The Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-12-16, Page 6Page f - Wingham Advance. -Times, Thursday, Dec 6,190 FOR SALEI USED FOLDING (.'.HAIRS for! sale, wood, 23e each. Currie's! Furniture. 16b OIL BURNER for sale. FhOne Wroxeter 43W. 16*; DRIFTWOOD center pieces and floral designs, decorative; $6,95, Currie's Furniture. 16b AFRICAN VIOLETS for sale, i new varieties. Mrs. Gertrude' Allen, 194 Catherine St., phone; 357-1094. 16-23b KINDERGARTEN SE T - i Sturdy table and 2 chairs $8.95 complete; extra chairs $2.88, Currie's Furniture, 16b MILK FILTERS for sale, plain, rapid flo, 61.2"-85c a box, Alexander's Hardware, phone 357-363L 11rrb SEWING BOXES, hardwood. Plenty of storage, $8.75, for mother. Currie's Furniture, 16b 7 -PIECE SPICE racks, some- thing different, $2.89; 7 -piece Decanter Sets, $7.75. Currie's Furniture. 16b FOR SALE - Party ice, 9 Ib, bags, 50c; also blocks, 25-50-100 lbs. Gay -Lea Cheese House, (aim) GIVE QUALITY Sun -Lite fur- niture this Christmas. Chairs $7,95; platform rockers, $19,95. Currie's Furniture. 16-23b FOR SALE -Wringer washing machine, :dressers, bed, day bed, odd chairs. Phone 357- 3376, Saturday after 11 a.m. 16b SCOTCH PINE Christmas trees are now on sale at the Legion Home, John Street. Excellent ohoice, so come early and get your pick. Help us serve by using a Legion Christ- mas tree. 16b FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS that are different, see the Rock Shop at the residence of W. 1' Sillick in Teeswater. Gifts for every member of the family made from semi-precious stones imported from many countries. See our UNIQUE line of jew- ellery priced from $1.95. Orrb GIVE HER that special gift this Christmas! Surprise her with that much longed -for whim -a fur stole. If not satisfac- tory. money cheerfully refund- ed. I have been appointed rep- resentative for the world's largest leading fur mail order house, New York. If interested, call Vivian, at 255 Carling Ter- race, 357-2490. Hurry! Only a few days left for catalogue ser- vice. 16b CARS FOR SALE DON'T MISS THIS! -Must be seen to be appreciated! 1962 Acadian, privately owned, 4 door, 6 stick, Only 24.000 miles. This is an exceptional unit. Im- maculate inside and out, Phone 357-2570 days. 9-16b POULTRY FOR SALE MUSCOVY DUCKS for sale. Drakes $3.00, ducks $2.00, live. Phone 357-1018, 16b FOR RENT HOUSE for rent, immediate possession, Reasonable. Collect 753-6273. 16-30-13-27b MARLATT'S Dead Stock Service HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for Dead Cows & Horses over 500 lbs. More for sick and disabled Cows and Horses according to size and condition FOR 1PROMPT SERVICE PLEASE CALL COLLECT' BRUCE MARLATT Brussels - Phone 133 24 HOUR SERVICE License No. 390-0-65 SALES HELP WTD. -Male HERE'S YOUR KEY TO A OM INCOME -MAIL TODAY THE W. T. RAWLEIGH CO. LTD., Dept. L-453-HY, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal, P.Q. Gentlemen: 1 am interested in the world famous Rawleigh Line on a ( ) Part-time basis ( ) Full-time basis ( ) Please send me TREE Cook Book and catalogue with full details. Name Address City Prov. TAXI SERVICE GRANT'S TAX I DIAL 357-1836 D16rrb REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ROUSE FOR SALE, 3 bed- rooms, modern conveniences, garage attached, Phone 357-3575 evenings, Terms can be ar- ranged. 16* HOUSE FOR SALE, 5 room, two storey frame house on Victoria Street West. Full bath up, toilet downstairs. For inspection: PHONE 357-3376 on Or before SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 16b WILLIAM S. REED General Insurance and Real Estate Broker Dial 357-2174, Wingham Attractive 2 storey brick home, excellent condition with many extras, first floor has a spacious living room, dining room, kitchen, half bath, sun porch; second floor has 3 spac- ious bedrooms, full bath•; hot water heating, insulated, full basement, garage: good loca- tion; very reasonable with early possession. 7 room, 2 storey house in Wroxeter, large kitchen with built in cupboards, double liv- ing room, 4 piece bath, new oil furnace, good lot, priced reas- onable, immediate possession. Several homes, farms and businesses to choose from. 16b WILFRED McINTEE & CO. LIMITED Realtor - Walkerton, Ontario RESTAURANT - Wingham district. Brick veneer building. Seats 52, apartment above, mo- dern equipment, Yearly turn- over approximately $24,000. Full price for building, equipment and business $23,500, plus stock. Good terms available. Down payment $6,000.00, $4,300.00 -down payment, 11/2 storey 8 room brick modernized home. Included 1 acre well shaded lot. Loeated 2 blocks off Wingham's main street. This home is also for rent. Possession immediately, Mort- gage available. $3,000.00 -down payment, 1 storey asbestos sided 5 room modern home. Full basement with partial recreation room, new oil furnace, laundry tubs and hot water tank. Possession 30 to e0 days. Reasonably priced. Purchaser to assume present C.M. & H. Corp. mort- gage. Monthly payments of $57 including interest, principal and taxes. 50 acre farm, 42 acres choice clay loam soil workable, bal- ance ,hardwood bush and creek area. Bank barn 70'x40', loose housing installed new. Concrete floor, water bowls on pressure. Concrete silo, drive shed and 11(2 storey 8 room home, par- tially modernized. Good water supply on pressure throughout, Possession: House 30 days: farm, spring of 1966, Apply: FRANK J, CASKANETTE Box 167, or Dial 357-1702 Wingham. 16b MALE HELP WANTED LICENSED MECHANIC. Top wages. Benefits. Front end alignment and steering exper- ience an asset or willing to learn. State references. Box 284, Kincardine, Ont, 16-23* WANTED CLERK - TREASURER Applications will he received by the undersigned for the dual position of clerk -treasurer and tax collector of the Village of Brussels and manager and sec- retary -treasurer of the Brussels Public Utilities Commission. The salary sohedule will range from a start of $3,000 to an ad- ventual $4,000. Please state ex- perience, education, age and marital status, Applications to be in by 5 p.m„ Wednesday, December 22, 1965. William If, King, Clerk - Treasurer, Box 119, Brussels. 16b CREDIT UNION NEW LOCA'tION No. S DIAGONAL ROAD OPEN DAILY 10 to 12 aid 1:30 to 540 FEMALE HELP WANTED "AVON CALLING" Ali ,ambitious women with free time who would like to have extra income. No experience necessary ---we train you. Open- ings in Turnberry and Culross Townships. Interested? Write District Manager, Mrs, S. Craig, 875 15th St. E., Owen Sound, Ont. N4-D30b HELP WANTED SCHOOL CARETAKERS WANTED Applications will be received until December 28 for the posi- tion of caretaker in each of the rural schools in Morris. Duties to commence February 1, 1966. Salary to be stated on a month- ly basis. No application neces- sarily accepted. Ralph Shaw, Secretary, Brus- sels, Ont. 9-16b TENDERS WANTED TENDERS FOR OIL The Turnberry Township School Area Board are asking for tenders for furnace oil. To be delivered to the Turnberry Central School, starting Janu- ary 1st, 1966, to December 31st, 1966, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to be in hands of the Secretary - Treasurer by 12 o'clock noon, December 16th, 1965. Alex Corrigan, Secretary - Treasurer. 9-16b DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF CANADA TENDERS SEALED TENDERS AD- DRESSED TO The Office Man- ager, 241 Jarvis St., Room 605, Toronto 2, Ontario, and endors- ed "TENDER FOR CON- STRUCTION OF STANDARD POST OFFICE SP800 at BLYTH, ONTARIO, will be re- ceived until 3.00 P,M. DECEMBER 30, 1965. Plans, specifications and form of tender can be seen, or can be obtained from the office of the District Architect, De- partment of Public Works of Canada, 241 Jarvis Street, Tor- onto 2, Ontario. To be considered each tender must be made on the printed forms supplied by the Depart- ment and in accordance with the conditions set forth there- in, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JOHN P. HARTE, 16b Office Manager. LEGAL NOTICE The undersigned hereby gives notice of selling a bay mare, owned by Rex Hughes, of Arthur, at the Kitchener Livestock Sales on Thursday, December 23, 1965, if the amount of $171,80 for feeding same is not paid before above date, to Mr. Moses J. Beachy, R. R. 1, Gorrie, Ont. 16-23b 111111.11111e1110016, LOST LOST - Sterling silver dinner ri:>>, set with moss agate. Ke ~psake, Phone 357-1876 after 6 o'clock. 16b • CARDS OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Harold Walker wish to express their sincere thanks to rela tives, friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and floral tributes during their re- cent bereavement in the loss of a dear wife and sister. 16* I would like to thank my friends for calls, cards, visits and treats since my accident; also thanks to Dr, McKibbon and nurses and staff of Wing - ham and District Hospital. - Ken Hopper. 16* I wish to say a sincere thank you to every one who sent me letters, cards, flowers, gifts; also to all who visited me while in 'Victoria Hospital, London, and in Wingham and District Hospital, Special thanks to the nurses and doctors at both hospitals. -Mrs, Victor Young- biut. 16* I would like to express my appreciation to my friends and neighbors for visits, cards and treats since T have ibeen trans- ferred to the Clinton Public Hospital and to Wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. --Mrs, Vera McCrea. 16b J,„11.1111.111111111 ) .1,p„nW.1,1HMI 11.1,11„A1111,,,11„ 1,„,g11„„,11,A,11,1,.1.11111111,11,",,,,,.1p,A.1.1,111 Coming Events EUCHRE AND DANCE In Foresters Hall, Belgrave, Wednesday, December 29. 9-16b HOUSE DECORATING CONTEST Sponsored by Canadian Le- gion, Wingham Branch, Judg- ing to be held next week, Prizes: First $25, second $10, and five prizes of $5.00. 16b RECEPTION AND DANCE In Bluevale Hall Friday, Dec, 17, for Mr. and Mrs, Ron Sweitzer (Nellie DeGroot), La- dies please bring lunch. Every- one welcome, Tiffin's orchestra. 16* GODERICH LIONS BINGO Wednesday, December 22, at 8:30 p.m., at Harbourlite Inn. 17 regular games at $10; one share the wealth jackpot; one $50 jackpot; plus new excel- erating jackpot up to $250,00. Admission $1.00, rrb ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION Scotch pine Christmas trees are now on sale at the Legion Home, John Street. Excellent choice, so come early and get your pick, Help us serve by using a Legion Christ- mas tree, 16b LIVING FAITH Watch another telecast in the series this Sunday, Dec- ember 19th, 1-1:30 p.m., over CKNX-TV, Channel 8, 16* WINGHAM PUDUC Ll03RAILY Will be closed Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Box- ing Day; also New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. 16b The GARBAGE COLLECTION In town for December 25 and January 1 will be picked up on the previous day. Christmas trees will be picked up on January 12 and 26 only. 18b RECEPTION In Belgrave Foresters Hall, Friday, December 17, for Mr. and Mrs., Cameron Robinson (Marilyn Chamney). Ladies please bring lunch. Everyone welcome, Good music provided. 16b NEW YEAR'S DANCE Make plans to attend the an- nual New Year's dance and draw. Sponsored by the Recre- ation Association in the Blue - vale Hall, Friday, January 7. Music by the Ranch Boys. 16.30-36* IN MEMORIAM RUTTAN - In loving memory of a dear wife, mother and grandmother, Mrs. Leonard Ruttan, who passed away four years ago, December 20, 1961. Many things in our lives have changed Since you were called away. Things we would like to share with• you mother If you had been spared to stay. But beautiful memories are woven in gold This is the picture we tenderly hold. -Lovingly remembered by husband and family. 16b BIRTHS HICKEY - In Wingham and District Hospital, on Satur- day, December 11, 1965, to Mr, and Mrs. Calvin Hickey, Wingham, a son. BREGMAN-In Wingham and District Hospital, on Tuesday, December 14, 1965, tb Mr. and Mrs, Robert Bregm.an, R. R: 3, Teeswater, a daughter, DIED HAWK - Charles W. Hawk, died in Calgary, Alta., on Tues- day, December 7, 1965, in his 63rd year. He was born in Turnberry Township, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hawk, and is survived by his wife, the former May Dinsley, one daughter and three sons, all of Calgary. He was a neph- ew of Miss Agnes Mitchell, of town. MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING & DECORATING CHARLES RINTOUL Phone 357-3044, Wingham, 16rrb SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R. R, 2, Brussels, phone 442W6, Brussels, S16 -D15* FLOOR SANDING New hardwood floors laid, sanded and finished. Also old floors. New ,modern equipment. Phone 357-2750, Norman Rin- toul & Sons. 16rrb NOTICE If you are thinking of financ- ing a car be sure to contact your State Farm Agent first. Reuben Appleby, 27 Patrick Street, Wingham, phone 357- 1679. FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automo- bile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness Home Protection Call your Co-op Agent - 53 Maple Street, Wingham Dial 357-3739. LIOYD MONTGOMERY FOR MEMORIALS OF 1bISTINCTION Let us help you choose a lovely and enduring family monument of ageless granite or marble. Our talented craftsmen will create a memorial of lasting beauty that will stand as an imperishable monument to the future family mcmbry; Telephone collect for assistance without obligation: Stratford 271-6736, Stratford Cemetery 1Vfemortaiei Ltd., 38 Avondale Ave., Strat' ford, Ontario. A22rrb Hold Chrislmas, Annual Meeting al Saylor Home WIIITECUURCH--On Friday education and missionary, Mrs, afternoon Calvin -Brick U,C,W, Don Dow, Mrs. Alex Robertson, tnet at the home of Mrs, Law- Mrs. Geo, McGee, Mrs, Gil- rence Taylor with 15 ladies and bert Beecroft; finance, Mrs. five children present. Mrs. Ken Mason, Mrs. Ronald Coul- Gilbert Beecroft opened the tes, Mrs, Mason Robinson, Mrs, meeting with a poem, "Behold". Lawrence Taylor; flowers, Mrs. The minutes were read by L, Whytock, Mrs. Calvin Rob - Mrs. John Jamieson. Mrs. Ken inson, Mrs. Jack Shiell; litera- Mason announced the alloca ture, Mrs, Gilbert Beecroft, tion $260,00 plus $2,50 'expen- Mrs. Peter Chandler, Mrs. E, ses. All conveners of commit- Dow; membership, Mrs. Ron- tees gave reports. Donations ald Coultes, Mrs. John Jamie - for a Christmas box of cake and son, Mrs. Norman Coultes; candy are to be in by Dec. 19. manse, Mrs. Lawrence Taylor; Christmas flowers are to be press, Mrs. Sid Thompson, Mrs. bought for the church. The auc- J, Jamieson; program, Mrs. G. tion sale and ctokinole party McBurney, Mrs. K. Mason, proceeds were $67.40. It was Mrs, N. Coultes and Mrs. G. decided that treasurer, Mrs. K. McGee; social, Mrs. R, Patti - Mason give $25.00 to the Board son, Mrs. J. Jamieson, Mrs. of Stewards, $25.00 to M. and Murray Shiell, Mrs. Roy Robin- M. and a gift to Over and son, Mrs. C. Robinson, Mrs. Above from the remainder of Roy Dawson; stewardship, Mrs. the money. Mason Robinson; supply social, The officers elected were Mrs. L. Taylor, Mrs. J. Cur - past president, Mrs. George Mc- rie, Mrs. R. Pattison, Mrs. H. Gee; president, Mrs, Alex Ro- Cook; pianist, Mrs. N, Coul- bertson; 1st vice, Mrs. Ken Ma- tes, Mrs, S. Thompson; son; recording sec., Mrs. Sid- Representative to Official ney Thompson; assistant, Mrs. Board, Mrs. Alex Robertson; w John Jamieson; treasurer, Mrs. alternate, Mrs. Ken Mason; Ronald Coultes; Christian citi- nominations, Mrs. G. McGee, zenship and social action, Mrs. Mrs. Harry Cook, Mrs. E, Dow; Gordon McBurney, Mrs. Henry recommendations to congrega- Pattison; community friendship, tional and annual meeting and Mrs. Norman Coultes, Mrs. to M.M., Mrs. Gilbert Bee - Harry Cook, Mrs. John Currie, croft, Mrs. L. Taylor; Christian Mrs. Lloyd Whytock; Christian education, Mrs. D. Dow, Mrs. Alex Robertson, Mrs. Geo. Mc- Howick Lions' Christmas Party W ROXETER- Kurtzville Community Centre was the set- ting for the annual Christmas party held on Monday evening of last week by the members of the Howick Lions Club, their wives and friends, numbering about '75. A turkey banquet was served, at which the head table guests were Lion President Harry and Mrs. Templeman, vice-presi- dent, George Timm and Miss Erna Betka, 2nd vice, Jack Clarke and Mrs. Clarke, secre- tary Wray and Mrs. Cooper, treasurer Gerald and Mrs. Rome, and Lion Tamer Oliver Riley. Lion President Harry welcom- ed the guests and extended the greetings of the season. He al- so announced that the club is soliciting donations of skates (60 pairs are required), to be sent to Ian Howes, a Wroxeter boy who is teaching school at Bear Skin Lake in Northern On- tario, and who wishes the use of these for the Indian children there. Donations are to be left at the Imperial Bank of Com- merce in Fordwich and in Wrox- eter, and at the Toronto Do- minion Bank in Gorrie, and these are needed immediately. He said, too,' that the Howick Lions Club had been successful in making the final payment of their $600 donation to the Camp for the blind at Lake Joseph. Lion Warren Zurbrigg, who had visited the camp, told what a worthwhile project this is, and said that club members should feel proud to have had a part in donating to this very worthy cause. Toasts were proposed to the Richard Griffith WROXETER--Richard Grif- fith, R, R. 2, Wroxeter, passed away in Lockwood Clinic, Tor- onto, on November 23 in his 78th year. Ile had suffered a long illness. He was born in Howick Twp., Sept. 21, 1888, a son of the late John Griffith and Elizabeth Patterson, He was predeceased by two brothers and two sisters. Surviving are his wife, the former Kate llupfer, one son, Allen; one brother, George and one sister, Margaret. Rev. Hird conducted service at the Moir funeral home with interment in Wroxeter Ceme- tery. Pallbearers were George Paulin, Jim Sanderson, Ross Sanderson, Mac Sanderson, An- dy Gibson and George Lambert. Queen, and to the ladies, with Lion George Timm proposing the latter, which was very suit- ably replied to by Mrs. Jim In- glis. The gift of a pipe was pre- sented by Lion George Timm, to Tail Twister Ken Edgar, in appreciation of his efforts in providing the program, for which Lion Ken expressed his surprise and thanks. Eight lucky people were win- ners of prizes on the draw which was held during the evening. Miss Linda Johnson of Gorrie was pianist for the singing of the Christmas carols, led by Lion Tamer Oliver Riley. Entertainment, consisting of games and a couple of " TV hits" were presented by Tail Twister Ken Edgar. Dancing was en- joyed to music provided by Mr. and Mrs. Sam Timm of Lis- towel, on the violin and the pi- ano, accompanied by Lincoln Smith of Kurtzville, on the ac- cordion. Santa made his annual visit and presented each lady with a gift from the Christmas tree. Family Night at Women's institute WROXETER-The Women's Institute December meeting un- der public relations was held in the community hall on Tues- day evening of last week with an excellent attendance. The meeting was in the form of a family night. A bountiful dinner was served with Mrs. Wm. T. McLean as host- ess and Mrs. Les. Douglas and Mrs. L. Van Velsor as conven- ers. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gib- son entertained at the piano before and after the dinner. Mrs. Wm. Wright, as presi- dent, conducted the necessary business. Mrs. Dick de Boer was the guest speaker. She told about the Christmas customs in Hol- land. Mrs. de Boer was intro- duced by Mrs. J. H. Wylie and thanked by Mrs. Allan Munro. A small gift in appreciation was given to her. The roll call, "Introduce your guests", brought an ex- cellent response. The remainder of the eve- ning was spent in playing cards, the prizes going to Mrs. Allan Adams, Mrs, D. Dickison, Wil liatl Taylor and Alvin Orvis. Send us the names of your visitors. Gee; Board of Stewards, Mrs. Lawrence Taylor. Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft, re- tiring president, thanked all for their four years of co-operation. Mrs. Arthur Jackson gave the Bible study. Mrs. Alex Robert- son gave the call to worship and led in prayer. Verses of a hymn were interspersed with Scripture verses read by Mrs. Sidney Thompson. Mrs. Lloyd Whytock read the Scripture. The meditation, "A Christ- mas Story" and prayer were given by Mrs. Alex Robertson. Prayer and a poem "A Prayer for Christmas Eve" were given by Mrs. Alex Robertson. Little Lori Thompson sang "Away in a Manger". Mrs. Norman Coultes gave the poem, "How are We Pre- paring Ourselves fo'r Christmas?" and a story "No Room". Mrs. Gordon McBurney gave the po- em, "How the Great Gift Came". Mrs. Alex Robertson closed the meeting with prayer. M R Wroxeter • Mrs. Lloyd Jacques of Clif- ford and Mrs. Lou Taylor, Kit- chener, visited Miss Gertrude Bush and Mrs. W. Weir Satur- day evening. Mr. David Sanderson has been promoted to assistant ac- countant in the Imperial Bank of Commerce and has been transferred from Ailsa Craig to Riverside, a suburb of Windsor. We wish him continued success in his chosen profession. Mr. Clayton Coates and Miss Joy of Sarnia spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Coates. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Town- send and family and Miss Kaye Wright were in Toronto on Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hay- den, Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs, Danny Salter, Toronto, spent the week -end at their re- spective homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Pollock, Brockville, were week -end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Vern Clark. Mrs. Ian Howes and baby have returned to their home at Bear Skin Lake. They were ac{ companied to Sioux Lookout by her brother, Robert, from where she flew home. Mr. and Mrs, Richard Pen- ner and Darren have returned to their home at Nakina after visiting their parents in Wrox- eter and Teeswater. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr, John llupfer were Mr. and Mts. Jas. Robertson and Scott of Goderich. Mr. Harry Adams was taken to Wingham and DiStrict Hospi- tal last Saturday for treatment* w s