HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-10-28, Page 74 • • 4 r • si 1 Colin Fingland Is Speaker at U,C. WROXETER—Mr. Colin ping' land of Wingham was the speak- er at the United Church on Sun- day. He spoke of Christ's meeting in communion with His disciples, His entry into Jerusa- lem and the trial and crucifix- ion. Speaking of reconcillia- tion Mr. Fingland recalled the stories of Peter, Mary Magda - line and others, The junior and intermedi- ate choirs led the singing. The juniors, unaccompanied, in two-part harmony sang "A Thanksgiving Hymn" by Cotton and Thiman. They were direct- ed by Mrs. A. Edwin Martin, organist. The intermediate choir sang "In the Garden with Jesus", also in two-part har- mony. GOING HUNTING? Did you know that there is a special low cost policy that insures hunters in the event of injury or death while hunting? If you are planning a hunting trip you can enjoy this extra coverage. Stop in and see us soon for full details. IV. R. CONRON, CLU INSURANCE AGENCY Complete Insurance Coverage — Agent for — MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 5 John St. W. - Ph. 357-2636 WINGHAM WROXETER'S FOOTBALL CLUB, 1902-03—Back row: G. Calder, W. McLean, goal; A. Robinson, back; W. Black- wood, back. Second row: Wally Miller, right wing; G. Rae, right wing; John Rae, centre; J. Bricker, left wing. Front row: G. Sanderson, right half; W. Downey, centre half; H. McLeod, left half; Frank Townsend, mascot.—Pic- ture owned by Mrs. L. McLean, Wroxeter. U.C.W. Bazaar WROXETER—The United Church Women held a very suc- cessful bazaar in the Commun- ity Hall with a good supply of home baking, vegetables, ap- rons and other articles for sale. The children clustered about the table of Barbie doll clothes The Messengers served a de- licious lunch in the church basement and are to be compli- mented omplimented on their efficient and pleasant service. Business and Professional Directory WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct and Save Bus. Ph. 357-1910 Res. Ph. 357.1015 AMBULANCE SERVICE CALL — S. J. WALKER PHONE Day - Night 357-1430 Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, RO Mrs. Viola H. Homuth, RO OPTOMETRISTS Phone 118 HARRISTON - ONTARIO BUTLER, DOOLEY, CLARKE & STARKE Chartered Accountants Trustee in Bankruptcy Licensed Municipal Auditor 2nd Floor, PUC Building Cor. Josephine & John Sts. WINGHAM, Dial '357-1561 A. H. McTAVISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC Teeswater - Ontario Tel. 892-3813, Teeswater Wroxeter --Every Wednesday afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by appointment P. D. Hemingway, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR' Professional Office Building LISTOWEL, ONTARIO For Appointment: Phone 1650, Listowel Pearson, Edwards & CO. Chartered Accountants P. R. PEARSON Trustee in Bankruptcy 306 JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM - Tel. 257.2891 Gaviller McIntosh & Ward Chartered Accountants Resident Partner 3. E. Kennedy, C.A. Opposite Post Office Dial 881-3471 - Walkerton Crawford& Shepherd Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. J. Harley Crawford, Q.C. Norman A. Shepherd, M.A., LLB. WINGHAM, ONTARIO Dial 357.3630 J. T. G00DALL BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY, Etc. Office — Meyer Block WINGHAM DIAL 357-1990 FLAIR AND ACHESON CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS MUNICIPAL AUDITORS BOX 663 KINCARDINE PHONE 55 Belmore Personal Notes Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mul- vey were guests last week -end at a banquet to honor 1956 graduates of rhe Ontario Agri- cultural College in Guelph. Sincere sympathy is extend- ed to members of the Willie Hallowe'en! BELMORE--This week -end is Hallowe'en, the time for all sorts of goblins, ghosts, and witches to be out. A word of warning to motorists - even though we now have street lights, it may still be hard to see some of them in their dark costumes. Please drive through our village carefully; we can't afford to lose any of our wee folk. This year, the call will probably not be 'trick or treat' so much as 'shell out'. Shell out for Unicef, that is, The United Nations children's Fund. Read Laurie Steven's poem on what Hallowe'en means to him, then do your best to help • to put food in others' hands. UNICEF We collect money at Hallowe'- en, To send to foreign lands, We send money so we can help To put food in others' hands. Those countries need money so they can eat, And we do what we can, So little boys who are so sick Can grow and be healthy men. --Laurence Steven, 11 years old, 1964. Wroxeter Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mapel- toft and family of Millbrook spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Coates. Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Haugh and Eileen, accompanied by Mr, and Mrs, Arnold Noble, Wayne and Paul of Maryhill, visited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stokes of Gorrie on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Boyne Sage and family, 3rd line Wallace, visited recently at the home of Mr. Ross Toman. Mrs. Alonzo Sparling return- ed home from Wingham and District Hospital on Sunday. Misses Lea and Ethyle Bree- don of Tottenham, Mrs, M. J. Williamson of Arthur and Mrs. Norine Atkinson of Muskoka Falls spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. George Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eaton, Seaforth, spent Sunday evening with Mrs. Alonzo Sparling. A Very successful bazaar was held on Saturday, Sponsor- ed by the U.C.W. family, on the death of their mother, Mrs. Matt. Willie, in Walkerton Hospital last week. Miss Anita O'Malley of Tor- onto spent the week -end at her home on the 2nd of Culross. Mrs. Roy Diefenbaker at- tended a family gathering in honor of the 30th wedding an- niversary of her sister and broth- er-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- lard Haas, of New Dundee, on Friday evening. Saturday's inclement weath- er forced cancellation of the Hi -C car wash which had been scheduled. Even though they could have had some help from nature, they decided to 'call the whole thing off', Perhaps if the Indians lend us more of their summer, it may be rescheduled before winter throws her man- tle! Thirty-three members of the Mulvey fatnily, from London, Fergus, and this area, attended the annual family reunion held on Saturday: Dinner was en- joyed at Danny's Restaurant, af- ter which they returned to the Belmore Community Centre. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Eadie show- ed pictures of a recent trip to Western Canada and the U.S. and visiting was enjoyed. Our congratulations to top ploughman T.P. O'Malley, of this area. T. P. was named tops in the tractor class at the plow- ing match held in Kincardine on Saturday. If you don't like the looks of those fields, farmers, you know who to call! Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Bal- lagh and Lavonne on Sunday at- tended Clifford United Church, where the latter was guest solo- ist for its 77th anniversary ser- vices. Children Take Part in W.M.S. Thankoffering BELMORE--The Women's Missionary Society of the Pres- byterian Church here, held its Thankoffering meeting in the form of a family night in the church on Friday. Members of the congregation were invited. Mrs. Elmer Jeffray presided. Mrs. Ken Dickson read the Scripture lesson and Mrs. Geo. Nickel offered prayer. The Ex- plorers and Mission Band then took over and provided the pro- gram, under the direction of their leaders, Mrs. Alvin Mun- dell and Mrs. Bruce Darling. The Explorers recited the Ex- plorers Purpose and sang The Books of the Old Testament. A choral reading, "All Round The World", was followed by solos by Laurie Appleby, Beth Mun- dell, Darlene Ballagh and Doug- Ias Jeffray, The Explorers' Prayer was repeated in unison and a summary of the year's mission study, "Ten Open Doors for the Children" was sung. The Mission Band members, 22 in number, opened their part of the meeting by singing sev- eral choruses and motion songs. Neil Appleby led in prayer.Mrs. Bruce Darling gave a brief sum- mary of the Mission Band study book, "Our Neighbours". "Children of Other Lands" was presented, with Nancy and Glen- da Ballagh, Twyla Dickson, Donna and Glenn Jeffray, and John Leeson each representing a different country. Sharon Cam- eron was narrator. Barbara Metcalfe, Donna MacAdam, and Beverley Bal- lagh told the story of The Good Samaritan by flannelgraph. Pic- tures and articles from other countries were on display. Two films were shown. Margaret Jeffray read the manuscript for "Let's Meet Doreen", a film describing the work of the church among the Canadian In- dians. A record of typical city sounds accompanied the second film "A Place For Me", depict- ing the city through the eyes of a boy who lived there. The meeting closed with a hymn and prayer by the presi- dent, Mrs. Jeffray. Visit from Old Friend Is Bonus With Cheque Last Thursday Mrs. Lloyd Montgomery had quite a plea- sant surprise. Someone had telephoned to say he would be at her place in a short while to present her with a cheque from Maple Leaf Milling Co. When the representative arrived, she found he was Bob Abram, for- merly of Belmore. It was over 20 years since they had seen each other. Bob will be well remember- ed by the people around Bel- more as he was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Win. Abram. He is married, has two Child- ren and lives at Tharilesford, Wlnhaat Adv ante-Ttnies, ?'hurstlay, Oct., 28, 2985 *- Page 7 g ,.. � � . Honor Bride -Elect At Hohnstein Home BELMOR9—About 20 ladies frorn the village gathered at the home of Mrs. 0, Hohnstein on Friday evening, for a. mis- cellaneous shower in honor of Miss Dale McNee, bride ofnext month, The hostess was Miss Dorothy Hohnstein and she was assisted by her mother, Contests and various games were enjoyed by those present. Miss Joyce Hohnstein presented Dale with gifts to be opened, after which the bride -elect thanked all those present. Lunch was served by the hostesses. Miss McNee's marriage to Kenneth Weber takes place on November 6th, in the Behnore United Church. UCW Will Cater For Wedding BELMORE—The October meeting of the U.C.W. was held at the home of Mrs. Wil- liam Merkley en Wednesday with nine ladies present. Mrs. Alex Sangster opened the meet- ing with a worship service, con- sisting of a call to worship, reading of Scripture and hymns, on a Thanksgiving theme. Mrs. Wm. Merkley gave a reading, "Religion and Life" and Mrs. Wilfred Johann read the chapter from the study book on Trinidad. The roll call was a Remembrance Day thought. Plans were made to cater to a wedding in November, The meeting was brought to a close with the benediction. Reception Held For Newlyweds BELMORE--A reception and dance was held in the Com- munity Centre on Friday eve- ning in honor of the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Douglas. A large crowd attended and en- joyed dancing to the music of a Listowel orchestra. An address was read by Jas. Renwick, and Mrs. Leonard Metcalfe presented the couple with a gift of money. Both ex- pressed their thanks. Lunch was served, and dancing resumed. Mrs. Douglas is the former Sharon Horton, of this area. Lakelet Mr. and Mrs, Alex Murray have been visiting with rola- tives in the London and Arkona district fox the past two and one half weeks. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Wood and family visited with Mr. and Mrs, Norman Harding of Fordwieh on Sunday. Several from the Lakelet district are taking advantage of the opportunity to attend night classes being offered at the Howick Central School and Wingham Secondary School, Mr. and Mrs, James Inglis visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed- gar Gaunt of 9eigrave on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown of Listowel visited with Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Wylie on Sun- day, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Trim ble of Orangeville and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Horsley of Shel- burne were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Inglis. Mr. Donald Cober had the misfortune to break a bone in his ankle last week, so is un- able to drive the school bus for a time. However, he is able to get about with a walking cast. Mr. Harvey Byer of Stouff- ville and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Byer of Gorrie visited with Mr. and Mrs, Levi Byer on Sunday. Friends of Mr. John White will be sorry to learn that he is a patient at Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital. Mr, and Mrs. Allan White of Springfield and Mr. Robert White of Teeswater called on Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wylie this week -end. BIRTH HALLMAN--To Mr. and Mrs. Derril Hallman of R. R. 2, Clifford, on Tuesday, Oct. 19th, at Walkerton Hospital, a daughter, a sister for Stev- en. It takes years to build a for- est. Fire can tear it down in minutes. Be careful with fire in the forest. C. A. WHAMS, 0,1 Optometrist 9 PATRICK STREET W. WINGHAM Phone 357-1282 IF YOU CARE ABOUT YOUR GOVERNMENT! and • SINCERE • HONEST • CONSCIENTIOUS PERSONAL SERVICE RE-ELECT JOHN L N E Y IN BRUCE - Sponsored by the Bruce Progressive Conservative Association