HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-01-06, Page 1tutor-item
FIRST SECTION Wingham, Ontario, Thursday, Jan. 6, 1966 Single Copy Not Over Fifteen Cents.
wilding Permits Total $1,029,150,
indk te Year of S ady Progress
Highways Minister Wingham Youth is
To Host Program Commited for Trial
As the result of a prelimin-
ary hearing in Goderich on
Thursday, Robert James Broome,
16, of Wingham, has been com-
mitted for trial before judge
and jury at the next sitting of
the Ontario Supreme Court. He
is charged with criminal negli-
gence as the result of a car ac-
cident near Seaforth on De-
cember 9th.
The charges arose when. Ann
Marie Devereaux, 13, was
struck by a car as she was cross-
ing Highway 8 to her home af-
ter leaving a school bus.
The youth is also charged
with dangerous driving and il-
legally passing a school bus.
At the preliminary hearing a
number of witnesses were heard
including the bas driver, Robt.
T. Watson, a sister of the de-
ceased, the driver of another
car at the scene, and a passen-
ger in the Broome car.
Investigating police Cpl.
A. C. Hardy and Constable
Alex Twaddle of Goderich OPP
detachment were reported to
have claimed the weather and
road conditions were good at
the time of the accident.
FIRST BABY of the New Year arrived at the
Wingham and District Hospital at 8:23 a.m.,
Monday, JaniJary 3rd. A bouncing 8 lb.
9 oz. boy, he is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
James Thompson, of Wingham. Dr. B. N.
Corrin officiated for the event. The new-
comer has a brother four years old.
-Advance-Times Photo.
- Christine Ball, Clinton; Mary McBride, Mount Forest; Mrs.
Elaine Nixon, R. R. 5, Brussels; Eileen Weppler, R. R. 5,
Mildmay; Gerda Exel, Brussels. Back row, left to right:
Esther Steckle, R. R. 2, Zurich; Marlene Porter, R. R. 1,
Lucknow; Mrs. Helen MacLennan, R. R. 3, Goderich; Mary
Davidson, R. R. 3, Wiarton; Paula Waedhter, Walkerton;
Marie Faust, R. R. 1, Gowanstown; Carole Brown, Gode-
rich; Nancy McWhirter, Brussels.
-Photo by Cantelon.
Building permits issued in
Wingham last year totalled
$1,029,150, of which the larg-
est portion was for public and
industrial buildings. Only sev-
en new homes were built, with
permits for this department to-
talling $95, 000.
Industrial growth was reflect-
ed in a new warehouse at the
Stanley-Berry plant and a new
wing on the Lloyd-Truax north-
end plant for a total of $94,000.
Commercial permits reached
$33,700 the largest of which
was for the new Burke Electric
building on Josephine Street.
Miscellaneous permits for small
additions and renovations
amounted to $21,450.00,
The largest permits were for
the new addition to the local
hospital for $590, 000 and that
of the new St. Andrew's Presby-
terian Church, $195, 000.
Assessment figures reveal on-'
ly a small growth over that of
1964. In 1964 the figure stood
at $2, 952, 600 and in 1965 it
rose to $2,977,025.
According to the assessor's
figures population of Wingham
increased from 2,856 in 1964
to 2,924 in the past year.
Other construction in the
community not listed in the
building permits, included the
$48, 000 spillway project at the
Howson Dam, which is under
construction by the Maitland
Valley Conservation Authority.
Work is also proceeding for the
same organization at the Lower
Town dam.
In the new year it is expect-
ed that the old public school
will be demolished and a new
building erected. Additions in-
cluding an auditorium will al-
so be added to the other section
of the school.
Work will probably get un-
derway this year on a new wing
at the high school. Approval
for the addition has been re-
ceived from the Department,
but plans are still a long way
from being completed. The
school board will request the
municipalities to approve a
By The Petle,trian
Last Thursday Mrs. Margaret
Foxton, Lower Town, picked a
fully developed pansy in her
garden. She said there were
many more buds on the plants.
Well, we did have a white
Christmas - but there wasn't
any snow left for New Years,
what with high temperatures
and rainfall. But who knows
what we'll have by next week?
It was a close race at the
hospital on Monday when a ba-
by boy arrived at 8.23 a.m., a
son for Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thomp-
son. The wee lad was the first
birth at the hospital this year,
but at 9.45 a second arrival ap-
peared, a daughter for Mrs.
John Wray, R.R. 1, Wingham.
The little girl weighed six
,pounds fourteen ounces. She
,has three brothers and a sister.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lloyd,
Bruce Boyd and Don Rae and
two men from out of town were
golfing on New Year's Day at
the local golf course.
The Wingham Firemen re-
port that the canvass for the
Muscular Dystrophy Fund which
they carried out in the late fall
netted $521.07. Members of
the brigade arc grateful for this
support and the friendly man-
ner in which they are received
necessary debenture issue this
All told, the growth of the
community, while not spec-
tacular was, in 1965, very
More important that statis-
tics shown by the building per-
mits are changes in ownership
of several local industries.
These included two long-estab-
lished firms, Fry and Blackhall
Limited and Lloyd-Truax Ltd.
The Berry Door Co. Ltd. a sub-
siduary of the American parent
firm, was taken over by The
Stanley-Berry Ltd.
Main item of note on the
main street was the opening in
October of the new Burke Elec-
tric store. It replaces their old
While the holiday week-end
took its usual high toll of life
on the highways, this immedi-
ate area was free of any serious
accidents. A good many mis-
haps were reported in surround-
ing points, with resulting deaths
and injuries.
Town police reported only
one relatively minor accident
which occurred on the Lloyd-
Truax parking lot at the firm's
north end plant last Friday.
Jan Bakker and Kenneth But-
ton, two employees at the
plant were driving cars which
collided during the noon hour.
Damage to the right front of the
Bakker car was estimated at
$300.00 and to the left front of
the Button car at $150.00.
E. J. Grubb of R.R. 1,
Greenock has been charged fol-
lowing an accident on the 10th
Concession of East Wawanosh
on Tuesday. He was leaving a
private laneway when he was in
collision with an east-bound
car driven by Mrs. Agnes Mc-
Burney of R.R. 3, Wingham.
Damage totalled $150.00, but
Lions Draw
The Wingham Lions Club
held its monthly bond draw at
the Lyceum Theatre on New
Year's Eve. The winner was
Mrs. Del. Kiemele, Cardston,
building destroyed by fire in
1964 and another structure
which was torn down to make
room for the new place of busi-
The Speed-Wash which was
also badly damaged by fire ear-
ly in the year, was renovated
and put back into action, The
building is owned by the form-
er mayor of Wingham, R. E.
1966 will see the old Mc-
Kenzie Bridge torn down and a
new one erected, to be known
as the John Hanna Memorial
Bridge. Mowbray Construction
has been awarded the contract
and will start work in the spring.
Definite word has not been
received in Wingham but it is
no one was injured. The acci-
dent was investigated by Pro-
vincial Constable Ron Bell of
Receive Caps
Twenty nursing assistants re-
ceived their caps Friday at a
capping ceremony at Wingham
and District Hospital.
Mrs. Iris Morrey, adminis-
trator, was chairman. Mrs.
Janet Fielding, director of the
training school and the course
instructor, Mrs. Jean Ellacott,
performed the capping.
Receiving caps were Gerda
Excel and Nancy McWhirter of
Brussels; Mrs. Elaine Nixon,
R.R. 5, Brussels; Linda And-
rews, Auburn; Carol Brown, of
Goderich; Anne Cauldwell, of
R. R. 3, Blyth; Mary Davidson,
R. R. 3, Wiarton; Marrie Faust,
of R.R. 1, Gowanstown; Chris-
tena Goulding, of R. R. 2, Pais-
ley; Sharon Hesch, of Walker-
ton; Carol Irwin, of R.R. 1,
Ripley; Mary McBride, Mount
Forest; Marlene Porter, of R. R.
1, Lucknow; Esther Steckle of
R. R. 2, Zurich; Allie Vand-
worp, of Exeter; Eileen Wep-
pler, of R.R. 5, Mildmay;
Paula Waechter, of Walkerton;
Gayle Wylds, of Ripley; Mrs.
Christine Ball, of Clinton and
Mrs. Helen MacLennan, of
R.R. 3, Goderich.
possible that the two Bailey
bridges on the Highway 86 di-
version will be replaced with
permanent structures. Engineer-
ing, it is understood, has been
completed for the continuation
of the diversion in the form of
a causeway across the prairies
to the east of No. 4 Highway.
In other community affairs
the Recreation Committee hir-
ed a director, Ivan Kersell,
who did an excellent job for
the community. He has taken
another position and the com-
mittee is looking for a replace-
ment. Roller skating proved to
be very worthwhile as a new
activity for the young people.
Fatal Heart Attack
Enroute to Florida
William Thomas Jardine,
82, of Wingham, died of a
heart attack on Sunday at La
Follette, Tenn. , enroute to
Florida where he and his wife
intended spending a winter
holiday. They were travelling
companions of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Davidson of town who mo-
tor to Florida each winter.
The body has rested at the
S. J. Walker funeral home
since last evening and service
will be held this afternoon
(Thursday) at 2 o'clock with
burial in Gorrie Cemetery. Rev.
C. M. Jardine will conduct the
Mr. Jardine was born in
Howick Township March 24,
1884, son of the late John Jar-
dine and Janet McIntosh. He
farmed near i a6aske, Sask.,
and later returned to Ontario
and farmed at Brussels. Mr.
Jardine became co-owner of
the Jardine and Cathers coal
and lumber business in Gorrie
and resided there until he mov-
ed to Wingham.
His wife, the former Alma
Cathers survives. They were
married at the home of her par-
ents March 23, 1921 and would
have celebrated their 45th wed-
ding anniversary this year.
He is also survived by a son,
Glen of Dundas; two daughters,
Mrs. Jack (Joyce) Hodgins of
Wingham and Mrs. Jack (Doro-
thy) McDonald of Brussels; ten
grandchildren; a brother, Nor-
man of Tagaske and a sister,
Margaret of Wroxeter.
A well attended Watchnight
service was held at Wingham
Baptist Church on New Year's
Eve with Rev. Gordon L. Fish
of St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Church as speaker.
Adora MacLean and Patricia
Cantelon sang a duet, ''He
Came". A male quartet,
Frank Collar, Hartley Watson.
Ron Snell and Dr. A. Klahsen
sang "Loved with Everlasting
An opportunity was given to
those present to give testimony
and verses of Scripture.
Mr. Fish based his message
on Zechariah 2:1-5, of the man
with a measuring line in his
hand, trying to measure Jerusa-
Relatives Tell F
Tremendous Snow
Fall at Coast
Carl McClenaghan of White-
church received a newspaper
clipping from his sister, Mrs.
S. A. Leeson of Nanaimo, a
picture of the snow and a tree
across power lines, which was
typical during the recent snow
storm on the island.
Twenty-two inches of snow
fell over the holiday. Roads
had been opened but power and
telephone lines were still out in
central parts of Vancouver Is-
land. The tree in the picture
was one of hundreds which had
to be cleared in order to re-
store power.
Residents in Mrs. Leeson's
locality were without power
from Monday to Thursday.
They were fortunate because
there is a fireplace in their
home but even with this con-
venience they found it mighty
chilly. People also melted
snow for water.
Mrs. Leeson is the former
Doris McClenaghan, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClen-
aghan. She has been in the
West for about 15 years.
lem. This vision is really the
protest of the prophet against
the attempt the Jews were mak-
ing to narrow down the Divine
purposes to the limit of their
own small plans.
Rev. Fish went on to say, "In
1966 let us be open to the lead-
ing of the Holy Spirit in our
lives and not limit God. God's
desire for us is the ultimate
that we Might be permeated by
the love of God, that we may
be usable to Him."
A season of prayer followed
the message. The congregation
then joined hands and sang the
first verse of "Blest Be the Tie
that Binds".
Ontario Highways Minister
Charles MacNaughton will host
the second Progressive Conser-
vative Party Provincial Affairs
TV program of the CBC's cur-
rent season.
The program will be broad-
cast Wednesday evening, Janu-
ary 12.
Mr. MacNaughton will host
a film presentation "Roads to
Prosperity". The film reveals
that the Department of High-
ways now must be vitally con-
cerned with questions of sociol-
ogy and economics when it
plans and projects our highway
No Serious Accidents over
Holiday in This District
A CLASS OF 20 nursing assistants received their caps in a
ceremony last Friday at the Wingham and District Hos-
pital. The capping was performed by Mrs. Janet Fielding,
Reg.N., director of the training school, and Mrs. Jean Ella-
cott, Reg.N., instructor. Front row, seated, left to right:
Gayle Wylds, Ripley; Linda Andrews, Auburn; Christena
Goulding, R. R. 2, Paisley; Sharon Hesch, Walkerton; Anne
Caldwell, R. R, 3, Blyth. Centre row, left to right: Alie
Vandeworp, Exeter; Carol Irwin, R. R. 1, Ripley; Mrs.
Watchnight Service
At Baptist Church