HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-01-13, Page 2MINERAL OIL =0. 49c SACCHARIN Save 23c TABLETS 66 MU OF MAGNESIA 16;v7.15. 44c BATH EPSOM SALT 5-Ib BAG 44` SAVE! ONLY SAVE!! 9c WAX PAPER 1Srief wide 2 ROLLS 9 for 5 60s Pi PKGS. 2 c Reg, 18c,. Ani for a SNOW WHITE-200----2 PLY FACIAL TISSUES ;'Z. TOILET TISSUE SAVE HALIBUT LIVER OIL SAVE 63c 250 CAPSULES '1.66 PAPER NAPKINS DRUG FACTS TREY GET AU. BoATS OF TRINGs FROM VAN E'S DRUG STORE TO KEEP ME, HEALTHY, HAPPY AND SWEET-SMELLY1 IT'S FUN TO BE A BAP": YOUR COMPLETE FAMILY HEALTH HEADQUARTERS COMPLETE PRESCRIPTION SERVICE BOXES 49cAN for 8 ROLLS c for 8 NYLON BRISTLE TOOTH BRUSH DEDICATE GIDEO N B~IBL.E S AS A CONTINUING 'MEMORIAL G. A. WILLIAMS, Optometrist 9 PATRICK STREET W. WINGHAM Phone 357-1282 May be donated through your local funeral director LALL 1 iNLJ L , L. ;Jut HOSPITALS:PRISONS • t. n1'5 Chita (ANGLICAN) Mingbam Rev. C. F. Johnson, L.Th. Rector Mrs. Gordon Davidson Organist SECOND SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY — JANUARY 16 8:30 a.m.—Holy Communion. 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School and Confirmation Class. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer. 'Thurs., Jan. 12—Altar Gyild, Parish Room, 3 o'clock. A SPECIAL DAY of PRAYER is being planned by the Ministers of Wingham to be held in THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL TUESDAY, JANUARY 18th, 1966 SERVICES — 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. Guest Speaker — REV. H. NORMAN PELL, Crusade Director of the Leighton Ford Grand Valley Crusade. This is a community effort and you are invited to come. 6-13b T 11( E ainatiort Aring WINGHAM CORPS Edward Street Wingham (CAPTAIN AND MRS. A. FERRIS) SPECIAL SUNDAY SERVICES Conducted by Major Leslie Titcombe From HAMILTON, ONTARIO SUNDAY, JANUARY 16, 1965 11:00 a.m.—Family Worship. 7:00 p.m.—"Old Fashioned" Gospel Service. Music by the YOUTH COMBO in the evening service. TUESDAY, JANUARY 18th REV. NORMAL PELL Special speaker for the Day of Prayer. At 3:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Everyone Welcome! "A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU AT THE ARMY" 4 BELTONE HEARING AID SERVICE CLINIC FRIDAY, JAN. 14th MANGE'S DRUG STORE 4 WINGHAM Phone for Free Home Appointment Service to all Makes of Hearing Aids E. R. THEDE HEARING AID SERVICE I 88 QUEEN ST. SOUTH - KITCHENER SAVE MONEY BY PREPAYING TOWN OF WINGHAM 1966 TAXES Taxpayers may make payments on account of 1966 taxes up to 80 percent of 1965 taxes. Interest at the rate of 4% will be allowed on pay- ments made in January. Prepayments of taxes must be made at the Town Treasurer's Office, Town Hall. /A.0 0:<•-• WILLIAM RENWICK, WINGHAM .4* tit Treasurer, *L INCOIIPATATEDd Town of Wingham, 187.) .. ... .. Review 1965 Work At U.C.W. Meeting Attending the reception of Mr, and Mrs. Ross Forster(Ilel- en Campbell) in Lucknow on Saturday evening were Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fisher of Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fisher of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Lougheed and family of Fort Erie, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Robertson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dawson and Cindy of Kingston spent a few days last week with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Fish- er. We are sorry to report Mr. Arthur Moore last week was again admitted to Wingham and District Hospital with a heavy cold. Mrs. Cecil Falconer, ac- companied by her sisters, Mrs. Jack McIntyre of Wingham and Mrs. George Tiffin of Lucknow, went to Sarnia on Sunday to the home of their brother, Mr. Hector Purdon. On Monday Hector Purdon and his son, Bruce, accompanied by his sis- ters, left for California. Attending the celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Leaver's 40th wedding anniversary in Wingham on Thursday evening were Mr. and Mrs. John Gaunt, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Coultes, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Coultes, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Walker and Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Hackett of Zion. On Saturday morning Mr. Don Watt student minister, Misses Linda Mewhinney, Irene DeBoer and Doris Rintoul were at CKNX making the film strip for Footsteps,. In the answering of questions the Teeswater con- testants who have been success- ful on two previous occasions again won with a small margin. On Tuesday of last week Mrs. D. MacDonald, accomp- anied to London by Mr. and Mrs. It. D. MacDonald, was admitted to Victoria Hospital. On Wednesday she was to under- go surgery for removal of catar- act from tier eye. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn and Mrs. Russel Ross visited Thursday with Mrs. W. A. Tay- lor at Brucelea Haven, Walker- ton, Her many friends will be pleased to know she is well, and though in her 92nd year she was busy crocheting. Mr. George Gaunt, employ- ed at the Fry & Blackhall fac- tory, left on Wednesday to at- tend the furniture show in Tor- onto. George will attend this week and next. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Caslick visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Billie Caslick of Cul- TOSS. Mr. Fred Moore and helpers tore down and removed the barn at Mr. Ivan Laidlaw's. This is another pioneer remind- er of horse and buggy days gone. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mac- Donald of St. Helens and Mr. George MacDonald, of the West, were in London to call on Mrs. D. MacDonald in Vic- toria Hospital, who had under- FORDWICH—The January meeting of the United Church Women was held in the Sunday School rooms. The worship and opening service was taken by Mrs. James Warrell with a meditation on the new year. Mrs. Scott Clarkson read the Scripture lesson. Mrs. Warrell gave thoughts on "The Great- ness of Lowly Service" , closing with a poem "A New Year's Wish" by John Clarke. Mrs, George Ashton presid- ed for the business period. Re- ports for 1065 showed a profit- able year. Rev. A. C. Coles conduct- ed the installation service.. The officers installed were: Pres. , Mrs, George Ashton; 1st and 2nd vice, Mrs. Warren Zur- brigg and Mrs. Lorne Siefert Jr.; :3rd vice, Mrs. Anson Ruttan; treas, Miss Minnie McElwain; Mrs. Robt. Purdon Is Installed As President BELGRAVE—The Ladies' Guild of Trinity Anglican Church met on Thursday at the home of Mrs. Robert Higgins. President Mrs. Clare VanCamp chaired the meeting which opened with a hymn and prayer, Rev. Pakenham conducted the election of officers. President, Mrs. Robert Fur- don; vice president, Mrs. Alex Nethery; secretary, Mrs. Clare VanCamp; treasurer, Mrs. Cooper Nethery; auditor, Mary Isobel Nethery; pianist, Mrs. Mel Bradburn; cards, Mrs. Bob Higgins; program, Mrs. Jack VanCamp, Mrs. Mel Bradburn; travelling apron, Mrs. Cora McGill. A letter of thanks was read from Mrs. Neil McCrea. Min- utes were read by Mrs. Clare VanCamp and Mrs. Cooper Nethery gave the treasurer's re- port. The raffle, donated by Mrs. Herman Nethery, was won by Mrs. Clare VanCamp. Mrs. Alex Nethery and Mrs, Clare VanCamp were named choir mothers to replace Mrs. Higgins and Mrs. McGill. Dues were collected. Mrs. Van- Camp gave the closing prayer. Grace was sung and lunch serv- ed by the hostess. Lakelet Mrs. Ed. Watson and Ken, Mr. Robert Watson and Mrs. Wm. Horsburgh of Holstein visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Ferguson on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Zur- brigg spent Sunday evening with Mr. William Boehler of Ford- wich. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Foether of Harriston visited with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Greenley on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Redmond Mc- Donald and family of Wingham visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ar- nold Gadke on Sunday. rec. sec., Mrs, Harold Doig; correspondence, Mrs. Parker Eurig; friendship and visiting, Mrs. Jim Warren and Mrs. A.C. Coles; social action, Mrs. An- son Ruttan; Christian Education, Mrs. Jack Wilson; finance, Mrs. Mel Taylor; flowers, Mrs. Wray Cooper; membership, Mrs. Ken Graham; nominations, Mrs. C. Sothern;program, Mrs. Robert Gibson; leader of Evening Unit, Mrs. Lorne Siefert Jr. ; After- noon Unit, Mrs. Warren Zur- brigg. The Bible study was taken by Mrs. Ben Gibson on "The Life Everybody Wants". Discus- sion groups were formed and the seven things most desired for a typical Ontario family's hap- piness were discussed. Plans were made for the an- nual meeting of the congrega- Ion, WHITECHURCH—Nineteen ladies attended the U.C.W . meeting at the home of Mrs. Ezra Scholtz last Wednesday. President Mrs. Milian Moore read an opening poem, "The New Year" and Mrs. George Thompson read Scripture. The meditation was read by Mrs. Russel Chapman and Mrs. Russel Ritchie offered prayer. Poems were read, "The Task" by Mrs. Carl Weber and " Where Do You Fit In?" by Mrs. Chas. Tiffin. Roll call was payment of fees and a New Year's resolu- tion. Mrs. Dan Tiffin read the minutes. Mrs. Garnet Farrier reported that a 45 pound bale was sent overseas in December and a large bale was also sent to the Fred Victor Mission in Toronto. Mrs. Elmer Sleightholm re- ported on the accomplishments of the Messengers. Mrs. Moore expressed the society's grati- tude to the Messengers and their leaders, Mrs. Sleightholm and Mrs. Clarence Ritchie for their efforts during the year. Mrs. Albert Coultes read the financial report. Two quilt tops were received from Mrs. J. D. Beecroft. Mrs. Dan Tiffin re- ported on the sale of cards. Mrs. Elwood Groskorth read an article, "Absentees", in which every letter of the alpha- bet was included in reasons for absenteeism. The article was sent to Mrs. Moore on the back of a church callendar from the Maureen Hanna Leads Worship BELGRAVE--The C. G. I. T held the first meeting of the new year last Wednesday in the basement of the church. Presi- dent Janette Johnston was in charge for the opening exercis- es. The treasurer's report was given by Audrey Coultes and minutes and roll call by Rhon- da Fear. A motion was passed that the meetings start with a sing- song and the games be elimin- ated. Next meeting will be Jan. 19 with the following in charge: Sing-song, Ruth Ann Pletch; worship, Joyce Coultes; clean-up crew, Audrey Coul- tes and Shirley Pattison. Mrs. Jackson told the girls about the chocolate sale which will take place later in the month. Mrs. Jackson also in- troduced the mission study, "Missions of Christians Calling". It was announced that at the next meeting there will be a film shown, "This Call Is for You". Lois Rinn led the sing- song. The girls made out the annual report under the super- vision of Mrs. Jackson. Maureen I led the wor- ship. Scripture lesson was read by Linda McGee and the offer- ing was received by Donna Wal- ker and Karen Pengelly. Maur- een gave the closing prayer followed by 'rafts. Page 2 — Wingham Advance-Times, Thursday, Jan. 13, 1930 News from Whitechurch gone surgery on her eye. They found her making rapid re- covery. Mr. and Mrs. George Po- cock of Lambeth and Mrs. Jack Coultes, Beigrave, were Thurs- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber, Anne, Marlene and Clair were Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thedorf and family of Kitchener. On Sunday they visited with Mr. and Mrs, Jim Ketchum of Palmerston. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw and Janet were week-end visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crowston of Chatham. While they were away, Mr. Herb Laid- law visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kerr of Bluevale. Mrs. Arthur Jackson of Bel- grave conducted the services in the United Church here, in the absence of Rev. George Mit- chell of Bluevale who is con- valescing at his home after a few days in Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital. Mrs. Gibson Gillespie was a Sunday visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz. Miss Ruth Coultes, nurse-in- training at Guelph, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Coultes. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Con- ley of Wingham were Saturday evening visitors with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cas- lick. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Why- tock and Jackie visited on Sun- day with Mrs. Annie Frederick of Teeswater. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Nea- ble and Bobbie and Miss Helen Neable of London were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Neable. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Procter of Livonia, Mich., arrived on Sunday to visit a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tiffin, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tiffin and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emer- son and Mrs, Maude Haggitt were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McBurney and family. Mrs. Bill Morrison, the for- mer Dorothy Coulter, of Burna- by, B.C., was in Toronto on business last week and spent the latter part of the week with Mr. and Mrs. H. D. MacDonald, Mrs. Frank Coulter, Mr. and Mrs. Allister Hughes and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Coulter and family. While here she attend- ed the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. Robert Scott of Ashfield. She left on Sunday to return from Toronto by air to Burnaby. Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClen- aghan are spending a few weeks at Plattsville with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moss and family. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ritchie of Lucknow were Thursday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sel Ritchie of Langside. Attending the reception of Mr. and Mrs. Jim MacDonald (Kathy Dalton) on Friday eve- ning in the Legion Hall from here were Mr. and Mrs. H.D. MacDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Rintoul, Brian, Gary and Gail and Mrs. George Fisher. church where her brother, Rev. Robert Watt, is pastor. Mrs. Moore read of the work of Muriel Stevens in the Congo. Mrs. Sleightholm led in prayer for the missionaries. "The Un- finished Work" was read by Mrs. Moore, concerning 75 Indian congregations and ten hospitals. Mrs. Russel Gaunt led in prayer. Mrs. Garnet Farrier reported the travelling basket had netted $21.63. Roll call for February will be to name a missionary. The clos- ing prayer was given by Mrs. Moore and the travelling basket began its rounds for 1966. Rev. Coles Installed UCW Officers At Meeting