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Officers and Teachers
Appointed at SS Meeting
BELGRAVE-The annual Sun-
day School meeting of Knox
United Church was opened by
Mr. Jackson and Harold Vincent
presided for the business.
The treasurer's report was
given by George Johnston with
a balance on hand of $86.00.
The secretary's report, given
by George Michie, stated that
Sunday School had been held on
49 Sundays with an average at-
tendance of 79. The highest at-
was 104 on May 16. Attendance
awards will be presented to 31
compared to 38 last year. The
attendance banner was present-
ed to the intermediate girls, 5
months; primary, 2 months;
beginners, 1 month; kindergar-
ten, 2 months; intermediate
boys, 1 month; junior girls, 1
Mr. Jackson took the chair
for the election of officers
which resulted as follows:
Superintendent, Harold Vin-
cent; assistant, Mrs. Leslie
Bolt; supt. of junior S.S., Mrs.
George Johnston; secretary,
Lorne Campbell; assistant, Don-
ald Procter; treasurer, George
Johnston; auditors, Mrs. George
Michie, Lorne Campbell; li-
brarians, Mrs. J. Coultes, Mrs.
Lewis Stonehouse; pianists, to
be arranged for by secretary
and superintendent; cradle roll
supt. , Mrs. James Coultes,
Teachers: Bible class, Mrs.
A. Jackson; assistants, Mrs. S.
Cook, Mrs. W. Scott; Triple
V. young people, Stewart Proc-
ter; intermediate boys, Ross
Anderson, Murray Scott; inter-
mediate girls, Mrs. Leslie Bolt,
Mrs. Harold Vincent; junior
boys, Mrs. Ken Wheeler, Clif-
ford Coultes; junior girls, Mrs.
Laura Johnston, Mrs. George
Michie; senior primarys, Mrs.
Glen Coultes, Mrs, S. Hopper;
junior primarys, Mrs. Cliff
Logan, Marlene Walsh, Mrs.
Alan Campbell; beginners, Mrs.
Ted Fear,
A motion was passed to hold
the Sunday School anniversary
either the first or second Sun-
day of June. Committees for
the occasion are; Speaker,
Stewart Procter and George
Michie; floWers, Mrs. Gordon
Bosman, Mrs. John Gnay, Mrs.
1. Hunter, Mrs. C. Hanna,
Mrs. L. Stonehouse, Mrs. J.
Muilwyk, Lewis Stonehouse,
Gordon Bosman; windows, Mrs.
Ross Higgins, Mrs. James
Walsh; corsages, Mrs. James
Coultes, Mrs. Lewis Stone-
house; music, Mrs. Arthurjack.
son, Mrs, Cliff Logan, Mrs.
George Johnston, Roy Mundy.
It was agreed that the Sun-
day School sponsor a crokinole
party the end of January, with
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cook,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Procter,
Mrs. George Martin and George
Michie in charge.
Student teachers from the
Stratford Teachers' College this
week at the Wingham Public
School are Miss Barbara Snell
of Londesboro and Miss Allison
Ryan of Goderich, teaching for
Mrs. Underwood in Grades 6
and '7; Miss Margaret Haines of
Goderich and Miss Sharlene
Turner of Clinton, teaching for
Mrs. Nicholson, Grades 1 and
2; Miss Elaine Robb of Wing-
ham and Miss Alice Tressers of
Clinton, teaching for Mrs. Pen-
nington in Grades 3 and 4.
Gifts, Donation
The Wingham Lions heard a
number of letters of apprecia-
tion read at Tuesday night's
meeting in the Queens Hotel,
They included a letter from
Mrs. Jack Lloyd, vice chair-
man of Huron Advisory Board of
the CNIB, thanking the club
for sponsoring the CNIB cam*
paign for funds. This year
$749.00 was collected.
Mrs. Ann Redmond, volun-
teer co-ordinator for the On-
tario Hospital, Goderich, ex-
pressed thanks for the Christmas
stockings which were filled by
the club and a number of notes
were read from patients at
Wingham Hospital for the gifts
received on Christmas Eve.
An acknowledgement was
read from the London District
Crippled Children's Treatment
Centre for the $300,00 for-
warded by the club.
It was announced that Dist.
Governor Lion Keith Cook will
be making his official visit on
February 22.
Committee chairmen gave
their reports. The peanut sale
was successful and the Lions
are grateful for the support re-
ceived. A report was given on
the Lions sponsored midget
hockey team.
A donation of $25,00 was
voted to the Midwestern On-
tario Science Fair to be held at
W.D.H.S. in April. The bond-
a-month draw will be held
January 28. Tickets are also
going well on the color tele-
vision set which will be drawn
for in the spring.
Mrs. Burns Stewart was high
lady at the L.O.L. euchre on
Wednesday evening. T. L. Mc-
Innes had highest score for the
men and John Baylor, the lucky
name for the door prize.
The annual vestry meeting
of St. Stephen's Anglican
church will be held on Friday
evening, Jan. 14th at 8.30 p.m.
in the S.S. room.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Strong,
Jill and Kent, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Strong
of Guelph.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. King,
Billy and Lloyd, of Brussels,
were supper guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond Gowdy on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Al-
len, Auburn, visited Wednes-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
January Meeting
Of Afternoon Unit
BELGRAVE-The Afternoon
Unit of the United Church Wo-
men met last Wednesday in the
church with 17 members pres-
ent. The leader, Mrs. Earl An-
derson opened the meeting with
a reading, "The New Year".
The minutes were read by Mrs.
Ross Robinson and the treasurer's
report was given by Mrs. Helen
Officers for 1966 are as fol-
lows; Leader, Mrs, Earl Ander-
son; secretary, Mrs. Carl Proc-
ter; treasurer, Mrs. George
Martin; program, Mrs. Stanley
Cook; literature, Mrs. Arthur
Jackson; Christian citizenship
and social action, Mrs. Walter
Scott; community friendship,
visiting and membership, Mrs.
James Michie; supply, Mrs.
Harold Procter; social, Mrs.
Herson Irwin; press and public-
ity, Mrs. Carl Procter; pianist,
Mrs. J. M. Coultes.
The worship period opened
with a hymn followed by Scrip-
ture read by Mrs. Leslie. Mrs.
Annie Coultes led in prayer.
Mrs. Harold Procter took the
study on the chapter, "The
Brazilian View of Christian Edit,.
Mrs. Stanley Cook led a dis-
cussion on programing for the
coming year. Members were
asked for comments on pro,-
grams during the past year and
suggestions for study projects
for this year's meetings.
Bible study was conducted by
Mts. Arthur Jackson, A hymn
was sung and the Lord's prayer
closed the meeting.
For Attendance
At Mission Band'
The Mission Band of St. An-
drew's Presbyterian Church met
for the first meeting of the yea;
Under the leadership of' Mrs. G.
Sutcliffe, Mrs. G. L. Fish,
Mrs. O. Hastings, Mrs. A. Tay-
lot and Mrs. G. Welwood.
The meeting opened with
prayer and Scripture read in
unison. A meditation "I've a
Story to Tell to the Nations",
was given by Debbie Welwood,
Ruth Corrin, Janis Rae, and
Peter Hilbert, The offering was
received and dedicated in pray-
er by Connie Jamieson,
The children celebrating a
birthday in January presented
their special offering and the
Mission Band Birthday Song was
sung. Roll call was answered
by 35 children.
A song session was conduct-
ed by Mrs. Fish and Mrs. G.W.
Cruickshank presented last
year's perfect attendance
awards to twelve children.
Brian Reid, Ann Balser, Kar-
en Welwood, Mary Ann Wel-
wood, Debbie Welwood, Ricky
Smith and Jeffrey Anderson re-
ceived first year certificates
and pins.
Margaret Arbuckle received
a second-year seal; Brian Per-
rott and Ruth Hastings, third-
year seals; and Alexa Currie
and Marilyn Congram, fourth-
year seals.
The study book for this year,
" George and The Chinese Lady" ,
was introduced by Mrs. Wel-
Koch. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph
Mogk of Stratford spent Sunday
at the same home.
Mr. and Mrs. John McInnes
of Holyrood visited Thursday
with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. L.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Du-
quette, Wingham, visited Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
Mr. and Mrs. Telford Mont-
gomery, Grand Bend, spent
several days with Mr. and Mrs.
W. W. Strong. Miss Katharine
Warrell and Mrs. Melpha Hol-
land of Palmerston, Mr. and
Mrs. John Marks and family of
Wingham were visitors at the
same home.
Mr. and Mrs. John Barr and
Kim, Toronto, visited recently
with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Strong.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Baylor
and family of Burlington visit-
ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
John Baylor. Mr. and Mrs. Os-
car Ament, of Auburn, spent
Thursday at the same home.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Higgins,
Brussels, visited Miss Maude
Higgins on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Sparling visited Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Edgar of Mt. Forest on
Mr. Douglas Whitfield, Ni-
agara, spent the week-end with
Mrs. E. W. Whitfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson With-
crow, Nipawin, Sask. , spent
several days with Mr. and Mrs.
E. H. Strong and on Thursday
they all visited relatives in
Mr. and Mrs. Doran Thorn-
ton accompanied Mr. and Mrs.
Ronald Goodwin, Elora, on a
motor trip to Florida.
The January meeting of the
Belgrave Women's Institute
will be held on Tuesday, Jan,
18, Mrs. Walter Scott is the
convener for this, the health
meeting. Roll call, "How I
Have Helped a Health Problem';
Mrs. 0. G. Anderson will give
the address, Lunch by Mrs. H.
Irwin, Mrs. A. Jackson, Mrs.
J. M. Coultes.
Bridge Club
The Howell System was us-
ed. First; W. Laidlaw and J.
Martin; second, A. M. Forbes
and W. Wharry; third, A. R.
DuVal and D. Smith,
Routine business was not
heavy at the first meeting of
town council for 1966. A num-
ber of letters were dealt with
and quite a lot of accounts
were passed for payment after
being read by the finance chair-
man, Warren Callan.
Council agreed to purchase
a liability policy for the police
department, which would cov-
er the police officers and coun-
cil in case of a suit for false ar-
rest or other occurrence where
the department may be sued,
Council agreed to a meeting
with the Emergency Measures
officer in February. It was not,
llowever, without some dis-
e.greement as several council-
lors felt it a waste of time, be-
cause there seems to be no in-
terest in making the organiza-
tion function.
Council backed a resolution
from Mt. Forest calling for this
area to be designated a slow
growth area by the federalgov-
ernment. Council will be re-
presented at a meeting next
month in Mt. Forest, when a
brief will be drawn up for pre-
sentation to the proper people
at Ottawa.
Mayor Miller said this is an
important meeting as commun-
ities in designated areas are ob-
taining industry because of ex-
cellent incentives for industry
to locate in such areas. He said
Midland and Owen Sound have
acquired two industries and Port
Elgin one new industry, all
communities in designated
Council did not support a re-
Horticultural Society was formed at a
meeting held Monday evening in the Coun-
cil Chambers. The new executive are, left
to right: W. E. Fielding, president; Mrs.
Vaughan Douglas, 1st vice-president; Rev.
Gordon L. Fish, 2nd vice-president.
—Photo by Strong.
Variety of Business Is Handled by Council
solution from the County Coun-
cil calling for the establish-
ment of a community college
in Huron County. The local
councillors felt some action
should be taken at the local
level rather than at county lev-
The clerk read portions of a
brief which the C.N.R. is pre-
senting to the Transport Board
regarding discontinuance and
changes of rail passenger ser-
vice in Western Ontario.
Council approved an agree-
ment with the Department of
Highways covering the con-
struction of a service road to
look after several properties at
the eastern entrance to Wing-
ham. These homes now face
on Highway 86 and will be iso-
lated when the new diversion
across the prairies is built.
Mayor Miller suggested the
town should have a brochure to
be used in an effort to attract
industry. Deputy Reeve Alex-
ander said a smaller one should
be put out in time for the plow-
ing match which will be held
this fall, near Seaforth. He
said each municipality in the
county will be allotted space
at the match.
Councillor Wild suggested
Wingham have a Community
Chest instead of so many separ-
ate drives for funds to be used
for charitable purposes. Coun-
cillor Callan said he didn't
think this would work in Wing-
ham as people would not give
as much in one lump sum as in
separate appeals. Council took
no action on the suggestion.
Councillor Bateson said the
Recreation Committee is now
faced with the loss of the rec-
reation director and that ad-
vertising is being placed in an
effort to secure the services of
another trained director.
Council approved an ad-
vance of $1,200 to the Arena
Commission to cover a number
of accounts which have to be
paid, including repairs to the
ice machinery and a new pub-
lic address system.
A routine by-law was pass-
ed authorizing the borrowing by
the town of an aggregate of
$100,000 during the year.
11 Killed in
Area Accidents
According to a report issued
by the Ontario Provincial Po-
lice, 11 persons were killed in
No. 6 District, which includes
Huron County, during Decem-
ber. There was a total of365
accidents which also injured
144 persons. No. 6 District led
the province in fatalities for
the month,
Police in the district also
checked 1,428 vehicle; issued
530 warnings and laid 499
The provincial scene was
one of the worst months of the
year with 3,682 accidents in
which 90 persons lost their lives.
It should also be noted that
the figures only cover those
areas patrolled by the Provin-
cial Police force. This does
not include any municipality
with its own force.
Wingham Advance-Times, Thursday, Jan. lS, 1966 -- Page 3
Lions Thanked for Present Awards
Gorrie Personals