The Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-01-13, Page 6PERSONAL BUSES LEAVING for Florida from Feb. 6-Feb. 20; from Feb. 25-Mar. 12; April 3-April 17. For information call Wingham Travel Agency, 357-2652. 13-20* SILVER DOLLARS dated 1958 or earlier wanted; also other old coins, tokens, medals, stamps, old post cards, old documents, etc. Will pay top prices for desirable items, List what you have and mail to: Hobbies, Box 28, Clinton, Ont., or phone 524-6526. 2iemrrb YOU CAN STOP SCREAM]NG NO MORE BROKEN NAILS! Our new clothing identification system eliminates bothersome staples that fray your nerves, break your nails and harm your clothes. Get the most out of life. Depend on WINGHAM CLEANERS, next to Warren House. 13b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IOW NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTaIR OF THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM FREDERICK BURGMA.N, late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Travel Agent, Deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the Trus- tee Act, that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late William Frederick Burgman, are requir- ed to send particulars of their claims, duly verified, to J. T. GOODALL, Solicitor for the Executor of the said Estate, on or before the 22nd day of Janu- ary, AD, 1966, and that after such date the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate, having re- gard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice DATED at Wingham. Ontario this 21st day of December, A D. 1965. Graham W. Burgman. ExectItor of the Estate, by his Solicitor, .T. T. GOODALL, Box 119, Wirigham, Ont. 30-6-13b CREDIT UNION NEW LOCATION No. 5 DIAGONAL ROAD OPEN DAILY 10 to 12 and 1:30 to 5:30 MAR LATT'S Dead Stock Service HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for Dead Cows & Horses over 500 lbs. More for sick and disabled CoWs and Horses according to size and condition FOR PROMPT SERVICE PLEASE CALL COLLECT BRUCE MARLATT Brussels - Phone 133 24 - HOUR SERVICE License No, 390-C-65 BIRTHS MULVEY - In Wingham an District Hospital, on 'Marrs day, January 6, 1966, to Mr and Mrs. Murray Mulvey, R R. 1, Clifford, a daughter. EXEL-In Wingham and Dis. trict Hospital, on Friday January 7, 1966, to Mr. an Mrs. Henry Exel, Brussels, daughter. DD •VRIES-In Wingham an( District Hospital, on Sunday January 9, 1966, to Mr. anc Mrs. Kees De Vries, Wing ham, •a daughter. WELLS-In Wingham and Dis trict Hospital, on Monday January 10, 1966, to Mr, an Mrs, James Wells, Wingham a son, GORBUTT-In Victoria Hos• pital, London, on Wednesday January 12, 1966, to Mr. anc Mrs. Jack Gorbutt, a daugh- ter. Demonstration Given at W.I. GORRIE-Mrs. R. Porter of Atwood demonstrated liquid embroidery and displayed num- erous articles which she had completed at the January meet- ing of the Gorrie Women's In- stitute, held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Strong on Wednes- day evening. There was a gooc attendance and Junior Institute members attended the demon- stration. Mrs. Morley Johnston thanked Mrs. Porter and present ed her with a gift. Mrs. Raymond Gowdy presi ed. Mrs. Alex. Graham re- ported that 23 boxes and 13 potted chrysanthemums had been given to shut-ins before Christmas. Many notes of thanks were received from the recipients. Training school for the next 4-H club course, "Accent on Accessories", will be held in the Gorrie Community Hall Feb. 23rd and 24th. Roll call was "A health rule I would emphasize in the homd Mrs. Mel. Taylor presented the motto, "Health is wealth; let no man be a spendthrift". She stressed the value of good health habits, a good diet, periodic check-up, rest, weight control, exercise, adjusting to life's limitations and enjoying life's challenges. Mrs. John Strong and Mrs. Robt. Elschner won the prizes in the Dutch auction. Mrs.Ray- mond Gowdy and Mrs. John Baylor were assisted by the hos- tess in serving lunch. Euchre Party at Currie's School WHITECHURCH- The regu- lar euchre party was held at Currie's School on Friday eve- ning with Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Galbraith and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Morrison as hosts and hos- tesses. There were 15 tables in play. Prize winners were high lady, Mrs. Howard Walker; high gent, Roy Dawson; low lady, Mrs. Alex Leaver; low gent, John L. Currie; novelty prize lady, Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler; novel- ty prize gent, George Walker. The young fry enjoyed games and contests in the base- ment until the card game was over. Lunch was served by those in charge. The next party will be supervised by Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arbuckle. Mental health clinics for children, known as child guid- ance clinics, are established in many parts of Canada. Con- sultations can be arranged through the child's school or lo- cal health unit. A series of folders, entitled "Child Train- ing" may be obtained from lo- cal or provincial health de- partments. The family of the late Wil- liam Thomas Jardine wishes to express sincere thanks and ap- preciation to relatives, friends and neighbors for the lovely floral tributes, messages of sympathy, donations to the On- tario Heart Foundation and many kindnesses shown us in the loss of a dear 'husband and father. Special thanks to Rev. Jardine, Rev. Johnson, Rev. Clarke, S. J. Walker funeral home and all those who helped in any way.-Mrs. Alma Jar- dine and family. 13b I would like to take this means of •thanking everyone who helped me while I was a patient, first in Walkerton Hospital and then in the K-W, Kitchener. Special thanks to Dr. Waltere, Mildmay, for his prompt and efficient care, and to the specialist, Dr. V. Corri- gan, and his staff for giving up their Sunday afternoon to help me, and to the hospital staff for the special care pro- vided so willingly. Also, I want to thank all who sent me such beautiful cards and grand let- ters. It was a busy time right near Christmas, so anyone who took time to send a card or write a letter deserves a very special "thank you". I appre- ciate every one. The Belmore W.I. and others have remem- bered us since I came home and my husband and I have enjoyed all the treats. We have soma good cooks around Bel- more. We have sampled ever so many cookies and pieces of Christmas cake, and all were SUPER. Thanking you one and all. - Mrs. Elmer Zinn, Bel- more. 13* MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING & DECORATING CHARLES RINTOUL Phone 357-3044, Wingham. FLOOR SANDING New hardwood floors laid, sanded and finished. Also old floors. New modern equipment. Phone 357-2750, Norman Rin- toe! & Sons. larrb NOTICE If you are thinking of financ- ing a car be sure to contact your State Farm Agent first. Reuben Appleby, 27 Patrick Street, Wingham, phone 357- 1679. FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automo- bile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness Home Protection Call your Co-op Agent- 53 Maple Street, Wingham Dial 357-3739. LLOYD MONTGOMERY FOR MEMORIALS OF DISTINCTION Let us help you choose a lovely and enduring family monument of ageless granite or marble. Our talented craftsmen will create a memorial of lasting beauty that will stand as an imperishable monument to the future family memory. Telephone collect for assistance without obligation: Stratford '271-6736. Stratford Cemetery Memorials Ltd., 38 Avondale Ave., Strat- j ford, Ontario, A22rrb . „ FOR SALE ONE 10h;" Massey - Harris grinder, in good working order. Phone 357.,2937. 13* MILK FILTERS for sale, plain, rapid flo, 6i "----85c a box, Alexander's Hardware, phone 357-3631. 11rrb CURRIE'S recommend Super Foam at $1,75. Cleans rugs and upholstery. Also Rosinize Fur- niture Polish only $1.25 at Currie's Furniture. 6-13b 300 BALES second cut alfalfa for sale. Apply Wilfred Walker, phone 357-2859. 13* FOR SALE - Party ice, 9 lb. bags, 50e; also blocks, 25-50-100 lbs. Gay-Lea Cheese House. (1im) BROWN FUR fabric coat for sale, size 14. Cheap, Good as new. Apply 32 Victoria St. W. 13* NOW AT CURRIE'S - Every need for the first grandchild. Large size crib, complete with mattress; play pen with pad; high chair; training chair, and a baby walker, all 5 pieces for only $69.88 at Currie's Furni- ture. 13-20b BUNK BEDS for sale, complete with mattresses, ladder and railing. Finished in red maple. Good condition. Phone 357-3482. lsb NEED EXTRA drawer space. See solid birch chest at Currie's Furniture. Special ready to paint chests, 5 drawers, w. 25", d. 16", h. 46", only $32.95; 3 drawer, w. 25", d. 16", h. 36", at $23.95: 4 drawers, only $18.75. See these specials while they last at Currie's Furniture. 13-20b REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 100 ACRE FARM for sale-Lot 37, Con. 8, East Wawanosh, 21e miles west of Belgrave; lots of water, hydro, fair set of build- ings. Phone Brussels 388W8. 13b WILLIAM S. REED General Insurance and Real Estate Broker Dial 357-2174, Wingham FOR SALE Well situated, immaculate, 2 storey solid brick house, large living room, dining room, kit- chen, sunroom, 4 spacious bed- rooms, hot water, oil heated, garage. Early possession, FEMALE HELP WANTED BABY Srl I.ER WANTED, Monday to Friday, Phone 357- 2679 after 6 p.m. 13* SECRETARY for general of- fice work. Good wages. Reply in writing, stating qualifica- tions, to Box 57, Advance- Times. 13b OPENING FOR representative in Wingham. Interested? Please contact District Man- ager, Mrs. S. Craig, 875 15th St. E„ Owen Sound, or phone collect 376-9792. 6-13b STENOGRAPHER with short- hand and bookkeeping exper- ience. Permanent employment, 40 hour week, Good personnel policies. Wingham and District Hospital, Apply in writing to Hospital Administrator for per- sonal interview appointment. 13b TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK Tenders will be received by the undersigned for supplying fuel for the Municipal Office, Machinery Shed and diesel fuel for the maintainers for the year 1966. Tenders to be in the hands of the undersigned up to 12 o'clock noon, Friday, February 4, 1966, Ivan Haskins, Clerk, Town- ship of Howick, Gorrie, Ont. 13b TAXI SERVICE GRANT'S TAX I DIAL 357-1836 D1Grrb alimmaomeamm••••••••1 WANTED OLD GUNS and rifles wanted. Cameron's Billiards. 6rrb WANTED White Ash and Hard Maple Logs or Lumber. Sell direct and save middle man's profit. Best Cash prices paid, Elgin Handles Limited, 21 Kains Street, St. Thomas, On- tar'io, phone 631-0330, 23-30-6-13-20-27b CARDS OF THANKS We would like to sincerely thank all our friends and neighbours for their kindness and sympathy at the time of our recent bereavement.-Mrs. Alex Porterfield, Robert Laid- law and family, 13b We sincerely thank all our friends for their many kind and sympathetic gestures at the time of the loss of our mother, Special thanks to Dr. Craw- ford and the staff of Wingham and District Hospital.-Robert Hickey 'and Dave Crothers. 13* DIED INGLIS, Mrs. Agnes D., 83, of Carrick Township, Tuesday, Wingham and District Hospital. Widow of J. Scott Inglis. Sur- vivors: Daughters, Mrs. Carl (Elizabeth) I agler, Clifford; Mrs. Herman (Grace) I" egler, ICarrielr Township; Miss Jean Carrick Township; Mrs. Earl (Marian) Halliday, Waterloo; sons, Thomas, Howick Town- ship; Robert, Carrick Town- ship; brother, James Aitken, Donovan, Sask. Service, 2 p.m., today (Thursday), S. J. Walk- er funeral home, Wingham. Burial, McIntosh Cemetery, Carrick Township, AUCTION SALE .13.1etiMe•FIONIOMMIIMMOINNO AUCTION SALE OF PROPERTY 82 VICTORIA STREET WINGIELAM, ONTARIO For the Estate of the late Anne Jane Vogan SATURDAY, JAN., 15, 1966 2:30 p.m. Frame House - 2 bedrooms and bath up, kitchen, living room, dining room and one piece bath down. New oil fur- nace and roof. This house would make two small apartments for a good investment; a home for a young family, or a home for someone retiring with limited funds, This house is easy to heat, with low taxes, which makes it very low overhead, There will be a very modest reserve bid on this property as the Ex- ecutor is very anxious to have the estate settled. For more information phone 357-3631, Rose Vogan, Executor, Jack Alexander, Auctioneer. 6-13b TRUCK SEAT REPAIR SERVICE Pickups, heavy duty, construc- tion vehicles. Guaranteed re- built stronger than new, Seats $19.50, Backrests $11.50. Same day service if sent in now. Herman's Auto Trim 47 Shirley Ave. KITCHENER, ONT. Complete auto re-upholstery service .••••••limmemmergrsolaw• 11/2 storey, 7 room house, large kitchen with built in cup- boards, double living room, 3 bedrooms, large lot, Owner very anxious to sell. Full price $6,000.00. Many more houses, farms and businesses to choose from. For your Real Estate and General Insurance requirements contact William S. Reed. 13b CARS FOR SALE 1955 MERCURY for sale, V8 automatic, radio, rebuilt engine, solid body, Reasonable offer ac- cepted, Phone 357-2382. 13* FOR RENT TWO 2-bedroom apartments for rent, heated, Apply C. W. Hanna, Belgrave, phone 357- 1299. 13-20b SALES HELP WTD.-Male 1.• aMPAIMMIIMINFOINIINIM ARE YOU WILLING to work 10 to 12 hours a day and earn up to $600 a month and more? Can you manage your own time? If you answer "yes" to these questions, for personal interview write Box 55, Ad- vance-Times. 30-6-13b SALES HELP WANTED Male or Female WANTED immediately man or woman to supply customers in part Huron County with Raw- leigh Products, Can earn $50 weekly part time, $100 and up full time. Write Rawleigh, Dept. A-453-920, 4005 Richelieu, St, Henry, Montreal. 13b MALE HELP WANTED MECHANIC, licensed, good wages and benefits, good work- ing conditions. Phone 881-0700, Skip's Service Limited, Walk- erton, Ont, 6-13-20b MARRIED MAN for turkey farm. Experience not neces- sary. Apartment available. Apply Box 56, Advance-Times. 6-13* For Sale $7,200 full price for 2 storey red brick Wroxeter home with 134 •acres of land. Modern kit- chen, 4 bedrooms, 3 pc. •bath, oil furnace. Mature shade trees and well landscaped lot makes this an ideal family home. 200 level rich clay loam acres in Kincardine Township with one of the •most modern sets of buildings in Ontario. Large silo with unloader stable cleaner, bulk tank, paved yard just to mention some of the many extras on this farm. ,The 4 bedroom farm home is pack- ed with modern conveniences. This farm can be purchased with full line of modern ma- chinery and livestock. Sales are steady and over- head low. Self serve grocery store and restaurant in the vil- lage of Bervie. 4 bedroom mo- dern living quarters makes this a good family business. Full price $10,000 with half down, plus stock. $14,500 is the asking price for this 150 acres in Huron Town- ship. 8 room stone house, good bank barn 40'x60'. 90 acres workable, 8 acres of maple bush. Stream through property. Near highway and shopping. See us about a Wingham: home. We have them priced from $4,500 to $9,900. WANTED -200 to 300 acres without buildings. Grass farms. SOLD - Eugene Forbes, of Eden Grove, has hold his 300 acre farm to Frank Beletz, of Arkona. DON HOLST REAL ESTATE BROKER Ivan Struthers, Representative Wingham, Ph. 3573840 RURAL ONT. SPECIALISTS 0 .14 1 lw Page 6 -- Wingham Advance-Times, Thursday, Jan. 13, 1966 e Coming LIVING FAITH This Sunday, January 16, 1- 1:30 p.m., another telecast in series "Living Faith" over CKNX-TV Channel $, 13* Events HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY All executive members of th( newly-formed Wingham ,Horti cultural Society are requestec to attend a meeting in th( Mondal3, THE ANNUAL MEETING Of the Wingham Recreation Committee will be 'held in •the 1, Wingham Council Chambers on !Sunday evening, January 16, 1966, at 8:30 p.m. Representa- tives of all organizations and other interested persons are cordially invited to •attend. 13b • Council Chambers next7at Coeunnienig, evening, nu 8 p•m• 13 ' THE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Are sponsoring a EuchrE party in Council Chambers or, Friday, January 14, at 8:15 Lunch and good prizes. Every. one welcome, Admission 50c, 136 TIE' TI WOMEN'S AUXILIARY i To the Wingham and District i Hospital will meet on Monday, January 24, 1966, at 2:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. An- l nual reports will be given and installation of officers for the share coming year. New members are welcome. Suitable gifts or knitted articles to be sold in the hospital gift case will be most acceptable, 13b GODERICH LIONS BINGO Wednesday, January 19th, at 8:30 p.m., at Harbourlite Inn. 17 regular games at $10; one the wealth jackpot; one $50 jackpot; plus new excel- crating jackpot up to $250.00, Admission $1,00, rrb WINGHAM Will hold ing on January in the Council 'gram conveners gar, Mrs. and Mrs. roll call age do you serving). Mrs, H, Pattison. handle Farm 357-3631 Mrs. Haselgrove, Alexander and Appraiser WOMEN'S their January 20, at Chambers. are Day, Mrs. A. Mary Galbraith. is (What in the think is worth The hostesses Mrs. Congram and Town and Sales • - Wingham AUCTIONEER INST. meet- 2:30 p.m. Pro- Mrs. Ed- Halliday The present pre- are Ernest, Mrs. 13* I / re- are for asset. 13b LIMITED CLERK insurance of of ENGAGEMENT son, engagement Nancy ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Archie of Clinton, announce of their Jane Newton, Wroxeter, to Mr, son of Mrs. Ethel the late Mr. Alfred Trail, B.C. The take place Saturday. 22, 1966, in Ottwell Edmonton, ': , • will ary Church, Lee Alta. daughter, formerly Bayton, Hayton, marriage Jack Phone Robin- the Hay- Janu- United 13b We . i I 1 . ceiving Grade figures. Attractive benefits CAMPBELL FEMALE Duties Applicants will slips XI or and Previous salary. PLANT and LISTOWEL, REQUIRE largely better cafeteria should ACCOUNTS SOUP orders office THE Comprehensive consist education facilities contact PERSONNEL experience COMPANY SERVICES for payment. ONTARIO PAYABLE of matching and the would employee are available. OFFICE. OF A invoices, Requisites an aptitude be an WANTED TWO EXPERIENCED Minimum 23 years old, Housing available for satisfactory PHONE DRIVERS. references. employee, 693-4462 TRUCK with Ism WANTED (1)-ONE DUMP TRAILER and under our P.C.V. License. (2)-ONE TRACTOR to pull dump trailers capable 74,000. 40 miles west of London-the hospital now under construction. Let's discuss this to our PHONE 693-4462 one home mutual TRACTOR of handling to operate of our aluminum gross of of a new 45-bed Steady work. advantage. Grade clerical although a long degree. CAMPBELL Applicants Applicants Interested, MALE XIII or not study REQUIRE or accounting SOUP LISTOWEL preferably Grade strictly must program qualified PLANT PERSONNEL THE XII ACCOUNTING necessary. be willing persons - experience culminating should Commercial COMPANY SERVICES be and able should ONTARIO would OFFICE. LIMITED OF A CLERK young men certificates. Some be an asset, to undertake in an Accounting contact the 13-20b with