HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-12-23, Page 2Page 2 +- Wingllain .A(lvanee-Thies, Thursday, Dee. 23, 130b W.D.N.S. Examination Results GRADE IX 5 -Year Arts and Science Business and Commerce Science, Tech, Trades FlaST CLASS 110N()(Tlt$ Zu:brigt; Patricia; White Bar- bet.ra; Walsh Mary Ellett; New- ton Jean; Couitem Joyce; Met - :ter Anne, Templernrtn Monty (egnnl); itltohle Kenneth; Douglas Marion; McDonald Sandy; Hardie Donnalett; Seh- wartzentruber Naney: Gibson Mruy; Pettcplace Shelby; Jo- hann David, Rae John (equal); Ctr,rneron Bruce; Iiwing Janna; Adams Julia; C'asiiek Ross; Atlanta, Joan; Haskins Ruby: Wardley Dale; Wenger Cath- erine: Ca -ter Gregory; BlueIt- wen Susan, (_'rulektthnnk Ellen, Elliott Dorothy (equal); Me- Cuteltoon Vomit., fleece Lynne (equal); ElsCher Jona, Me[3ur•- ony Brian (equal); McPherson .1111, 'Tiffin Adele (equal) ; I3au- cr Clary; Wheeler Janes; Shinn William; Black Robert; Ilrenzil Gary; lt,eld Judttlt. 'SECOND CLASS HONOUR,% Chandler Judith, MacLennan Norman (ennui); Gardner Paul: Deyell 'Terry; Pketch Donald; quest Paul; Cameron Douglas, Galbraith Judith (equal) ; C'ruteknhniik Joan; 13ryans Barbara; Smith Murray; Dane .harry, ("orrI en Robert; Collar Ronald; Ilucther Douglas; Mil- ler Carol; Robb David; MacKay Garry; Gordon Larry; Willits MaeMillnn; King Patricia, Ren- Wiek Katherine (equal); :Haugh 'I`hotnas; 'VVelwood George; )toss John; Johnston George; C'asagrnnde x,lnda, Straus") Kenneth (equal). 'l'IURI) CLASS HONOURS Miller Curl; Scott Ralph; Per- rott Keith; Czerniawsld Susan, Mair Norma (equal); Gannett Gayle; Fear William; Fengan Barbara; (''nok Douglas, Russell Mark (equal); a'4:1ltott Linda; 11 ay we extend to you our very best wishes for a Holiday Season rich in happiness and joy. Ron Wingfield -General Contractor - t. Iaut' (burr (ANGLICAN) gbain Rev. C. F. Johnson, L.Th. - Rector Mrs. Gordon Davidson - Organist FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24 11:00 p.m.—Christmas Eve service and Holy Com- munion. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 25 o'.0t a.m.--Christmas Day. Quiet Holy Communion. SUNDAY AFTER CHRISTMAS --DECEMBER 26 4:30 a m --Sunday School and Confirmation Class. 11:00 3 In Prayer, e,,,,,, tl,.1101.14,111.110, ttttttu1.11•1•11 ttH,. H u,..., I,,, I, U,.,,.,!„y, n 1.....,...1., /„u.,.,, a,.,, 0.., Wingham Baptist Church REV. DONALD SINCLAIR, Pastor. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 26th 3rd B;late Class. i'. _ St.:1,ezt -- The Christmas Story." i, t,,'sl`rr oleic)) Service. y', WATCHNIGHT SERVICE -- DECEMBER 31st 11 >pe keP, Rei G. L. Fish. 1 t t Wingham United Church REV. C. M. JARDINE, B.A., Minister, MSS IVA MAI SMITH, L.R.C.T., Director of Musk. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1965 .45 a 131 Virores p. r1e •"w`n. i,4t"at 1.,.:vwp,Y+{.w..3$ ECe a a"s, N-vht 0` 1.:„" Sav ‘01:a.:11 isChb"`(st Christmas blessings and joy to alit Ohm David; Gibson Charles, Millen ,lama; (equal); Douglas Randy; Austin Mary, Bryant Veronica, tJadke Iris (equal); Watson Garry, Wright Merger. et (equal), PASS )Lane Andrew; Hail!. day Walter; Heywood Grant; Desmarais C'lovia; Smith Doug- las, Stokes Doris, Wilson (3 -egg (equal); Elliott Bonnie, King Joanne (equal) •, Nesint Monica; I)eGroot Ann, Pietoh Ruth Ann (equal); Parker Ernest; Hanna Maureen; McDonald Murray; Hastings +13everly; Mothers Darcy; MaeAdam James; Mc- Lean Douglas, )toss Donna (equal); Rich Ruth Ann; Sten - onto' Glenys; Moran Bar -y; Willie Bonnie; Aitchison Linda, Galbraith Maleolm (equal); {renley Kathy; ,Gardner Rich- ard; McMinn Leora; Phelen 4V.illintn, Verbeek Antonio (equ- al); Rnwn Beverley; Selling Patricia; Pletch Dale; Selling Valerie. BELOW THE LINE—Carrie Susan; Henderson Ann; Ahern Edward; Galbraith Scott; Fish- er Donald; Hoffer Barry, Work- man Brian (equal); Boyd Bar- bara, Currah Barry (equal) ; Bernard Shirley; Pellett Larry; Hastings Donald; Forster Don- ald. GRADE IX 4 -Yr. Business & Commerce Science, Tech, Trades FIRST CLASS HONOURS— Bakker Bryan; O'Malley John, Taylor; )Kenneth (equal); Mitch- ell Donald; Remington Joan, SECOND CLASS HONOURS --Harrison Bette, Walden Pa- mela (equal) ; held Linda; For- ster Barbara; Chambers Garry; Smith Josephine; Riley Judith; Bray Larry, Netlidry Larry (equal) ; Templeman Susan; McGuire Lee; Webber Nancy; Ohettlebu:g Mary, Paquette James (equal); Metcalfe Linda; Koster Norman; Snowdon Ken- neth; Harrison Jane; Falconer Cheryl Ann; Hnasnoot John, Lediet Preston, Welsh Judith (equal); Penner Douglas, Ritch- ie Jantes (equal); Dentinger Mary Lon, Doman Dennis (equal) ; McGlynn Daniel; Rid- ley Stanley, Willie Sharon (equal) ; Norman Wallace; Wallace Brenda; Schuler Wil- liam; Craig :Ross; Paulin Ruth .Ann; VanCamp Keith; Farrier Janis, MacSwcen Gary (equal) ; Ballagh William, THIRD CLAPS HONOURS -- France Barbara; Mason Wan- da; Duel: Dorothy; Martin Lin- da; Willie Wilfrid; Ortlieb An- nette; Finley Douglas; McKee Dale Ritsenua Rita (equal) ; Kieffer Ronald, Steffan John (equal) ; Black Thomas, Dick- ert Murray (equal) ; Pattison Barbara; Mann Judith; Rut- ledge Terry; Daw Wilson; Crawford Alexander. PASS -- Hall Joseph; Skinn Aurelia, Stacey Delores (equ- At1) ; Rosman Joan, Carson Lnrke tequal); Hyndman Ger- ald; Brooks Harvey; Courtney Larry; Wheeler John: McPher- son Phyllis; Fisher Joyene; Koster Ahua; \Mitchell Robert; Galbraith Elizabeth; Pattison Margaret: Kreger Rayne; Brooks James; Hogg Barry; Rider Samuel; Meehan Gordon; Millen Douglas; Hand Donna; Moore Shirley; Robb Donald: 1Vormington Malcolm; Irwin Dennis: Neablc Howard: Cronkwright Brian, Elmes liatl.y (equal); DeGroot Frank, Wooleock Donald )equal): Ros- man Donald; Sanderson Shir- ley: Fmmerton Kenneth, BELOW THE LINE—Black Harvey; Grubbe Brenda; Met- calfe 'Dwight: Thompson Don- ald; Gray Robert: Harkness Robert; MacDonald Bonnie; .,«.. vcs u?.'e'"'",. '' ''x�" "' :. •?.3 p `r i`} ��. ► fix € rn ) It's that joyous and gladsome time of year when we open our hearts and homes to one and all, sharing our blessings large and small. May yours be the rich delight that comes with partaking of the spirit of Christmas. Lee and Thora Vance and Staff erriest holiday wishes to you, friends and neighbors, and a full measure of the best things in life for now and always. -riles, 1 BODY SHOP Jack, Jim, Jerry & Ron Ring Robert J.: \Vardell Glen: Metcalfe Calvin; McDonald Paul; Gallaway Goldwyn; Herd Ronald. GRADE IX Occupations (Aphabetical) Bridge Glen; Burchill Gary; Craig Harvey; Edward Sheila: Fitch Sharon: Frieburger George; Gower Barbara; Green James; Harkness Ivan; Hum- phrey James; Kieswetter Joan; Leddy Anne Marie: Mayberry Larry; McCauley Barrington; McEtvan Duncan: McKay Thomas: Pollard Donald: Pol- lock Brian; Porter Douglas; Sehiestel James; Whitehead Walter. • We wont to take this' opportunity to wish you cheer...and to thank you for letti)1b lis serve you WALDEN BROS. TRANSPORT LTD. HEAD 0FFICE - WINGHAM GRADE X 5 -Year Arts and Science Business and Commerce Science, Tech, Trades FIRST CLASS HONOURS— Oldfield Anne; Campbell Jane; Dickison Kenneth; Meyer Anne; Huether Joyce; Cowing Neil; Harris Melanie; MacKen- zie Rennae; Welsher Ralph; Garniss Douglas, Wilbee Ruth (equal); Valiance George; Wor- rell Robert; Mowbray Douglas; McDonald Susanne; Elliott Douglas; Strong Marilyn; Doll Patricia; Hendehson James, Keiffer Mary Teresa (equal); Mundell Donna, Wacker Patri- cia (equal); Wood Kaye; Cor- rin Mary Joan; Anderson Mal- colm; Hafermehl Brenda; Hue- ston Heather; Rathbun Andrew. SECOND CLASS HONOURS --Carter Elaine; Maliek Donna, McDowell Judith, Wheeler Douglas (equal) ; Coultes Aud- rey, Errington Ross (equal) ; Armstrong Robert; Kaschenko Kathleen; Turvey John; Jeff - ray Margaret: King Diane, Wenger Lee ) equal) : Grant Catherine; MacKay Brian, 'Stanley Valeria (equal); Martyn Peter; Cameron John. Jermyn Ruth (equal): Procter Donald; Please "curl (o Page Three •4 •• /AND BEST WISHES FOR THE !irttmas' SEASON iu n McClure Motors WINGHAM - ONTARIO PERCY W. CLARK PLUMBING AND HEATING EDWARD STREET PHONE 357-3080 PRO CLAMA TION At the request of a number of citizens 1 hereby PROCLAIM Monday, December 27, 1965 BOXING DAY As a Public Civic Holiday FOR THE TOWN 'Of: WINGHAM and 1 hereby tall upon tit good citizens to observe the Santo, DEWITT MILLER, Mayor,