HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-10-14, Page 11r
Wingham Advance-T1mes, Thursday, Qct, 14, 1965 Page
Continued from Page Two
suitable for church, John Top-
ham; Mrs. Ira Neill.
Arrangement depicting a
song title, Mrs. Wes, Speers;
Mrs. Chas. Shannon, Christmas
door swag, Jean hill; Mrs. Wes.
Speers. Buffet arrangement,
Mrs, Wm, Wilson; Mrs, Wm.
Speers; Brian Gibson, Fruit,
vegetable and flower arrange*
ment, Mrs. Eileen Hamilton;
and return times °NF w
te pare mkso A'ARE.
ce; a 00
Ask about convenient departure
For information, phone the local
CN Passenger Sales Office
Mrs. Wes, Speers; Brian Gib-
son, Autumn arrangement, Mrs,
Eileen Hamilton; Brian Gibson;
Mrs, Ira Neill,
Leicester ewe, aged, Har-
old Hill & Sons, Harriston.
Ewe lamb, Harold Hill & Sons.
Oxford aged ram, J. E. Jackson,
Harriston, Ram lamb, J. E.
Jackson, 1st and 2nd, Ewe aged,
J. E. Jackson, 1st and 2nd..
Shearling ewe, J. E. Jackson,
1st and 2nd. Ewe lamb, J. E.
Jackson, 1st and 2nd.
Aged ram registered, Har-
old Hill; Carmen Kaye, Pal-
merston. Shearling ram, Har-
old Hill; Carmen Kaye. Ram
lamb, Carmen Kaye; Harold
Hill. Ewe aged, Harold Hill,
1st and 2nd. Shearling ewe,
Harold Hill; Carmen Kaye. Ewe
lamb, Harold Hill, 1st and 2nd.
Best lamb, any breed, J. E.
Jackson; Harold 11i1J.
Barred Plymouth Rocks: Cock
John C, Douglas, Stratford;
Donald Beirnes, Listowel. Hen,
John C, Douglas; Clifford Pep-
per, Dashwood, Cockerel, John
C, Douglas; Donald Beirnes,
Pullet, John C. Douglas, 1st
and 2nd,
Rhode Island Red; Cock,
Clifford Pepper. Hen, M. H.
Vollick, Mildmay, 1st and2nd,
Cockerel, M. H. Vollick; Clif
ford Pepper. Pullet, M, H.
Vollick; Clifford Pepper.
White Rock: Cock, John C.
Douglas, Stratford; Donald
Beirnes, Listowel. Hen, JohnC,
Douglas; Clifford Pepper. Cock-
erel, John C, Douglas, Clifford
Light Sussex: Clifford Pepper
The Canada Pension Plan
and its benefits
Here is what
the Canada Pension Plan
will do for people like Esther Meyer,
a 50 -year-old owner of a small store
who makes $5,800 a year.
If Esther continues to earn this
amount from her business
until age 65, she and her husband,
who is disabled and cannot work,
can look forward to a retirement
income of $104.17 from the Plan
and $75 from Old Age Security—
a total of $179.17 a month.
When her husband receives Old
Age Security, their income will
be $254,17 a month.
Should Esther die anytime after
1967, having contributed until
her death, her husband will
receive a disabled widower's
pension of $64.06 a month until
he reaches age 65. At that time.
or if he is already 65 when Esther
dies, his pension under the Plan
will be $62.50 a month plus
575 a'month Old Age Security.
On the death of his wife. Mr. Meyer
will also be entitled to a lump sum
payment of 5500.
All benefits under the Plan will
maintain their value. The
actual benefits payable will
probably be higher than those
liven here since benefits will
be adjusted to meet changes in
living costs and in wage levels
before they are paid and
changes in living costs after they
become payable.
What will the Plan cost you?
if, like Esther, you have self-
employed earnings of 55,300 a
year, you will pay S158.40 a year
which is 3,6°0 of $4,400, the
maximum amount upon which
contributions are payable.
Payment will be in instalments in
the same way you tray your
income tax.
This advertisement is one of a
series which relates some of
the important benefits of the
Canada Pension Plan to
individual circumstances.
Issued by
authority of the Minister of
National Health and Welfare,
The Honourable Judy LaMarsh.
for all classes.
White Leghorn; Cock, John
C. Douglas; Donald Beirnes.
Hen, John C. Douglas; lst and
2nd, Cockerel, Clifford Pepper;
John C, Douglas, Pullet, John
C. Douglas, lst and 2nd,
White Wyandoytte; Cock,
John C. Douglas; Clifford Pep-
per. Hen, John C. Douglas; M.
H. Vollick. Cockerel, John C.
Douglas; Clifford Pepper. Pul-
let, John C. Douglas; Clifford
Brown Leghorn; Hen, Donald
Beirnes, lst and 2nd; Cock,
John C. Douglas; Clifford Pep-
per. Cockerel, John C. Doug-
las; Clifford Pepper.
Any other variety: Cock,
M. H. Vollick; Clifford Pep-
per. Hen, Donald Beirnes; M.
11, Vollick, Cockerel, Clifford
Pepper, 1st and 2nd. Pullet,
Clifford Pepper, 1st and 2nd.
Pair Geese A, O. V, , Stephen
Holborn, Harriston; John Top-
ham. Rouen and Peking ducks;
Donald Beirnes, lst and 2nd.
Cockerel ready for market,
Clifford Pepper. Cock and hens,
heavy breed, Clifford Pepper,
1st and 2nd. Pen light breed,
Clifford Pepper, 1st and 2nd.
Winter Wheat; Roy Coulter,
Milverton; Mrs. Chas. Shannon.
Barley, Roy Coulter; Carmen
Kaye; Mrs. Chas. Shannon.
Malting barley, Carmen Kaye;
Roy Coulter. Oats Early, Roy
Coulter; Mrs. Chas. Shannon;
Carmen Kaye. Late oats, Roy
Coulter; Oscar Kieffer; David
Grant. Red Clover Seed, Mrs.
Chas. Shannon; Roy Coulter.
Timothy, Roy Coulter; Carmen
Kaye; Mrs. Chas. Shannon.
Fall wheat, Roy Coulter; Mrs.
Chas. Shannon. White oats,
David Grant; Roy Coulter; Mrs.
Chas, Shannon.
Cut forage hay, Ivan Camp-
bell. Baled hay, 1st cut, Elmer
Harding. Barley any variety,
Roy Coulter. Garry oats, Oscar
Kieffer; Russell oats, Roy Coul-
ter; Rodney oats, Carmen Kaye;
Wheat, Carmen Kaye; Late or
medium oats, Howick and Turn -
berry, Wm. Kieffer. Sheaf
field corn, Ken Chambers,
Oscar Kieffer; Wm. Kieffer.
Hay 1st cut, Jas. Robinson; Wm.
Kieffer. Bale hay, 2nd cut,
Cecil Wilson; Wm. Wilson,
Sheaf oats 6", David Grant;Roy
Coulter. Sheaf barley 6", Roy
Early potatoes, Mrs. Lewis
Stonehouse. Late potatoes,
David Grant; Mrs. Lewis Stone-
house. Feeding use swede tur-
nips, Mrs. Chas. Shannon;
Brian Gibson. Red Mangolds,
Mrs. Chas. Shannon. White
Mangold, Mrs. Chas. Shannon.
Carrots, long, Jackson Dunkin;
Mrs. Chas. Shannon. Carrots,
short, John Topham; Stephen
Holborn. Celery, Brian Gibson.
Potato onions, Mrs. John Bay-
lor; Mrs. Chas. Shannon. Seed
onions, Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse;
Mrs, Wes. Speers. From Dutch
Sets, Mrs. Ed. Dietrich; Mrs.
Lewis Stonehouse.
Parsnips, Mrs. Chas. Shan-
non; Elmer Harding. Musk-
melons, Stephen Holborn, Har-
riston. Pie pumpkins, Mrs.
Chas. Shannon; Mrs. Mel. Tay-
lor. Citrons, Mrs. Chas. Shan-
non. Long blood beets, Mrs.
Chas. Shannon; Stephen Hol-
born. Turnip beets, Mrs. Chas.
Shannon; Mrs. Wes. Speers.
Tomatoes, large, Roy Coulter;
Mrs. Chas. Shannon. Cabbage
white, John Topham; Robt.
Hibberd. Cabbage, red, Mel.
Allan; Roy Coulter. Chinese
cabbage, Mrs. Mel. Taylor;
Mrs. Chas. Shannon. Red pep-
pers, Stephen Holborn. Squash,
hubbard, Mrs. Chas. Shannon;
Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse.
Cucumbers, ripe, Roy Coul-
ter; Mrs, Wes. Speers. Pick-
ling cucumbers, Mrs. Chas.
Shannon; Jack,Brown. Field
pumpkins, Jack Brown; Mrs,
Chas, Shannon. Swede Turnips,
table use, Mrs. Ed. Dietrich;
Brian Gibson. Green cucumbers,
Mrs. Chas. Shannon; Mrs, Mel.
Taylor. Hybrid table corn, Ray-
mond Neill; Mrs. Chas. Shan-
non. Table corn, Roy Coulter;
M. Wes. Speers. Field corn,
Ken Chambers; Roy Coulter.
Butter beans, Mrs, Lewis Stone-
house; Mrs. John Bennett. Fare
mer's basket, Mrs, Chas. Shan,
non; Stephen Holborn. Collet-
tion of field roots, Mrs, Chas.
Shannon. Collection of fall
vegetables, Mrs, Chas, Shan-
Ontario winter apples, Ray'
mond Neill; Mrs, Roy Sander-
son. Northern spy, Ivan Camp-
bell. Delicious, David Grant. ll
Tallman Sweet, Ivan Campbel]
Alexander, Cecil Wilson; Brian
Gibson, Snow apples, Jack
Brown; Ivan Campbell. St.
Lawrence, David Grant; Mrs.
Chas, Shannon. McIntosh Red,
Raymond Neill; Brian Gibson.
Crab Apples, Ivan Campbell;
Robt. Gibson, Plums, Met. Al-
lan; Brian Gibson. Pears, Brian
Gibson; Mrs, Wes. Speers.
Andrew Gaunt, R.R. 1,
Lucknow, won all entries in
the Shorthorn class.
Aberdeen Angus: Bull under
12 months, Breeding Cow and
Heifer, 2 yr., won by Harold
Hill. Heifer, 1 year, Carmen
Kaye; Harold Hill.
Market Steer, any breed,
Andrew Gaunt; Wm. Kieffer;
Cecil Wilson; Oscar Kieffer.
Best herd pure bred beef type,
Andrew Gaunt. Best beef cow,
Andrew Gaunt; Harold Hill.
Senior Holstein heifer calf,
Warren Wylie; Allen Wylie,
Clifford; Jas. E. Smith, Lis-
towel; Jas. E. Smith. Jr. hei-
fer calf, G. Mac Smith; Rus-
sell Ruttan, Gorrie; Scott Clark-
son; Jas. Harding.
Brood mare with foal, Wal-
ter Boyd, Meaford. Best light
horse on grounds, Len Bok,
Wingham; Parker Livingston,
Listowel. Best dressed team,
G. F. Johnston, Gorrie; Len
Bok. Best gentlemen turnout,
Parker Livingston. Single tan-
dem, hackney pony, Elmer
Johnston, Atwood, R. R. 1. Best
saddle horse, Harold Hill. Pony
mare with foal, Elmer Johnston
Harold Hill. $100.00 stake for
the best wagon or express horse,
Len Bok; Walter Boyd, Mea -
ford; Eugene McLeod, Kincar-
dine, R.R. 2; Robt. Eden, Mt.
Forest, R.R. 3; G, F. Johnston;
Harold Hill.
Clydesdale brood mare, Wal
ter Boyd; Robt. Eden. poral,
Walter Boyd; Robt. Eden. 1 yr.
old, Robt. Eden; Walter Boyd.
2 yr. old, Eugene McLeod;
Robt. Eden; Walter Boyd. 3 yr..
old, Walter Boyd; Eugene Mc-
Leod, 2nd and 3rd. Heavy
Draft Team, Walter Boyd; Eu-
gene McLeod, 2nd & 3rd; Light
Draft Team, Walter Boyd; Eu-
gene McLeod, Robt, Eden.
Percheron or Belgian; 2 yr.
old, Harold Hill, lst and 2nd;
3 yr. old, Harold Hill. Belg-
ian team, Len Bok; Harold
Hill. Wagon or express team,
G. F. Johnston. Single, G. F.
Johnston, 1st and 2nd; Tan-
dem Heavy, Walter Boyd; Eu-
gene McLeod; G. F. Johnston
and Len Bak; Roadsters, Len
Bok; Single, Len Bok, 1st and
2nd. Team Carriage, Parker
Livingston. Single Carriage,
Parker Livingston, 1st and 2nd.
Team Hackney Pony, Elmer
Johnston. Single Pony, Elmer
Johnston, lst and 2nd; Miss
Ruth Ann Sleightholm. Other
than Hackney Pony team, Len
Meyer, Walkerton; ElmerJohn-
ston. Single, Elmer Johnston;
Len Meyer, 2nd and 3rd. Pony
ridden by boy or girl, Wayne
Shewfelt, Kincardine; Miss
Ruth Ann Sleightholm; Wayne
Shewfelt; Harold Hill. Lady
driver, Mrs. Elmer Johnston;
Miss Ruth Ann Sleightholm.
Geo, Underwood 175; Stew-
art Musgrove 164; Ken Cham-
bers 163; Ken McMichael 162;
Wm. Kieffer 158; Kin Me -
Naughton 158; Oscar Kieffer
157; Norman Fairies 156; John
Gibson, 154; Rott McMichael
150; Thos. O'Krafka 148; Wen-
dell Stamper 148; James Mc-
Naughton 148; Glenn McMich-
ael 143; Perry Strong 136.
Wm :Kieffer 172; Kinley
Please Turn to Page Four