HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-12-30, Page 6Page 6 — Wingham Advance -Times,. Thursday, Dec. 30, 1965 .. ;M1:: a'.. �}}::x;41 R:5i'>n+>:4•iu}:a�° '�•�9,}C,.:+:Y:`•.'..4Sti:., ii:R:::: �:afi:;'R:;ot:g ..:.. � .,.`}:n..yy} R:L\. ?. : },`: 4:::44}: ln. .•� }.1Y::iJ::v.N\Y�•...�a k .}(�':!y�aa,. oiin�rri�asurniit 'iiiiliiiBiiliu�4`.w ...: •: �,,,�,.... a :�rrriir�tc,•. FOR SALE TRADE-INS at Currie's Furni- ture: 2 pce. used chesterfield; 7 pce. chrome set; upholstered footstool. Good value. 30b DID YOU receive a sum of money for Christmas to choose your own gift? Why not call Vivian, 255 Carling Terrace, 357-2490. Now that the rush is over, shop leisurely in the com- fort of your own home. Scan through the brand new 1966 picture world of many items. Delivery right to your door. Complete satisfaction or money refunded. 30b MILK FILTERS for sale, plain, rapid flo, 6W' -85c a box, Alexander's Hardware, phone 357-3631. llrrb 2 OIL SPACE HEATERS for sale, 1 small and 1 large, Quaker, both in good condi- tion. May be seen at 221 Shuter St., Wingham, Phone Brussels 367J6, Russell Bone, R. R. 5, Brussels. 30b DID YOU find out that with all the sweet companionship of Thome life this Christmas you still cannot live without her? lA diamond is forever. Why not call Vivian at 255 Carling Terrace, phone 357-2490 and start this bright, new, wonder- ful world of 1966 together by first looking through the brand new colored picture catalogues just off the press and see the beautiful selection of A-1 nual- ity Curtis, Courtship and Tom - sen Diamonds? You will be glad you did. They are insured against loss for a period of one year. 30b SALES HELP WANTED RAWLEIGH business now open in part Huron County. Trade well established. Excellent op- portunity. Full time. Write Rawleigh, Dept. L-453-189, 4005 Richelieu, St. Henry, Montreal. 30b ARE YOU WILLING to work 10 to 12 hours a day and earn up to $600 a month and more? Can yon manage your own time? If_you answer "yes" to these questions, for personal interview write Box 55, Ad- vance -Times. 30-6-13b HELP WANTED WANTED—Full-time experien- ced cook for restaurant and dining room. Apply stating ex- perience and salary expected to Box 149, Brussels, Ont. 30b FEMALE HELP WANTED "AVON CALLING" Ali ambitious women with free time who would like to have extra income. No experience necessary—we train you. Open- ings in Turnberry and Culross Townships. Interested? Write District Manager, Mrs. S. Craig, 875 15th St. E., Owen Sound, Ont. N4-D30b WANTED WANTED White Ash and Hard Maple Logs or Lumber. Sell direct and save middle man's profit. Best Cash prices paid. Elgin Handles Limited, 21 Heins Street, St. Thomas, On- tario, phone 631-0330, 23-30-6-13-20-27b PERSONAL HORSE AND CUrn;R rides. Apply Lee McGuire, 357-3858. 30b DURING THIS most wonder- ful time of the year did he "pop the question?" This would be a good time to start invest- ing in the future by starting to collect your trousseau with one of the three famous, nationally advertised waterless cookware sets with their flavour -saving qualities. A meat -saving Dutch oven will thrill the heart of any new bride and will stretch the beginner's budget. Treasure Chest by Princess, Laurel, Star Brite by West Bend, $23.95 to $99.95, English dinnerware and fine china ensembles, cutlery and flatware inclusive, $49.95 and $59.95. Plus many more items in a wide variety to choose from. Call Vivian at 255 Carling Terrace, phone 357- 2490. 30b CREDIT UNION NEW LOCATION No. 5 DIAGONAL ROAD OPEN DAILY 10 to 12 and 1:30 to 5:30 TAXI SERVICE .1811111.010. GRANT'S TAXI DIAL 357-1836 D16rrb 1111110. LEGAL BANKRUPTCY ACT NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT IN THE MATTER OF THE BANKRUPTCY OF KEITH CHARLES ROCK, of R. R. No. 2, Walton, Ontario, in the County of Huron, in the Pro vince of Ontario, farm labour- er, ,and farmer. SUMMARY ADMINISTRATION Notice is hereby given that Keith Charles Rock, made an assignment on the 23rd day of December, 1965, that the first ,meeting of creditors will be held on the 13th day of Janu- ary, 1966, at the hour of 10:45 o'clock in the forenoon at the office of Donald M. Egener, the Official Receiver, at the Courthouse, Dundas and Ridout Streets, in the City of London, in the Province of Ontario, and that to be eligible to vote, creditors must file with me, prior to the meeting proofs of claims and where necessary, proxies. Dated at Stratford this 23rd day of December, 1965. Glenn B. Diegel, C.A, Trustee Moore, Diegel & Armbrust, 33 Albert Street, Stratford, Ontario. 30b NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MAPTi iR OF THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM FREDERICK iBURGMAN, late of •the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Travel Agent, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the Trus- tee Act, that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late William Frederick Burgman are requir- ed uir- ed to send particulars of their claims, duly verified, to J. T. GOODALL, Solicitor for the Executor of the said Estate, on or before the 22nd day of Janu- ary, A.D. 1966, and that after such date the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate, having re- gard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice DATED at Wingham, Ontario this 21st day of December, A.D. 1965. Graham W. Burgman, Executor of the Estate, by his Solicitor, J. T. GOODALL, Box 119, Wingham. Ont. 30-6-13b CARDS OF THANKS The family of the late Robert W. Gemmell wish to express sincere thanks and appreci- ation to their friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy shown them dur- ing their recent bereavement Lin the loss of a loving hus- band and father. Special thanks to Rev. G. L. Fish and Dr. W. A. McKibbon and the nursing staff on first floor of the Wingham and District Hospital. 30* We wish to thank our friends and neighbors and all those who helped in any way to make our Christmas a very enjoyable one and to wish everyone a happy and prosper - our New Year.—Nat. and Alice Steele, John St., Wingham, 30* Mrs. Jessie Deyell would like to thank her many kind friends for flowers, gifts, kind letters and lovely cards received at Christmas time, which is much appreciated. God bless you all. 30* I would like to take this op- portunity to thank my friends and neighbors for remembering me while I was a patient in the Wingham and District Hospital, Special thanks to the nurses and staff on first floor and to Dr. Leahy, bf Teeswater, for helping my doctor who was ill. A thank you to everyone.— Lloyd Henning, 39* Sincere thanks to my neigh- bors and friends for their visits, treats, cards and flow- ers while I was a patient ir. Wingham and District lies - pita'. Special thanks to Dr. Corrin and Dr. 1{lah'en and the nursing staff on first floor, —Mrs. Kinley McNaughton. 30* Coming Events LIVING FAITH Watch special New Year's telecast of "Living Faith" this Sunday, January 2, at 1-1:30 p.m., over CKNX-TV. 30* GODERICH LIONS BINGO Wednesday, January 5th, at 8:30 p.m., at Harbouriite Inn. 17 regular games at $10; one share the wealth jackpot; one $50 jackpot; plus new excel- erating jackpot up to $250.00. Admission $1.00. rrb NEW YEAR'S DANCE Make plans to attend the an- nual New Year's dance and draw. Sponsored by the Recre- ation Association in the Blue - vale Hall, Friday, January 7. Music by the Ranch Boys. 16-30-J6* BIRTHS CRAWFORD — In K -W Hos- pital, Kitchener, on Satur- day, December 18, 1965, to Mr. and Mrs. Ken Crawford, .a daughter, Kimberley Anne, a sister for Jane and John. MARTIN — In Wingham and District Hospital, on Thurs- day, December 23, 1965, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Martin, R. R. 4, Wingham, a daugh- ter. BRAGG—To Mr. and Mrs. Wil- bert Bragg (Joyce Daw), at the East General Hospital, Toronto, on Thursday, Dec- ember 23, 1965, a baby sister for Randy and Stanley, (sec- ond granddaughter for Mr, and Mrs. Fred W. Daw). McTAGGERT—In St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Friday, December 24, 1965, to Mr. and Mrs, Don McTaggert, Wingham, a son. WATHKE In Wingham and District Hospital. on Satur- day, December 25, 1965,to Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Wat- hke, R. R. 2, Desboro, a daughter. DIED BARR, Ernest Edward—Sud- denly at Toronto on Sunday, December 26, 1965, Ernest Ed- ward Barr, of 223 Mill St. East, Acton, beloved husband of the late Edith Josephine Russell, and dear father of John R. Barr, of Toronto. The remains have been donated to science. A memorial service was held at Rumley - Shoemaker funeral home, Acton, on Wednesday, December 29, at 2 p.m. Mr. Barr was manager of Walkers Stores Ltd., when it was first opened in Wingham in 1926. He lived .here for a number of years. YOUNG. William John—Sud- denly on Thursday, December 23, 1965, at his home, 17 Brook - tree Crescent, Weston, William John Young. •beloved husband of Laura Irene Rush, dear father of Mrs. Gordon (Mar- ion) Bosworth, of Islington. and William Keith Young, of Ancaster: grandfather of Laur- ie and Stephen Young, and Lynda and Beverley Bosworth'; brother of Mrs. A. Clutterbuck (Aileen), of Detroit. MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING & DECORATING CHARLES RINTOUL Phone 357-3044, Wingham. FLOOR SANDING New hardwood floors laid, sanded and finished, Also old floors. New ,modern equipment. Phone 357-2750, Norman Rin - tout & Sons. 16rrb NOTICE If you are thinking of financ- ing a car be sure to contact your State Farm Agent first. Reuben Appleby, 27 Patrick Street, Wingham, phone 357- 1679. FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automo- bile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness Ho.me Protection Call your Co-op Agent -- 53 Maple Street, Wingham Dial 357-3739. LLOYD MONTGOMERY FOR MEMORIALS OF DISTINCTION Let us help you choose a lovely and enduring family monument of ageless granite or marble. Our talented craftsmen will create a memorial of lasting beauty that will stand as an imperishable monument to the future family memory. Telephone collect for assistance without obligation: Stratford 271-6736. Stratford Cemetery Memorials Ltd., 38 Avondale Ave., Strat- ford, Ontario. A22rrb A MEETING For the Horticultural Society will be held at the Town Hall in Wingham on Monday, Janu- ary 10th, at 8:15. Mr. Gomm, secretary of the Ontario So- ciety will be present. All mem- bers and any others interested in joining are requested to be present. 30b A SERIES OF PRENATAL Classes will begin Wednesday, January 5, 1966, at 2:00 p.m., in the Therapy Room, down- stairs in the Wingham and District Hospital. Those inter- ested are invited to attend on the above date or write to the Health Unit, Goderich. 30b Gorrie News Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Koch spent Christmas at the home of Mr. George Timm, Wallace Twp. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Harris and Miss Leone Harris, Water- loo spent Christmas with Mrs. Stewart Finlay of Belmore. Mr. Jas. Edwards spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davidson. Christmas guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Searson were Mr. and Mrs. George Sear- son, earson, Hanover; Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Searson Jr., Wingham; Messrs. Harold and Donald Sear- son earson of Manitauwadge; Mr. Robt. Fortney, Mildmay; Mr. Alex. Mitchell, Windsor; Mr. Lloyd Mitchell, Miss Gerald- inec Walton; Brown, Kitchener and Mr. Fortune, Douglas Wingham. g Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose O'- Connor and Gwen of Oakville spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Finlay. Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Felker, Paula and Jimmy visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Felker, Ford- wich, on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Head, Kim, Tad and Kelly of Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. John Marks, Ger- ald and Joanne of Wingham spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Strong. Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Strong, Brantford; Mr. and Mrs. Emer- son Dicket, Miss Patricia Keil of Clifford; Wm. and Peter Keil of Kitchener; Messrs. August and George Keil were Christ- mas visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Keil. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ruttan and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harriston and family, all of Wroxeter, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Latronica and Jimmy and Miss Donna Ferguson, London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Latronica. THE CHRISTIfl SCIEflCE fllOflITOR Accurate Complete News Coverage Printed in BOSTON LOS ANGELES LONDON 1 Year $24 6 Months $12 3 Months $6 Clip this advertisement end return it with your check or money Order to: The Christian Science M,nitar One Norway Street Boston, Mass. 021115 P8416 ST. STEPHEN'S HOLDS CHRISTMAS PARTY GORRIE—The Sunday School of St. Stephen's Anglican Church held their Christmas party on Tuesday evening in the Sunday School room. There was a good attendance. Rev. Harold Jenkins presid- ed for the children's program and showed a film and story on the Christmas hymns. Santa Claus arrived with gifts and the ladies served lunch. INSTITUTE MEETS ON JANUARY 5 GORRIE—The January meet- ing of the Gorrie Women's In- stitute will be held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Strong on Jan. 5 at 8.30 p.m. Jean Porter of At- wood will demonstrate Art Tex Paint. Roll call, "A Health Rule I Would Emphasize in the Home". USIN' 4 SNOOZIN' GORRIE—The seventh meet- ing of the Gorrie 4-H Usin' 4 Snoozin' was held at the home of Wanda Sparling on Dec. 23. Joan Reichard, president, open- ed with the 4-H Pledge and motto. Roll call was answered by seven members with a sug- gestion for the Achievement Day exhibit. Mrs. Clarence Sparling demonstrated and dis- cussed "Hemstitching". The next meeting will be held at the same home on January 8. Service Vice t United Church WROXETER-- C. Fingland conducted his last service at the C Church Y Unitedhu h here on Sunday. His faithful leadership over the past three months has been ap- preciated by the congregation. Mr. Fingland's address was based on the text, "Beloved, we are the sons of God". The choir sang the anthem, "Angels from the Realms of Glory" and a chorus of ladies sang, "Another Year Is Dawn- ing" . Miss Gwendolyne Martin was at the piano and accomp- anied the organist, Mrs. Edwin Martin for the Christmas pre- ludes, hymns and postlude. Bluevale Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bone were Keith Bone of Waterloo, Ken- neth Bone of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. John Austin and family of Scarborough and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bone and family of Guelph. "What do you mean, "roar- ed the politician, "by publicly insulting me in your rag of a paper? I will not stand for it and I demand an immediate apology." "Just a minute," answered the editor, "Didn't the news appear exactly as you gave it to us, namely that you had re- signed as city treasurer?" " It did, but look where you put it - -in the column under the heading Public Improve- ments." MAR LAT T'S Dead Stock Service HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for Dead Cows & Horses over 500 lbs. More for sick and disabled Cows and Horses according to size and condition FOR PROMPT SERVICE PLEASE CALL COLLECT BRUCE MARLATT Brussels - Phone 133 24 -' HOUR SERVICE License No. 390-486 News of Wroxeter Mrs, John Fraser spent Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Fraser, Jamestown, Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Ken Pellett were Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Metzger of Palmerston, Mr. and Mrs. Eu- gene Metzger and family, Lake- let, Mr, Laverne Metzger, Miss Marion Dechert and Mr. Lloyd Metzger of Palmerston. Mrs. A. Wearing has return- ed home from Scarborough where she spent Christmas with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. David Living- stone. Mrs. Norman Carson, Peggy and Susan of Brockville, are spending this week with Mrs Wearing and friends and rela- tives in Gorrie. Mr, and Mrs, George Gal- braith spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Reg Watson, Brussels. Mrs. Margaret Wright, Gor- rie, spent Christmas with Mr. Ken Wright and girls. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mason and family and Mr. and Mrs. Rick Wilkin and family ofSar- nia were Christmas guests with Mr, and Mrs. Art Wheeler. Mrs. Wheeler has returned to Sarnia with them for this week. Visitors over the holiday week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Paulin were Mr. Bob Paul- in of Lindsay, Miss Margaret Paulin of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hoy and family, Owen Sound and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Foxton and family of Wingham. Mr, and Mrs. Don Reaman and family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs, Roy Cullen at Holmesville. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne I-lous- ser and family were Christmas visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Hoover of Gorrie. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Heim- pel, Miss Joyce Heimpel, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Heimpel spent Christmas with Mrs. Doris Wil- lis, Whitechurch. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ellis and family of London visited Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Musgrove during the holiday. NOTICE STYLETTE BEAUTY LOUNGE WILL BE CLOSED JANUARY 3rd to 8th in order that I may attend an advanced Beauty Course at Bruno's in Toronto. —KAYE DUCHARME. 1 EC 1A .,A gi P LIslu ..af v: A .3...a vn kg �v. >af A�O YV•g iiV' 9,A• �n si R• SS. '^ `sQ 1 gm 4 tAns CA ' v. t,„ ,,, , I6Wkio_ .a. ;s1 If 4 1 '0,51•-i,,,k,_ N, ;1 ii McClure MotorsJ,, N k,, WINGHAM - ONTARIO w au".,d `='rzigi�G.. -.ni 'wc -+r�'S."•as=-mus ic.{w idu6 tioz-r, FORi�HE ^ I� i u Here's hoping this New Year brings you good fortune, happiness and health, WINGHAM BODY SHOP