HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-12-02, Page 13• A • • • • r. e K.tc.bcgigiSK•Cqt+$..KKMt..cciclickgicwievveievgicv qv i CHRISTMAS INVITATION 5 • Bring all the kids and your own little .saw" w w • Make it an outing and don't forget "maw." w w Tramp through the trees or ride a snowdoo, w w • And take home a Tree for one Buckaroo. w ww There's also Free Coffee at the FAMOUS FOUR ACES w 4' In CLIFFORD, one of the friendliest places. w ry Just half a mile south on paved Highway Nine, w • Harry Robb's TREE FARM is easy to find. w %sa 1s1241 sarisa�saAz**441somIzi irms#11212#D1)1a;3,srahNui lxr; MAY I SOLICIT YOUR VOTE FOR COUNCILLOR IN THE FORTHCOMING ELECTION. If elected I shall at all times attempt to represent the best interests of Wingham ratepayers. VOTE DON ADAMS COUNCILLOR I SINCERELY SOLICIT YOUR VOTE FOR RE- ELECTION TO THE 1966 COUNCIL. If elected I will con- tinue to serve the taxpay- ers of Wingham with com- plete devotion. VOTE WARREN CALLAN — FOR COUNCILLOR — News from Fordwich Mr. Wally Gibson is visiting for a week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Darryl Gibson in Flint, Michigan. Mrs. Carl Jacobson left by plane on Friday for Trampling Lake, Sask. , where she will at- tend the 50th wedding anniver- sary of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Marrin- er and little daughter spent the week -end in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hibberd visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hibberd in Walker- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Zur- brigg, Mr. Stanley Zurbrigg, Shelly and Evelyn, Misses -Su- san Worthington and Glenna Hibberd of Kitchener and Mr. Ken Lichty of Milverton visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hibberd last week on the occasion of their 28th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Clark- son, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fos- ter, Mrs. Albert Duke, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Armstrong and Mrs. Ruby Foster, Miss Doris Leonard and Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Hib- berd attended the Armstrong- Bester wedding in St. Joseph's Church, Cargill, and the recep- tion at the Hartley House Hotel„ Walkerton. Mr. Peter Browne spent the week -end with relatives in Tor- onto. Mrs. Browne and Teddy returned home with him after spending a few days there. Mrs. Ruby Forester is spend- ing a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. John Beckwith and family in Toronto. Miss Ruth Johnston visited on Friday with Mrs. Whitney Grose in St. Joseph's Hospital. Guelph. Friends of Mr. Fred McCann will be pleased to know he was able to return home Thursday from Listowel Hospital. Mrs. R. Bennett and Mrs. E. Underwood of Gorrie visited one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Vittie. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hutchison and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Torn Hutchison visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Nuhn of Gowanstown. Friends of Mrs. Ida Galla- gher will be sorry to learn that at present she is confined to Listowel Hospital. PROGRESS WITH ECONOMY ON DEC.6 VOTE TO RE-ELECT HAROLD E. WILD COUNCILLOR For '66 WATCH! WINGHAM "CLICK" IN '66 VOTE W 1 `D BUT VOTE Mr. Walter Demerling is this week .attending a mechan- ics' short course sponsored by Case Implement Company in Racine, Wisconsin, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Ira Schaefer were Mr. and Mrs. George Trethewey and family of Stratford and Mr. Don Schaefer of Montreal. Mrs, Ella Lind of Port Elgin visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Warrell over the week -end. Mrs. Betsy Crawford of Tara visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Graham over the week -end. Mr, and Mrs. Carl Stewart and sons of Listowel and Mr. and Mrs. James Vittie visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Sothern. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Douglas spent the week -end in Sarnia with Mr. and Mrs. DennisJohn- ston. Master Gary Douglas re- turned home with his parents after spending the past month there, Mr, and Mrs. John Boonstra of Toronto were week -end visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Boonstra, Mr, Paul Schaefer of Kitch- ener was a week -end visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mc - Clement. Mrs, Ruby Foster visited ov- er the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Foster and with Miss- es Jean and Marjorie Foster in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Simmons attended the Simmons-Brodha- gen wedding in Mitchell on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Dan Walkom of Paris visited on Saturday with Misses Letitia and Louise Mat- thews. BORN LONGSTAFFE —To Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Longstaffe(Joan Demerling), a son, in Tor- onto on November 23, 1965, Whitechurch News Mr. and Mrs. John Crowston of the Langside community moved from their farm last Thursday to an apartment in Lucknow. Mr. Crowston has secured employment with the Department of Highways for the winter months. Miss Mildred McClenaghan, Reg. N. of Milton, spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs. George McClenaghan. On Sun- day she was accompanied by Mrs. Russel Chapman who will spent a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smith and family of Toronto. Mr. Jim Ross of Kitchener spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ross. Mr. Charles Tiffin, Lang - side, Mr. Sandy Murray, Kath- leen, Phyllis, Patricia and Alex of Sharon were Sunday af- ternoon visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brown of Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClen- aghan returned to their home here last week after visiting for some time with Mr. and Mrs. McIntyre of Ridgetown. Word was received here by Mr. Ken Paterson that his sis- ter, Lil Paterson of Detroit, had fallen and broken her hip. Friends here wish her a rapid re- covery. Mr. Sandy Murray, Kath - Brussels Man to Head Federation AB russels area farmer, Char les Thomas, was elected presi- dent of the Huron County Fed- eration of Agriculture on Tues- day. The organization held its annual meeting at Londesboro, where 175 farmers attended. Mr. Thomas succeeds Alex Mc- Gregor of Kippen. Others on the new slate in- clude: Elmer Hunter, R. R, 3, Goderich, first vice-president; CHARLES THOMAS Mrs. Florence Elliott, Clinton, secretary -treasurer. Mrs. Ted Fear, Belgrave, was named a woman director. Speaker at the session was Charles Huffman, Harrow, pre- sident of the Ontario Fedaration. The meeting approved a resolu- tion calling on Prime Minister Pearson to name a new minister of agriculture from Ontario. In the past the post has usually gone to a western farm member. leen, Phyllis, Alex and Pat- ricia of Sharon spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tiffin of Langside. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Emer- son of St. Catharines spent the week -end with Miss Lila Emer- son. We are sorry to report Mr. Frank Ross is a patient in Vic- toria Hospital, London. The community wishes him a spee- dy recovery. Chalmers W.M.S. White- church will hold its December meeting on Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Robert Ross. The leaders will be Mrs. Johnston Conn and Mrs. Don Ross. All ladies of the congre- gation are invited to this Christ- mas meeting. Mr. Gordon Neable of Brampton had his tonsils re- moved last week -end in Bramp- ton Hospital. Mrs. Neable's mother, Mrs. Lyons of West Wawanosh, who had been visit- ing them returned home Wed- nesday. Mother Passes In Listowel Mrs. Adeline Elizabeth Erb, widow of the late Enoch Erb, oassed away in Listowel Me- morial Hospital on Wednesday afternoon, November 24th, af- ter a short illness. She was in her 87th year. Left to mourn are one son, Eldon, of Kurtzville; two daughters, Gladys, (Mrs. Lawrence McKnight) Listowel; Adeline (Mrs. Norman Shiell) of Wingham and six grand- children, Mrs. Erb is also survived by two brothers, David Gottfried of Kitchener and Roy Gottfried of Allandale, Florida, the last members of a family of ten. The funeral service washeld on Saturday afternoon at the McLaughlin -Reed funeral home, Listowel. Interment followed in Fair- view Cemetery, Listowel. African pygmy will attack and kill an elephant with only a spear as a weapon. Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, Deo. 2, t965 Page S STAR STOPPERS FORDWICH--The sixthmeet- ing of the Star Stoppers was held at the home of Miss Doris Carswell. Miss Marion Harding read the minutes. Miss Liddiard, the home economist for Huron County, will be the guest at the next meeting at the home of Mrs, Scott Clarkson. The leaders demonstrated how to apply lace and embroidery, Each member did a sample of both, WIN EUCHRE PRIZES The Altar Society of Sacred Heart parish held its Tuesday evening euchre party in the parish hall with 22 tables in at- tendance. High lady was Mrs, Lloyd Hingston; high man, George Skinn Jr, Door prize was won by Norman Coultes. A special prize, a dressed goose, donated by Mrs. Herman DeBruyn, was won by Ed Walker. WI■1JI�lU■Illfllll■III�III■IIIIIUII■III■ill■Illrlll■III■III■Ill■III�iIIr111111111�111�1;1�' 1 ■ N a 4III■III■III■III■IIISIIiRIII■IIlU1II■III■lil■I11■III■III■III■1IIlIi111111 ,1I■'II III■1111 ■ My Sincere Appreciation ■ MY if - For your expression of confidence in returning me to the office of DEPUTY -REEVE by acclamation. I shall endeavour to uphold your confidence. --Jack Alexander TOWN OF WINGHAM ELECTION MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1965 FOR COUNCIL DONALD ADAMS—Hairdresser F. JOHN BATESON—Dairy Operator MRS. MARGARET BENNETT—Housewife WARREN CALLAN—Merchant G. W. CRUICKSHANK—Manager CKNX ALBERT FOXTON—Retired Dairyman TED MOSZKOWSKI—Manager HAROLD WILD—Artisan G. A. WILLIAMS—Optometrist (Six to be elected) QUESTION "Are you in favour of extending the right to vote at municipal elections for members of council to all per- sons of the full age of twenty-one years who are British subjects and who have resided in the municipality for at least one year in accordance with the Municipal Franchise Extension Act, 1958, Chap. 66, S. 2?" POLLING BOOTHS POLLING SUBDIVISION No. 1—Town Hall POLLING SUBDIVISION No. 2—Walter Brown's House POLLING SUBDIVISION No. 3—Town Hall POLLING SUBDIVISION No. 4—Downie's Garage POLLING SUBDIVISION No. 5—Fred Carbert's House Polls Open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. WILLIAM RENWICK, RETURNING OFFICER. •EXPERIENCE ON COUNCIL •FAITH IN OUR COMMUNITY •DESIRE FOR PROGRESS I sincerely believe that the Town of Wingham has a wonderful future and I offer my most devoted efforts to further its progress. VOTE Margaret Bennett X FOR COUNCILLOR Anyone wishing transportation to the poll please PHONE 357.2216