 9th at
the high school.
On behalf of Pack 'A' the
leaders would like to thank the
activshe$ gek
Auxiliary or "Cue :.l.-)thers" for
the delicious dinner ,vrved at
th e banquet. They also thank
the special guests for time and
interest and woreh , :encourage-
Bridge Club
North and soane irst, 0.
Haselgrove and ',Italian sec-
ond, Miss Hazel Weir and Art
Wilson; third, Mrs, II. Fisher
'and C. Hodgins.
East and west: Hut, Mrs. J.
Martin and W. leidlaw; tied
for second, Mrs. o. (,Lulkin and
Mrs. C. Hodgin , ! G. Gan-
nett and H. Spry .
Collar 401, Ron G -y
Standing to date: Oaks 35,
Walnuts 49, Maples 47, Birches
37, Poplars 35 and Pines 30,
WED.-THUR.-FRI. MARCH 16-17-18
"36 HOURS"
Panavision - Starring:
James Garner - Rod Taylor - Eva Marie Saint
This is the story behind the A:lied invasion of France. It's a
tense-suspenseful drama, It's well worth seeing.
This is the fabulous story of Snow tVhite and the Seven Dwarfs,
Two shows at 2:00 and 4:00, All seats 50c.
SAT.-MON.-TUES. MARCH 19-21.22
Colour - CinemaScope - Starring:
Elvis Presley - Jocelyn Lane - Julie Adams
Elvis mixes action, romance and songs in a merry mystery
one beer so good Jrs made
Canada f mous for beer
throu 'lout the world!
In Daly and over 60 other countries, you
can enjoy a world of flavour in the balanced beer.
aateasaaseetaaasaalasas,aensift aaaiksaaaasaaaaaeataasaaseaa
Outdoor dining at the Ttattoria Galeassi in Rome
Wingham Advance-Times, Thurs., March 17, Mt, Page 7
DELMORE-With all our
hockey teams edged out of the
WED, 16 - THUR. 17 - FRI. 18
&lizabeth Taylor and Richard
Burton star in
in glorious Metracolor
Featured with the screen's most
explosive cast is
Eva Marie Saint
Their love was sweet and bitter
-beauty and ugliness - from
the beginning they knew it was
wrong but nothing could keep
them apart,
Wed, and Thurs. at 8 p.m,
Friday 7:15 and 9:15 p.m.
playoff finals we are holding
high hopes that our last ream,
the Squirts, will come through
with the trophy.
The other team to make the
finals, the Midgets, played
three games last week. On
Monday evening they opened
their best-of-three series with
Gorrie with a game here. Gor-
rie defeated Delmore 2-1.Dan-
ny Montgomery was our only
On Wednesday evening, in
a game played in Gorrie, Del-
more came out on top by a 1-0
score, Danny Montgomery was
again the scorer; Robin Steven
was the goalie accredited with
the shutout. On Friday evening
in the last and deciding game
in Belmore, Gorrie walked off
with the trophy to the tune of
a 6-4 score. Be?more scorers
were Dave Millen with two,
Montgomery and John O'Mal-
ley with one each. Sorry the
trophy couldn't have come your
way, boys, bur we're proud of
your efforts.
The Squirts in their final
series with Wroxeter started out
in fine style on Monday night
in this arena, when in the first
in a best-of-three, they muti-
lated the opponents 14-6. We're
glad Richard Inglis didn't have
a tummy ache that night for he
scored eight of the winning
goals. Brian Woolcock knock-
ed in four, and Ross Jeffray two.
Douglas Inglis tends goal for
the Squirts.
By the time you read this,
their series too, may be wrap-
ped up, we hope in our favour!
Larry Simmons rolled the
high single of 201 as his team
took 3 points from the top plac-
ed Whites. The Blues and
Greens had a real battle and
ended up with identical scores
after the last pin fell.
Those breaking the 100 mark
were Larry Simmons 201, 112,
Bradley Coulter 113, David
Tiffin 115, Lois McLaughlin
145, Jay MacLaurin 108, Brad-
ley Simmons 122, Janis Ohm
101, Julie Foxton 111.
High double for the girls
Howick Lions
Hold Bonspiel
WROXETER-The Ilowick
Lions held a successful curling
bonspiel in the Listowel curl-
ing rink last Wednesday, This
was the second bonspiel spon-
sored by the club this year.
A rink from Exeter skipped
by Sandy Elliott won the 9
o'clock draw. His team was
Mel Geiser, lead; Bob Dinning,
second and Norm Walper. They
had three wins plus 14.
Second place in the same
event was Jim Adams' Bluevale
rink, two wins plus 12; third,
Atkin Rann of Brussels, two wins
plus te and consolation, Har-
old Tupper of Ilarriston,
plus 14,
Draw prizes were won by
Emerson Rupple of Kurtzville,
Mrs. Thelma Schlimm of Lis-
towel, II, Gordon McKay of
Monkron and Monk Kemp, Lis-
Waterfowl Hunting
Permit Required
For Autumn '66
Northern Affairs Minister
Arthur Laing has announced the
autumn 1061; introduction ofthe,
Canada Migratory Game Bird
hunting permit. The permit
will make possible, for the first
time, a national waterfowl kill
The two dollar permit will
be on sale at post offices late
next summer and will be re-
quired in addition to any re-
quired provincial licence by all
hunters of ducks, geese, snipe,
Men's Safety Shoes in several
styles, oxfords and boots, For
women--Hush Puppy style,
Squids Our Only Hope
lulli.e110114.11111" 0000000 .1111111011111 000000 lllllll 111111111111”.001$ 00000000 1111111111ffin11111 tttttttttt ttttttt 1..11
Larry Simmons Rolls 201
Team up Three Points
was shared by Lois McLaughlin
and Marlene Foxton with 190
while Larry Simmons rolled 313
double, high for the boys.
Some new names in the in-
dividual honors this week with
Susan Kregar rolling girls' high
single of 165 and high double,
222, and David Balser boys'
high single, 260 and high dou-
ble 360. Nice bowling!
This seemed to be upset
week as the bottom three teams
took the bulk of the points -
'labs 3 and Wings 2; Rangers 5
and Hawks 0 and Leafs 5, Bruins
Top lines were rolled by
Doug Finley 162, 168, Don
Shropshall 214, Gail Irvine
158, Lee Grove 104, 178, Bob
LaRose 155, Ian Shepherd 214,
Lloyd Fridenburg 162.
Standing: Bruins 59, Hawks
43, Leafs 42, Rangers 41, Wings
37, Habs 33.
Larry Gordon was in fine
form as he rolled the high sin-
gle, 262, with high double go-
ing to Gary Bauer, 474. For
the girls' high single it was Pat-
sy Walker, 180 and high double,
308 by Barbara Dauphin.
The Oakes increased their
lead at the top as they took full
5 points from second place Wal-
nuts, The Birches took full
count from Poplars and Maples
took 5 points from Pines.
Those breaking the 200 mark
were, Don Collar 208, Ron
Goy 210, Newt Richardson 201,
Doug Mowbray 220, Gary Bau-
er 213, 261, Gary Brenzil 258,
212, Larry Gordon 262, Jim
Henderson 215, 233, Bruce
Boyd 223, 243, Greg Carter
226. Sure some fine bowling
this week.
Interesting to note that we
had 7 doubles over 400, Gary
Bauer 474, Gary Brenzil 470,
Bruce Boyd 466, Jim Henderson
44S, Larry Gordon 413, Don
nine o'clock event, three wins mos and in the Yukon and
Northwest Territories.
The idea of the permit has Wally Martin of St. Jacobs
groups. Mr. Laing explained
that the permit is necessary to
find out how many waterfowl
hunters there are in Canada,
where, when and how often
they hunt, and how many wa-
terfowl of each species they
harvest. This kind of informa-
tion is vital to effective man-
agement of our waterfowl re*
It has been estimated that
there are about 350, Ooo water-
fowl hunters in Canada and that
they spend about $30 million
each year on their sport.
Information will be given to
hunters with the wallet-sized
Tortoise shell combs are
made from the shell of a tropi-
cal marine turtle.
Y. 4011.41111041.111.4.1111.0.F.,11.0.0004310. ram.
ce Follies'
woodcock and other migratory 1 FifiuRE shATINfi
Winner of the 11 o'clock game birds. Free permits will !
tie, Members of this rink were mos. Distribution problems in !
draw was Dewey Adams of Gor- be issued to Indians and Eski- I
Roy Strong, Bert Hubbard and remote areas may' result in a 1 - Presents -
Bob Hastie. Their score was one-year suspension of the re- 1 1
the same as the winners of the quirement for Indians and Eski- I
b won second prize; Wallace Bal- been supported by the Canadian
lagh of Teeswater, third; and Wildlife Federation and by oth- MARCH 25 er hunters' and naturalists' Dutch Tilker of Elora, the con-
at 8:00 p.m.
Teeswater Arena
I Adults and Students-75e
1.43-1,111.•0-M1 4011•11.0•10,/410.11161•,04.1.11