HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-12-09, Page 7• • • on't get left "! cold... get CO -013' Free Home Heat Service The complete plan filet gives you not only free annual inspection and conditioning and free 24-hour emergency service.., but also automatic metered deliveries of the finest fuel oil obtainable. Belgrave Co-op Assoc. Belgrave, Ont. Phones: Wingham 357.2711 Brussels 388W10 *Registered Trade Mark CABOOSE DAMAGED — The steps of the CPR freight train caboose which was in collision with a truck on the 15th Sideroad of Turnberry, were badly bent as a result of the accident.. Truck driver Jim Mc- Nair, survived the accident. The freight was moving backwards on the Wingham spur Zine when the mishap occurred last Friday. —Advance -Times Photo. Belmore Personal Notes Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Myrtle Weir and Mr. and Mrs. John Dickson and family, on the death of Mr. William Weir on Monday morning of last week. We are delighted to report that Mr. Thomas Abraham has returned home after a stay in Jack Alexander AUCTIONEER and Appraiser We handle Town and Farm Sales • Phone 357-3631 - Wingham To Howick Voters .. . PLEASE ACCEPT OUR APPRECIATION OF YOUR CONFIDENCE EXPRESSED IN OUR RETURN TO PUBLIC OFFICE BY ACCLAMATION ON NOVEMBER 26th. Our very best wishes are extended for a Happy Christmas and a successful year in 1966. Reeve Robert Gibson, Deputy -Reeve Harold Robinson, Councillor Jack Ferguson, Councillor Frank King, Councillor Harvey McMichael. hospital in Wingham. Seven new books have been added to the supply at the Bel - more Library. They consist of three juvenile books, "The Ship that Flew" by Hilda Lewis;"Hur- ricane" by Andrew Saiky; and "Whistle in the Wind" by Nan Shipley. Also in the group are "Scott Young's Sport Stories", "Games and Parties the Year 'Round" by Nellie M. Lewis, and two history books,"Between Niger and Nile", and "The World and the West", both writ- ten by Arnold Toynbee, ack- nowledged as the greatest liv- ing historian of the present time, Belmore- McIntosh -Mildmay Hi -C Club helditsregularmeet- ing on Thursday evening of last week. Plans were made for the Christmas season. The club has accepted an invitation from the MacBel Friendship Club to be guests at their Christmas ban- quet on December 17th. It was also decided that the young people would fill the air with singing on a Christmas "Carol - Sing" during Christmas week. About twenty people attend- ed a demonstration at the home of Misses Dorothy and Joan O'- Malley, on the 2nd of Culross, on Saturday evening. Mrs. Ira Leeson is in some- what improved condition in Walkerton Hospital after being a patient there for a few weeks, following a stroke. Mrs. Roger Oke Dies in London Mrs. Roger Oke, 73, of Wingham died Sunday evening in Victoria Hospital, London, following a long illness. She was the former Lila Gray, born in Nanaimo, B, C. Her par- ents were the late William Gray and Catharine Cleghorn. Mrs. Oke was a member of Wingham United Church. She was well-known in Wingham and the surrounding district as she had clerked in local stores. She is survived by her hus- band. The funeral was held Wed- nesday afternoon at the R. A. Currie &. Sons funeral home with Rev. C. M. Jardine of- ficiating. Pallbearers were Alton Ad- ams, Jack Herd, Jack Yuill, Arthur Wilson, Verne Dunlop and Norman Welwood. Flower bearers were William King of Jamestown and Jack Lloyd. Wingham Native Dies in West Funeral service was held on Tuesday for Mrs. W. P. Thomp- son, 76, of Saskatoon, who died on Sunday. Mrs. Thompson was the for- mer Marjory Gordon, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. D.M. Gordon who lived in Wingham many years ago when Mr. Gor- don operated a general store here. Mrs, Thompson graduated from the University of Toronto in 1912 and taught at the On- tario Ladies' College at Whitby before moving to Saskatoon in 1914. She is survived by her hus- band who is the former presi- dent of the University of Sas- katchewan; a daughter, Mrs, Ben Raleigh of North Carolina; a son, Dr. James Scott Thomp- son of Toronto; four grandchild- ren and a brother, Roy Gordon of Toronto. CURR • THREE FLOORS OF QUALITY 9 Pc. Living Room $ 2 GROUPING FREE! Storage - Delivery • 2 pc. Sklar Suite (4 cushion style) • Matching Living Room Tables by • pc. Sklar Suite (4 cushion style) Matching Tables by Heirloom of Canada • Lamps • Decorative Cushions .0.0' $3.274 Funeral Thursday, Mrs. G. T. Brown Rev. G. L. Fish conducted funeral service at the R. A. Cur- rie & Sons funeral home last Thursday for Mrs. Thomas George Brown, who died in Wingham and District Hospital on November 29 after a long illness, The pallbearers were Merrill Cantelon, James Campbell, Bill Harris of Ripley, Charles Tiffin, Bruce Monroe, Bob Mc- Nain, Norman Marvin and El- don Hardenburg, Mrs. Brown was 79. She was born in Ashfield Township and was the former Adelaide Hanna Brown, daughter of the late Moses and Rebecca Brown. She went to the United States as a child. On December 4, 1907 she married Mr, Brown at Calu- met, Michigan and returned to Amberley, Ontario with her hus- band on March 17, 1919. He died March 1, 1960. Mrs. Brown has lived here since 1958, She was a member of Ash- field Presbyterian Church, the Women's Institute and the Re- bekah Lodge of Calumet, Mich. Two daughters survive, Mrs. Adrian (Carmen) Hardenburg of Grand Blanc, Mich. , and Mrs. Clare (Althea) Cantelon of • Wingham; three grandchildren, four great grandchildren and a sister, Mrs. Walter Monroe of Houghton Lake, Mich. Mrs. Harold Walker Had Short Illness The death of Mrs. Harold Walker on Sunday came as a shock to the community. Mrs. Walker, 65, was admitted to Wingham and District Hospital on Saturday. Y She was the former Elsie Flor- ence Stewart, daughter of the late Isaiah and Mary Stewart, and was born in Culross Town- ship. She attended Wingham High School and Stratford Teachers' College, and was a teacher before her marriage to Mr. Walker. She was a member of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Surviving besides her hus- band are a sister, Miss Gertrude Stewart of Long Beach, Lake Erie; and two brothers, Alex of Tacoma, Wash., and Max of Madrid, Spain. She was pre- deceased by two sisters, Miss Winnifred Stewart and Mrs. French (Emma) Canby of Long Beach, Lake Erie, and a brother, Maurice of Edmonton. The funeral was held yester- day at the S. J. Walker funeral home. Rev. G. L. Fish offici- ated. Pallbearers were Melvin Rome, Brad Galbraith, Howard Walker, Jim Wilson, Jim Cur- rie and Roy Elliott. Ken Currie and Lorne Scott were the flower bearers. BETHLEHEM, G.A. A 60 -foot star lights the countryside around Bethlehem, Ga., at Christmas. A carol service is held beneath the star on Christmas night. The British Isles are a part . of the European continental shelf. BERKLINE Reclining CHAIRS $70.95 to 1O7 $0 Beautiful Naugahide Only $1.97 Weekly TRAINING CHAIRS WITH POTTY $4.89 BABY WALKERS • Sturdy $ • Deluxe 6.49 ClMattressCl and Box Spring Deep Quilted '99" Weekly Separately — $49.95 -- COOEY — BRIDGE SETS Table and 4 Chairs Deluxe Styling $31.25 $28.95 $38.95 WARDROBES Strong Steel Frames $19.75 32" x 20" x 58" high SPACE SAVERS in Frieze Covers 50 Green $62, Brown Beige HI-FI BRASS TABLES 18" x 14" x 26" SPECIAL 15.39 MATTRESS and Col Matching BOX SPRING BOTH $7 .90 11.18 ONLY 9 Weekly Separately -- $39.95 Wingham Advanee-Tinnes, 'Thursday, Dee. 9, 1965 Page 7 C.G.I.T. Prepares For Vesper Service Wingham C,G.I,T, had a record turnout of 67 members last Tuesday for their regular meeting in the United Church. The senior group under Mrs. D. Horwood's direction, led the worship service whose theme was "The Christian Family". Practice for the annual Christ- mas vesper service is required for the two meetings prior to this service. This year's national service will be held on Sunday, De- cember 12 at 7 p, m, in the United Church, The public is invited to attend this interde- nominational service which will be conducted in thousands of churches across Canada, The service of worship was prepared by Miss Janet Wolverton of Van- couver. The offerings received are not used in Wingham but are sent to support the work of the National C. G. I. T. Com- mittee of the Canadian Coun- cil of Churches. The C.G.I. T. will form the choir for two special numbers and will lead the congregation in many Christmas hymns. The highlight of the service is the candle -lighting ceremony which is conducted by the group presidents. Wingham C. G. I. T. has six groups, each with its own lead- er and executive. Since Mrs. J. McDowell expects to move to Mt. Forest soon a new lead- er, Mrs. Ron Bell, was welcom- ed this week. Elected to of- fice was an overall - executive to serve until December 1966: President, Mary Joan Corrin; secretary, Linda McTaggart; treasurer, Linda Reavie. The girls plan to go carol- ling for shut-ins and to make favours to leave with them. They also plan to collect can- ned food for needy families rather than to exchange gifts. Their own Christmas gathering will take place with their moth- ers following the vesper service. REEVE, MRS. PROCTER ENTERTAIN COUNCIL BELGRAVE—Reeve Stewart Procter and Mrs. Procter enter- tained the members of the Morris Township Council and other township officials with a turkey banquet at their home on Monday evening, after the council meeting. BEDDY-BYES BELGRAVE--The ninth meet- ing of the Beddy-Byes was held December 6th after school at Mrs. Hanna's with the home economist, Miss Betty Ard in attendance, Lois Rinn read the minutes of the last meeting. The roll call was answered by each girl, It was decided to have the next meeting, January 3rd, at Mrs. Hanna's, Miss Ard talked about the Achievement Day and looked at the record book and pyjamas. EARN 5% —land 2 YEARS 53/4%-3and 4 YEARS 6% — 5 YEARS GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS VG VICTORIA and GREY TRUST OWEN SOUND If you rent an APARTMENT ... did you know that there's a special Homeowners -type policy designed just for you'? Specially adapted for persons who rent, it makes available to you all the advantages of "package" protection. You get fire, theft and liability insur- ance. All in one policy — at one low premium! WA. CONRON, CLU INSURANCE AGENCY Complete Insurance Coverage — Agent for — 11TANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 5 John St. W. - Ph. 357-2636 WINGHAM AUCTION SALE AT THE FORMOSA COMMUNITY HALL FORMOSA, ONTARIO TUESDAY EVG., DECEMBER 14, 8 p.rn. sharp REPOSSESSIONS - BANKRUPT STOCKS And Many, Many Personal Consignments consisting of Appliances - Furniture- Television - Clothing Also a good selection of Brand New Toys FURNITURE—A 2-pce. Davenport Suite than folds out to a full 3& size bed with nylon cover .and swivel rocker; a 2-pce. French Provincial Chesterfield Suite covered in a top grade nylon cover; 3 other assorted Chesterfield Sets with foam cushions; 2 9 -pee. Coppertone or Chrome Kitchen -Dinette Sets consisting of 8 chairs and a 72" table; 2 7-pce. Sets consisting of 6 ahairs and a 60" table with an inlaid top; 1 5 -pec. Deluxe Coppertone Dinette Suite; 3 Bookcase Bedroom Suites complete with bed, dresser, chest of drawers and a matching Box Spring and Mat- tress with each set; 2 sets of Lamps consisting of a Trilight and 2 Table Lamps to eaoh set; 1 set of Solid Step and Coffee Tables in a Arborite finish—other Step and Coffee Tables; 2 39" Continental Beds complete with headboard and legs; 1 54" Continental Bed complete; 4 full size 54" Spring Filled Mattress- es; 2 Hostess Chairs; Platform Rocker; 9x12 Rug; Hi -chair; Telephone Table; Kitchen Step Stool; Chrome Rocker. APPLIANCES AND TY—A large Refrigerator with a full cross - top freezer; 2 Electric Ranges, one being a deluxe model; a Long -Skirt Washer with pump; a 21 cu, ft. Deep Freeze that holds over 800 lbs. of frozen food; Automatic Washer and Dry- er—matohing pair; Combination Radio and Record Player; and last of all, 4 different Television Sets, 21" models that have all been checked over and are in A-1 working condition. All the Appliances in this Sale are Guaranteed to be in A-1 working condition when you hook them up at your home. BRAND NEW CLOTHING FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY • A large selection of Fall and Winter Clothing has just been re- ceived for Auction from one of the largest Clothing Wholesalers in Canada. This lot consists of MEN'S CLOTHING --Socks, Underwear, Ties, Sweaters, Dress Shirts, Sport Shirts. Dress Pants, Pyjamas, T -Shirts, Work Socks, Work Shirts. FOR THE LADIES and TEENS -Double Knit Suits, Skirts, Blouses, Ny- lons, Cardigans, Pullovers, Slims, Jackets, Dresses, Socks, Py- jamas, Slippers. BOYS -GIRLS -BABIES --Jeans, Sweaters, Shirts, Blouses, Socks, Jackets, Pants, Sleepers, House Coats, Crawler Sets, T -Shirts, Jumpers, Skirts, Dresses, Sweater Sets, Girls' 3- pce. Sets, Sleep and Play Sets, 3-pce, Velvet Suits, Coat and Hat Sets, and many other items too numerous to mention. This Salo will consist of the largest and best offering that we have ever auctioned in this hall at any time, DON'T MISS THIS OUTSTANDING SALEI AUCTIONEER -- LEO E. BIRD TERMS—CASH CHEQUES ACCEPTED ON FURNITURE 9% SALES TAX IN EFFECT.