HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-12-09, Page 5a M b , • 0 • 10 •s • v • a • P w • 4 C. A. WILLIAM$, OA Optometrist MisasI PATRICK9 STREET W. WINGHAM Phone 357-1282 United Church Women Are Guests at Goderich Horne DONNYBROOK -,The Decem- ber rneeting of the I', C. W. was held at the home of Misses Gladys and Irene Jefferson in MEAT FEATURES Roasting CHICKEN 3Y*.4s39( LEGS & BREASTS ,, 59< WINGS Delicious Treat LB. 35t Frying CHICKENS 45t PICNICS= I= WENERS TALE E SIDE 3 -LEGGED OR DOUBLE-BREASTED Vac-Pac 1/2s 95s ,.,, . 53t 1 -LB. PKG. 95( Maxwell House INSTANT COFFEE, 6 -oz. $1.09 Kadana TEA BAGS, 100 bags 69c Velvet FLOUR, 7 -Ib. bag 69c Sunny Morn COFFEE, 1 -Ib. 75c Mutt 'N Jeff Beef Chunks DOG FOOD, 15 -oz. .,,.5/$1.00 Mutt 'N Jeff Ground Liver, Ground Beef, Ground Kidney CAT FOOD, 71/2 -oz. 10/$1.00 Sunmaid CURRANTS, 11 -oz. 29c Trend LIQUID DETERGENT, 22 -oz. 59c White Swan TOILET TISSUE, 8 rolls 99c S.O.S. SOAP PADS 2/49c Lion Brand Snap Off PLASTIC BAGS, 20s 49c JAVEX, 64 -oz. bottle 39c Aylmer Fancy WAX BEANS, CREAM CORN, PEAS, 15 -oz. 2/35c Aylmer CATSUP, 11 -oz. 2/39c E. D. Smith CHERRY, APPLE or BLUEBERRY PIE FILL 2/99c Ing Oscar SARDINES, 31/2 -oz. 29c Aylmer TOMATO or VEGETABLE SOUP, 10 -oz. ....2/35c Coronation Sweet Mixed PICKLES - Whole DILLS..2/69c Fortuna Crushed or Sliced PINEAPPLE 2/45c Top Value PEANUT BUTTER, 16 -oz. 35c Top Value Strawberry or Raspberry JAM, 24-oz49c Top Value APPLESAUCE, 20 -oz. 2/39c Clark's BEANS in Chili Sauce, 20 -oz. 2/39c McVitie & Price BISCUITS, 9 varieties 5/$1.00 Lowney's Chocolate Buds, Peanut Cluster or Macaroons, 7 -oz. 3/$1.00 Pepsodent TOOTHPASTE, family size 75c LYPSYL for the lips 43c Head & Shoulders LOTION SHAMPOO 99c Head & Shoulders TUBE SHAMPOO 75c Secret Roll-on DEODORANT, Medium 85c Secret Aerosol SPRAY 89c Jergens HAND LOTION, 12 -oz. $1.19 Philips MILK OF MAGNESIA, 4 -oz. 39c Philips MILK OF MAGNESIA TABLETS, 100s 89c One -a -Day Multiple VITAMINS, 100s $3.99 Chocks Chewable VITAMINS, 50s ,$2.75 Score HAIRDRESSING, 3 -oz. 89c — FROZEN FOOD — Snow Crop Green Peas, Mixed Vegetables, Kernel Corn, Peas and Carrots 5/99 Birds Eye Awake ORANGE DRINK, 6 -oz. 2/41c Welch's GRAPE JUICE, 12 -oz. 2/69c Farm House MINCE MEAT PIE 49c — PRODUCE FEATURES -- Mandarin ORANGES, box $1.99 Sunkist NAVEL ORANGES, 113s, dozen 69c U. S. No. 1 CRANBERRIES, pkg. 35c No. 1 Florida CELERY 2/49c No. 1 COOKING ONIONS, 3 lbs. 19c P. E. I. POTATOES, 10 -Ib. bag 49c U. S. No. 1 Fancy COB CORN 6/49c OPEN FRIDAY EVENING Godcrich on Wednesday after- noon with a good attendance. Mrs. Margaret Leddy had charge of the meeting , The theme was "Christmas". "0, Little Town of Bethle- hem" was sung and the leader led in prayer, Mrs. R. Manna had charge of the chapter in the study book and a discussion period foilowc.'d, The Scrip- ture lesson, the Christmas Story, was read in unison, Mrs, Leddy read a poem, "The Meaning of Christmas". Mrs, Stuart Chamney gave the minutes of the November meeting and the financial statement, It was decided to give $10.00 to "Over and above gifts", A slate of officers was brought in and it was moved by Mrs. Sam Thompson and se- conded by Mrs. R. Hanna that they be adopted. They are as follows; President, Mrs. Tom Arm- strong; 1st vice pees, , Mrs. William hardy; 2nd vice pres. , Mrs. Edward Robinson; sec. treas., Mrs, Stuart Chamney; correspondence sec., Mrs. Ernest Snowden; citizenship, Mrs. Sam Thompson; stewaru- ship, Mrs, Wesley Jefferson; supply, Mrs. Morley Johnston; press, Mrs. Charles Jefferson; flower fund, Mrs. William Hardy; program committee, Mrs. Margaret Leddy, Mrs. Sam Thompson and Mrs. Tom Armstrong; pianist, Mrs. Hil- liard Jefferson, Mrs. Murray Wilson; official board, Mrs. John Hildebrand; board of stew- ards, Mrs. Edward Robinson; manse, Mrs. Stuart Chamney; Christian education, Mrs. Sam Thompson. "Away in a Manger" was sung and Mrs. Leddy closed the meeting with prayer. Refresh- ments were served by the hos- tesses. Secrets from the Blue Barn Kitchen By Kay Grose Listowel Here is a very tasty meat treat, This makes a delightful Sunday supper served cold with Tomato Potato Aspic Salad, relishes, sliced onions and or- ange sections with oil and vine- gar dressing, tossed salad and hot rolls or tea biscuits. ROAST BACK BACON Place a 2 lb, piece of lean back bacon on baking rack or in roasting pan. score and in- sert whole cloves, 1 tbsp, dry mustard 2 tbsp, brown sugar z cup pineapple juice Mix together, pour over ba- con and baste occasionally un- til golden brown, about 1 hour in a 350 degree oven. TOMATO - POTATO ASPIC SALAD 1 pkg. lemon flavored gelatin tsp, salt 1 cup hot water 1 tbsp. vinegar 2/3 cup catsup or chili sauce cup cold water Dissolve gelatin and salt in hot water, • add vinegar, catsup and cold water. Chill over ice till slightly thickened. Pour in- to 11 or 2 qt. mold, and chill till almost firm. Potato Layer 2 cups diced cooked potatoes z cup chopped celery I cup chopped green pepper 1 tbsp. minced onion tsp. salt 4 tbsp. French dressing 1 pkg. lemon -flavored gelatin 11r cup hot water 1 tbsp. vinegar cup mayonnaise Combine potatoes, celery, green pepper, onion and French dressing, let stand about 30 HOME FRIED FRESH SWEETPOTATOES Sweetpotatoes are among the most easily prepared of all 'vegetables. Scrub them and roast them, Unless they're jumbo size they are tender in a bit more than half an hour. Most sweetpotato eaters like them, skin and all, although there may be some who want to dig their chestnut sweetness from the shell. Or, parbroil them just until barely tender, then peel and slice thickly and brown in melted butter or mar- garine, being careful they do not burn since they are so high in sugar. If you're looking for something especially good and a bit different try these recipes, HOME FRIED FRESH SWEETPOTATOES 4 cups pared fresh sweetpotatoes sliced 1/8 -inch thick 3 tablespoons salad oil 1 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon ground black pep- per Cover sliced, peeled sweet - potatoes with cold water. If possible, refrigerate for 20 minutes and drain. Heat oil in skillet and place potatoes in pan. Saute, covered, for 3 minutes over medium heat. Un- cover, turn heat up slightly and fry 5 minutes more or until brown and crisp. Season with salt and pepper. -- Yield 4 servings, SWEETPOTATO CASSEROLE 3 large sweetpotatoes a cup dark brown sugar cup butter or margarine A. teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon chopped candied ginger 1 banana teaspoon ground mace Boil potatoes until tender, peel and mash, Add sugar, but- ter or margarine, salt, ginger and mix well. Turn into greas- ed baking dish. Dot with slic- ed banana and sprinkle with mace, Place in preheated moderate oven (350 degrees F.) for 30 minutes. Serve hot. -- Yield, 0 to 8 servings. minutes. Dissolve gelatin in hot water, add vinegar, may- onnaise and salt, blend well. Chill over ice till slightly thickened, fold in potato tnix- tore. Pour over aspic, chill till firm, I'nmould and garnish with devilled eggs or sliced pears, PEANUT BRITTLE CUSTARD SUNDAES 1 pt. vanilla ice cream lb crushed peanut brittle 3 egg yolks a cup light brown sugar, firm- ly packed 1 tsp, salt 1 cup light cream tbsp. sherry Let ice cream soften slight- ly, stir in half of the peanut brittle. Pack in ice cream car- ton and store in refrigerator un- til dessert time, In top of double boilerlight- ly beat egg yolks, sugar and salt, gradually add cream stir- ring constantly, Place over hot (not boiling) water; cook, stirring constantly until thin coating forms on metal spoon (about 15 minutes), Stir in sherry. MEDITERRANEAN CAKE e cup sugar cup honey 1/3 cup water 1 tbsp, frozen orange juice concentrate, thawed, undi- luted 3/4 cup butter 3/4 cup sugar 3 eggs 1 cup flour, sifted 1i tsp. baking powder 4 tsp. salt tsp. cinnamon tsp. nutmeg 2 tbsp. milk 2 tbsp. frozen orange juice con- centrate, thawed, undiluted 1 tsp. grated orange rind 1 cup chopped walnuts Mix sugar, honey and water in saucepan and simmer 5 min- utes. Skim and add undiluted orange concentrate and boil another 2 minutes. Cool. Cream butter and sugar. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Sift together flour, baking powder, salt cinnamon and nutmeg. Add dry ingredients alternately with, milk and undiluted orange con- centrate. Fold in rind and nuts. Turn into greased and floured 8 x 6 x 2 inch pan or 8 inch ring pan. Bake in 350 degree oven for 30 minutes or until done. Remove from oven. Pour syrup over cake while cake is still hot. Let soak until ready to serve. Refrigerate any left- over cake. Yield: 6 - 8 serv- ings. Missionary Is CWL Speaker The monthly meeting of Sacred heart C. W. L. was held in the parish hall on Monday evening with 27 ladies present. President Miss Anna McDonald chaired the meeting, Miss Mary Fiehn reported that six members had attended the bazaar at Huronview on Monday. Items for the bazaar had been donated by various Wingham organizations and pa- tients at Iluronview purchased these items using "play money". Mrs. Wilfred White reported that three bales of winter cloth- ing had been sent to Father Beaulieu's Indian Mission in Manitoba. During November, 34 visits were made to patients in Wing - ham Hospital. Guest speaker Rev. T. Lough- nane C. Ss. R. of Ireland spoke to the group on missionary work in India and the Phillippines. His theme was "Christmas Customs in the Orient". Father Lough- nane also stressed the great po- verty existing in India and the need for modern methods of ir- rigation. Following the meeting a penny auction was held and the money raised will be used to buy Christmas gifts for shut-ins. Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, Dec. s3. 1965 - Page 5 features from The World of Women PERSO\AL NOES —Mr. and Mrs. Keith Thomp- son of Sr, Marys and Mr. and Mrs, Ken Thompson of Walker- ton visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs, Murray Kuehl and family, --Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carbert were Ro- Holy Day Helps Comfort Sorrow Even when Christmas wasn't merry, history shows that the holy holiday has brought com- fort and hope into the midst of sorrow and hardship. Such was an early Christmas in the New World, observed in 1535 at a small fortress on the banks of the St, Charles river near what is now rhe City of Quebec, Canada. Jacques Cartier, French ex- plorer, and his band of 110 set- tlers were beset by cold and hunger, as well as fear of tate nearby Indians, whose friendly attitude seemed to have chang- ed. More than half the mem- bers of the colony suffered from scurvy. Bravely, the men celebrat- ed Christmas. Mass was said in a log cabin, at an altar made from a wooden table; evergreen branches decorated the walls; carols were sung and the best of the meager food sup- plies were used for a "feast". belt Carbert and family of Tor- onto, Mr. and ,Mrs. Frank Car - ben of St. Marys and Mr, and Mrs. George Carbert of Niel - fort, Sask, -Mr, and Mrs. Eugene De- vereaux and Molly of Alliston were week -end visitors with their parents. Mr, and Mrs. Cour. Devereaux and Mrs. Josephs Bro- phy. —Mr, and Mrs. George Drell - mann and Mr. and Mrs. Mac Sewers and tatnily visited on Sunday with Mr. and :Mrs. I..«ry Sewers in Grecnoch, --Mr. and Mrs, Alan Patti- son spent last Thursday with their cousins, Mr. and NIrs. .1n - son Pattison at Fergus. —Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Nicol and family of Brampton spent the week -end with their moth- ers, Mrs. Annie Nicol and Mrs, Jean Moore. —Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Finni- gan have moved to Bala. Lynn had been working in Scarbor- ough with the Ontario hydro. --Mr. Ernest Lewis of Luck - now is a patient in Westminster Hospital, London. —Mr, and Mrs. Robert Thompson of Kitchener spent the week -end with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Mu.rray Kuehl and family. If we don't stand up for something, we may fall for anything. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE,.. Drop-in Service If you can't get your cleaning to us by closing time--, don't fret. Just bring it along and drop your parcel into the chute we have placed at the front of our building. Your garments will receive the careful at- tention which we have set as our most important standard. Make sure your parcel carries your name and address. .... REMEMBER, TOO, THAT WE HAVE A REGULAR SYSTEM OF HOUSE-TO-HOUSE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY. ALSO: Complete Laundry Service McINNES DRY CLEANERS PHONE 357-3750 - WINGHAM „VA SPECIAL '.'•%rV fl *1-3C''`L*-. CHRISTMAS Tk 'r TREAT for the LADIES* Your choice of any HAT up to a $10.00 Value FREE when you purchase • any WINTER COAT from our stylish selection ALSO— ENJOY FANTASTIC SAVINGS ON 2 Racks of better Dresses PRICED AT ONLY s16vs and $199s DIICLI /r/x1 ,,,Afr READY TO WEAR .4.71.74-‘41'