HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-10-21, Page 16Page 8 — Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, Oct. 21, 1966
ON YOUR MARK ... GET SET—This was the old lingo as
Grade II girls Tined up for the three-legged race during
Corrie Persona
Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell
Strong visited relatives in Ham-
ilton on Sunday.
Mr. Richard Plant of St,
Marys spent the week -end at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glad
Miss Corinne Rhame, Lon-
don, spent the week -end with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har-
ry Rhame.
Mrs. Mary Ann Taylor,
Wingham, spent a few days at
the home of Mr, and Mrs. E.
H. Strong.
Rev. and Mrs. Gordon W.
Butt, Riverside, spent the
21 YRS
When you turn 21
you're no longer cov-
ered by your parents'
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To keep insured, you
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or from the Commis-
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Insurance premium
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wife. Notify your
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fy the Commission.
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Toronto 7, Ontario
week -end with Mrs. A. L.
Rev. and Mrs. Frank E. Rus-
sell of Guelph spent the week-
end with Mrs. Gordon Under-
Mrs. Bertha Plant visitedher
son and daughter-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey Plant of Al-
lanford, and attended the wed-
ding of their son, George, on
Saturday in Owen Sound.
Miss Edith Lee of Durham,
England, arrived Friday at Mal -
ton and is visiting her uncle,
Rev. J. Wilfred Hird.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Car-
son and family and Mr. Stewart
Beatty, Brockville, were guests
at the Pollock -Clark wedding
in St. Stephen's Anglican
Church on Saturday, and spent
the week -end with Mrs. E. W.
Carson and other relatives.
Miss Donna Mae Beatty,
Brockville, spent the week -end
with Miss Lynda Johnston and
was a guest at the Pollock -
Clark wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Under-
wood, Debbie and Kathy of Ux-
bridge, Mr. and Mrs. Murray
Underwood, Wingham, Mr.
and Mrs. Glenn Underwood and
Karen were Thanksgiving guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Under-
Mrs. Glad Edgar attended
the W. 1. Area convention in
Guelph last week, as district
representative, Mrs. Russel Ad-
ams and Mrs. Robt. Elschner
attended the same convention
on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Grain-
ger spent a few days with Mr.
and Mrs. Jas. McKie, Norwich
and also visited friends in Brant-
Bible Society
Elects Officers
GORRIE--The annual meet-
ing of the Gorrie and District
branch of the Canadian Bible
Society was held October 14 in
St. Stephen's Church. Rev.
Harold Jenkins, rector, opened
the meeting with a Scripture
reading and offered prayer.
Officers elected were: Pres.,
Cecil Grainger; vice, Mrs. Geo.
Brown; sec., Mrs. Gordon Un-
derwood; treas. , Mrs. Norman
Canvassers were appointed
for the district and collections
will be completed by Novem-
ber 20, Canvassers appointed
Hayrick Concession 2 and 3,
Mrs. Earl Toner; 4 and 5, Mrs.
Clifford Pyke, Mrs. Russell Ad-
ams; 6 and 7, Mrs. Stewart
Strong and Mrs. E. H. Strong;
8 and 9, Mrs. F. Koster and
Mrs. N. Fairies; 10 and 11, Mrs.
Wm. Bennett, Mrs. Alvin Simp-
son; 12 and 13, Mrs. Geo.
Hamilton, Mrs. Ed. David; 14
and 15, Mrs. Alex Taylor,
Mrs. Carl Nickel.
Gorrie N. E, , Mrs, Gordon
Underwood, Mrs. T. L. Mc-
Innes, N . , Mrs. Chas, Fin-
lay, Mrs. Harty Gowdy; S. E, ,
Mrs. Glenn Underwood, Mrs.
Bill Nay; 5. W., Mr. Percy Mb
ton, Mr. August Keil.
Tuesday's field day at the Public School, It was a lot of
work for the teachers, but the children had a fine time.
Mrs, Albert Dustow was able
to return home Thursday from
The Women's Institute
course, "Vegetables with a
Flair" will be presented to those
interested next Thursday eve-
ning at 8 o'clock at the home
of Mrs. Glad. Edgar with Mrs.
Thos, McEwen, assistant lead -
Mr. Robt. Searson spent a
few days at the Plowing Match
at the Massey -Ferguson Farms.
Mrs. Jean MacDonald, Mrs.
Dorothy Earls, Misses Lynne and
Leonne Earls of London, Mr.
and Mrs. Ira McLean, Wrox-
eter, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Hastie and Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
ford King were Thanksgiving
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Archie
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Mogk,
Stratford, visitor; Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Koch.
Rev. Harold Jenkins attend-
ed the clergy conference at
Stratford last week.
25th Anniversary
GORRIE—Mr. and Mrs, John
Dinsmore entertained in honor
of Mr. and Mrs. Harry King,
Gorrie, for their 25th wedding
anniversary at a surpriseturkey
dinner in St. Stephen's Church
Sunday school room on Satur-
day. There were over 25 guests
Surprise Dinner
GORRIE—A surprise dinner
for Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Bennett,
Gorrie, who celebrated their
45th wedding anniversary was
held at Danny's Restaurant on
Sunday evening. Those at-
tending were Mr. and Mrs. Jos.
Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Bennett and Brenda and Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Bennett and family.
Pictures Shown of
Observer Tour
BLUEVALE—Unit Two of
U.G.W. sponsored a pleasant
social evening in the United
Church on Wednesday when
John Bosman, of West Lorne,
showed pictures in color illus-
trating the Observer Tour he
and his wife enjoyed during the
Denmark, Palestine, Egypt
and Greece were included in
the tour. Localities where
Christ lived and taught were
shown, the great pyramids and
temples of Egypt and the ruins
of world famous buildings in
Greece. Very striking were the
views of King Tut's tomb with
its magnificent decorations and
surrounding rich statuary.
Rev. G. C. Mitchell intro-
duced the speaker and voiced
appreciation. Mrs. James E1
story expressed the thanks of the
audience and presenteda re-
mernbrance'to Mr. Bosman.
At the conclusion, a social
half hour was enjoyed.
Mrs. M. Newton
Hosts Guild
GORRIE—The Guild of St.
Stephen's Anglican Church met
at the home of Mrs. Mac New-
ton with Mrs. William Bennett
conducting the opening devo-
tions. Mrs, Edward David read
Scripture. Roll call was an-
swered with something to be
thankful for.
A Christmas afternoon tea
and bake sale with gifts and a
produce table will be held in
the basement of the church.
Mrs. William Bennett gave
a reading on friendship and a
contest was enjoyed. Lunch was
served by the hostess and Mrs.
Apple Day for
Scouts and Cubs
GORRIE--The Gorrie-Wrox-
eter Boy Scouts held their first
meeting on 'Monday, Rev, Har.'
Old Jenkins of Gorrie is the
Scout leader and John Sinna-
mon of Wroxeter is the Cub
leader. The assistants are Mrs,
T. O'Krafka and Mrs, James
The Scouts and Cubs are
holding Apple Day on Saturday,
BLUEVALEThe second
meeting of the No. II Club was
held at the home of Mrs. Mur-
ray Johnston. The secretary's
report was read by Ann Holt.
The name chosen for the club
was Bluevale Bedtime Beauties.
The books will be lettered in
blue on white plastic.
Donna Mundell explained
and demonstrated placing, pin-
ning and cutting of a pattern.
Mrs. K. Johnston discussed pre-
paration and shrinking of ma-
terial and Mrs. M. Johnston
talked on the use of a pattern,
placing it on the material and
The leaders gave a demon-
stration of the flat fell seam
and each girl made one of her
BLUEVALE—Donna Mundell
read the minutes at last Satur-
day's meeting, held at the
home of Mrs. Ken Johnston.
The next meeting will be held
Saturday morning in the base-
ment of the United Church
when the two Bluevale clubs
will meet jointly with MissLid-
diard, home economist, at-
tending the meeting.
Mrs. Johnston showed how to
use a tracing wheel for marking
a pattern and Mrs. Murray John-
ston demonstrated the lapped
seam and stay -stitching, and
the French seam. Each girl
tried the latter.
farmer Minister
Is Guest Speaker
GORRIE--Rev. Gordon W.
Butt of Riverside United Church,
formerly of Gorrie, was guest
Minister for morning and eve-
ning services in the United
Church here when the congre-
gation celebrated its anniver-
sary. Rev. J. W. Hird of Gor-
rie and Colin Fingland of Wing -
ham assisted.
The choir, with Mrs. Harry
Rhame as organist and director,
provided special music. Richard
Plant of St. Marys was soloist at
the morning service,
Rev. Butt's morning theme
was On being thankful for one-
self, others and God. The Lord's
Prayer was his evening theme.
Those attending the Ashfield
Presbyterian W . M. S. Thank -
offering meeting from White-
church I ere, Mrs. Johnston
Conn, Mrs, Frank Coulter, Mrs.
Earl Caslick and Mrs. Victor
88 Britannia Rd. E. - GODERICH
Phone 524-9201
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We keep a complete line of parts for Homelite,
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We are wrecking the following saws: Homelite, Mc-
Culloch, Pioneer, Davidbradley, Titan.
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