HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-10-14, Page 12Page 4 =- Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, ()et. 14, 1965 Fordvvich Personais
E. Wawanosh Approves
New Hullett School
Councillor Coultes, w ho w as
on holidays, was the oni; num-
ber of East Wawanosh Counc:
not in attendance for last weeks
meeting. Several grams were
voted: Blyth Agricultural Socie-
ty, $100,00; Salvation Army.
$75.00; Belgrave Library,
$20.00; Auburn and White-
church Libraries, $15. ' each;
Belgrave School Fair, $30.0;
Huron County Ploughmen's
Assoc., 575.00.
Council gave approval to
Hullett Public School Area
Board for construction of a new
central school in the township,
and also approved the addition
to Goderich District Collegiate
Institute and agreed to assume
its share of the cost of the nec-
essary debenture issue by the
town of Goderich.
The court of revision will be
held November 2 at three o'-
clock at Belgrave Community
!old Cook, cutting weeds,
!$;36,'.,,,Q; Philip Dawson, grease
cart, 55.0 ; Harry Williams,
gals. fuel $S02.60, tune
414.:34, $:37.14; Dominion Soil
Investigation Ltd., Scott and
!Morton bridger, $1,107.36;
William liallahan, 138 hrs.
with scraper, $1,930.00; Recei-
ve.r General of Canada, income
tax, $2.5S.
Town of Seaforth, welfare
charge -back, _S.0,; Walker
Home Furnishings, funeral ex-
x-penses, $175.00; Mrs. Jean
McKay, patient at Brookhaven,
4ti4.00; direct welfare, 535,00;
!Clayton Robinson, 1 fox bounty,
54.00; Blyth Agricultural So-
`• ciety, grant, ,31.00; The Sal-
t vation Army Wingham, grant,
575.00; Belgrave Library, grant,
320. Auburn Library, grant,
315,0); Whitechurch Library,
grant, 515.0:'; Belgrave School
Fair, grant, $30,00; Huron
County Ploughmen's Associa-
C. W. Hanna, sal. $196.50,) tion, grant, 575.00.
telephone 51.25, $197.75; Al-
an McBurney, wages 3187.42,
truck and chainsaw 8445.
Mrs. B. McDonald
$232.42; George T. Currie,
checking gravel, 346.00; Reg. Supervisor at
Schultz, cutting trees and brush,
$20,0; William Kennedy, cut Brussels School
ting trees and brush, 84.00; Joe All members of the Morris
Kea Construction, 3614 yds. Township School Area Board
gravel a 77d, 32,782.73; Har •
; were present for the meeting in
Brussels on October 5.
It was moved that Eldon Wil -
Prize Winners
Continued from Page Three
McNaughton 164; Chas. Gib-
son, 164; Robt, Hibberd 159;
Douglas Gibson 156; Jas. Mc-
Naughton 154; Glenn Mc-
Michael 152; Sam Robinson
151; Jack Brown 149; Jas. Rob-
inson 146.
Yorkshire white: Boar over
1 year, Wm. Turnbull & Sons,
Brussels; Boar over 4 months,
1st and 2nd Wm. Turnbull &
Sons; Chas. Gibson, Gorrie.
Brood sow, Wm. Turnbull &
Sons; 1st and 3rd; Chas. Gib-
son, 2nd and 4th. Sow over 4
months and under 1 year, lst
and 2nd Wm. Turnbull & Sons;
3rd and 4th, Chas. Gibson.
Landrace Pedigree: Boar
over 1 year, Owen Wright,
Wroxeter, R. R. 1, 1st and 2nd;
Howie Wright, Wroxeter, R. R.1
Lacombe Boar, over 1 year,
1st and 2nd, Wm. Turnbull &
Sons. Boar over 4 months and
under 1 year, Wm. Turnbull &
Sons; Elmer Harding; Wrn.
Turnbull & Sons. Sow over 4
months and under 1 year, 1st
and 2nd, Wm. Turnbull r•. Sons;
Jas. Harding; Elmer Harding.
Brood sow, lst and 3rd, Wm.
Turnbull; Elmer Harding,
Howick and Turnberry resi-
dents only: Sow over 1 year,
Douglas Gibson; Chas. Gibson;
Elmer Harding. Sow over 6
months and under 1 year, lst
and 2nd, Owen Wright; Howie
Wright. Sow under months,
1st and 3rd, Jas. Harding; Chas.
Gibson. Pen of 4 bacon hogs,
Oscar Kieffer. Best Pair Pedi-
gree Sows under 6 months, Jas.
Harding; Douglas Gibson.
Andrew Gaunt, Lucknow won
the Eaton of Canada special for
most prizes in the beef class
with Shorthorn cattle. Len Bok,
Wingham, won the 8100.00
stake for the best horse on the
line. Mrs. Wm. Rayson, Lis-
towel, was the winner of the
Simpson Sears special for the
best collection of home baking.
There were approximately
85 exhibitors.
son be given a refund of 321.00
on tuition fees and that Mrs.
Bruce McDonald be engaged as
music supervisor for the Brussels
The chairman and the sec-
retary were authorized to bor-
row from the Canadian Bank of
Commerce, Brussels, up to
530, Oso as required for current ,
expenses. The following bills
were paid:
Dobson Roofing, Brussels
School, S1437.00; Hood Sup-
plies, Brussels and Morris
schools, 53, 622.33; H. Math- i
ers, fuel, 3391.80; G. Stiles,
fuel, 8240.60; C, Robertson,
fuel, 813.00; C. I, stamps,
813.24; Moyer supplies, seats,
Blyth School, 3248.26; Bel -
grave School Fair, 5270.00;
Hold Rinehart, books, 331.20;
Ryerson Press, books, 356.25;
W. J. Gage, 330.16; Jas. Smith,!
824.75; L. Whitfield, 315.00;
J. I. Holcomb, 336.40; Edu-
cator Supplies, 515.83; Alex-
Hardware, 515.41; Old-
field Hardware, 860.66; Mach- f
an Hardware, 314.39; Eldon
Wilson, 321.00; Ross Mann,
37.00; Wm. Thuell, $54,70; '
W. J. Hirks, 86.88; J. Creigh-
ton, $3.45; Imperial Desks,
32.53; H. Vodden, 31.06.
Mr. and Mrs, Norman Hard-
ing spent the week -end in Mt.
Brydges and London and attend-
ed a birthday party for his
brother, Mr. E. J. Harding at
the home of his daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
McAllister and family of Lon-
don. Other guests were Misses
, Maude and Esther Harding of
Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Er-
nest Park of Arthur.
The district Orange Church
service will be held Sunday at
Newbridge United Church at
2:30 p.m. Minister is the Rev.
A. C. Coles.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Sparling
of Sault St. Marie and Mrs.
Lida Belfour of Listowel visited
one day last week with Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Harding.
TUES., OCT. 19, 1:00 p.m.
700 HEAD consisting of Calves, Cows,
Heifers and Steers.
For Consignment Contact:
482-7511 234-6200
Auctioneers - Hector McNeil - Harold Jackson
Week -end visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Jacobson were
Mr, and Mrs. Vernon Jacobson
of Guelph and Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Demerling andlittle daugh-
ter of Fenelon Falls.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wray,
Brian and Grace of Toronto
spent the week -end at their
home here.
Mr, and Mrs. Wellington
Hargrave and David visited Sun-
day in Listowel with Mr. and
Mrs. E. Hargrave.
Mr, and Mrs. Earny D'Arcy
and Mr, George D'Arcy spent
Monday at Meaford and Shel-
Mr. Douglas Hargrave ac-
companied Mr. Kenneth Hall-
man to Niagara Falls for the
week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wild -
fang, Brian and Paul of Cooks-
ville were week -end visitors
with Mr, and Mrs. Roy Sim-
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ballamy
and son of London spent the
week -end with Mr. and Mrs.
Jack King.
Week -end and Sunday visit-
ors with Mrs. Pearl Patterson
were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Patter-
son and children of Toronto.
Mrs. Janette Lindsay of Tor-
onto visited a few days last
week with her sister, Miss Ruth
Mrs. Charles VerSchoor of
Ann Arbor, Michigan, visited
last week with Mrs. Ruby For-
ster. Misses. Robin Jane Beck-
with and Evelyn Straka of Tor-
onto were week -end guests at
the same home.
Mr. Robt, Campbell of the
RCEME Corps at Barriefield
spent the week -end with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Mr. and Mrs. Art Wells and
family of London were week-
end visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
George Ashton.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Foster
and little daughter and Misses
Jean and Marjorie Foster, all
of Toronto, were week -end
visitors with Mrs, Ruby Foster.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rome
and children spent the week-
end in Sarnia,
Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Camp-
bell and family visited Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. George Moss
in Galt.
Mrs. Drew Aitcheson of El-
ora spent last week at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Millar.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lynn,
Karen and Judy of Orillia spent
the holiday week -end at the
home of Mrs. Dora Ridley.
Mrs. Herman Nethery of
Belgrave spent the week -end at
the home of Mrs, Curtis Jordan.
Mr. Jordan spent the week at
Byng Inlet,
Mr. and Mrs, Ernie D'Arcy,
Mr. George D'Arcy, Mrs. Jes-
sie O'Gorman, Mt, Barrie D'-
Arcy, Mr. and Mrs. Wally Gib-
son, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore
and Mr. and Mrs. Carl D' Arcy
attended the '25th wedding an-
niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Keats in Guelph on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. George Lilly
and David, Mr. and Mrs. San-
dy Downey and Mark oT Lock-
port, New York, were week-
end guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn Martin.
Mr, and Mrs Frank Lep-
pington of Burgoyne spent the
week -end at their home here,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Valeriotte
and family of Guelph, Mr, and
Mrs. Tom Bellamy and family
of Tilbury, Mr, and Mrs. Al,
Bellamy and family of Toronto,
Mr. Charlie Bellamy of Ayr and
Mr. Roy Bellamy of Guelph
spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.
Jack King.
- the milk cheque wasn't big enough
- the 4-H calf was below par
- the bull chased the hired man
- the buyer didn't like the heifers
-- the steers didn't weigh enough
Plan a breeding program for herd improvement, using
the A.I. proven sires and selected young sires of
Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association.
Phone -weekdays before 10:00 a,m.
for Sunday service, phone Saturdays 6-8 p.m.
Listed in your local directory.
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Up to 335 zesty horsepower. It's the big new captivating car of
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