HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-01-27, Page 15Juveniles Lose On Home Ice The Wingham Juveniles played host to the Clinton Juv- eniles last Friday night and were defeated by a score of 9-6. Goals for Wingham were scored by Bill Kerr 2; Tom De- yell 2; Jim Mitchell and Wally Houston, one each. PLAYERS G. A. P. Ron Deyell 4 10 14 Tom Deyell 8 6 14 Russ Allen 2 9 11 Steve Gorrie 2 2 4 Denny Andrews 3 1 4 Mac MacLeod Jim Mitchell 2 6 8 Wally Houston 5 5 10 Grant Coultes 3 6 9 Bill Kerr 4 5 9 Mike Fleury 4 1 5 Bill Dauphin 2 0 2 Jim Whitfield - 1 1 Seaforth Juves will play here tomorrow night (Friday) and the local boys will meet the De- troit team on Saturday night, Minor Hockey Night in Wing- ham. Return Home Empty-Handed BELMORE—Two rinks from Belmore competed in two Wes- tern Ontario bonspiels last week but unfortunately, both came home with no prizes, only long faces. On Thursday, a rink com- prised of Clark Renwick, Harry Mulvey, Harry Miller and Weir MacDonald competed in the Seagrams Stone Senior Citi- zens' bonspiel in Goderich. They were defeated 12-7 by Jack Bowman's rink from Brus- sels and Wingham. On the same day at the Brit- ish Consuls bonspiel at Listowel, a rink skipped by Mac Inglis, with Jack Inglis, Everett Dus- tow and William McElwain of Fordwich, won their first game 13-4 over a Palmerston rink, but lost the second game 8-5 to a Centralia rink who went onto win the top honors for this Wes- tern Ontario district, A local bonspiel, one of our biggest sporting events of the year, will be held in Belmore Arena on Wednesday, February 2nd. Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, Jan. 27, 1966 Page 7 Kinettes will canvass for MARCH of DIMES Monday Evening, Jan. 31 Defeat Mildrnay, Lose to Ripley Mildmay and Wingham WOAA Pee Wees played hockey Saturday morning in the Wing- ham Arena. Final score was Wingham 4, Mildmay 3, Goals for Wingham were claimed by Bob Sangster and Tommy Lee with two each. Goals for Mild- may, Schmaltz 1, Don Arnold 1, E. Ellis 1, Wingham played Ripley in Ripley Monday evening. The final score was Wingham 4, Ripley 7. Goals for Ripley were not recorded, Goal scorers for Wingham were Bob Sangster, Jeff Lockridge, Doug Leitch and Bill Hilbert. evening, the score was again tied in a game with Kurtzville. Scorers there again were O'- Malley, Woolcock and Mont- gomery, Rodney Wright and Gary Douglas. On Friday evening Gorrie came here to slaughter our boys, but took a 4-2 beating. Lead scorer for our team was John O'Malley with two, one each was scored by Rodney Wright and Don Woolcock, For Gorrie, Jerry Hyndman and Bill Wheel- Games Won Lost Belmore 4 2 0 Kurtzville 2 0 1 Gorrie 2 0 1 Gorrie Teams Played Hockey Gorrie defeated Kurtzville 8-4 in a W.0, A. A. Intermedi- ate hockey game played Friday night at Kurtzville, Don Whit- field, John Mason and Brian Sanderson scored two goals eaci for the winners: Ron, Liver- more and Pete Newans added the others. Butch Boyd and George Berfeltz were the Kurtz- ville scorers. In a Midget game played at Belmore, Gorrie dropped a 4-2 decision to Belmore. On Saturday the Gorrie- Wroxeter Tri-County Squirts met Bluevale in the Wroxeter arena with the score 9-2 for Gorrie-Wroxeter. Goal getters for Bluevale were Tim Hether- ington and Glen Warwick. Scor- ing for Gorrie-Wroxeter were Barry Underwood 4; Glen Mas- sey 4 and Wilson Powell 1. er. Goalie for the winners is Robin Steven; for Gorrie, John Wheeler. The league standings for the three teams in the Tri- County Midget League are as follows: Goals Goals Tied for against Points 2 19 14 6 1 8 11 1 1 6 8 1 ge0 activitses WED. 26 - THUR. 27 - FRI. 28 The Glory Guys ride — Rifles ry ready and sabres glistening in "THE GLORY GUYS" In Color by Deluxe The Stars—Tom Tryon, Harve Presnell, Senta Berger Wed, and Thurs. at 8 p.m. Friday 7:15 and 9:15 p.m. I 11112111M9M111111111111111111110111111111111111111111811110111101111811111111111116311111111S190111q1111 SHOWPLACE OF WINGHAM — PHONE 3571630 WED.-THUR.-FRI. JANUARY 26-27-28 "KISSES FOR MY PRESIDENT" .tenvimia*irmswa SAT.-MON.-TUES. JAN. 29-31 - FEB. 1 "BEACH BALL" Colour — Starring: Edd Bryrans • The Supremes • The Four Seasons • The Righteous Brothers - The Hondells - The Walker Brothers This movie features the greatest gathering of top teen talent in many a moon. 4 ,--•---COMING NEXT — WED.-THUR.-FRI. FEBRUARY 2-3-4 "THE ART OF LOVE" mitormammummummummoll1111111111111111111111111111111111111111611111111111 0 F In Italy and over 60 other countries, you can enjoy a world of flavour in the balanced beer. • Outdoor dining at the Trattoria Galcassi in Rome The CABLING BREVVERIES Limited BLN-66- 5 C LLAN SHOES YOUR FAMILY SHOE STORE JOSEPHINE STREET PHONE WINGHAM 357-1840 BigWeek forieams WEDNESDAY NIGHT MIXED LEAGUE Bob Angus had the men's high single, with 318 and Mike Hlavach came up with a 766 for the men's high triple. Betty Hlavach had the high triple for the ladies with 534 and Joyce Gaunt had a 201 for the high single. The Corvairs have moved into first place with 71, fol- lowed by the Comets with 70; T-Birds 59; Pontiacs 58; Buicks 56 and the Fiats 43. Special thanks to Isobel Burke and Terry Nethery for sparing for us. 0--0--0 THURSDAY NIGHT MIXED LEAGUE Sharon Jones had the high triple for ladies last week with a 710. Lorna Brown had the high single with a 268. Once again Mac Ritchie was high man with a 775 triple and a 291 single. League leading Gwen's Go- phers had their lead cut to one point as they lost '7 to Sharon's Sharks. Dianne's Duffers also stayed in the running as they took 7 points from Fran's Fran- tics, and Dot's Dashes finally C THEATRE IESEMOMENNIEHHIMMEINIKIMERB got out of the cellar by taking 7 points from Audrey's Angels. Team standings: Gwen's Go- phers 78; Sharon's Sharks 7'7; Dianne's Duffers 75; Dot's Dashes 59; Fran's Frantics 5'7; Audrey's Angels 53. 0-0-0 MEN'S TOWN LEAGUE Gary Storey had a very nice 318 for the high single on Mon- day night and Jim Bain picked up the triple with 772. The Mercurys have taken a nine point lead with 86, fol- lowed by the Jumpin' Jupiters with 77; Explorers 6'7; the Ap- pollos and Moon Doggies tied with 64 and the Geminis with 41. 0--0--0 WEDNESDAY NIGHT LADIES' LEAGUE Fran Edwards captured the high single this week with 275. Shirley Storey bowled 6'72 for the high triple. Bea's Hounds and Eva's Collies are tied for first place with 82 points. El- va's Spaniels are running a close second with 78 points. Jean's Shepherds have 62 points, Barb's Poodles have 52 points and Ed- na's Terriers have 43 points. 0--0--0 COMMERCIAL LEAGUE All the Leaguers were in there digging tonight. The Ti- Cats must have had a pep talk from their Captain, as they moved from last place to fourth. Nice going Cats! Dot Bain came up with the high single of 239 and the high triple of 672. That was a good night's work, Dot. Jim Bain, who was probably keeping an eye on his wife, wasn't to be outdone and he came up with the high single for the men of 264. And my old pal Ernie Wal- ker took the high triple with 701. Team standings are: Stam- peders 95; Argonauts 70; Rough Riders 66; Ti-Cats 60; Bombers 46; Alouettes 39. There were no spares tonight, although we were missing two Of our regu- lars. And speaking of Ernie Walk- er, a little bird told me that he celebrated his birthday this month, and so, from the Leag- uers, even though it may be late the wish is most sincere, a very happy birthday to Ernie. Bridge Club The Howell system was used. First: Mrs. W. Wharry and 0. Haselgrove; tied for second, B. Ortlieb and W. Wharry, Miss Y. McPherson and J. Martin. JANUARY 29 1ST WINGHAM TROOP By P. L. Bill Fuller The regular meeting of the 1st Wingham Scout Troop was held at the Scout House with 25 Scouts and three leaders present. The meeting was opened by S, M, Fridenburg and P. L, Bill Fuller broke the flag. This was followed by inspection by Ted Ahara and Barrie Conron, P.L. Fuller led the boys in a game of "Hidden Messages" in which the Stag Patrol gained a point. A. S. M. Russell showed how to cook on a 'Hobo Stove', --a gallon can with a hole punc- tured in the top for a chimney and one at the bottom for a draft, using only sawdust for fuel, Scouter Russell cooked some bacon and egg and made some tea in a hollow grapefruit. A ten minute study period followed, Scouter Fridenburg closed the meeting. Scout Dave Lloyd lowered the flag and the troop was dismissed. Score Shut-Out The Lakelet Jets scored 10-0 against the Drew Bombers when they played in Clifford on Sun- day. This was their first game of the season in the Clifford and District Recreation Hockey League. The Lakelet team won a score of 7-4 over the Fordwich Rockets in an earlier encounter. 0 0 MID-WINTER SALE NOW ON SNOWBOOTS 20 to 30% REDUCTIONS SPECIAL BARGAINS THROUGHOUT THE STORE Strikes & Spares WN 0 SAT. 29-MON. 31-TUE. FEB. 1 Robert Mitchum-Carroll Baker star in the adventurous comedy "MISTER MOSES" in Technicolor A con man with a mission—a missionary's daughter—a thrill packed journey to a promised land — a hectic exodus turns Africa upside down. Saturday at 7:15 and 9:15 p,m. Monday and Tuesday at 8 p.m. WED. 2 - THUR. 3 - FRI. 4 0 "FLUFFY" A cute colorful comedy for family entertainment—starring Tony Randall - Shirley Jones A lion plays cupid and it's fun all the way. Wed. and Thurs. at 8 p.m. Friday 7:15 and 6:15 p.m. Starring: Fred MacMurray - Polly Bergen What would you do if your wife became the first lady presi- dent of the United States? Come and find out how Fred Mac- Murray handled it. SATURDAY MATINEE "SAFE AT HOME" BELMORE—All you had to do was ask a local hockey player to shovel the snow or feed the dog, and you had the answer -- "I can't! I gotta fret to the game!" And most of them weren't fibbing. Hockey ac- tion was thick and double last week in the community, On Monday evening the lo- cal Bantams won their first game of the season when they defeated Wroxeter 5-3 in this arena. Goal scorers were Dwight Metcalfe, Bill O'- Malley, Terry Ballagh, Barry Hogg and Rick McPherson. Laurie Steven is the goal keep- er, On Friday evening, how- Pee Wees Take Ripley Team Wingham Pee Wees and the Ripley Pee Wees met in the lo- cal arena last Wednesday night for a WOAA hockey game. The Wingham lads trimmed the visitors 5 to 3. Nabbing goals for the home- team were Jeff Lockridge, Tom- my Lee and Randy Hafermehl, each with one and Doug Leitch, two. Scoring for Ripley were Bryan Boyle and Darwin Pol- lock. ever, the boys met the Kurtz- vine Bantams in that arena. They may not care if they ever meet them again, for that score was 8-0, our lads taking the beating. The Pee Wees were in the same boat, with their defeat 7-3 at the hands of the Kurtz- ville boys in a Wednesday eve- ning game at Kurtzville. Our scorers were Alan Dickson with two goals, and Paul Heffer with one. Saturday, the wee lads were out in full force, the Tadpoles losing their first game of the season 1-0 to Mildmay in that town, the Squirts also losing to Mildmay, that score 4-3. Rich- ard Inglis certainly wasn't sit- tin' around sleepin'; he scored all three goals! And if you think that finished him, he went on to score two goals in an afternoon game played in Bel- more with the Belgrave team. Chris Steven and Ross Jeffray helped out to make it a 4-3 win for our side! At the top of the heap in their league, the local Midgets played three games during last week. On Monday night in Gorrie, they tied a game with that team 4-4, Goal-scorers were Danny Montgomery, John O'Malley, Don Woolcock and Hugh Leeson. On Wednesday'