HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-03-17, Page 2t. aid's etittrt (ANGLICAN) ingbam Rev. C. F. Johnson, L.Th. - Rector Mrs. Gordon Davidson Organist FOURTH SUNDAY IN LENT -- MARCH 20 8:30 a.m.—Holy Communion. 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. Confirmation Class. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer. 7:00 p.m.—Evening Lenten Service. DISTILLED 64 22( WATER Ox' jj Magic New Fabric J-CLOTH Box 1,°°1 uses of 12 59( 2-LB. BAG MOTH CRYSTALS 7r VELVETTA-3,oz, Cake 5c BEAUTY SOAP FOR BATHS-5 lbs. A A EPSOM SALTS 44" I.D.A. BRAND-1 lb. MOTH KILLER 4Y 15-ox.—Good Veit,* t VACUUM BOTTLE Economy Box—MOTH t oiri BALLS OR FLAKES 3713). • $ $ $ $ • Simplifies washing of walls, ceilings, etc. -1/RAp Transparent Plastic Wrap MARCH 1917 Capt. Alex, Kaine, young- est son of the late Major and Mrs. Kaine of Gorrie, when the war broke out, went out as Lieutenant with the first Com- pany from Fort Frances. He has since been promoted to cap- tain and recently been present- ed with the Military Cross by the King at the Palace. Mr. and Mrs, John W. Han- na returned from their honey- moon trip on Monday evening and a reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Allen when a pleasant evening was spent. Mr. Robert Broomfield has sold his farm on the first line of Morris to Edward Armstrong of Hepworth. Mr, and Mrs. Simon Dow and family who have beenhigh- ly esteemed residents of Wing- ham for some time left on Wed- nesday for Mitchell, near which place Mr, Dow will engage in farming. On Friday evening of last week a number of the friends of Mr. J. Little gathered at his late residence (now the proper- ty of Mr. D. Holmes) prior to his departure to his new home on the B Line near the C. P. R, crossing. W. F. Vanstone shipped two car loads of hogs from here on Thursday. The price paid to the farmers was 15 cents, Ten years ago hogs were selling for the large sum of 4.1 cents. Mr. Bert Collar, who has been expressman for W. J. Greet for some time has ac- cepted a position in W, H. Gurney's Glove Works. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Hall, Pasadena, Cal., was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Thursday, March 8, when their daughter, Ethel Leoni, was united in marriage to Mr. Albert Edward Coling of Wingham. They will reside in Wingham. J. W. Dodd has opened up an insurance office in the build- ing north of T. T. McDonald's barber shop. Mr. Jas. Murray of the Craw- ford garage, is spending a few weeks in Merriton, where he is taking a course in repairing and manufacture of storage batter- ies. MARCH 1931 The Provincial Highways Department is calling for tend- ers for the construction of per- manent pavement on the King's Highway from Walkerton seven miles west. It would connect with the road leading to Tees- water, known as the Teeswater Gravel. Miss E. Ryan, who has been studying music with Prof. An- derson, has passed her associate- ship piano (teachers) examin- ation of the Toronto Conserva- tory of Music. A pleasant evening was held in Wingham Baptist Church last week, when a surprise party was held in honor of Miss J. E. Home, missionary on furlough from Africa, prior to her re- turn to the mission field, Mr. Harry Hopper is in Tor- onto this week attending the Prohibition Union Convention. Robt. Porter of Wingham is moving to Teeswater and will occupy the house on the late Ab Brown's estate. At the regular meeting of Huron chapter No. 89 O.E.S. on Tuesday night, Mrs. George Spotton, immediate Past Worthy Matron, was presented, on be- half of the Chapter, with a Past 1Matron's Jewel. Mrs. Spotton on this occasion conducted the ceremony of installing into of- fice for 1031 the Treasurer, Miss Mary Pattison, and As- : sociate Conductress, Mrs. W.S. Mitchell. ' A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized on Saturday, March 14th at one-thirty o'- clock, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Gathers, Gorrie, when their daughter, Elizabeth ' M. , was united in marriage to Mr. Austin E. Hawthorne, only son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Hawthorne, MARCH 1941 Last week three showers were held for Miss Vera Fryfogle who left on Monday for Stratford General Hospital as a nurse in training. Rev. E. 0. Gallagher at- tended the meeting of the Hur- on Diocese Social Service Coun- cil, of which he is a member, in London, on Tuesday. George Carr, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Carr, of town, recently joined the Argyle and Sutherland Scottish Regiment and is stationed at Niagara-on- the-Lake. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Morri- son received word from their son, Tom Morrison, who left as a mechanic for England some months ago, that he was in hos- pital there, suffering from a wound in his leg. Lawrence Hiseler has been accepted in the Ordnance Corps, and reports to London on Saturday. Norman Welwood, who was accepted by the RCAF, about a month ago, will report Saturday also. Darrell Biggs reported at the head office of the Dominion Bank at Toronto, Monday, to be assigned to one of the city branches. Darrell is the tenth Wingham youth to enter the services of the Dominion Bank in the past five years. In the recent table tennis play-offs at the Public School the following girls were win- ners: Senior, Mary Forbes; run- ner-up, Helen Lockridge; jun- ior, Shirley Yeoman; runner-up, Rose Ohm. Mrs. Fred Newman and fam- ily of West Wawanosh, moved to Wingham on Thursday of last week and have taken up resi- dence on Shuter St. Mr. New- man has joined the RCAF and is stationed at St. Thomas. The worst blizzard of the year started on Sunday after- noon and continued unabated for about 48 hours, with the mer- cury dropping on Monday night to near zero. All highway traf- fic was at a complete stand- still. MARCH 1952 E. K. Hutton, for seven years CNR operator here, has received an appointment as freight agent at Point Edward near Sarnia. Misses Isabel McCall and Lois Cruickshank were hostesses recently at the latter's home for a miscellaneous shower, held in honour of Miss Doreen Hays. During the course of the evening, a mirth-provoking mock wedding was staged with Misses Lois Cruickshank, Isabel McCall, (Dell) Hays and Mary Louise Flach performing the roles of bride, groom, minister and flower-girl, respectively. The Wingham Figure Skaters and the Stratford Skating Club combined Saturday night to give one of the most colorful and en- joyable evenings' entertain- ments held in Wingham this winter. The Syncopets, twelve cute little gals, gave a spark- ling performance on skates and the crowd loved it. These twelve syncopets were Dianne Crossett, Dorothy Chamney, 'Sandra Strong, Judy Lunn, Fay Lavigne, Sharon Thompson, Mary Kae Newman, Joan Col- vin, Claudia Haselgrove, Irene Saint, Jean Froome and Ruth Fryfogle, Taking part in the Guelph Ladies' Invitation Bonspiel held recently, a rink composed of Mrs. A. W. Irwin, skip; Mrs. ,Eldon McKinney, vice; Mrs. Geo. Williams, second; and Mrs. W. H. Edwards, lead; were successful in winning sec- ond prize in the second event, losing to an Oshawa rink in their final game. Murray Johnson and Sons Ltd., have announced the sale of their farm trade distribution business of gasoline, oil and petroleum products to C. E. Mac Tavish, distributor for B. A. products. Johnson and Sons have been established in their present location since 1934. Ken Johnson, who has been as- sociated with his father in the business, is leaving Wingham to accept a position with a bank in Birmingham, Mich. John Hanna, grade 13 stud- ent at Wingham High School has been selected representa- tive for the Leaders' Club, sponsored by the London Free Press. Bluevale Personals Mr. and Mrs. George Heth- fatt and family were with Mr. erington and Mrs, M. L. Ait- and Mrs. B. H. Moffatt at the ken visited in Listowel on Sun- week-end. day. Mrs. Joe Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Henning and Mr. George Fischer attended the funeral service for the late Ken- Mr. and Mrs. Claire Hoff- neth Galloway in Galt on Thum. man and family, of Exeter, day. and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Webb Gary Mundell, of Hamilton, was a recent visitor with Mr. Alex Corrigan and family. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mof- Page 2 — Wingham Advance -Times, Thurs.., March 17, 1966 RE JNISCING SAVE S VE CU wournamonefennmnainninnannn•• U m $$$$ WORTH 19c $$$$ a • a 'at Vance's IDA Drug Store on purchase of 111 II 0 Cured Plastic Bandages • u • N 40's Assorted — Sugg. list 98t a a a N (Coupon Expires on March 19, 1966) 51 N al 1511110111510511119111W110011115115111NUMUNIVIII SINIIIINNION n 1115115111NMUIIIIIIINSMIENU $ $ $ $ WORTH 30c $$$$ fl ginnannemsnannwinnannannrcus $ $ $ $ WORTH 26c $ $ $ $ : ai • N la le at Vance's IDA Drug Store on purchase of II N 111 3 Evenflo Nurser Units • Nii 8 ounce at 3 for $1.33 N • • • • luy 2 pairs of 491, n • Nylon Stockings • dud get rift nano pair free 011 presentation of this coupon. SI (Coupon Expires on March 19, 1966) • 11111151111•1111111•111111111111111115N01111111111111101105 11111111111110151115N5111111111•0011111111•11 11 PRINS HANDL • • that clings, 100'x12" $$$$ WORTH 19c LI SAVE 21c—Reg. 2 for 29c; 6 for 87c ni TOILET TISSUE Strong $1.29 VALUE — 16-oz. JAR The First Aid Kit in a Jar a a 0 111111111•11 M0111•11111111NUMENNIMMINME1111 (Coupon Expires on Marcl, 19, 1966) STATIONERY 111 • • 16" Square DISH CLOTH SPECIAL • WASHING COMPOUND • at Vance's FDA Drug Store on purchase of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hertog and Laurie visited in Hamilton at the week-end. and family, of Painswick, visit- ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. 13. Hoffman on Sunday. TREMENDOUS SAVINGS THIS WEEK AT VANCE'S I.D.A. DRUG STORE POND HE COUPONS FOR REAL BARGAINS measaman•a•mairamee WORTH 69c This coupon entitles you to one jar of BRONCHIDA CHEST RUB when you iN purchase one bottle of BRONCHIDA COUGH SYRUP at 95c. le Coupon valid March 14.19; 1966 only. Fm Redeemable only at Vance's Drug Store mil 11111111111EAMISM MININNI a 111 n N n si at Vance's IDA Drug Store on purchase of N • 0 n Spetkiel "25% More" 15-es. size 994 (Coupon Expires on March- 19, 1966) 111 $$$$ WORTH 20c Prodon Air Freshener CHECK THESE TIMELY BARGAINS at Vance's IDA Drug Store on purchase MI 2 bottles II a I.D.A. Milk of Magnesia n w 16 ounce at 2 for $1.18 III (Coupon Expires on March 19, 1966) 51 III 3 UNINNIIIIIIIMNIIIIINNUMNIIININNIIIIIIIEUES UNNIONNIIINNIMMINNIONEINNIININD31511 II U VASELINE $$$$ WORTH 28c $$$$ : . . . at Vance's IDA Drug Store on purr/base ad : 1/2 PRICE SPECTACULAR m A Is I.D.A. Saccharin Tablets gi is g roi;,, 1000's — Sag,. list 95e of CLEAR-OUT OF BOXED VELLUM 6 ROLLS 66 ( FOR 99 .1111NOMMII=INIMIMI at Vance's IDA Drug Store on purchase of 2 boxes Facelle Royale Man Size $$$$ WORTH 9c $$$$ 20 SHEETS 20 ENVELOPES REGULAR $1.00 BOX ONLY PAPER NAPKINS Reg. 18c pkg 33` 2 PKGS. II (Coupon Expires on March 19, 1966) 0 IDA 9 c 1511111111NOINUNNIIIIINNINIMMINEN•NE1311 6 ° ° WAX PAPER Reg. 32c bOx....2 BOXES A llis•E•mmomaimilorassel•ON•mum: RUBBER Row 49` $$$$ WORTH 49c $$$$ : u Good Value, s-m-I : at Vance's IDA Drug Store on purchase of : FLOOR WAY ....A Save 20c EAST-GLOSS SPECIAL 39c OT REMOVER Will help reduce cleaning costs, 4-oz., reg. 40c 29 2 for 2` Sugg. list $3.49 1-lb. 33 c 29` General purpose plastic 67 c • $1.411 voila* for 9So Spoolol Offor N Save 12c on pack of 10.... 111111110101111101111111•0111•01111110011111511101 Natural bristle 4 Lakeikli Fluffy Bolls, 250's 3 DISPOSAL BAGS !Coupon Expires on March: l9, 1966) 3 NAIL & HAND BRUSH 9` it 4 n U n n a a a a n a n 5$$" a a • a n n a 4 n IIIIIIIIIIIINI9910111111125011051•111111.011INUN aalsommasmasramemeasamessammi • • $ $ $ $ WORTH 20c n $$$$ Of at Vance's IDA Drug Store on purchase of • n I.D.A. Mineral Oil Heavy Grade, 14 es. --Suss. lint 690 • • (Coupon Expires on March 19, 1966) 111/11•1115111111111551•011111111NIN $ WORTH $1.00 $$$ ig at Vance's IDA Drug Store on purchase of N I.D.A. Electric Heating Pad • Sugg. list $4.95 • • • (Coupon Expires on March 19, 1966) 1%1111114111111,114111%%%1111131%11111111311 1 $$$$WORTH70c$$$$E at Vance's IDA Drug Store on purchase of A Idalarm (Wind-up) Clock • n X X n n (Coupon Expires on March 19, 1966) • 11111110110110111111101111IIIIIIMIONIUNIMPIINIM0 •munonienownEnnnwanwismona $ $ $ WORTH $2.00 $$$ n til n n • 3 ply Facial Tissues at 2 for 30e 11 (Coupon Expires on March 19, 1966) 111 1115110111011115111111111110111111111150151111111011115111111 MUNNINNIIIINNIIIIII011111111111110.10011515 Ma fsi 11 n 111- mi at Vance's IDA Drug Store on purchase of • gl No. 202 Honkscraft Vaporizer it Sugg. list $9.95 • (Ceupon Expires on March 19, 1966) ginumms•rnms••••••••••••••••