HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-10-21, Page 191 Win ham Advance -Times, Thursda , Oct,. 21, 1965 Pa:e 11 OCTOBER SALE Now on Bargains for all of the family CALLAN SHOES YOUR FAMILY SHOE STORE JOSEPHINE STREET PHONE WINGHAM 357-1840 • Cub -Scout Church Parade TO THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL SUNDAY, OCT 24 at 10.30 Parade forms at the Armouries. Full uniform. After an active morning of play outdoors, a little boy came in and asked his mother, "Who am I?" "Tarzan?" she guessed. "That lady down the road was right," exclaimed the lad. "She said I was so dirty even my own mother wouldn't know me." BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN LIMITED CLINTON • ONTARIO NOTE: Box office opens at 7:80 p.m. Irlret Show at 8 p.m. WEEKEND, SHOWS ONLY FRIDAY and SATURDAY October 22-23 — DOUBLE FEATURE -- "FIRST MEN IN THE MOON" 4 Edward Judd - Martha Flyer Color "CODE 7, VICTIM 5" Lex Barker (Adult Entertainment) Color Cartoon • • • • CROWN THEATRE HARRISTON WED, 20 - THUR. 21 - FRI. 22 World War II as fought in the hotel suites of London, makes for very funny comedy in "AMERICANIZA- TION OF EMILY" Starring James Garner and Julie Andrews (Adult Entertainment) Wed. and Thurs. at 8 p.m. Friday 7:15 and 9:15 p.m. SAT. 23 - MON. 25 - TUES. 26 "VON RYAN'S EXPRESS" in Color — Starring Frank Sinatra - Trevor Howard Lots of thrills, action and suspense Saturday at 7:15 and 9:20 p.m. Monday and Tuesday at 8 p.m. WED. 27 - THUR. 28 - FRI. 29 A blistering romance at the South Pole — makes for fun - fun - fun! The stars— George Maharis - Robert Morse "QUICK, BEFORE IT MELTS" in Metro Color (Adult Entertainment) Wed. and Thurs. at 8 p.m. Friday 7:15 and 9:15 p.m. RECREATION TOPICS by IVAN KERSELL, Wingham Recreation Director, The Saturday recreation pro- gram for youngsters has been held for two weeks. Attendance is quite high -- about 60 child- ren — and the young people seem to find it interesting. Last Saturday the number of boys was rather small because of Boy Scout Apple Day. Floor hoc- key is popular with the boys and the girls enjoy volleyball. It is hoped the puppet theatre will get into full swing this week. Last Saturday the young- sters made Hallowe'en masks to practise moulding faces. At a recent meeting of the Wingham District High School Board permission was granted to the Recreation Department to use the school gym facilitieson Saturdays through the winter. Girls' volleyball and basket- ball programs and boys' basket- ball and floor hockey will be held there. 0--0--0 Monday and Tuesday nights of this week the second stage of the Choir Leadership Course was held in the music room of W-D.H.S. Mr. Fagen was the instructor. The third and final stage of the course will beheld next April. 0--0--0 Sunday will see the end of roller skating at the arena for the season. This has been a successful program. During the winter the roller skates will be reconditioned. Many of the roller skating enthusiasts have formed a club and plan to visit rinks in Kitchener and London that operate all year. Mem- bers of this club who do not own their own skates will be able to rent the arena skates for this purpose. 0--0--0 During the week of October 25th to 29th the ice will be put in the arena in preparation for winter hockey and skating. There will likely be three arimmaymmomemomeei HARRISTON DRIVE-IN THEATRE FRIDAY 22 - SATURDAY 23 ELVIS PRESLEY stars in his top musical with Julie Prowse "G. I. BLUES" Plus—a top thriller "MASQUE OF THE RED DEATH" (Adult Entertainment) hit !■I llellIUIl lelll■TILT II111III®III■IIINII!liill®III!I llelllellIUITIMIIIssil(lel I I■Illilllrll11 £YCCUM SHOWPLACE OF WINGHAM — PHONE 357-1630 WED.-THUR.-FRI. OCTOBER 20-21-22 "FERRY ACROSS THE MERSEY" Starring: Gerry and the Pacemakers Rock and Roll pandemonium reigns with the Mersey Beat. It's the inside story of the rock and roll sensations. SATURDAY MATINEE OCTOBER 23 "NO TIME FOR SERGEANTS" SAT.-MON.-TUES.-WED. (4 days) OCT. 23.25.26-27 "VON RYAN'S EXPRESS" Colour — Starring: Frank Sinatra - Trevor Howard This is one of the biggest and best pictures ever made about the last war, COMING NEXT THUR,•FRI. (2 days) OCTOBER 28-29 "UP FROM THE BEACH" IljlslllslllSlli■IIIslllslllslll■IIISIIIlt11I!■III$iIlelllslll®IIIsIIISILst1I11le!UelUSII nights a week devoted to pub- lic skating, plus Saturday and Sunday afternoons. On Sunday, October 31st, there will be free skating to start the season. Since ice skating is more ex- pensive to provide than roller skating, we cannot offer as much free time but hope for free skating at least one Sunday afternoon per month. 0--0--0 There has been considerable interest in the Highland Danc- ing lessons given by Miss Linda Young, each Thursday in the town hall, Over 20 young peo- ple registered in this program. The space we have in the hall is now inadequate and we must find another hall for dancing lessons. 0--0--0 Baton twirling is a popular activity for girls in many com- munities. Community Pro- grams Division is planning to sponsor a course to train lead- ers from several communities in the Lake Huron zone in this activity, so they can in turn give training in their own muni- cipalities. unicipalities. If there are any young ladies in Wingham who have had some experience in baton twirling and would like to take this course, please contact the Recreation Department. Vice President of Provincial Assoc. Mrs. A. R. DuVal, chair- man of district No. 4 Ladies' Provincial Lawn Bowling Asso- ciation, attended the annual meeting of that organization which was held in Toronto Fri- day of last week. At the meeting Mrs. DuVal was elected by acclamation to the position of vice-president and also appointed to be assist- ant referee for the second stage play -downs of the provincial games to be held next August. Mrs. DuVal reports an in- teresting and enthusiastic meet- ing with the district chairmen and other delegates represent- ing the 103 ladies' lawn bowl- ing clubs of Ontario. Mrs. T. H. Bolingbroke of the Toronto Norwood Club was elected as president; Mrs. T. G. Reason, Toronto, Treasurer; Mrs. J. Clark, Toronto, secretary and Mrs. W. Webb of Hamilton Thistles is to continue as chair- man of the championship games. Ten men can stand upright in the mouth of a large blue whale. FIELD DAY at the Public School was favoured with excep- tionally fine weather on Tuesday afternoon. Tom Irwin was one of the competitors in the intermediate broaci jump. Whitechurch Wins 7th Championship W HITECHURCH--The Junior Softball team, under manager Joe Tiffin, played the third and deciding game in a best -of - five series at Wellesley on Sat- urday evening and were victor- ious with a 2-0 score. Whitechurch has won the W. O. A. A. championship for the seventh consecutive year. They will now try for the grand championship and the commun- ity is behind them all the way. Bridge Club North & south: First, H. An- derson and W. Laidlaw; second, Mr. and Mrs. W. Wharry; tied for third, Mrs. D. B. Porter and A. Wilson, Mrs. H. Fisher and A. Forbes. East & west: First, Mrs. R. H. Lloyd and W. H. French; second, Mrs. F. A. Parker and O. Haselgrove; third, Mrs. W. H. French and B. Ortlieb. "Mother," said a little boy after coming from a walk. "I've seen a man who makes horses." "Are you sure?" asked his mother. "Yes," he replied. "He had a horse nearly finished when I saw him. He was just nailing on the feet." Belgrave Midgets Beat Rostock for WOAA Title The Belgrave Midget ball club hammered out an 11-4 victory over Rostock on the Brussels diamond Saturday night to take the W.O. A. A. Midget championship in two straight. The previous game was a 9-6 victory for Belgrave over Rostock at Milverton. On their way to the cham- pionship the Belgrave boys eliminated Teeswater, Cargill and Allenford. Bill Elston is the manager of the team and the coach is Doug Coultes. Geese Arrive At Jack Miner's Several thousand Canada Geese have arrived at The Jack Miner Bird Sanctuary near King ville, Ontario, where they will accept the Miner hospitality for not only food, but safety from now until they migrate north in the spring. The Jack Miner Sanctuary is owned by what is known as The Jack Miner Foundation and is managed by a board of trustees. According to Jack Miner's wish the Sanctuary is in no way com- mercialized, no admission fee is charged and no tips. Not ever. a bottle of pop is allowed to be sold, but Jack Miner's sons are on hand to welcome you. In other words Jack Miner's wishes are being carried out when he said, "in the name of God let us have one place on earth where no money changes hands and let that place be my home" The place is open every day except Sunday with The best time to be there being from 3.30 to 4.30 p.m. GOING HUNTING? Did you know that there is a special low cost policy that insures hunters in the event of injury or death while hunting? If you are planning a hunting trip you can enjoy this extra coverage. Stop in and see us soon for full details. W. B. CONRON, CLU INSURANCE AGENCY Complete Insurance Coverage — Agent for — 11'IANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 5 John St. W. - Ph. 357-2636 WINGHAM THE JUNIOR BOYS had a pile of fun when they competed in the wheelbarrow race during the field day at the Public School. They are shown as. they Tined up for the event Tuesday afternoon. Senior events carried over to Wednesday. Friendly Service Friendly service — an unbeatable combination ... from babysitting to an extra smile from your waitress. Make your stay in Toronto more enjoyable ... try it LORD SIMCOE STYLE! LORD SIMCOE HOTEL 150 King St. West, Toronto. Tel: 362-1848 SECOND ANNUAL Doorway to Song Presented by: The Wingham Chapter "THE HARMONY MEN" Featuring: —CHORUSES— WINGHAM HARMONY MEN GEORGIAN GENTLEMEN, Owen Sound —QUARTETS— CANADIAN ASTRO-NOTES, Toronto PAR -FOUR, Toronto WING -DING 4, Wingham WINGHAM DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM 8:15 P.M. Saturday, November 6th Tickets available from any Chapter Member or at the Door ADMISSION $L25 21-28-4b