HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-01-27, Page 5W. R. HAMILTON OPTOMETRIST Josephine Street WINGHAM FOR APPOINTMENT Phone 357-1361 THE "SOLID GOLD" CAMEL separates by Paris Star of Montreal, look as though they were knitted with threads of precious metal. The light-reflecting, faceted yarn of Antron nylon is re- sponsible for the illusion. The sleeveless shell, shown here with "onyx" stripes, back again for fall. Camel hat is by Jerry Yates of Mon- treal. • 4 0 only electric heating can offer you all these advantages • unmatched cleanliness Electric heating is flameless. There is no combustion to create dirt, dust, film, or soot. Windows, drapes, and walls all stay clean longer in electrically heated homes. unmatched comfort Electric heating offers room-by-room or zone temperature control. It is quiet, creates no draughts, no chilly spots—just gentle, even, constant warmth. e unmatched value Electric heating is maintenance-free; it offers extra living space and can have a significant effect on the re-sale value of your home. Yet, with all its advantages, electric heating costs far less than you may think. For more information about electric heating, consult a qualified electric heating contractor, or your Hydro. your hydro EH•6•3382•WK BURKE ELECTRIC SPECIALISTS IN ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE MOTOR SALES AND REWIND PHONE 357.2450 WINGHAM KEATING ELECTRIC "FOR ELECTRIC HEATING SEE NORM KEATING" PHONE 357.2032 WINGHAM First-aid and sickroom supplies, prescriptions JOHNSTON'S REXALL DRUG STORE PHONE: DAY 357-1880 EMERGENCY 357-2092 HURON CHAPTER Order of the Eastern Star Presents a VALENTINE DANCE cS3 Musk by PAUL CROSS AND HIS ORCHESTRA Dancing 10:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. WINGHAM DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL FRIDAY, FEB. 4th $5.00 per couple. Lunch served Door Prizes ,Everybody Welcome! 491 'WOW When health is in the balance, accuracy counts The slightest tip of a scale speaks volumes to your pharmacist when he is compounding your doctor's prescription . . you can trust him implicitly. Entertain Choirs And Young People The Evening Guild of St. Paul's Anglican Church enter- tained friends, the junior and senior choirs and the A,Y.P.A. at a dinner in the parish room on Tuesday night. Rev, C. F. Johnson said grace and following the deli- cious buffet style meal Lee Grove thanked the ladies on be- half of the junior choir, Bob Douglas spoke for the senior choir and Dave Wenger for the Young People. Mrs, Glen Foxton, president of the Guild, replied. It was announced that the A.Y.P. A. will meet at the Wenger home on Leopold Street, Sunday evening, Feb- ruary 13, to plan activities for the coming season. All young people of the congregation who have been confirmed are invited and urged to attend. The Beaumonts were intro- duced. The band consists of Bob Douglas, singer; Monty Templeman on the drums; Neil Renwick and Harry Busby, guitars; John Martin, saxa- phone and Paul Fleury, piano. They played for dancing which was enjoyed by the young people, and even those not quite so young — when they could manage to get into step with the beat. --Mr. and Mrs, Frank Potter of Clinton visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Montgom- ery. —Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lee and family spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Johnson in Guelph. --Mr. and Mrs. George Por- ter, Jimmie and David of Wa- terloo spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. D. B. Porter. George has been transferred to the Naugatuck Chemical Com- pany at Elmira from Montreal and is living in Waterloo. —Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Staf- ford of Port Burwell spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth McMichael, --Mrs. Owen King, former- ly of Wingham, is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. --Mrs. Stafford Bateson re- turned home at the week-end C.W.L. Euchre The winners at the weekly Catholic Women's League euchre party on Tuesday eve- ning were, high lady, Mrs. Simon Benninger of Teeswater; high man, Alex Sproal. Mrs. Don Wallace won the door prize. Eleven tables were in play. Mrs. William Templeman and Mrs, Robert Foxton were the conveners. after spending a few weeks with her son, Mr. Ross Thomson and family at Brantford, —Mrs. Mabel Stapleton of London spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Roy Bennett and family. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bennett were week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Templeman and fam- ily. VISIT SISTER IN FLORIDA Mrs. James Wraith of Luck- now and Mrs. Duncan Keith of Teeswater motored to Florida with the latter's son, David Keith of Teeswater, to visit with their sister, Mrs. Eliza- beth Keith of Wingham, who winters in Lakeland. Mrs. E. G. Prosser To Kingston Post Mrs. E. G. Prosser, direc- tor of nursing at the Ontario Hospital, Goderich, for the past two years, has been transferred to the Ontario Hospital in Kings- ton to take over similar duties there. Mrs. Prosser was on the nursery staff at Wingham and District Hospital before going to Goderich. Prior to her departure to take up her new post she was pre- sented with an engraved pen and pencil set from the hospital employees and a camera from the medical staff. The January meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Wing- ham and District Hospital was held in the Council Chambers, on Monday. Seventeen mem- bers were present. Mrs. McTavish convener of the Hospital Gift Case reported a profit of $46.85 since the opening in December. Six groups from surrounding areas, including Wingham, will have responsibility for this project. The spring rummage sale was scheduled for Saturday, May 28th. Annual reports were given and Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton of the Volunteer Cancer Ser- vice reported that 761 patients had attended in 1965, compar- ed to 536 in 1964. Proceeds from the bridge marathon were $141.14. Mrs. A. Ferris of the Sal- vation Army read from the Bi- ble, and graciously installed REC. ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING BLUEVALE—The annual meeting of the Bluevale Rec- reation Association was held in the rink club house on Monday night, January 17th. The treasurer's report showed re- ceipts of $621.90, expendi- tures of $398.78 with a bal- ance on hand of $223,12. The park is a very lovely place in the summer time with all picnic facilities. New bleachers were added to the ball field this past summer. The open air rink is in good shape and free skating is avail- able to all. The Recreation Association is again sponsoring euchres every two weeks and will spon- sor a dance in the community hall on February 18th, with proceeds for snow cleaning equipment for the rink. Officers elected for 1966 are: President, Ross Mann; secretary, Hugh Campbell; treasurer, Marie McInnes; pro- perty and finance, John Hamil- ton, Harold Johnston, Lloyd Warwick, Ross Turvey, Lloyd Taylor, Glenn Sellers, Glenn Golley, The officers of the Recrea- tion Association extend their appreciation to everyone who has helped or donated during the past year and hope they can be of service in the days to come, St. Stephen's W.A. Met at Church GORRIE—The January meet- ing of the W.A. of St. Steph- en's Church was at the home of Mrs. Norman Wade on Thurs- day afternoon. After the open- ing hymn the president gave a New Year's thought and led in the "Come Ye Apart" service. Mrs. Earl Underwood read the Scripture. Mrs. R. T. Bennett read the minutes. Roll call was answer- ed with a thought for the New Year. Mrs. Norman Wade read an account of a visit made to Anglican missions in the far North by the editor of The Liv- ing Message, Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Tom Gault, both ofMoose jaw and the Rt. Rev, H. G. Cook, Suffragan Bishop of the Arctic. Fort Simpson, where Rev. Geo. Hamilton, prayer partner of the group lives, was visited, as well as Aklavik and Fort McPherson. W. A. meet- ings were attended. The mem- bers were Indians and Eskimos and an interpreter was kept busy, Rev. Harold Jenkins read from a 17th century book, tell- ing of the problems of the church at that time. It was decided to hold the annual St. Patrick's dinner and bake sale on March 12. Three quilts will be quilted on Febru- ary 17 in the Sunday School rooms. Programs were arrang- ed for 1966. Mr. Jenkins clos- ed with prayer. The hostess served refresh- ments. Mrs. Edgar Leads Historical Motto The January meeting of Wingham Women's Institute was held Thursday with a good at- tendance of members and sev- eral visitors, During the busi- ness period some discussion was held in regard to a centennial project, The president will look into some things by the next meeting. Two trios were sung by Mrs. J. Day, Mrs, B. Feagan and Mrs. G. Fish with H. V. Pym at the piano. The meeting was then in charge of the conveners of The Tweedsmuir Book. Mrs. Frank Edgar gave the motto, "A wise nation preserves its records". Due to the combined efforts of the Women's Institutes across Canada, all the provinces have gathered records and pictures, and have compiled them into "Tweedsmuir Books". Mrs. Mary Galbraith re- viewed the historical novel, "Mostly In Clover" by Harry J. Boyle. Mrs. G. Day gave cur- rent events, the most recent being the election of Mrs. Ghandi as Premier of India. She spoke of the many changes the women of India have experienc- ed in recent years. The hostesses, Mrs. 0. Haselgrove, Mrs. J. Halliday, Mrs. H. Congram and Mrs. A. Pattison served lunch. The next meeting will be March 17 with Mrs. Keating as convener and Mrs. V. Emerson of Whitechurch as the guest speaker. The hostesses will be Mrs. McCormick, Mrs. Nicol, Mrs. Lockridge and Mrs. Thompson. FORDWICH Mrs. Robt. Campbell re- ceived word Sunday that her father, Mr. George Moss, is seriously ill in Westminster Hospital, London. Wed 52 Years WROXETER--Mr, and Mrs. Russell Walker celebrated their 52nd wedding anniversary and Mr. Walker's birthday on Sun- day when they had as their • guests Mr. and Mrs. Dan Walk- = and Jeannie Marie, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gecas, all of Paris, Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Walker of Galt, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mil- ler of Ayr, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Busby and Dean of Mildmay, Mr. Harry Walker and Mr. Bri- an Clymer, Palmerston, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wade and Mrs. Gav- in Muir, Wroxeter. • Golden Holidays 1377 Avenue Road 489-5200 "THE PLEASURE PLAN FOR THE LEISURE CLAN" For those 60 and over: Join us if in an all inclusive escorted Holiday in BERMUDA March 4 to 15th Each day will have a full pro- gram planned, sightseeing •the most interesting places, boat trips, and of course top enter- tainment In the evenings. 4 Our Motto—Stay young, have fun! "Travel with our Leisure Clan" Write or Atone for brochure Golden Holidays 1377 Avenue Road • Toronto 12, Phone 489-5200 PERSON AL \101:1---S Wingham Advance-Times, Thursday, Jan, 27, 966 — page 5 features from The World of Women Mrs. A. Ferris Installs Officers for Hosp. Auxiliary the new officers for the coming year. The next meeting will be held on April 25th. OFFICERS FOR 1966 Past president, Mrs. Norman Cameron; president, Mrs. J. W . English; 1st vice pres. , Mrs. A. H. McTavish; recording secretary, Mrs. W. B. Conran; corresponding secretary, Mrs. W. A. Crawford; treasurer, Mrs. D. C. Nasmith; Cancer Clinic, Mrs. D. S. MacNaugh- ton; marathon bridge, Mrs. R. S. Hetherington, Mrs. D. B. Porter; bridge scores, Mrs. W. A. McKibbon; bridge prizes, Mrs. R. E. Armitage, Mrs. W. Henry; rummage sales commit- tee convener, Mrs. J. P. Alex- ander. Social committee, Mrs. A.D. MacWilliam, Mrs. R.H. Lloyd, Mrs. W. A. Riddell, Mrs,W.L. Kress; conveners, tag day, Mrs. H. Fuller, Mrs. Walter Brown, Mrs. Carl Lott; advisory com- mittee, Mrs. A. Peebles, Mrs. N. Underwood, Mrs. H. Ed- wards; membership committee, Mrs. H. Spry, Miss Doris Fells; nominating committee, Mrs. T. A. Currie, Mrs. A. Peebles, Mrs. H. L. Sherbondy. Pamela King Heads 4H Club WHITECHURCH--The 4-h Club No. 1 met on Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Garnet Farrier under leadership of Mrs. Farrier and Mrs. Alex Coultes, The officers elected with Mrs. Farrier presiding were, President, Pamela King; 1st vice, Diane Coultes; secretary, Diane King; press reporter, Marilyn Weber. A discussion was held on planning your accessories which you can make. Demonstra- tions on "accessories around the clock" were dealt with and the chart was completed on this. Home assignments were given. The next meeting will be held Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Albert Coultes. Members are Diane and Pam- ela King, Diane Coultes, Jan- ice Farrier, Sandra Fisher and Marilyn Weber. BLUEVALE Rev. R. E. Hawkes B.A., 13.Th., of Morrisburg preached in Knox Presbyterian Church on Sunday.