The Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-01-20, Page 13Spending the week-end at their homes were Mr. Gary Chapman of Hamilton, Mr. Jim Ross of Kitchener, Mr. eorge Conn, Miss Muriel Moore, Mr. Elwin Moore and Mr. Wayne Martin all of the University of Western Ontario, London. On Wednesday afternoon Mrs. I), MacDonald was able to return to her home here on Thursday after surgery on her eye at Victoria hospital, London. Zoe. iG FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS, 4-6X BARGAINS FOR THE LADIES Reduced 211% crt% DRESSES - SUITS - COATS by te Racks at $5.00 - $7.95 - $10.00 and $15.00 BLOUSES AND HATS CLEARING AT HALF-PRICE RACK OF MEN'S SUBURBAN COATS U:L9jI5-AR 10.00 TABLE OF MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS $1.00 THE FAMILY STORE WINGHAM DIAL 357-1700 MEN'S THERMAL Combination Undeswear Jockey - Zimmerknit - Penman's THE scloicE ifioniToR Accurate Complete News Coverage . BOSTQW ANGELES .,LONDON 1 Year $24 6 Month.i $12 3 Months $6 Clip this advertisement and return it with your check or money order to: The Christian Science Monitor One Norway Street Boston, Mau. 02115 PS 16 Thousands of Canadians are joining the r eA ir don Alontcalm S-33 2-door hardtop. Meteor's rich look of luxury is one big reason Meteor's elegant comfort is another reason One of the first things people notice in a new Meteor is the beautiful interior luxury. Once you've seen Meteor's comfortable, deep, foam- padded seats, there's no stopping you from sitting in them and surrounding yourself in Meteor elegance. Fabrics arc rich, lavish. Soft, supple crinkle grain vinyl has the look and feel of fine leather. A number of people joined the Meteor Admiration Society the moment they discovered and experienced all this elegance and prestige in a popular price car. Meteor's beautiful style is another reason Your eyes just naturally snap to attention at the first sight of a new Meteor. You simply cannot resist Meteor's distinctive beauty . . . clean, crisp, sculptured lines and tasteful use of trim accents. Meteor's sweeping roofline and gently tapered rear deck draw admiring looks wherever they're seen. An optional vinyl roof adds town car fashion to the ultra-glamorous look of Meteor 2 and 4-door hardtops. In filet, many people join the Meteor Admiration Society for Meteor's good looks alone. Join now—take a membership drive or the prestige car in the popular price field 0 Test drive the exciting Comet, Meteor, Mercury, Anglia, Cortina at your Mercury Dealer Bluevale, Ontario Phone 357-3029 WHENER BUYING OR LEASING SEE YOUR MERCURY DEALER. LILLOW'S GARAGE 10355C Personal Notes from Whitechurch Mrs. Earl Caslick and Mxs, Les- ter Falconer attended "Open House" held by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Grimoldby of Teeswater, in honor of their 50th wedding anniversary, We are pleased to repart Mrs. J. D. Beecroft was releas- ed from Wingham and District Hospital on Friday and is spend- ing some time with Miss Myr- tle Beecroft of Wingham, The United Church Messen- gers will hold their meeting on Sunday in the church Sunday School room. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw and Janet and Mr. Herb Laid- law were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kerr ofBlue- vale, Mr. and Mrs. Lorna Howe of Teeswater were Friday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClenaghan. Mr. and Mrs. Craig I;cott and family of Manitoua are re- siding with his father, Mr. Stew- art Scott of Langside, while Craig is attending RCAF at Clin- ton. Miss Ruth Taylor of Toronto spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Law- rence Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Craig Scott and family, Mr. Stewart Scott of Langside, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Conley of Wingham were Saturday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn. Those attending the Mait- land Presbyterial annual meet- ing held at Lucknow on Tues- day were Mrs. Johnston Conn, Mrs. Russel Ross, Mrs. Earl Caslick, Mrs. Dawson Craig, Mrs. Frank Coulter and Mrs. Andrew Gaunt. The latter gave the courtesy remarks at the end of the session. Those attending the 4-H Leaders' Training School held at Lucknow on Friday were Mrs. Garnet Farrier, Mrs. Albert Coultes, Mrs. Walter Arscott and Mrs. Victor Emerson. Whitechurch W.I. will again sponsor two clubs for the girls and any girls 12 years, as of March 1st, may take the course simply by getting in touch with Mrs. V. Emerson, secretary- treasurer of the W.I. Calvin-Brick S. S. Holds Meeting WHITECHURCH—The Cal- vin-Brick Sunday School meet- ing was held at the home of Mrs. Gordon McBurney on Mon- day afternoon with an attend- ance of 18. Gordon McBumey presided and Mrs. Arthur Jack- son gave the opening prayer. The minutes and financial statement were given by Mrs. George McGee. The teachers all reported good attendance. The average attendance for the year was 52. It was decided that if a pupil is absent from Calvin-Brick and attends another church or Sun- day School, his attendance be counted. Officers elected were super- intendent, Gordon McBurney; assistants, Donald Dow and Nor- man Coultes; secretary-treasur- er, Mrs. George McGee; assist- ants, Jim Taylor, Peter Mason and Grant Coultes; pianists, Doreen Pattison, Jim Robertson, Hugh and Ronald McBurney, Lynda Coultes, Linda and Mar- ion McGee and Cathy Chand- ler. Beginners' teachers, Mrs. Ronald Coultes, Mrs. John Jamieson; primary No. 1, Mrs. Donald Dow, Nancy Mason, Mrs. Lloyd Whytock; primary No. 2, Mrs. Gordon McBurney, Mrs. Peter Chandler; juniors, Mrs. George McGee, Gilbert Beecroft, Alex Robertson; inter- mediates, Mrs. Alex Robertson, Mrs. Sydney Thompson, Mrs. Roy Pattison; seniors, Mrs. Gil- bert Beecroft, Ronald Coultes, Mrs. Arthur Jackson; adults, Mrs. Ken Mason, Lawrence Taylor. It was decided to have a picnic in the summer and the anniversary is set for May 29th with Miss Clara McGowan of Goderich as guest speaker. Comments and discussions were held by the teachers on the new curriculum. Rev. A. Jackson closed the meeting with prayer. Helen Johnston, Shower Hostess FORDWICH—Miss Helen Johnston was hostess last Wed- nesday evening for a miscel- laneous shower for Miss Alma Koster. The house was taste- fully decorated in pink and white, Girl friends and future neighbours wished her much happiness. Assisting were Mrs. Anson Ruttan, Mrs. Mel Taylor and Helen's mother, Mrs. Glenn Johnston. WHITECHURCH—The Wo- men's Institute met last Wed- nesday at the home of Mrs. Garnet Farrier and Mrs. Gibson Gillespie, with an attendance of 22. Vice-president Mrs. Bill Evans presided and extended a welcome to the members and visitors. Correspondence in- cluded a letter from the pro- vincial president, Mrs. Everett Small, and one from Mrs. Cof- fin. They were read by Mrs. Emerson. It was decided to send Mrs. Evans to the officers' confer- ence since the home economics and resolutions conveners had already attended conferences. Mrs. Russel Ross read a letter from Mrs. McTavish of Tees- water in regard to the gift shop at the Wingham and District Hospital, notifying the White- church ladies that they will be DONNYBROOK Mr. James Robinson of Wa- terloo University spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Robinson and family. Miss Mary Jefferson of Lon- don spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hil- liard Jefferson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Camp- bell of London visited Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jefferson. Mr. William Webster of St. Helens visited with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Chamney and fam- ily on Thursday. Y.P.S. Meeting Held Tuesday WHITECHURCH— The Young People's Society held a meet- ing Tuesday evening of last week in the United Church Sun- day School room with an at- tendance of ten. A sing-song was enjoyed. Miss Diane Coultes read an opening poem on New Years. A hymn was sung and Miss Coultes read the Scripture and led in prayer. Miss Beverley Soloman read the story, ''The Years of the Locust", and led in prayer. The minutes were read by the secretary, Miss Diane Coul - tes and roll call was answered with a verse of Scripture. The meeting closed with the Miz- pah benediction. MI Card Party LAKELET—The Lakelet Wo- men's Institute card parties re- sumed last Thursday evening. Both euchre and solo were play- ed. Prize winners were Mrs. Robt. Allan, Miss Audrey Scott, Miss Frances Inglis, Charles Scott and Jack Fergu- son. responsible foi the shop during May and June. The February meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Victor Emerson. Mrs. G. Far- rier was pianist for a sing-song. The motto was "As the re- solution is, so shall our pro- gress be". If the resolution is to read books, progress in 19E6 will be along this line. As homemakers with a big job to do, women will find that it re- quires inner resources to raise quarrelling, restless children in- to men and women, good fath- ers and mothers, doctors, nurs- es, or a special servant for the King of Kings. Resolutions could be along this line. There is always the influence of par- ents. We can't escape this radiation of our character. We are constantly weakening or strengthening others and moth- ers and wives must radiate the best qualities and then be hap- py in watching their families progress. Two members of the Hospi- tal Auxiliary to Wingham and District Hospital were present, Mrs. Ted English, president and Mrs. W. B. Conron, secre- tary. They were introduced by Mrs. Russel Ross. The ladies explained the work of the Aux- iliary, which raises money for extra equipment such as wheel chairs, walkers, cribs, incu- bators, etc. They were pre- sented with the donations made by the Whitechurch W.I. for the gift shop. Mrs. Russel Gaunt thanked Mrs. English and Mrs. Conron. At the close of the meeting Mrs. Gibson Gillespie and Mrs. James McInnes served lunch. Wingham Advance-Times, Thursday, Jan, 20, 1066 — Page 5 JUNIOR INSTITUTE officers for the North Huron group were elected last Wednesday evening at a meeting held in the local high school. Left is Bessie Johnston, Bluevale, assistant secretary; Grace Mathers, Blue- vale, president; Marjorie Hopper, Brussels, secretary-treasurer; Jo Anne Alton, R. R. 1, Lucknow, a director.—A-T Photo. Wingham Ladies Attenc nitechurch Meeting 97