HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-12-02, Page 6Page 6 -<_ Wingham Advance-Titrles, Thursday, Dec. 2, 1965 IT'S ALL IN THE ADVANCE -TIMES PHONE 357-2320 FOR SALE WOOD for sale. Phone Edgar Dane, 830R12, Wroxeter. 2* OIL BURNER for sale; wood- en combination ,door. Phone 392-6564, Teeswater, 2b ROSE FRIT -7F Fry & Black- ball chesterfield and chair for sale. Phone 357-2921 after 6 p.m. 2* BROWNIE 8mm Kodak movie for sale, with leather carrier, also projector, splicer and screen. Call 357-2908. 2-9* MILK,, FILTERS for sale, plain, rapid flo, 61/2"-85c a box, Alexander's Hardware, phone 357-3631. 11rrb FOR SALE — .22 target rifle, $22 worth of sights on it. In Al condition. Priced to sell. Phone 357-1753, Wingham, after 6 p.m. 2b SUNBEAM SPECIALS — Sun- beam appliances reduced for Christmas shoppers. Singer Co. of Canada, ph. 357-3730. 2-9b SCOTCH PINE Christmas trees are now on sale at the Legion Home, John Street. Excellent choice, so come early and get your pick. Help us serve by using a Legion Christ- mas tree, 2b CHRISTMAS SPECIALS — Purebred Samoyed, German Shepherds and Chihuahua pup- pies. Mrs. Carl Jacklin, Ethel, Ont., Brussels 421,17. 2b BEAUTY SHOP equipment for sale -2 dryers, shampoo sink, shampoo chair. All in excellent condition. Phone 357-1055. 2b REPOSSESSIONS — 1 Deluxe automatic washer; 1 Economy clothes dryer. $125.00 off, Sing- er Co. of Canada, phone 357- 3730. 2-9b FOR SALE — New and used pianos and organs in stock for immediate delivery or for Christmas. Many makes, models and finishes at special low prices. Reconditioned pianos (tuned to A-440) from $85.00 un. Special quantity purchase of walnut, mahogany and oak piano benches at $5.50 nff reg- ular price. Garnet Farrier, Whitechurch, phone 357-2068, Wingham. 4-11-18-25-2* CHRISTMAS SPECIALS *Sewing Machines (free bonus certificate) *Typewriters *Floor Polishers - *New Vacuum Cleaners *Radios (Transistor and elec- tric) *Televisions (portable and con- soles) SINGER CO. OF CANADA Goderich, Phone 524-8431 or Wingham 357-373.0 2-9b CARS & TRUCKS FOR SALE 1958 FORD 4 door sedan for sale. In good condition. Phone 357-1269. 2* 1948 DODGE pickup truck for sale. Reasonable. Phone 357- 2279. 2b 1962 IMPALA hardtop V8 stick shift, radio, whitewalls, white with red interior, immaculate condition. One snow blower, 3 point hitch, Ph. 54832, Wrox- eter. 2* 1964 MERCURY 2 door hardtop for sale, power brakes and steering, white leather uphol- stery, bucket seats, radio and whitewalls. Low mileage. Priced to sell as owner is moving to USA. Phone 357-2062. 2-9b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE PONY MARE for sale. Barry Goliey, phone 357-1348. 2b FOR SALE—Chestnut shetland' mare pony, 4 years old; also 12 York chunks. Ralph Tomp- kins, phone 252J, Wroxeter. 2b GRADE HOLSTEIN bull for sale, 1% years old. Butter -boy breeding. Reasonable price, Russell Powell, R. R. 2, Wrox- eter, phone Wroxeter 806R3. 2b SALES HELP WANTED Mak or Female FREE COOK BOOK Get your Rawleigh Cook Book ,now and information how to make money selling Rawleigh Products, full or part time. Write Rawleigh, Dept, L -453 - FC, 4005 Richelieu, St, Henry, Montreal. 2b REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Ommilmorsor ammo FOR SALE -•25 acres, more or less, bush land (limited amount of timber) in Howick Town- ship. Also one town lot, approx. 40' wide, in Village of Wrox- eter. Contact W. L, Butler, Trustee, 34 Young St., Kitchen- er. 2b WILLIAM S. REED General Insurance and Real Estate Broker Dial 357-2174, Wingham Attractive 2 storey brick home, excellent condition with many extras, first floor has a spacious living room, dining room, kitchen, half bath, sun porch; second floor has 3 spac- ious bedrooms, full bath; hot water heating, insulated, full basement, garage: good loca- tion; very reasonable with early possession. Several homes, farms and businesses to choose from. 2b MALE HELP WANTED WANTED—Man to train in the motor rewind trade, above av- erage mechanical ability. Elec- trical knowledge preferred but not essential, Burke Electric, Wingham. 2b EXPERIENCED single man for beef farm. No hogs or poul- try. No milking. Top wages and board. Apply Chas, Somer- ville, R. R. 6, St. Marys, phone 229-6447. 2b WANTED—First class welders, also steel workers, capable of laying out and fabricating steel weldments. Apply Russell Bros. Ltd., Owen Sound, Ont. 2-9b MALE HELP WANTED Dozer operators, shovel opera- tors and sewer labourers. Full winter's work guaranteed. Ap- ply in writing or in person only. No phone calls. Graham & Graham Ltd., 764 Wharn- cliffe Road South., London, Ontario. 4rrb MARRIED MAN is required for a poultry farm in the Wing - ham area. Top wages will be paid. House with modern con- veniences will be supplied with hydro, telephone and fuel, also Workmen's Compensation, plus other benefits. Anyone interest- ed or wishing more informa- tion should contact Box 53, Advance -Times. 26 FEMALE HELP WANTED "AVON CALLING" All ambitious women with free time who would like to have extra income. No experience necessary—we train you. Open- ings in Turnberry and Culross Townships. Interested? Write District Manager, Mrs. S. Craig, 875 15th St. E., Owen Sound, Ont, N4-D30b WANTED BOARDERS or roomers want- ed. Phone 357-2652. 25-4b WANTED — South -wind car heater. Phone 357-2333. 2* WANTED — One black, well trained and quiet quarter horse (mare). Ralph Tompkins, phone 252J, Wroxeter, 2b EMPLOYMENT WANTED WORK WANTED — Full or part time. Phone 357-1387. 2* HIGHEST PRICES PAID for dead and disabled cows and horses. Call Collect 881-3450 GRAF STOCK REMOVERS Walkerton, Ont. MAR LATT'S Dead Stock Service HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for Dead Cows & Horses over 500 lbs. More for sick and disabled Cows and Horses acoording to size mid condition FOR PROMPT SERVICE PLEASE CALL COLLECT BRUCE MARLATT Brussels - Phone 133 24 HOUR SERVICE License No. 990-145 PERSONAL SCOTCH PINE Christmas trees are now on sale at the Legion Home, John Street. Excellent choice, so come early and get your pick. Help us serve by using a Legion Christ- mas tree, 2b CARDS OF THANKS The family of the late Mer- vyn Templeman would like to express their many thanks for flower memorials and contribu- tions to the Cancer Society; also friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness to the family at the time of their bereavement, Also the nurses at Wingham and District Hos- pital, Dr. Crawford, Rev. John. son and the ministers of Wing - ham for the many visits, kind- ness and care during the months he was a patient in the hospital. 2b The sisters and brothers of the late Peter Kennedy wish to express their very deep appreci- ation for all kindness shown, the Wingham and District Hos- pital, Dr. Crawford, Rev. Gor- don Fish, Currie funeral home, those who sent flowers and sympathy cards, and all those who helped in so many ways. These acts of kindness will not soon be forgotten. 2* The family of the late Mrs. Albert G. Vincent wish to ex- press their sincere gratitude for the many kind words of sympathy spoken to them, also cards and the many floral tri- butes. Special thanks to Rev. A. Jackson, the nursing staff on North Wing who made her so comfortable while there, the neighbors, the ladies of the United Church and the Walker funeral home, 2* I would like to thank all who expressed their good wishes by cards, letters and treats while in Victoria Hospital, London.— Mrs. S. A. Murray. 2b Sincere thanks to my neigh- bors, friends and relatives for their visits, cards and treats while I was a patient in Wing - ham and District Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Mel Cor- rin, Dr. Maxim and the nurs- ing staff on first floor.—Mrs. Ira Wall. 2* MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING & DECORATING CHARLES RINTOUL Phone 357-3044, Wingham. 16rrb SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R. R. 2, Brussels, phone 442W6, Brusses, S16 -D15* FLOOR SANDING New hardwood floors laid, sanded and finished. Also old floors. New rnodern equipment. Phone 357-2750, Norman --Ran- toul & Sons. 16rrb NOTICE If you are thinking of financ- ing a car be sure to contact your State Farm Agent first. Reuben Appleby, 27 Patrick Street, Wingham, phone 357- 1679. FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automo- bile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness Home Protection Call your Co-op Agent- 53 gent-53 Maple Street, Wingham Dial 357-3739. LLOYD MONTGOMERY FOR MEMORIALS OF DISTINCTION Let us Whelp you choose a lovely and enduring family monument of ageless granite or marble. Our talented craftsmen will create a memorial of lasting beauty that will stand as an imperishable monument to the future family memory. Telephone collect for assistance without obligation: Stratford 271-6738, Stratford Cemetery Memorials Ltd., 38 Avondale Ave,, Stmt.. ford, Ontario. A22rrb CREDIT UNION NEW LOCATION No. 5 DIAGONAL ROAD OPEN DAILY 10 to 12 and 1:30 to 5i3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF SARAH MUSGROVE. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Wroxeter, in the County of Huron, who died on the 16th day of July, 1965, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or be- fore the 11th day of December, 1965. After that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, this 22nd day of November, A.D. 1965. CRAWFORD & SHEPHERD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 25-2-9b DIED BROWN—Mrs. Adelaide H. Brown, beloved wife of the late Thomas George Brown, passed away in Wingham and District Hospital on Monday, November 29, 1965. Mrs. Brown was born in Huron Township, Huron County, on July 6, 1886, and is survived by two daughters, Mrs, iAdrien L. (Carmen) Har- denburg, of Grand Blanc, Mich., and Mrs, Clarence R. (Althea) Cantelon, of Wingham, also one sister, Mrs. Walter D. (Kate) Munroe, of Flint Mich., three grandsons and four great grandsons. Funeral service will be held today (Thursday) from the R. A. Currie & Son funeral Thome at 2 p.m, Interment in Wingham Cemetery. For Sale Bargain priced 6 room com- pletely up to date home with all modern conveniences situ- ated on a landscaped lot close to schools, churches, etc. mall price $9,900. A modest down payment and the balance to be repaid interest only. $4,500 full price with a low down payment and easy terms for 13/a storey home with con- veniences situated approxi- mately 1 block from the main street of Wingham. Lucknow home, up to date with modern conveniences lo- cated on a double lot. Full ask- ing price only $8,000 with a down payment of $2,500 and easy terms. Sacrifice. 100 acre highway farm with a good set of farm buildings located close to shop- ping facilities. The full asking price is a mere $10,900. You can have a sure income of $16,000 a year if you buy this dairy farm with 2 year old $17,000 3 bedroom home, Milk contract, pipe -line milker, bulk tank, stable cleaner. Barn, granary and silo hill of 'feed. Approximately 60 dairy cattle. Move in next month if you like. Lock, stock and barrel deal. 200 rich acres. White enchant- ing farm home with white fences and mature maples. King sized barn with loose stabling for 80 head, 47 tie-ups, stable cleaner, bulk tank, silo unloader. 2 diesel tractors in- cluded in the full line of mo- dern .machinery. More than enough feed for the 80 head of high -testing Holsteins. Im- mediate possession. 34 cottage lots surveyed in an area where better cottages are being built. Roads all fin- ished and gravelled. 12 acres of gravel pit just opened and gov. ernment tested. Sand beach. $18,000. Hardware store in Bruce County. Ideal place to raise a family in the smart 8 bedroom modern apartment. Be your own boss. Illness forcing sale. Full price $12,000, plus stock, $2,000 down or owner will trade on house or pasture farm. DON HOLST REAL ESTATE BROKER Ivan Struthers, Representative Wingham, Ph. 357-3840 BIRTHS BROOK — To Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Brocic, (Mary Lou McArthur), a daughter, on November 23, 1965, at the Toronto Western Hospital. WALKER — In Wingham and District !Hospital, on Friday, November 26, 1965, to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Walker, Wingham, a daughter. COBER — In Wingham and District Hospital, on Friday, November 26, 1965, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cober, R. R. 1, Wroxeter, a daughter. The production of the first printing on this continent is attributed to the Spaniards of Mexico. Unverifiable records indicate that they were printing religious books south of the Rio Grande as early as 1539. Four books from Mexico, bearing the date 1544, are now on exhibit in the New York Public Library. The first English-language printing on this continent was executed at Cambridge, Mass- achusett's in 1638. North Amer- ica's first newspaper appeared in 1690. It bore the rather rambling title, "Publik Occur- rences, Both Foreign and Do- • mestik, " Coming Events LIVING FAITH Watch for this telecast this coming Sunday, December 5th, at 1 o'clock over CRNX-TV, Channel 8. 2* REGISTRATION For Gorrie and Wroxeter Athletic Association, For all minor hockey teams Saturday, December 4, from 1-3 p,m., in Gorrie and Wroxeter •arenas. 2b THE DECEMBER Meeting of the Women's In- stitute will be held on Thurs- day, December 9, in the Coun- cil Chambers at 2;30 p.m. The program conveners are Mrs, Day, Mrs. Gannett and Mrs, J. Halliday. The guest speak- er will be Capt. Ferris of the Salvation Army. Three prizes will be given for the best dis- play of Christmas goodies. The hostesses are Mrs. Finnegan, Mrs. Galbraith, Miss Simpson and Mrs. McGee. 2* LADIES' AID OF ST, AN- DREWS PRESIWTERIAN Church are holding" their Christmas tea and bake sale in • the Council Chambers Satur- day, December 4th, from 3-5, Everyone welcome. 2* ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION Scotch pine Christmas trees are now on sale at the Legion Home, John Street. Excellent choice, so come early and get your pick. Help us serve by using a Legion Christ- mas tree. 2b GODERICH LIONS BINGO Wednesday, December 8, at 8:30 p,m., at Harbourilte Inn. 17 regular games at $10; one share the wealth jackpot;, one $50 jackpot; plus new excel- erating jackpot up to $250.00. Admission $1,00. rrb A Child Dreams of Christmas Every child dreams at Christ- mas time, and as we grow old we cherish the dreams of our childhood as much as the real- ity of this sacred season. But there are some children who dare not dream of Christmas. They have been hurt and dis- appointed so much in their short lives that they are afraid to hope. These are the children of poverty-stricken families, of broken homes, and institutions; ill, frightened, unhappy child- ren. Must they go without Christmas this year, while oth- ers have so much? M Not if The Salvation Army can help it. In countless ways ,, this 100 -year-old organization brings the joys of Christmas to children too often forgotten. Small things -- a stocking fill- ed with candy canes, a new doll, a warm smile, can make the day glow with happiness for a child. Salvationists not only provide these things, but also work to reunite families, ob- tain jobs for fathers and help parents to cope with emotional problems. A gift to The Sal- vation Army's annual Christmas Fund can give a child the cour- age to dream again. r r • r r • r w 0 •