HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-02-03, Page 7OPEN
Med. Reg. Special
Large $1.66 PRICE 98c
Buy one Bag -
Get one FREE
CHOCOLATE BARS ..3 for 27c
54 to $11.00 STORE no WINOHAM
Ladies' Auxiliary Will
Entertain February 14
The Wingham Lions Club
held their monthly bond draw
Friday night at the Lyceum
Theatre. The winner was Mrs,
Mary Wade of Wingham,
TT? Kt: Eol E ROLLS LB. 69
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Pearneal Back Bacon
Lean Ground Chuck 59.
0 2-LB. PKG. 95'
Top Value COOKIES, Fig Bars, 13-oz.; Chocolate
Chip, 32 count; Jam Biscuits, 25 count 3/99c
Robin Hood INSTANT OATS, 32-oz. 33c
Robin Hood QUICK OATS, 36-oz. 33c
Delmonte Fancy Cream CORN, 10-oz. 8/99c
Delmonte Choice PEAS and CARROTS, 10-oz. „.,8/99c
Delmonte Fancy Seasoned WAX BEANS, 10-oz. 8/99c
SURF DETERGENT, 40c off, King Size $1.35
Ballet BATHROOM TISSUE, white or colored 8/99c
Success Super White PASTE WAX, 2 lb. $1.39
Top Value WAX PAPER, 100 ft. roll 27c
Delmonte SEEDLESS RAISINS, 1 lb. 35c
Delmonte Ready to Eat Large PRUNES, 1 lb. 35c
IGA Royal Guest COFFEE BEANS, 1 lb. 79c
Kraft Deluxe MACARONI DINNER, 14-oz. 37c
Robin Hood FLOUR, 25 lbs. $2.39
Heinz TOMATO KETCHUP, 11-oz. 2/45c
TANG Orange Crystals 2/43c
TANG Grapefruit Crystals , 2/33c
TANG Pineapple Grapefruit Crystals 2/33c
Aylmer TOMATO, VEGETABLE SOUP, 10-oz. 4/49c
Crisco COOKING OIL, 5c off, 24-oz. 59c
Top Value PEANUT BUTTER, 16-oz. 2/69c
Top Value Choice TOMATOES, 28-oz. 2/59c
Top Value Fancy TOMATO JUICE, 20-oz. 2/27c
Top Value Fancy APPLE SAUCE, 20-oz. 2/39c
Top Value ASPARAGUS TIPS, 12-oz. 43c
Pepsodent TOOTHPASTE DEAL, Giant size 2/$1.00
Pepsodent Lifeline TOOTHBRUSH, Regular Tft 2/$1.00
Pepsodent Adult TOOTHBRUSH, Regular Tft 3/$1.00
Pepsodent Junior TOOTHBRUSH 3/$1.00
Top Value TOMATOES, 2 packages 35c
No. 1 COOKING ONIONS, 5-lb. bag 29c
No. 1 GREEN CABBAGE, 2 lbs. 23c
6.0t, Basket SPY APPLES 79c
No. 1 CELERY HEARTS, pkg. 29c
Mrs. Keith McLaughlin con-
ducted her first meeting as pre-
sident of the Ladies' Auxiliary
to the Royal Canadian Legion
last Wednesday at the Legion
Home, Mrs, Bill Hogg was pia-
Thank you notes were read
from shut-ins and veterans who
had been remembered by the
Auxiliary, A letter of thanks
was also received from the
Teeswater Girl Guides for the
uniforms, equipment and money
donated to them from the Auxin
Several functions were an-
nounced including a Zone C
bowling tournament at Exeter
in March, a card party in Rip-
ley this month and a dessert
bridge in the Legion Home here
March 16.
Mrs. Joe King was nominat-
ed first vice-president. The
second vice has not yet been
Plans were made for a Val-
entine's party on February 14
when the Auxiliary will enter-
tain husbands and friends. A
$50.00 donation was made to
the Legion Scholarship Bursary
Annual reports were given
by conveners of the various
committees. The president an-
nounced that dishes that have
been left at the Legion home
will be auctioned at the next
UCW Choose Study
Material for Year
BELMORE- The January meete
ing of the United Church Wo-
men was held on Wednesday
afternoon of last week at the
home of Mrs. Norman Newans.
Mrs, Wilfred Johann was the
leader, and used as her topic
The New Year. She opened
with a New Year's thought,
followed by the singing of a
hymn and Scripture. She gave
a recipe for a Happy New Year
and after reading a story about
Father Time, Mrs. Johann led
in prayer.
Mrs. Ira Neill gave a read-
ing based on Isaiah, chapter 21.
Miss Lavonne Ballagh conduct-
ed discussion on a portion from
the study book on Trinidad.
Mrs. Leonard Metcalfe gave a
temperance reading, referring
to an article entitled "Short
Cut to Happiness" from a last
year's edition of "Christian
Home" magazine.
Mrs. Earl Fitch, president,
presided for the business of the
meeting. It was decided to
study "Jesus Christ and the
Christian Life", a United
Church Publishing House publi-
cation, for this year's study
periods. Membership fees for
1966 were paid and a key lea-
der was chosen for the World
Day of Prayer service, which
will be held this year in the
Bellmore Presbyterian Church.
The date is February 25th.
Following the business, Mrs.
Johann closed the meeting with
meeting and suggested that
anyone who has dishes there
pick them up before the sale,
She also reminded conveners
that reports for the bulletin
must be in the hands of Mrs.
David Crothers by the third
Wednesday of each month.
An executive meeting was
held on Sunday when it was de-
cided to raise the price of
Families of deceased auxil-
iary members are asked to con-
tact Mrs. Keith McLaughlin so
that a complete honor roll may
be compiled for use on such
occasions as Decoration Day at
the cemetery.
The following committee
conveners were appointed: So-
cial, Mrs. Harold Remington;
sports, Mrs. Bill Walden; sick,
Mrs. John Strong; house, Mrs.
David Crothers; membership,
Mrs. Stewart Forsyth and Mrs,
Ted English; entertainment,
Mrs. Strong; relief, Mrs. Eli-
zabeth Johnston; phone, Mrs.
Gwen Adams; auditors, Mrs.
Ethel Day and Mrs. Adams,
YPS Thanked for
$10.00 Donation
answered roll call with a verse
of Scripture at the meeting of
the Young People's Society in
the United Church last week.
President Elgin Sleightholm
opened the meeting with a
sing-song, with Mrs. George
Mitchell as accompanist. Miss
Diane Coultes read the minutes
A letter from Mrs. McInnes,
treasurer of Chalmers Presby-
terian Church, was read thank-
ing the society for the $10.00
The meeting was turned over
to Alma Conn and Margaret
Moore for a worship period.
Miss Conn gave the story, "I,
Too, Saw an Angel", and led
in prayer. A discussion was led
by Mrs. Mitchell.
Miss Moore read a story,
"Missions" and a poem, "The
Rev. Mitchell closed the
meeting with prayer.
C.W.L. Euchre
The weekly euchre of the
Catholic Women's League was
held in the parish hall on Tuee
day evening with 10 tables in
play. High lady was Mrs. Os-
car Holmes; high man, John
Sproal. The door prize was
won by Alex Sproal. The con-
veners were Mrs. John deGroot
and Mrs. Oscar Kieffer.
Successful Year
At United Church
a fair attendance at the annual
meeting in the United Church
last Wednesday evening, Rev.
George Mitchell conducted the
opening worship service and of-
fered prayer in memory of Rev.
T, E. Kennedy who was in
charge of services here during
the holiday months.
Rev. Mitchell was appointed
chairman and Mrs, Millen
Moore, secretary. The board
of stewards remains the same
with Elmer Sleightholm appoint
ed to replace Harry Swan, who
had moved away,
Reports of a very successful
year were given by the session,
stewards, U. C W , Messengers
and Sunday School, as all or-
ganizations had met their obli-
There was one death in the
congregation, J. D. Beecroft.
Irene De Boer,
4-H President
4-H Club met at the home of
the leader, Mrs. Walter Ars-
cott Tuesday evening of last
week with seven members in
The assistant leader, Mrs,
V. Emerson, presided for the
election of officers. Irene De
Boer is the president, Margo
De Bruyn, first vice, Valerie
King, secretary and Barbara
Ritchie, press reporter.
Club members discussed ac-
cessories which they could
make. Demonstrations were
made and the home assign-
ments given.
Members of this club are
Irene De Boer, Margo De Bruyn,
Valerie King, Heather Hand,
Darlene SiMpson, Brenda King,
Barbara Ritchie, Cathy Solo-
man and Melody Campbell.
Home from Hospital
Mrs. Whitney Grose was able
to return to her home at the
Blue Barn, Listowel, last Wed-
nesday, after spending many
weeks in St. Joseph's Hospital,
Guelph. She is still confined to
bed and a wheel chair.
If you are down south you
may be chilly. (We've heard
reports of below-zero tempara-
tures as far sough as Alabama).
But you'd better stay where you
are. The past week-end, par-
ticularly Sunday afternoon and
Monday, saw one of the worst
blizzards in recent years. Tref-
fie came to a standstill and
temperatures fell to zero. Tor-
onto and northern New York
State were even worse off and
are only now digging their way
out of the drifts.
Dungannon in Ashfield Town-
The bride and groom of fifty-
five years were married at the
bride's home at Carlow on Feb-
ruary 1st, 1911, She is the for-
mer Nettie Emeleen Tyndall,
a daughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. William Tyndall. The
groom is a son of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Abraham Culbert of
Dungannon. There were 70
guests present for the wedding,
Which was held on a very stormy
Following the wedding the
young couple took up farming at
the groom's home, where they
Mr, Ed, Walker was Huron
County's representative to the
Ontario Tuberculosis Associa-
tion convention held in Toron-
to, Friday and Saturday, at the
Royal York Hotel for all Ontar-
io delegates. Mrs. Walker ac-
companied Mr. Walker and on
Saturday night they attended
the hockey game in Maple Leaf
Gardens and arrived home on
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coultes
of Belgrave visited Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs, Albert Coultes
We are sorry to report that
Miss Donna Leader of Gorrie,
granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Currie, recently underwent
surgery in Wingham and District
Hospital. Donna is well known
here having spent many holi-
days at her grandparents' home.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes
visited Wednesday with Mr. and
Mrs. Wilbert Schwichtenberg of
Port Elgin. They were cele-
brating Lori Jane's birthday.
Mr. Wayne Martin of Wes-
tern University spent the week-
end with his parents, Mr. and
New Presidents,
Mr., Mrs. E. Beard
St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Couples' Club met in the Christ-
ian Education building with
eleven couples present.
Mrs. Pickell opened the
meeting with the call to wor-
ship. The hymn, "Guide Me,
0 Thou Great Jehovah" was
sung. Mrs. Ed. Beard read the
Scripture and gave the medita-
tion. Everyone joined in a
sing-song led by John Donald-
Mrs. Fish installed the of-
ficers for the year as follows:
Past presidents, Mr. and Mrs.
Nelson Pickell; presidents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed. Beard; vice-presi-
dents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Sutcliffe; secretaries, Mr. and
Mrs. Reuben Appleby; treasur-
ers, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Caslick;
song conveners, Mr. and Mrs.
John Donaldson; pianist, Mrs.
Fish; telephone committee, Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Carr; press report-
ers, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Phil-
lips; nominating committee,
Mr. and Mrs. Clare Niergarth
and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mc-
Mrs. Beard handed out a
questionnaire on, "The Christ-
ian and the Lively Arts", which
proved very interesting. Lunch
was served by the couple in
charge, Mr. and Mrs. Beard.
have resided ever since. He be-
came a specialist in Shorthorn
cattle breeding and became
widely known across the pro-
vince. Their farm is known as
"Maple Emblem Fatm". Mr.
Culbert served on the Ashfield
council and both are members
of Dungannon United Church.
There are two daughters,
Mrs. Earl (Cora) Sherwood of
Carlow and Mrs. Len (Evelyn)
Crawford of Wingham; three
sons, William at home, Cecil
and Howard of the fourth con-
cession of Ashfield. The couple
also have 17 grandchildren and
five great-grandchildren.
Mrs. Don Martin of W. Wawan-
Mr. and Mrs, Bill Rintoul at-
tended the funeral of her aunt,
Mrs. Robert Caldwell of Londee
boro, in Clinton on Wednesday.
S, S. No, 10 Kinloss schol-
ars and teacher, Mrs, Wheeler,
and high school students all en-
joyed a holiday Monday as the
storm raged on.
The storm last week which,
abated Saturday, allowed folks
to return to normal by having
their laneways cleared with
snow blowers, only to be filled
in again by the storm which
started Sunday and resulted in
schools in the community be-
ing closed Monday. The north
street in the village was im-
passable for vehicles until the
snow plough arrived. Guess
this is one of the snow storms
the old timers talk about back
in the good old days.
Mr. and Mrs. John Jamie-
son, Brian and Gary of E. Waw-
anosh were Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jamieson.
Whitechurch Women's In-
stitute will meet on February
9th at 2 p.m. at the home of
Mrs. Victor Emerson. Roll call,
"A new product I have used and
like", and a treat for a shut-in
for Valentine boxes. Topic,
Canadian Industries, by Mrs.
Russel Gaunt. Motto, Mrs. E.
Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mc-
Donald of St. Helens visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Currie's school will hold
their regular euchre party this
Friday evening, weather being
favorable, with Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Currie and Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Coultes as sponsors.
Middle age is when your nar-
row waist and broad mind be-
gin to change places.
UCW Meeting
WROXETER--The Harmony
Unit of the U.C.W. met in the
church hall Tuesday of last
week. The meeting was con-
ducted by Mrs, McLean, Mrs.
McMichael and Mrs. Chambers.
Call to worship and the sing-
ing of the theme hymn was fol-
lowed by Scripture reading.
An article, "Defeat, the
Doorway to Final Victory", by
Padre Young, was read. Mrs.
McMichael was pianist for the
singing of hymns.
Miss Elva Hupfer, Wingham,
was guest speaker. She gave a
most interesting account of her
trip to European and Scandinav-
ian countries.
Mrs. McMichael presided
for the business. Secretary's
and treasurer's reports were read
and reports from two members
of the program committee rere
Arrangements were made for
a skating and crokinole party.
Lunch was served and a social
hour enjoyed.
Wiegharn AciVenceeTimes, Thursday, Feb. 3, 966 e- Page '7
features from
The World of Women
Whitechurch News
Mrs, Owen King of Walker-
ton, formerly of Wingham, is
a patient in St, Joseph's Hospi-
tal, London, Mrs. King ex -
peers to be hospitalized for
three months.
Mr. and Mrs. William A.
Culbert, who are in their early
B0s, celebrated their 55th wed-
ding anniversary on Tuesday
while both were patients in the
Wingham and District Hospital.
Members of their family and
friends arrived for the occasion
and tea was served in the day
Mr. Culbert has been hospi-
talized for the past two months
but is making good progress,
Mee. „Culbert has been in hospi-
tal for the past mouth and is
expected to return home short-
ly, They live on a farm near
SHAW-In 'Wingham and Dis-
trict Hospital, on Wednes-
day, January 26, 1966, to Mr.
and Mrs. John Shaw, Wing-
ham, a son,
CRABBE-Richard and Shirley
(McPhee) are happy to an-
nounce the birth of their
daughter, Catherine Fitton,
on Thursday, January 28,
1966, at Toronto General
WOOD-In Wingham and Dis-
trict Hospital, on Sunday.
January 30, 1966, to Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Wood, Wing-
ham, a son.
MILLER - In Wingham and
District Hospital, on Sunday.
January 30, 1966, to Mr. and
John Miller, R, R. 1, Bluevale,
a son.
TAYLOR - In Wingham and
District Hospital, on Monday,
January 31, 1966, to Mt. and
Mrs, Brian Taylor, Wingham,
a son.
GRU-1313-In Wingham and Dis-
trict Hospital, on Tuesday,
'ebruary 1, 1966, to Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Grubb, R. ,R. 1,
Teesweter, A daughter.