HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-10-07, Page 5r: _N rollers \ ` 6ios 9 LBS. AVERAGE PERFECT OF THANKSGIVING DINNER L.B.8 FRESH TURKEY CUTS LEGS orEiSTS c LB. BURNS SMOKED READY TO EAT HAMS SHANK HALE LB. 65 BUTT PORTION LB, 9 C BURNS WIENERS 1 -LB. PKG, 53 ( BURNS TRAY PACK LINK SAUSAGE DELICIOUS LB. 65 4 BURNS SIDE BACON 1/2.LB. PKG. 4 75 EXTRA GOLD BOND STAMPS with purchase of ONE or MORE DINNER HAMS or BONELESS VAC PAC PICNICS. 50 EXTRA STAMPS with 1 -ib. or more of BROWN and SERVE PORK CHOPS or two pounds or more of LEAN GROUND CHUCK. Ocean Spray Cranberry JELLY or SAUCE 2/49c Crest TOOTHPASTE, giant 53c Libby's Fancy PUMPKIN, 28 -oz. 2/39c BROMO SELTZER, family 79c Heinz Fancy TOMATO JUICE, 48 -oz. 37e Stokely's Fancy CREAMED CORN or Honey Pod PEAS 2/37c Bicks Yum Yum PICKLES or Polish DILLS, 48-oz,2/99c Top Value Unsweetened APPLE JUICE, 48 -oz. 35c Top Value CATSUP, 11 -oz. 2/35c Top Value POWDERED MILK, 3 lbs. 89c Oyxdol DETERGENT, 15c off, Giant 79c SANIFLUSH, 46 -oz. 59c Endust FURNITURE POLISH, 6 -oz. 89c ABC LOTION for Dishes, Giant 49c Pinesol CLEANER, 15 -oz. 67c Top Value Assorted BISCUITS, 69 biscuits 59e Top Value FLOUR, 5 lbs. 49c Royal Guest COFFEE, 1 ib. 79c Stuart House FOIL WRAP, 18" 59e Jiffy PIE CRUST, 3c off, 18 -oz. 35c DREAM WHIP, 2 -oz, 2/53c Nestles MIK, 10c off, 16 -oz. 49c Kraft DINNER 4/55c Pillsbury CAKE MIXES, all flavours 2/79c JELLO POWDERS, all flavours 5/$1.00 50 EXTRA GOLD BOND STAMPS Easy -on SPRAY STARCH, 15 -oz. „69c; 24 -oz. „89c --- CONFECTIONERY ITEMS — Top Value BLANCHED PEANUTS, 16 -oz. 2/89c Top Value SPANISH PEANUTS, 16 -oz. 2/69c Dolly Madison Milk Chocolate CHERRIES 59c -- DAIRY PRODUCTS — Monarch Parchment MARGARINE, 1 -Ib. 3/79c Kraft VELVEETA CHEESE, 2 -lbs. $1.19 Kraft CHEESE WHIZ, 2 -lbs. $1.19 Borden's Plain CHEESE SLICES 2/69c -- FROZEN FOOD — Mortons Beef, Chicken, Turkey DINNERS, 11 -oz. ..2/99c Farm House PUMPKIN PIE, 20 -oz. 49c Sunny Orange CONCENTRATE, 12 -oz. 3/99c -- PRODUCE — New Crop Florida GRAPEFRUIT 5/45c New Crop Early CRANBERRIES, 1 -ib. pkg. 29c South African 252 ORANGES, 2 dozen 99c Ontario CABBAGE, 2 heads 25c Waxed TURNIPS, 2 lbs. 15c Ea _ 1 ...... OPEN _ COO FRIDA y 'Rix , i . wino.. EVENINGS Jos''p OPENS TODAY -- The new Burke Electric building opens today on Wingham's Jose- phine Street. The building replaces one destroyed by fire aver a year ago. This is part of the white goods display in the new place of business. Install Officers at Rebekah Lodge On Monday evening,Sister Eva Bain, district deputy presi- dent of Kincardine South Dis- trict of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario, I.O, O, F, , and her team installed the officers of Majestic Rebekah Lodge No. 352, Wingham. Officers for the ensuing term are: N.G., Lola Sanderson; V. P., Isabel Montgomery; Rec. Sec., Ethel Gerrie; Financial Sec., Mary Caslick; Treasurer, Anne Henry; Chaplain, Victor- ia Wild; Conductor, Rita Merk- ley; Warden, Edith Powell; Flag Bearer, Margaret Elliott; Pianist, Janet Hogg; R. S. N. G, , Agnes Williamson; L. S. N. G. , Eva Brownlie; R. S. V. G. , Doris Remington; L. S. V. G. , Jean King; I. G. , Pearl Brooks; 0.G., May Hutton; P.N.G. , May Wil- liamson. There was a good attendance of members and visitors were present from Galt and Kitchen- er. Lunch was served by a com- mittee convened by Mrs. Har- vey Aitchison. D. Grasby Heads Slumber Queens BELGRAVE—The first meet- ing of the Belgrave homemak- ing club was held at the com- munity centre on Monday eve- ning of last week. Mrs. Hop- per explained about the club objectives and requirements of club meetings. The' roll call was answered by the members suggesting a name for the club. The name chosen was "The Belgrave Slumber Queens". The election of officers fol- lowed: President, Donna Gras - by; vice-president, Nancy Van - Camp; press reporter, Rhonda Fear. Donna Grasby took over the meeting and Monday evenings at seven were set for regular meetings. The group decided to have the book covers all the same, Samples of the mater- ial were distributed and Mrs. Glen Coultes gave the names of the samples, Pattern samp- les were given out. Donna Gras - by demonstrated how to mea- sure. Friends Shower Noreen Nicol A miscellaneous shower was held Saturday evening in the Oddfellows' Hall for Miss Nor- een Nicol, whose marriage takes place this month. Miss Nicol was seated in a chair decorated with pink and white streamers. She received many beautiful gifts and was assisted in opening them by her mother and Mrs. John Finnigan, mother of the groom -elect. About 50 guests were pres- ent. Contests were enjoyed and lunch was served by the hostess- es, Miss Lucille Merkley and Miss Dianne Deyell. Guests were present from London, Goderich and Wing - am. Shower Meld for Eileen Vollmer Neighbours, friends and rel- atives gathered for a miscel- laneous shower held in the Sac- red Heart parish hall Saturday evening for Miss Eileen Voll- I mer. Mrs. John Langridge, Mrs. Don Wallace and Mrs. Douglas Skinn convened. Games were conducted by Mrs. Michael Willie following the opening of gifts by Miss Vollmer, assisted by Mrs. Irwin Ste, Marie, sister of the bride and Mrs. Alex Skinn, mother of the groom. Miss Vollmer expressed her appreciation to everyone and a delicious lunch was served by the hostesses, Legion Auxiliary Holds Meeting The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion held its fall meeting last Wednesday evening. Mrs. Jack Gorrie pre- sided and Mrs. Bill Hogg pro- vided music. Mrs. Allan McBurney was initiated and an application for membership was received from Mrs. Tom Russell, Mrs. Gord- on Simmons won the member- ship draw. An invitation was accepted to attend a bowling tournament in Owen Sound on October 14. It was decided to start the card parties in the near future and they will be held every second Saturday. The Remembrance Day church parade will be held on November 7 when members will attend Sacred Heart Church in a body. The annual banquet will be held in St. Paul's Church on November 11. Social Evening WUITECHURCH— Friends and neighbors of Mrs. Hazel Taylor gathered at Fordyce School on Friday evening in honor of her recent marriage to Carman Dick of Eden Grove. Progressive euchre provided the evening's entertainment and lunch was served. An address was read by Mrs. Elwood Barbour and a coffee table and step-up table were presented to Mr. and Mrs. Dick by Mrs. Harold Gaunt and Mrs. Norman MacDonald. Parents Celebrate Golden Wedding Mr, and Mrs. Alex McLeod of Lucknow celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with an open house last week. They formerly farmed in Kinloss Township. Mr. Mac- Leod was road superintendent and has served on the Lucknow village council. They have a son, Lawrence of Kinloss Township and a daughter, Mrs. Wilbert(Grace) Hodgkinson of Wingham. They have two grandchildren and two great-grandchildten, Kinettes Name Comm. Conveners (Intended for last week) The Kinette Club held its first meeting of the season Mon- day evening in the form of a pot luck supper at the home of Mrs. David Burgess. Fourteen members were present. The new secretary, Mrs. Ray- mond Neal reported on an ex- ecutive meeting at which the following conveners were nam- ed: Mrs. Murray Gerrie, sick and visiting; Mrs. Jack Walker, social; Mrs. Stewart Leedham, fund raising; Mrs. FreddieTem- pleman, ergeant-at-arms; Mrs. William Hanula, welcoming; Mrs. David Burgess, welfare; Mrs. Alan Williams, telephone; Mrs. Calvin Burke, Kin Pavil- ion; Mrs. Keith McClure, On- tario Hospital; Mrs. Murray Taylor and Mrs. Murray Gerrie, entertainment. Reports were given on last year's projects by the retiring conveners. Mrs. Gerrie read the auditor's report. Mrs. Raymond Neal won the draw. Several fund raising pro- jects were discussed and it was decided to hold a coffee break - bake sale in the near future. The club will entertain patients at the Ontario Hospital, Gode- rich, on December 22nd. Mrs. Maurice Stainton and Mrs. Gerrie were named dele- gates to Fall Council to beheld October 23-24 in Stratford. Mrs. Calvin Burke will be hostess for the next meeting, October 25. Winghato .Advance -Times, Thur f atvr$s from- -The World of Worn r ay, Oat,. "7, 1665 Page 5 Young People to Take Services Wi.ngharn Baptist Church will be host on Sunday to Rev, Geo, E. Barton and a visiting team of young people from Central Baptist Seminary in Toronto. Mr, Barton, assistant dean at the Evangelical Baptist Train- ing School, will preach at the morning service, A trio of young ladies will present sacred selections and spoken testimon- ies. At the evening service, Murray Phillips will preach and give trumpet selections. The Wingham Church will welcome the youthful visitors to the congregation's homes. The services are open to the public and a special invitation is ex- tended to community young people, says Rev. D. Sinclair. Central Baptist Seminary is the largest Baptist training school in Canada. It offers courses to prepare young peo- ple for service as ministers, 'missionaries, and Christian Ed- ucation workers. C.G.I.T. to Collect For U.N.I.C.E.F. BELGRAVE—The C. G. I, T. met on Wednesday evening in the church school rooms. The secretary, Rhonda Fear read the minutesenand the roll call was workers Request taken.. Church and Sunday School attendance was record- ed. The treasurer's report was given by Audrey Coultes. Joan Bosman and Maureen Hanna were the cleanup crew for this week. The group de- cided to again collect for UNICEF. Committees for the next meeting are games, Mary Ellen Taylor; worship, Audrey Coultes; sing song, Joan Bos- man. The next meeting will be held on October 13th. The group then divided for Bible study. Brenda VanCamp, assisted by Donna Walker was in charge of the worship service which opened by singing a hymn, fol- lowed by Scripture reading by Donna. Karen Pengelly re- ceived the offering. Wingham 4Y -i Club Protect The first meeting of the Wingham 4.11 homemaking club was held at the home of Mrs, Louis Hutton. on Thursday evening with eight members present. The election of officers re- sulted as follows President, Esther Fish; press -reporter, Don- na Hardie; treasurer, Greta France; secretary, each mem- ber taking a turn. Rini Jousma is to read the minutes for the second meeting. All meetings will be held at Mrs. Hutton's home, Objectives were discussed, and written down. It was de- cided that the name of the club and colours of the book covers would be left until next week when each girl is to have sug- gestions, The booklets were distributed and Mrs. Hutton spoke on the choice of style, material and colour of sleeping garments. A demonstration was made by Linda Hutton on how to shrink material, The leaders discussed how to take measure- ments and the contents of a well-equipped sewing basket. Each member took another member's measurements and recorded them. Food experts at Macdonald Institute, Guelph, suggest that you add a few shakes of nut- meg for unexpected flavour, to eggplant, spinach and squash. Bazaar Articles WROXETER—The Willing Workers met last week. Mrs. Ken Bennett, Mrs. Harvey Coupland and Mrs. Doris Ad- ams were in charge, Mrs, Adams gave the canto worship and Mrs. Harvey Mc- Michael was pianist. Mrs. Ben- nett read Scripture. Mrs. Ad- ams gave thoughts on cowardice and the color, yellow, which is associated with it. Eleven mem- bers answered the roll call. Mrs. Bennett conducted Bi- ble study from the book, "The Christian Life", beginning with a poem, "The Homemaker". Mrs. Rae Louttit presided for the business. Articles for the bazaar were requested and Mrs. W. McLean and Mrs. Bennett volunteered to arrange for lunch for the U.C.W. meeting. Mrs. John Fraser and Mrs. Harry Ad- ams will be in charge of the next meeting. May we suggest a Save -for -the -Little -Things - you -might -otherwise -never -buy Account? / J4 'Hi Vni. BANK OF COMMERCE ./v %